
时间:2022-08-18 09:27:51 英语作文 我要投稿




英语作文 篇1

  A Person I knew

  Loose,wavy brown hair hung down to her waist at the back--she had a fringe over her forehead that almost hid her pale eyes.The nose--not her best feature--was long but not ugly.She had a regular set of white teeth and was full-lipped.

  Her round face often looked rather sallow in complexion;she wasn't very tall or slim,and she walked with slightly-rounded shoulders.When I knew her,she must have been in her early thirties,about thirty-fifth even-and she even had one or two tell-tale wrinkles round the mouth.

英语作文 篇2

  What are the reasons for losing a variety of languages and culture?

  Culture is the learned and shared behavior of a community of interacting human beings. And languages are the cornerstones of a culture, defining who we are as a people. Just as the world is becoming less biologically rich, it is also becoming less culturally and linguistically diverse. There are a variety of reasons for the loss of cultures and languages.

  1.Loss of Culture


  Technology has now created the possibility of a global culture. With the invention of telephone, fax machines and the internet, communications are no longer limited by time and space. Quick transportations such as airplanes have swept away the old national boundaries and shortened the physical distance among people.

  b)Impact of global media and entertainment.

  Global media and entertainment companies shape understandings, values and dreams of ordinary citizens wherever they live. Local cultures are falling victim to a global culture. Few students in China like or even understand Beijing Opera; instead, they prefer Hollywood films and international stars.

  The United States dominates the traffic in information and ideas. American music, American movies, American television, and American software are so dominant, so sought after, and so visible that they are now available literally everywhere on the Earth. This American culture is influencing the tastes, lives, and aspirations - in other words, culture - of virtually every nation.

  c)Globalization - Economic cooperation and foreign trade

  Foreign investment and international trade are taking place around the globe. This economic globalization has lead to a global culture. For example, a global fast food and drink culture has been spread all over the world by companies like McDonalds and Coca-Cola. In the meantime, local food and drink cultures are becoming less distinct and some weak ones will be gradually lost.


  Immigration has led to a more homogeneous society. Immigrants give up their own cultures in adaptation for the host countrys culture.

  e)Physical damage done to communities either by natural disasters, disease or war.

  War in Iraq destroyed not only its regime but also a culture that has developed for thousands of years. American ideology will be transplanted there.

  2.Loss of Language

  The world now loses a language every two weeks, a rate unprecedented in history.

  The intricate combination of politics, genocide, geography and economics conspire in the demise of language. Linguists estimate that in 100 years fewer than half of the worlds 6000 languages will still be in use. Will this mean a more peaceful, communicative worlds or an aird linguistic desert, subject to the tyranny of the monoglot yoke?

  a)English is eradicating weaker languages

  English language is becoming a dominant language in the world. If someone speaks English, he or she will have no difficulty communicating with people in almost every corner of the world. As a result, few people choose other small languages to study as a second language.

  b)Loss of small ethnic groups.

  Some small ethnic groups live a closed life without communication with the outside world. When the number of people within these ethnic groups diminishes, so do the languages they speak.

  c)Political opposition to minority languages.

  Some governments do not give official recognition to minority languages or aboriginal languages and do not encourage people to speak these languages. So these languages get less spoken and will ultimately become extinct.

英语作文 篇3

  The school has a school, a family is often hung in the mouth of a sentence can be asked "what rules is what rules do you have at home a lot of people immediately froze.

  The rules. The rules of every household are different. My family should have eaten the phrase "eat without talking, sleep without words". After eating, you can't put your chopsticks on top of the bowl and put it on the table, which means you have eaten well. If you have fishbone, bones and so on on the table, you should sweep them into the bowl with chopsticks. You can't go through these things until you have finished eating.

  We have a rule - shibuguosan. One after dinner in the park for a walk, because the stool was stepped on, so I pulled out a piece of paper, wipe the stool clean, readily lost. A cleaner came out and said, "Why are you so immature and litter everywhere?". "I hear her say so, my face immediately red.". As I apologized, I ran away to pick it up and throw it into the garbage bin, which calmed the fire of the dustman.

  Family is a family atmosphere, family once ruined the family's thoughts also follow the corrupt. This is a bad reputation for ten, ten hundred, and no one is willing to contact with the family, now want to change too late.

  My family is "filial piety" as the saying goes, filial piety, filial piety to our parents and elders. When our parents are getting old, we can't talk back, we should always think about our parents. Talk to each other even when they are not right. That we do, don't refuse, try to help busy parents, so as to achieve the "filial piety".

  Family is family, have good manners to have a good tradition of everything in good order and well arranged, in order to better foothold in the society.







英语作文 篇4

  The Benefits of Reading

  I think reading is important in the whole life for people. There are many benefits of reading. Firstly, reading increases our knowledge and we can learn the world affairs without going out. Secondly, reading is a good way to improve reading and writing skills. Before you learn to write, you must know how others write. Thirdly, reading can broaden our knowledge and horizon, which is important to job hunting in the future. Finally, reading helps us become self-cultivation that would be beneficial to our whole life. Therefore, start to reading, no matter how old you are and what you are doing. Then, you may find the great charm and benefits of reading.



英语作文 篇5

  It is never a disgrace to say, ‘I can not afford it.’ It is shameful to commit yourself to expenditure you know you can not really afford and should not make – just because someone else urges you to go against your own better judgment. I have respect for the person for who can say without any self-consciousness at all, simply and cheerfully, ‘I can not afford it.’ But I hate to hear a long-drawn-out explanation of why . As a matter of fact, we should never demand to know why a person can not spend money on something he says he can not afford unless there is s sound reason for his finding some way to afford it. Then you may, if you feel you should, try to show him that way, quietly and without irritating him.

英语作文 篇6

  I'd like to say something about my favourite band-WESTLIFE. You definitely konw it, don't you? How amazing they are! I bet westlife is one of the most famous bands in the world.

  The four guys are from Ireland. They have good-looking apprearance and nice voice. There are so many classic songs sang by them like season in the sun, my love, I lay my love on you , you raise me up, when you tell me that you love me...

  I dont't know how to describe them here. In one word, they are really cute. I do like them, especially Nicky who looks like a million dollars.

  To my disappointment, Nicky get hitched. His wife is the daughter of the Irish prime minister. Whatever, if he didn't marry her, he would marry another gorgeous girl.

  Both the melodies and the lyrics are nice. I like to listen to their songs when I felt lonely or before I slept. The songs are peaceful and they made me comfortable and peaceful too.

  Of course I also like other kinds of music,l ike hip hop, rap, R&B, rock, jazz and so on. Music is a wonderful thing for people.








My mother,我的妈妈英语作文英语作文-英语作文09-30



Careful and Careless英语作文_英语作文09-18