
时间:2024-05-28 16:51:40 考研英语作文 我要投稿






  I am writing in response to(回应)your advertisement in …

  I am writing this letter to apply for the position that you have advertised in …

  I am writing to express my interest in your recently advertised position for …

  I would like to apply for the vacancy(职位空缺)of…advertised in …


  I am now studying at … and will soon be graduated as a / an … major.

  Under the influence of the courses I have taken , I have developed a special interest in …

  Upon graduation , I first worked as … The following job was … and currently I am working for … I feel I have the necessary qualifications and experience needed for the position of …

  Born in … in … I graduated from … University majoring in … I have been working in … since my graduation , and I have therefore attained a fair knowledge and experience in this field .

  It seems to me that this experience , together with my education , has given me preparation to assume the role of … in a firm such as yours .


  Thank you for your consideration .

  I look forward to your reply .

  Thank you for considering my application .

  I look forward to meeting you in the near future .

  Your prompt response will be much appreciated(感激).

  I should be pleased to attend for an interview at your convenience(方便之时), when I could give you further details concerning myself .

  I am available for a personal interview(个人面谈)at your convenience . Please contact me at …


  Dear Sir or Madam,I would like to book 5 single rooms at your hotel for three nights from May 27th to May 29th, 20xx. Since my friends and me are from different universities who are going to attend a international meeting, I would like the rooms to be as quiet as possible. Enclosed is a check of 500 RMB as a addition, we will all leave Guangdong on May 30th, please kindly help us book 5 tickets on a flight from Guangdong to Fujian at 8:30 .

  Please send me a written confirmation of this reservation by May 22th via email: 123456789@. Thank you.

  Yours faithfully,Li Ming




  ①From the picture (graph, chart, table, pie, bar), we know that ________(图表内容总概括). ②On the one hand, the left/first picture tells us that ________(情况一,图一/表一的内容). ③On the other hand, (the right/second)picture informs us that ________( 情况二,图二/表二的内容).④It can easily be seen that ________(揭示图画/表寓意).


  ①As is vividly shown/described/depicted in the cartoon/picture, ________(图表内容总概括).②In the first picture, ________(描述图/表一内容,如果是一个表,则可左或上半部分).③As is shown in the second drawing/picture, ________(描述图/表二内容,如果是一个表,则右或下半部分).④It is safe to draw the conclusion that ________(提示寓意,或主题句,回应主题但不是主题句的重复).



  ①Judging from the pictures, we can clearly infer that the drawer’s intention is ________(主题句).② ________(扩展句).③For one thing/First of all/Firstly, ________(第一个层面). ④For another/Besides/Moreover/In addition/Secondly, ________(第二个层面). ⑤Thus/As a result/Therefore/Finally, ________(总结句).


  ①To begin with, the purpose of the drawings is to show us that ________(主题句),yet the symbolic meanings subtly conveyed should be taken more seriously. ② ________(扩展句)is naturally associated with, to be specific ________(第一个层面). ③Besides/Moreover/In addition, ________(第二个层面)。④As a result/Therefore, ________(总结句).



  ①There are many reasons responsible for this phenomenon/case/instance and the following are the typical ones. ②The first reason is that ________(理由一). ③The second reason is that ________(理由二). ④The third reason is that/A case in point is that/The typical example is that ________(理由三).


  ①There are many reasons to explain/explaining the

  effect/phenomenon/case/instance. ②The most contributing one is/the main reason is no other than ________(理由一). ③What is more, ________(理由二). ④ ________(理由三)also play a role in this case.



  ①Considering all these reasons/this situation/Confronted with such a problem, I think we need to take some positive measures. ②On the one hand, ________ (方法/建议一). ③On the other hand, it is necessary for us to ________(方法/建议二). ④Thus/Only in this way, can ________(总结自己的观点/建议/态度).


  ①In order to improve the situation/To sum up the above argument/Confronted with such an issue/problem, we should find several solutions to it/need to take some positive measures. ②On the one hand/For one thing, we should ________ (方法/建议一). ③On the other hand/For another, ________(方法/建议二). ④Therefore/Thus/Only in this way, can ________ (段落总结句).



