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  呼吁读书的英语作文 1

Dear fellow students:

  Recently, it’s reported that fewer and fewer Chinese are seen reading in public places. As school students, I strongly think we students should form this good habit of reading.

  It is of great importance for us students to learn more from reading. Firstly, reading can enlarge our knowledge and know more about what has happened at home and abroad. Secondly, we can learn how to improve our learning methods so as to improve our reading skill and writing level. In addition, in order to know how to deal with problems and solve them, we can find the ways in books. If we want to be good students, we ought to be able to tell right from wrong. To do this, we must keep reading.

  Therefore, dear fellow students, let’s take a great interest in reading and take action from now on!

  呼吁读书的英语作文 2

  At the moment I opened the book, I felt a refreshing air rushing towards me, followed by a refreshing fragrance of flowers, making me feel relaxed and happy. Opening a book and setting up chapters and sections, whether its heartwarming stories or fresh and humorous novels, can make people feel like they have entered the book, chatting and playing with the protagonists.

  Books can make people smarter, they can cultivate sentiments, and they are the ladder of human progress; Interpreting the truth, goodness, beauty, righteousness, and evil of the vast world in the world of books; The book carries the earnest hope of the predecessors for the next generation. Reading is another joyful thing, an endless process of enjoyment.

  呼吁读书的英语作文 3

Dear parents and children:

  The golden autumn brings a refreshing and warm fragrance of books. The first "Book Fragrance Full of Childhood" Reading Festival of Xinxing Kindergarten has begun in this picturesque season!

  The early stage of reading education is a crucial period, and it is particularly important to cultivate childrens early reading abilities. To this end, our kindergarten has launched a reading festival activity with the theme of "I love reading, and the fragrance of books fills my childhood". We advocate that kindergarten teachers and parents spare some time every day to accompany their children in reading, cultivate childrens habits of serious reading and perseverance, and jointly create a family and class parent-child reading environment for children, allowing books to permeate their hearts.

  Children, be sure to bring your favorite book back to the teacher and share it with friends! Remember to bring back your favorite fairy tales and give them to friends to taste together!

  Children and parents, ignite the passion of reading, let us join hands in sailing and growing in the sea of books!

  呼吁读书的英语作文 4

  A book can accompany you through the entire earth; A book can help you reach the height you want;

  A very ordinary book is powerful and unfathomable; Reading and understanding the true essence of books, exploring the ocean of books. Reading a book will give you a shred of knowledge; If you continue reading this book, you will gain more knowledge than before.

  Books are our good teachers and friends, our spiritual nourishment, and the only support for us to reach our peak! Reading cultivates talents; Reading makes the flowers of our country stronger, and our country also becomes stronger. Understand the true joy of reading, savor it carefully and chew it slowly. In ancient times, there were countless Du Fu who "cooked books" with his head hanging from a beam and his cone piercing his thigh. However, in ancient times, he was even more backward than a scholar, but one generation surpassed another. Asking which famous person in the world doesnt mean you should study seriously? The importance of reading may be difficult for us to comprehend, but we must also try to strive for it.

  Although we cannot learn the methods of the ancients, we can rely on ourselves to comprehend the peak of reading. Seize the fleeting moments of life to read and browse books. Seize all the time to read and seize the peak of reading!

  呼吁读书的英语作文 5

  Books, in the hands of ordinary people, are just tools for imparting knowledge. But as long as you read carefully and appreciate it, you will find that books are not such a simple thing.

  A good book can make you read with relish and never forget it. A good word and sentence can make you use it frequently. What is this? This is the joy that books bring us! As long as I have a book in my hand, I feel like two magical horses are taking me to another world. There are fairy tales, touching personal experiences, and genius like childrens detectives there... This is the joy of reading! Books that are indescribable and endless to read will make you feel happy. A good book is like a big cake, no matter how you eat it, you cant finish it. "A vivid metaphor for the joy that books bring to me."

