
时间:2021-07-03 12:26:38 英语日记 我要投稿





  In the twelfth week, our whole class went on an outing. This time the destination is three Taishan square.

  We were in line to wait for the bus to wait for a bus. After a long time, it was easy to wait for a bus. Even though I went back, I still fought for a good place - the driver's seat, I was very smart. After sitting for about two minutes, on the downhill, I suddenly came to a brakes, and the man behind was "ah ah..."! I was so proud in my heart that I screamed.

  After about 5 minutes, we finally got down from the bus.

  Mr. Chen first took the two bottles out and put them on the floor. Let's arrange these two bottles into two teams. Then we gave us a rubber ring for each team, let us put the bottle in the bottle, and we could take a thing in the sleeve. When I first set it, I was very nervous, and there was no set. I could jump long rope, jump long rope, jump for a while, I found that the game upgraded, and went to set. This time it's different. This time it's a set of food. You can eat whichever you have. This time, I learned from my last lesson and breathed a sigh of relief, and I got two peanuts.

  This game has taught me a truth: whether your achievements are good or bad, it is a challenge for us.


  On the road of growth, there are failures and successes. If you are serious, brave and do not rush to do everything, failure will become a success. The thing I remember vividly is to learn to skate.

  When I was in grade two, my mother bought me a pair of skates during the summer vacation. Since the first ice skating, I fell out of my feet, and my nose was swollen. I didn't play skating shoes. I couldn't help chill even on the skates.

  After a month, my mother saw me so timid, so she gave me a skating training class, and put me on this "bad shoes".

  A few days passed, and my mother sent me to the skating training ground, so that I slipped up and hurried away.

  At the very beginning, I stood up with the iron railings carefully. At the very beginning, my legs trembled and I fell scared and fell into a four feet. When the call came skating helped me slowly slide up, but I do not blame the legs were shaking more and more serious. The coach said, "you have to practice more." After that, I held the railing again and stood up. It's not far away and falling. I thought: as long as serious and brave, customer service difficulties can be successful! So I stood up again, but I fell down again. After a few dozen falls, I was a little disappointed, but I was happy to watch those little buddies skating together. I stood up bravely, fixed my trembling leg, stride forward, and after a while, the pulley turned. I was so happy that I was happy as if I had eaten honey, and I finally learned to skate.

  Through this ice skating thing, I know that in the growth of the road, it is unavoidable to meet the difficulties, to overcome the difficulties, and should not bow to these difficulties.


  One day, when I saw my grandmother peeling the beans, she said to her grandmother, "let me peel the beans for you. After you peel them, will you take me to play?" Grandma said, "good." Then we gave me the seat.

  I first put down the line in the middle of the peas, and then I broke off the shell, then separated the two shells completely, and finally put the beans in the two shells in the bowl. According to this method, I stripped the soya beans one by one. When it was stripped to the last soya bean, it came out of a big, fat insect. My mood immediately became uneasy and ran to my grandmother. Grandma threw away the soya bean and said, "this bean may have been crawled over by worms." The peas were peeled off and looked at green beans as round as chocolate. My heart was as sweet as honey.

  Grandma took me to play in the lake park, and bought me two automatic pencils. From then on, I fell in love with work. We have to work more. I'm going to have time to do the work next time. Actually, helping grandma share housework is also a happy thing.


  On Saturday, I came to the canal and sat on a canal double deck bus, which made me very happy.

  My classmates and I waited for a long time in waiting for the boat. The sun was shining on our heads in the scorching summer, which made us feel very hot. Let's be eager to sit on a comfortable and happy water bus. We ride on the spacious and bright "water bus". The cabin is spacious and comfortable. Through the bright big windows, we can see the clear river and a transport ship on the river, like a long dragon lying on the surface of the water.

  The ship opened, and the cool wind on the river came face to face. The wind gently brushed away the heat from the sun for our children, and at the same time brought us comfort and coolness. From the window of the ship, there are tall buildings and parks on both sides of the Strait. Some people in the park are doing some exercises, some are sitting and chatting, others are taking a walk. The waves went over and out of a white wave, rippling, looking far away, like a white dragon upstream, and Sun Wukong like a gold hoop on the river. We went through one bridge after another, with arch city bridge, and Deng Yun Bridge......

  Unwittingly arrived at the Wulin gate pier, we reluctantly went underground and looked forward to coming again.


  This afternoon, Mr. Yang said mysteriously to the members of the sports committee, "go down and ask the PE teacher to borrow two pingpong." and then, let the newspaper wrap up like a sink, and my curious heart made it again. I thought "the teacher took us to do the activity correctly, but why must it be table tennis and" water. What about the slot? What kind of game are you?

