
时间:2022-09-02 13:23:24 英语作文 我要投稿




英文作文 篇1

  Gifts is universal social phenomenon, it exists in human society each period, each region. An ideal gift giving and the recipient of the people express a particular kind of desire, pass a certain special information. Gift is a declaration, it already declared the receiver's relationship with you, friend, friendly, and relatives of the boss or subordinate appreciate an enthusiastic fans. It also reflects the hope you in mind set up the image of how others, a woman who appreciate others, a taste elegant people, or is a know how to use the smile to end the relationship. More important is, it to the receiver is also a declaration: his loyalty with your approval, his perseverance spirit deserves praise, his leadership department is vital, and his health is about, he makes is a pleasure. In short, he is to thank.

  Everyone is presented and accept gifts, no matter whether voluntary gifts, each gift must be submitted by the rear can pick out. For the gifts were you the extension of character, the other party from which can be measured by your interest in, or even including your wisdom and talent. Send what, how to send will give a person leave important, lasting impression. How to accept each other as such.

  Whether we admit it or not, the gift for both parties have meaning, it's in our life plays an important role. We desire to gift is to agree with, and loving, understanding and love, and other long for. We offer and accept gifts behavior involves many aspects of life. Through the gift we can inspire others, education others, can get control, win compensation, can display the knowledge and culture, expression, friendly and love, can also expand the influence of the individual.

  In short, gift giving have become our each individual well along in the society, the lack of social form.

英文作文 篇2

  Have a heart of Thanksgiving, and patience is not a simple subject, but in a generous attitude to face life courageously. I believe that the most from the cold and warm days, I believe that the most warm to cold is an understanding of the......

  This afternoon the children went to the bookstore, her head into the children's books, and I do, but inadvertently see a "Thanksgiving friends" has seen the administrator urged them to work, we won't leave.

  Thanks to my side every friend, thank you for your concern, since the opening of QQ space, leaves got many users care and blessing, you let me happy to grow here, happy life, encounter unpleasant things, as long as there are users know, every day to ask, ask how see, my bad mood, the leaves will ask, how? As long as a few days do not write things in space, there will be a lot of friends to leave a message for me, ask how these days? Worried about you! Miss you! Every time I was moved to tears. In your opinion, a common greeting, but for me, just like the rain umbrella, he leaves He De, timely assistance, you can get care, so I want to shout out loud, leaves thanks to the network, thanks to this platform QQ space network to my life and inject fresh blood, is QQ the space between the leaves and your heart, every one of you that leaves the family, happy leaves things to share with you, sad things do not let you go, let you accompany me, enlighten me......

  I am grateful, grateful life, Thanksgiving network, grateful friends, grateful to nature, every day, I am moving with a heart to accept everything in life. I've had this feeling for the past few days.

  Have a heart of Thanksgiving, and patience is not a simple subject, but in a generous attitude to face life courageously. I believe that the most from the cold and warm days, I believe that the most warm to cold is an understanding of the.

  I often thank God with a pious heart, I thank heaven, thank you, thank you for the existence of life, thank the sun shining, thank you for the rich and colorful life.

  If you cultivate a sense of gratitude in our hearts, can precipitate a lot of impetuous reality and unease, ablation of the pain and trouble many, to avoid the tragedy and misfortune of many, with a grateful heart, face the reality of every day. Let us in the heart, for others, but also for ourselves, more Thanksgiving, more good intentions, more smiles......

  In the morning, when the happy birds wake me from sleep, I open the window, looking at the blue sky, green grass, crystal clear dew, Ching morning, I am grateful God has given me a good day.

  At night, the night in the starry sky, I opened the diary with a clumsy pen depicting everyday life experience, unfolds with the gentle moonlightsmileand around the warm night, I am full of gratitude, thanks to the earth to give peace.

  Friends, sweet wine gemei Italy deep, I am grateful to God, for giving me so many good friends, I enjoy the warmth of friends, mellow life, such as song of friendship.