  ① Accordingly, it is vital for us to derive positive implications from these though-provoking drawings. ②On the one hand, we can frequently use them to enlighten that (主题). ③On the other hand, we should be sensible enough to ________(观点/态度). ④Only by ________(段落总结句), and only in this way can we have a brilliant future.


  ①The effects of which has produced on can be boiled down to two major ones. ②First, ________(影响一). ③More importantly, ________(影响

  二). ④Hence, I believe that we will see a ________(提出展望)./ Nevertheless, I do not think we will see a ________(或反面展望).



  ①There are many cases/examples to explain ________(主题句). ②Take ________ as a typical example./The first example is that ________ (阐述例子), ________(可进一步阐述). ③The second example is that/In addition/Here is a counter example./Opposite case in point is that/On the contrary ________(第二个例子的内容或举一个反面例子). ④Therefore,/Only ________can ________(总结主题句/段落总结句).


  ① ________ (观点句). It can be best/well illustrated in/explained by(例子). ② ________(阐述例子). ③________(进一步阐述例子). ④Therefore, ________




  ①Nowadays, a heated debate about ________(主题)is under way in China. ②A close inspection of this argument would reveal how flimsy (groundless)it is. ③As a matter of fact, ________(进一步说明).


  ①While the rhythm/pace/tempo of people’s living is speeding up, one of the topics many city residents are discussing is ________(主题). ②As part of domestic modernization, ________ needs to be developed urgently in china, for ________(进一步说明).



  ①With the rapid advances of ________ in recent years, ________has ________(引出现象). ②However, ________has ________, as ________(提出问题). ③As a result, ________(指出影响),which has aroused close social attention from all walks of life.


  ①With the rapid development of science and technology (electronic industry/higher education), more and more people come to realize that ________(引出现象). ②It is estimated, over the past decade, that ________(用具体数据说明现象).



  ①Recently the issue of whether or not ________(讨论话题)has been in the limelight and has aroused wide concern in the public. ②There are two major arguments that can be made for. ③For one thing, ________can bring ________to________(优点一). ④For another, it is widely hold that people usually ________when ________(优点二). ⑤But we must not lose sight of the fact that there are also drawbacks to ________ , among which are ________(列举缺点). ⑥For instance, it can be ________to ________(举例说明). ⑦In addition, many people find it ________(形容词)to ________(第二个缺点).


  ①Some people are in favor of the idea of doing ________(主题). ②They point out the fact that ________(支持的第一个原因). ③They also argue that ________(支持的'另一个原因).④There might be some element of truth in these people’s

  belief. ⑤However, other people stand on a different ground. ⑥They consider it harmful to do ________. ⑦They firmly point out that ________(反对的理由).



  ①Judging from these figures, we can draw the conclusion that ________(得出结论). ②The reason for this, as far as I am concerned is that ________(给出原因).③It is high time that we ________(发出倡议).


  ①Taking into account of all these factors, we may reach the conclusion that ________(结论). ②And with the above content, it will show more profound significance in ________(进一步总结).

  Life was like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're gonna get.


  ——《阿甘正传Forrest Gump》

  Hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things, and no good thing ever dies.


  ——《肖申克的救赎The Shawshank Redemption》

  To make each day count.



  I'm only brave when I have to be. Being brave doesn't mean you go looking for trouble.


  ——《狮子王The Lion King》

  Fear can hold you prisoner.Hope can set you free.


  ——《肖申克的救赎The Shawshank Redemption》

  I figure life is a gift and I don't intend on wasting it. You never know what hand you're going to get dealt next. You learn to take life as it comes at you.

  我觉得生命是一份礼物, 我不想浪费它, 你不会知道下一手牌会是什么, 要学会接受生活。


  You make millions of decisions that mean nothing and then one day your order takes out and it changes your life.


  ——《西雅图不眠夜Sleepless in Seattle》

  Miracles happen every day.


  ——《阿甘正传Forrest Gump》

  This path has been placed before you.The choice is yours alone.



  Don't ever let somebody tell you you can't do something.You got a dream, you gotta protect it. People can't do something themselves, they wanna tell you you can't do it. If you wantsomething, go get it.