  On the big playground, the teacher introduced the rules of the game to us: first, one of the papers wrapped up together, table tennis slips from the newspaper to the hula hoop. If there is no newspaper in front of a person to take the initiative to get up.

  The game started, first of all, we were compared to the 1 and the 2. From the top of the table, table tennis brushes like a newspaper slide to the ground. We can't manage that much. The other party is almost halfway. I thought, grabbed the table tennis ball and put it in my wrapped newspaper and shouted, "who's going to pick it up?" The players woke up in a dream and hurried to catch the table tennis ball. Gradually, I just put table tennis in my eyes, where to control what team! At this point, the mood of step by step tension, is approaching the end. It's coming to the end! "Great, we won!" A gust of cheers rose to the sky. The other side refused to accept it and asked for another fight. We readily agreed that nothing was feared because of strength.

  The second Games began. We have absorbed the defects of the previous round and made the plan more precise. We must keep the team in order and keep the ball as little as possible. But one request is good, and the second is not so good. "Where are people!" I saw Mei Zihan shouting, let's go to him to save the ball immediately. The audience under the platform looked more and more happy, then the two palms together, as if to God bless a team profit: some are called "refueling"; some feel very wonderful "a jump three feet high"... "Victory again," we shouted again. I want to say to the 2 team: "don't lose heart. There's another chance to defeat us next time."

  This activity gives us a reason: unity is the key to all difficulties and the blade to overcome difficulties.


  Sunday is father's day. I have an appointment with my father to go to experience the environmental protection activities of washing the car with a bottle of water.

  If you use a bottle of water, you can clean a car. How do you wash it? What's the size of the bottle? I had a question mark in my mind. I saw two demonstrative uncles sprinkling a lot of small beads on a car with a high pressure water gun. It was not a small drop of water. There were high tech detergent in it. Then they gently rubbed them with a wet towel and used dry towels, wow, cars. As bright as new, not only is the body and windows clean, but even the most difficult tires are clean. It's amazing.

  Next, it is our turn to experience, my car has not been washed for a long time, looking at it, I feel the great project, I do a good job of thinking, ready to dry a field, in accordance with the previous demonstration methods, wet towels, and other uncle spray good water, I gently wipe up, when the wipe is not hard to force. When eraser, it can not force. When erasing, it can not force. When erasing, it can not force. When rubbing, it can not force. The most suitable for my little girl, the whole process of cleaning the car is very interesting, without the complexity of imagination, and not a bit tired, the car is very fast, not a few minutes, our car shiny and shiny.

  Compared with the traditional way of washing the car, this kind of environmental protection car washing method, while washing the car, also gives the car the light and wax, not only saves water, but also saves time and energy. I hope more people can participate in environmental protection and emission reduction activities, and make a little effort to protect our earth.


  Today, our school has carried out air defense exercises to improve our security skills. It also gives us a higher level of emergency response capability.

  We were halfway through math class, but suddenly we heard an air raid warning. According to past exercises, we rushed out of the classroom directly, but this time we carried back our schoolbags. Because if there is an air raid, you should bring a schoolbag to protect your head. This time, I have a lot of confidence in our class. Because we have experienced many such exercises. Sure enough, everyone went underground orderly and ran to the playground. But when the number was counted, Zhou teacher found that there were two missing people. She quickly asked, "how many people are absent from class today?" The students pondered for a moment, "Xu Quan!" Can there be another person? This made everyone stumped, and Mr. Zhou kept stamping his feet. You know, a student is missing in the exercise. The problem is not very big, but if it is in the real situation, it will be bad. Finally, some classmates answered, "Chen Runtian is sick and asked for leave." It was a sigh of relief to hear the words. It seems that the air defense exercises can't be casual. When the teacher said, "please protect yourself!" At the time, some students squatted on the ground with their bags to protect their heads, some students lay on the ground, and the other students looked at the sky and adjusted their movements, as if a plane circled on the head... None of the students is very serious, because we are all "little boys". This air defense exercise is really a "head guard" exercise.

  We used to think that air defense exercises and fire drills were a trifling matter, that is, to keep running forward. But we are wrong. They are survival skills that we must master. In case of such a situation, we can deal with them calmly. I hope there is no real air attack or fire, so that exercises should not be real!


  During the week of survival training, we experienced many activities, and those activities were like sprites, jumping in my heart. Among them, the best is the swimming competition.