  Leaves dancing in the air, compose a song of Thanksgiving movement. It is a tree on the earth to bring up it's Thanksgiving, white clouds in the blue sky floating, painting the picture of touching the screen, that is to give his white clouds blue sky thanksgiving.

  Grateful people, happy forever! In today's society, between the human and the human body is close, but the heart of the distance is far, thanks friends gave me support and friendship, thanks to all the people around me and others happy at the time of communication; thanks for all my life, although not all are full of beauty and happiness; thank heaven all of the stars, to meet with me every dawn and dusk. Thank you I love and who love me, my life is no longer alone, thanks for the flowers bloom, the lush green grass, birds singing, so I have a beautiful, vibrant world.

  Once in a day when listening to education, a teacher said that through the cold, just know the warmth of the sun, through the desert people, only know that the water is sweet, did not experience the misery and suffering of the people, how can you know life is not easy, did not experience the life and death of people, not to know the value of life.

  Thanks for sunrise, let me have a bright mood in the brightness of the day;

  Thank sunset, let me in the hustle and bustle of tired after a night may.

  Thanks for happiness, let me happy smile, in a better life;

  Thanks for the pain, I learned perseverance, and trained me to let go of the instinct of life;

  Thanks to life, let me pick up the life in the long years of the beautiful season;

  Thank you, though far apart, you give me a warm heart in winter;

  Thanks for caring, life is full and refreshing because of you;

  Thank you for every good friend around me. Leaves bless you and pray for you! With you through every day of your life.

英文作文 篇3

  My hometown is magical and beautiful, there are ancient buildings, beautiful legends, there are the famous apple.

  My hometown is located in Chengcheng County of Shaanxi Province, there is a temple in the east of the County Street sophisticated Cultural Square, now has more than 1200 years of history, like Hangzhou's Lei Feng tower in shape. In the West Street of the county seat, there is an old musical building full of bells. As long as there is a little breeze, the sound of Ding Ding can be heard. It sounds melodious and mysterious, and now it is also a national key cultural relic protection building. From the village five km east of the county side, legend in the past period of time every day in the morning to see at a bustling city, in the sun out of sight, then people called the village of “ no &rdquo studios;. North thirty-two kilometers away from the county, and the shape of a teapot tishan, a surging Changning River, because there is water, also became a play we children often go to summer vacation.

  In the autumn, apple orchard in the near mature season, apple fragrance garden variety approached, gladdening the heart and refreshing the mind, apple covered with branches, there are red, green banana, field marshal, Qin Guan, Fuji, there are many I do not call on the varieties of fruit. Especially Fuji is apple, just let people drool with envy, it leather book crisp, big and round, red delicious, sweet and sour bite, and Kaiweixiaoshi function! My hometown is famous for its apples, so it is called the hometown of apples.

  I love my hometown, I love my hometown and hardworking people. When I grow up, I must make my hometown more beautiful!

英文作文 篇4

  On May 12, 20xx, this is a let I can never forget the day, at 14:28 on this day, to wenchuan in sichuan province in China as the center, the eight at a time. An earthquake of magnitude zero. Immediately after the earthquake, the state sent rescue workers began a comprehensive relief work, efforts to make the loss to a minimum.

英文作文 篇5

  Fun is what we experience during an act, happiness is what we experience after an act. The latter is a deeper, more abiding emotion. Watching a movie or television is fun activities that help us relax, temporarily forget our problems and even laugh. But they do not bring hap

  piness, because their positive effects end when the fun ends.

  The way people cling to the belief that a fun-filled, painfree life equals happiness actually diminishes their chances of ever attaining real happiness. If fun and pleasure are equated with happiness, then pain must be equated with unhappiness, but in fact, the opposite is tree. More often than not, things that lead to happiness involves some pain. It seems no fun undertaking some hard work, but when you finish it successfully, you will feel happy.

  The moment we understand that fun does not necessarily bring happiness, we began to lead our lives differently. We should not merely seek fun in life, but try to pursue happiness even if we may undergo pains and difficulties。



节约作文 英文04-16