  In a book, you can find questions you didnt know before; In a book, you can find touching stories from ancient and modern times, both domestically and internationally. I believe that no one wants to become blind! As long as you read a good book, that is your greatest pleasure! Because you can always find things you havent learned before from a book.

  A book can make one read it with great enthusiasm and benefit from it. It can make a lot of progress in ones writing, and writing essays is no longer as monotonous as before. This is the benefit of reading frequently!

  Reading can give you a lot of fun!

  呼吁读书的英语作文 6

  Every child has something in their heart that makes them happy and interesting, such as a toy, a painting, a skateboard... but I am different from you. The thing that makes me happy in my mind is an interesting book.

  Books, like a friend who can play together every day; Books, like a BMW, take you to travel around the world and allow you to explore world cultural history; Books are like a sun, they can bring you warmth and light... Now let me introduce to you the story of my reading:

  Once, after finishing school at noon, I couldnt wait to go out and play with my friends as soon as I got home for dinner. At that moment, I saw a fairy tale book lying on the sofa, and I finished it. Then, I picked up the book and looked at it with great interest. When I see many good sentences and words, I quickly copy them into my notebook. Then continue to look. I have watched "The Ugly Duckling", "The Mermaid", "Swan Lake"... The exciting storyline has deeply attracted me, and sometimes I even shed tears! Just as I was fascinated, my mother said, "Im almost late for school!"! As soon as I heard this, I panicked and picked up my backpack to go to school.

  呼吁读书的英语作文 7

  Everything has a beginning, and reading is no exception. When you are lost in the darkness, it is books that, like a bright light, help you find your way home; When you walk in the storm, a book is like an umbrella to protect you from wind and rain... In a word, a book is a bosom friend you can have since childhood.

  When I was four or five years old, my cousin gave me a fairy tale book with many pictures and few characters. It can be said that it was the beginning of my reading. When I first brought it home, I couldnt wait to read it. At that time, I didnt know many characters, only big, small, many, and few. How I hoped to recognize characters at that time!

  A few years later, when I was in first grade, I could recognize some words. When I opened that fairy tale book again, I felt a bright light in my eyes. I suddenly flipped the book to my favorite story chapter, and I felt that every detail was much clearer. I started reading word by word without any proficiency, and at this point, the true meaning in the book completely replaced my previous childish thoughts.

  I have a habit of using small things from the clutter box to play a story after reading it, and occasionally making up lines for them. At first, my mother thought I was playing, but over time, she began to think, "How could this child talk to himself?" So she thought I was sick.

  Later on, these storybooks couldnt satisfy me anymore. I started reading some essays and novels, which not only gave me happiness but also gave me infinite imagination.

  呼吁读书的英语作文 8

  Knowledge can be acquired from many sources. These include books, teachers and practical experience, and each has its own advantages. The knowledge we gain from books and formal education enables us to learn about things that we have no opportunity to experience in daily life. We can study all the places in the world and learn from people we will never meet in our lifetime, just by reading about them in books. We can also develop our analytical skills and learn how to view and interpret the world around us in different ways. Furthermore, we can learn from the past by reading books. In this way, we won’t repeat the mistakes of others and can build on their achievements. Practical experience, on the other hand, can give us more useful knowledge. It is said that one learns best by doing, and I believe that this is true, whether one is successful or not. In fact, I think making mistakes is the best way to learn.

  Moreover, if one wants to make new advances, it is necessary to act. Innovations do not come about through reading but through experimentation. Finally, one can apply the skills and insights gained through the study of books to practical experience, making an already meaningful experience more meaningful. However, unless it is applied to real experiences, book knowledge remains theoretical and, in the end, is useless. That is why I believe that knowledge gained from practical experience is more important than that acquired from books.