  After finishing the skills competition in the morning, I took my bathing suit and set off for Wahaha primary school. Along the way, I was a little nervous and I thought, what if I didn't swim well and drag the class back? Is my speed too slow? Will our woman 4x50 lose? A lot of problems emerge in my mind. A few days ago, we have been practicing to prepare for the match and hope everything goes well.

  When we get to the swimming pool and change swimsuits, our match will start. I'm very nervous, fortunately for boys. With a whistle, boys began to swim to the finish line quickly. It was the turn of the girls. I saw Qin Hao swimming swiftly. The standard of action was almost the same as that of the other students. After the Qin arrived in the shallow water area, I got off the water. My left hand is in front, my right hand is in the rear, I grasp the railing in one hand, straighten one hand, put on the goggles, and get ready. When Qin's hand touched the wall, I hurried to step on the wall with both legs. I pushed my feet hard on both sides, digging up the water with my hands, lifting my head up, then taking a breath with my mouth and then plunge into the water. Whenever I come out of my head to breathe in, I can hear the scream of "refueling, refueling", which gives me the power to swim towards the end, 20 meters, 15 meters, 10 meters, 5 meters... I touched the wall lightly, and then Zhu Yinglei set off. Now, our class is almost between second and 3. When I took a bath, I got the result. Our class is third for women in four classes and fourth for men.

  Although the activity has ended, every moment of these 5 days will be kept in my memory forever, and will not be forgotten.


  On Saturday morning, my father and I came to Yi Shan county, Yuhang to take part in the cycling activities of Niu Tong society. We are far away from the haze of the city and rush to deep forests to breathe the air rich in negative oxygen ions and feel the joy of sports.

  The riding competition is very exciting, and the venue is curved and undulating, which is not difficult for me. Before the competition, I carefully installed and debugged my bike. At 9:30 in the morning, the game began. At first, I started cycling slowly and lined up behind the motorcade. After a while, suddenly, a long uphill road appeared in our eyes. The father who was following the motorcade shouted, "transfer the transmission to the minimum!" I immediately transferred the transmission to the minimum and speeded up the pace, and soon I surpassed 4 or 5 people. When I came to the first pass, I found "cattle" in the back of the desk and chair. I picked up the bull and handed it to my father and went on with the team. After a long downhill, there are two roads ahead. A lot of people were riding on one of the paths. Just as I was about to turn to this path, the staff beside me shouted, "go wrong, go another way!" After that, I adjusted the direction immediately, when I was in the third place of the motorcade. The second hurdle is to answer the question. I want to answer the question of how to write a partner. When the car was released, I picked up the pen and wrote "partner" on the prepared question board. Go on a bike and go ahead. The last hurdle is to play with two people and three feet together with dad who has been following. I quickly put my bike on my way and came to the field with my father, so that the staff tied up a leg between me and dad. When I started off, dad told me to strangle his legs and take a big step on the other foot. Finally, we got second.

  After the game, we won prizes. This activity made me close to nature with my father and realized the joy of cycling.


  Today is the first day of the National Day holiday. My father and mother are too busy to take me out to play. But I also felt the taste of happiness at home.

  "When -" the clock on the wall ringing, already seven, my parents have not come back, but my stomach has played a little old, so I decided to cook, I started to worry again: "what to eat?" Suddenly, I saw the small basket full of eggs in the cupboard, and my eyes lit up. "Ah! By the way! Let's pack the eggs! " I called it up.

  Fried eggs, I have never done it! Because I am so nervous at school, how can I have time to do these troublesome housework? Alas! Do it with my mother.

  I put the pot on the stove first, and then I pour the oil well. Listen to mom said: "oil is hot, can put eggs." Who knows, when I took the eggs, the oil in the pot squeaked and started to smoke. I hurried to the pot, but the smoke rose higher and higher, and immediately surrounded me. As I cough, I scrambled to pick up the egg, open it in the bowl and pour the egg white and yolk together into the pot. When I know, there is water in the pot, the oil is crackling in the pan, and the oil splashes out. I grab the cloth in a hurry and end the pot, and the eggs in the pot have become "four different".

  My face was so red and hot that I really didn't want to fry anymore. In the face of the situation, I couldn't help thinking, "Mom and dad have been busy for a day. I still need to do housework every day when I get home. Thinking of this place, I put the oil on again and started to fry without delay. This time, it was very successful. The yellow yolk embellishment, and the white egg and my red face, are really like a yellow snow lotus. I got the second fried eggs well again.

  When my parents came back, they showed a gratifying smile. I only boasted that I was sensible. I was so happy in my heart that I realized how happy it was to exchange your own labor for everyone's happiness.