  ——《当幸福来敲门The Pursuit of Happiness》

  Doing things change things, no doing things, these things are exactly as they were.



  Write an essay based on the following table. In your writing, you should

  1) interpret the table, and

  2) give your comments.

  You should write about 150 words on the ANSWER SHEET . (15 points)


  What is clearly displayed in the table is the trend of the aging population in China. In 20xx, the population aged 60 and over was 178 million, taking up 13.26% of the entire population. In 20xx, it increased to 212 million (15.5%). In 20xx, it will reach 371 million (25.3%). In 20xx, it is expected to be 440 million (34%), which means that one out of every three is older than 60.

  From the table we can conclude that China is and will continue to be an aging society,which will require the government to spend more on age-related programs, such as health care. It will also impose great burden to millions of families, as many young couples are the only child of their families and will have to provide for four seniors.

  After what we have discussed above ,we can safely come to the conclusion that effective measures must be taken to relieve the burden brought by the aging population. First and foremost,the government and mass media should encourage more enterprises to provide age-related services. Furthermore, the government should rethink and adjust its family-planning policy to reverse the aging trend.Only through the joint efforts of the whole society,can we resolve the problem of aging population perfectly .


  This movie is one of my most loved the movie, is about a man, carrying out: the youngest, at the same time, life has been far wander.

  At the end of a mark above life, he is really a poorwithout any way. The more one disaster after another, his wife away from him. Since then, hisprodigious memory with his son and his, to a complete subversion of the life, finally, his life because of his diligence to completely change the fate.

  It is one of my most loved movies.


  The Sales of Three Famous Air-Conditioner Makes This graph shows the sales of three, famous air - conditioner makes in a Chinese city last year.

  Haier, Chun - lan, and Hisense are three popular air- conditioner makes. From the chart we'can see that both Chun - lan and Hisense had steady sales although the latter did a little better than the former. Haier, However, has a different story. Itssales started low during the first season, but they shot up in the third season and reached 70 sets, a remarkable success as a result of the sales promotion activities. Unfortunately, the sales dropped drastically in the last quarter of the year, and went below those of either Chun- lan or Hisense.

  We have not got the analysis report as to the cause of the drastic fall, but the relatively lower prices and equally good quality of Hisense and Chun - lan attracted a steady body of purchasers in this city. It seems, therefore, that apart from quality, the consumers of this city still took the price as an important consideration. The lesson to be drawn here for the manufacturers is that while keeping' the quali- ty Of the goods you produce you have to offer a 17 reasonable price for them, a price that the average consumer of the city can accept.

  We might conclude that because Hisense is the least expensive make while its quality is just as good it has sold best.


  you may feel that college life is boring. we do not know how to deal with the plenty of spare time. but i think the college life will become wonderful as long as you make it meaningful.

  in your spare time, you could play basketball, football and so on. doing sports is very interesting and good for your health.in fact, you can do anything which you are interested in.do not be nervous.we are friends.studying in college is a brand new start of our life.you can continue to study hard for the better scords. libary is a good place for students to study in. if you want to show your talents and skills you can join in all kinds of activities.

  in a word,college life is wonderful!


  1) Everything from the generation gap to the high divorce rate to some forms of mental illness.

  2) Take, for example, the emergency situations that we encountered almost every night.

  3) A case in point is students in New York State who faced criminal misdemeanor chares for possessing and selling advance copies of state Regents examinations.

  4) In the case of Lincoln, the story is true

  5) Where there is will, there is a way. Your eventual success in the experiment is a case in point

  6) For my own part, everything is O.K.I have nothing to complain of .

  7) In terms of population, Shanghai is the largest city in China.

  8) A good case in point is the white-tailed deer.

  9) As an example of modern credulity(轻信),he cites(引述)the widespread belief that the earth is round.

  10) An illustration(例证)may make the point clear.

  11) Every side of our lives is affected by our jobs such as where we live, what we eat and the company we keep.









  The Students'Union of your department is planning a Chinese Speaking Contest. Write anannouncement which covers the following information:

  1) the purpose ofthe contest,2) time and placeof the contest,3) what isrequired of the candidates,4) details of thejudges and awards.

