What do people eat英语测试题

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What do people eat英语测试题

  Ⅰ.下列各组单词中,有一个单词画线部分的读音与其他三个单词画线部分的读音不同,请选出,What do people eat? 综合能力测试题。

What do people eat英语测试题

  ( )1.A.photo B.move C.phone D.moment

  ( )2.A.answer B.make C.late D.same

  ( )3.A.ring B.live C.kite D.give

  ( )4.A.really B.mean C.reach D.easy

  ( )5.A.round B.found C.enough D.trousers


  1.Excuse me. Could you a him to call me this afternoon?

  2.I'm a she isn't at home at the moment.

  3.“Thanks for your help.” “It's a p .”

  4.“Do you e working on the farm?” “Yes. Very much.”

  5.His sister is old e to go to school.


  1.May I have a look at these ____ ?(photo)

  2.February is the ____ month of the year.(two)

  3.“What does your mother do?” “She is a____ .”(teach)

  4.“Whose book is this?” “It's ____ .”(she)

  5.He put on his coat ____ and then went out.(quick)


  1.去年六月 2.第二天

  3.在电影院 4.顺便说一声

  5.写下 6.take a message

  7.ask sb. to do sth. 8.answer the telephone

  9.at the moment 10.ring up


  be, work, be born, get, help, find, matter, ring, lots of, climb up

  1.The children picked ____ apples.

  2.There ____ a telephone for you a moment ago.

  3.The apples were quite high, they needed ____ the trees with ladders.

  4.We really enjoyed ____ on the farm.

  5.She____ on June 16, 1980.

  6.I am sorry I was out when you ____.

  7.What time ____ you ____ to school yesterday?

  8.“I am sorry I am late.” “It doesn't ____.”

  9.He asked me____ him with his Chinese last Sunday.

  10.Where is my pen? I can't ____ it.

  Ⅵ.从Ⅱ栏中找出与Ⅰ栏各句相对应的句子,英语试题《What do people eat? 综合能力测试题》。


  ( )1.Thanks very much.

  ( )2.Could I speak to Tom, please?

  ( )3.Could you ask her to ring me up when she comes back?

  ( )4.Did you have a good time yesterday?

  ( )5.How long did you stay there?


  A.Sorry, he is out. Who is it calling?

  B.Not at all.

  C.Yes, thanks.

  D.For about two months.



  1.How many students ____(go)to the farm last Sunday?

  2.There ____ (be)little meat for lunch, so she went to buy some.

  3.She ____ (not have) supper at home yesterday.

  4.I ____(ask) him to help me with my English yesterday afternoon.

  5.Could you ____ (take) a message for me, please?

  6.What ____ you ____ (buy) on your way home yesterday?

  7.It's seven o'clock. The Turns ____(have) supper.

  8.____ (be)there a lot of people in the park last Sunday?

  9.You'd better ____ (not watch) TV now.

  10.The children really enjoyed ____ (play) this game.


  A:Hello! 985735.

  B:Hello! May I 1 to Kate, please?

  A:I'm afraid she 2 out at the moment. 3 is it calling?

  B: 4 is Wei Fang. Could you 5 a message 6 me, please?


  B:Please ask her to 7 me when she comes back.

  A:OK. 8 your telephone number, please?

  B:My telephone number is 9865267.

  A:9865267. Right.

  B: 9 a lot. Bye.

  A:Not 10 all. Bye.


  Ⅰ.1.B 2.A 3.C 4.A 5.C

  Ⅱ.1.ask 2.afraid 3.pleasure 4.enjoy 5.enough

  Ⅲ.1.photos 2.second 3.teacher 4.hers 5.quickly

  Ⅳ.1.last June 2.the next day 3.at the cinema 4.by the way 5.write down 6.捎个口信 7.请某人做某事 8.回电话 9.此刻 10.打电话

  Ⅴ.1.lots of 2.was 3.to climb up 4.working 5.was born 6.rang 7.did, get 8.matter 9.to help 10.find

  Ⅵ.1.B 2.A 3.E 4.C 5.D

  Ⅶ.1.went 2.was 3.didn't have 4.asked 5.take 6.did, buy 7.are having 8.Were 9.not watch 10.playing

  Ⅷ.1.speak 2.is 3.Who 4.This(It) 5.take 6.for 7.ring 8.What's 9.Thanks 10.at

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