九年级英语上册《 Rain das ae sad》说课稿

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关于九年级英语上册《 Rain das ae sad》说课稿

  九年级英语上册《 Rain das ae sad》说课稿

关于九年级英语上册《 Rain das ae sad》说课稿

  Hell, everne ,

  Tda I’ ver pleased t have an pprtunit t tal abut se f teaching ideas. M tpic is Sectin A (1a-1c , Graar Fcus) in Unit13 . It is ade up f seven parts.

  1. Analsis textb(教材分析)

  2. The teaching ethds(教学方法)

  3. The learning ethds(说学法)

  4. Analsis the students(说学情)

  5. The prcedures f the teaching(教学步骤)

  6. Blacbard design(板书设计)

  7. Self evaluatin.(自评)

  Part 1 The analsis f the teaching aterial:

  This lessn is abut listening and speaing. It plas a ver iprtant part in the English teaching f this unit. B studing Sectin A , The students can iprve their speaing abilit, learn re abut things that affect peple. At the sae tie, 5

【九年级英语上册《 Rain das ae sad》说课稿】相关文章:

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