Unit8 Fr hbb t career教案

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有关Unit8 Fr hbb t career教案

  课题: Unit8.Fr hbb t career (运用与语法课)

有关Unit8 Fr hbb t career教案

  课题: Unit8.Fr hbb t career (写作)

  课时: 第 4 课时,共 4 课时

  课型: Writing


  1.The students can tal abut their favrite hbbies .

  2.Students can write se sentences n hbbies .

  3.Students are cnfident n their future career.

  教学重点: Students can tal abut hbbies in different sentences.

  教学难点: Students can write ut the sentences.

  教学准备: PPT, Blacbard


  Step 1 Lead in

  Pla a gae

  Shw the se pictures t guess the hbbies.

  Step 2 Tal abut ur favrite hbb.

  Grup wr

  1.Set an exaple b asing and answering questins,using the questins n P113

  2.Wr in grups t as and answer questins.Then practice he dialgue with each ther.

  Step3 Brainstr

  Write ut the related expressin and sentences as uch as u can

  1. Give the se directins t list the fllwing aspects:


  Hw ften:



  2. Discuss in grups t write ut the expressins and sentences as uch as u can.

  Step 4 Writing

  Write an article using the discussed infratin.

  Step5 Crrecting and develping.

  1. Lead the t chec the wr in different aspects.

  2. Chec the wr with each ther fr the wrds expressins graar and give ars.

  Step6 Shw tie

  1.Wal arund t find the better wr t shw arund.

  2rrect the wr and recend the better ne t learn fr.

  Step 6 Su up

  1.List the beautiful sentences the write in the passages

  2.Su up se sills in writing

  Step7 Hewr

  Rewrite the article in the exercise b.

  Step8 The blacbard design

  Unit8.Fr hbb t career

  sb spends setie (in)ding sth 某人花费时间做某事

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