  呼吁读书的英语作文 9

  The book is my good friend. When I was a child, my father told the story of "kitten fishing". It was about the kitten and her mother going fishing together. The cat caught dragonflies and butterflies later, and got nothing. The second time, the kitten did not catch dragonflies and butterflies, and fished truthfully, and finally caught a big fish. From this story I realized that nothing can be done with one mind and two purposes. I must do it carefully so as to achieve a good job.

  I grew up and would read the book of little people. The vivid content attracted me, such as little red hat, little girl selling matches, Cinderella, etc. my favorite story is snow white. A queen made two wishes before she gave birth to her daughter. I hope her skin is as white as snow and her lips are as red as blood.

  Shortly after her daughter was born, the queen died. So the emperor married a new queen. The new queen saw the princess so beautiful and was very jealous. She told her to kill the princess in the forest. The people under her couldnt bear to kill the princess. She asked the princess to run to the forest and not come back. The princess met seven dwarfs and lived in a small family. The new queen has a magic mirror. She asks the mirror who is

  the most beautiful person in the world. The mirror answers snow white. The queen thought several ways to kill the princess, and she failed. Finally, the prince and the princess married and lived happily together. I understand from this story that we cant envy others, we cant laugh at him, but encourage him to do everything in peace.

  Years like water, gradually I have read "Science Story", "fairy tale", "foreign scientist story". Edison, a scientist, invented more than 1000 things, including movies, phonograph, filament in electric lamp, etc. he studied hard and never satisfied. He was respected and loved by the people of the world. When he was doing experiments, sulfuric acid burned his clothes, and sulfuric acid almost blinded his eyes. From these articles, I realized that to achieve excellent results, I must pay hard work. The ancients said, "there is a road for the road to study hard to make a boat". Many small things contain profound reasons. I want to learn his tenacious and enterprising spirit, be brave in practice, and be ready to strive for the scientific cause of our country and become a scientist.

  呼吁读书的英语作文 10

  Graduated from middle school in 1917, zhou enlai, with the help of the classmates and teachers, to raise the cost of study abroad in Japan a. Performance of zhou enlai is a love reading, love of learning! Because of zhou enlai aspire to read at an early age, the first generation of prime minister!

  The text about zhou enlai boyhood in foreign concessions witnessed the Chinese people by foreigner bullying in the concession, the Chinese onlookers dare to anger cant speak. Immediately, zhou enlai, comprehend the meaning of the weak, and determined to study for the revitalization of the Chinese.

  A 12 years old children should have such ambition and mind! Won the plaudits of wei principal: "hurrah! Is the rise of the Chinese! Aspirants when effect Zhou Sheng!" His patriotism, how strong!

  "Young strong a country is strong, young rich national wealth." Let us set big dreams since childhood, study hard, do a useful pillars just for the motherland!

  呼吁读书的英语作文 11

  If a book is the sky, I was the birds fly freely in the sky; If a book is the sea, I will be the swimming fish; If the book is the forest, I is the forest the jubilant fawn; If the book garden, then I will be the dancing butterfly. Is ah, gorky said: the book said that the ladder of human progress. The status of books in peoples minds. The classmates, dont your parents let you read, think to learn major courses is the most important? The benefits of reading: not only can improve the ability of project, it is a great way of reading comprehension. Remember once, the teacher arranged a composition, only a minority of the whole class classmate "optimal" I one of its top, one might ask: how do you only into their "team"? What is the "secret weapon"?

  Let me tell you: "secret weapon" that book! Reading is not enough light to read a few times, read read through the book, and those who make you feel good good words we accumulation. I also specially prepared a unaccustomed strain. You look! The "king" composition is leisurely leisurely reading! Accumulation of his words have a Big Ben, think of is dazzling, how could he not write good, good composition? I often read books, the romance of The Three Kingdoms, "journey to the west", "the Wolf dream king", "red ribbon lion king" is favored by me, such as read book is ever new, one of the "the black swan amethyst" I have read a dozen times. Books are necessary in my life, also is the most gorgeous rainbow in my life, because it brings the colorful life.