  You should writeabout 100 words. Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter. UseDepartment of Chinese Language and Literature at the end of the announcement.

  Chinese Speaking Contest

  January 10,Toimprove students' ability to speak Chinese and enrichafter-class activities, the Students' Union of Department of ChineseLanguage and Literature is organizing a school-wideChinese-speaking contest to be held on Saturday nextweek (17 January) at the Students' Auditorium. Those who are interested intaking part in it may sign up with the monitor of their classes before Tuesdaynext professors will be invited to be judges. The first sixwinners will be given awards. Everybody is welcome tobe present at the contest..

  The Students' Union

  Department of ChineseLanguage and Literature


  i first fell in love with husband when we would sit and talk in the living room of my old apartment in front of the (ceiling-to-floor) windows with the long, white curtains, drinking cups of scalding, black coffee. we would just sit and talk-sometimes until sunrise. i was so completely thrilled to have finally found that one special person and our wedding way was the happiest day of my life.

  however, it was not long after our honeymoon when my husband climbed into the tomb called "the office" and wrapped his mind in a shroud of paperwork and buried himself in clients, and i said nothing for fear of turning into a nagging wife. it seemed as if overnight an invisible wall had been erected between us.when our daughter, desiree was born she quickly became the center of my world. i watched her grow from infant to toddler, and i no longer seemed to care that my husband was getting busier and spending less time at home. somewhere between his work schedule and our home and young daughter, we were losing touch with each other. that invisible wall was now being cemented by the mortar of indifference.

  desiree went off to preschool and i returned to college to finish my degree, and i tried to find myself in the courses i took; i complained with all the other young women on campus about men who are insensitive. sometimes late at night i cried and begged the whispering darkness to tell me who i really was, and my husband lay beside snoring like a hibernating bear unaware of my winter.then tragedy struck our lives, when my husbands younger brother was killed on september 11, , along with thousand of other innocent people. he made it out okay and spoke to his wife to say he was going back in to help those that were still trapped. he was identified only by the engraving on the inside of his wedding band.

  attending my brothers memorial service was an eye-opening eperience for the both of us. for the first time, we saw our own marriage was almost like my in-laws. at the tragic death of the youngest son they could not reach out console one another. it seemed as if somewhere between the oldest sons first tooth and the youngest sons graduation they had lost each other. their wedding day photograph of the young, happy, smiling couple on the mantle of their fireplace was almost mocking those two minds that no longer touched. they were living in such an invisible wall between them that the heaviest battering with the strongest artillery would not penetrate, when love dies it is not in a moment of angry battle or when fiery bodies lose their heat; it lies broken and panting and ehausted at the bottom of a wall it cannot penetrate.recently one night, my husband told of his fear of dying. until then he had been afraid to epose his naked souls. i spoke of trying to find myself in the writings in my journal. it seemed as if each of us had been hiding our soul-searching from the other.

  we are slowly working toward building a bridge—not a wall, so that when we reach out to each other, we do not find a barrier we cannot penetrate and recoil from the coldness of the stone or retreat from the stranger on the other side.


  As we can see from the picture, a football match is going on. On guarding the goal, the man on the left seems to be keeping a “huge goal” that is easy and inevitable for a goal, while the person on the right hesitates to kick the ball with an illusion about the “huge keeper”. It is obvious that both of them exaggerate the difficulties in front of them. This picture does reflect a thought-provoking social phenomenon which is not uncommon in China now.

  The young always give up because the problem is beyond their ability to cope with. Superficially, it seems to be somewhat reasonable, but when weighing in the mind, we find there is an apparent tendency underlying this phenomenon: the lack of confidence. Firstly, it is well-known that we exist in a dynamic world with various difficulties.

  We can do nothing but face them. Secondly, attitude is the key point to take the first step. Assuming bravery and confidence to solve the problem, you will find the question is not as “huge” as you imagine. Take us for example, the entrance exam for graduate students even seems to be a horrible monster before us. Some people give up, some persist.

  So, with confidence and the right assessment of the difficulties, try and exert your strength, and then we will overcome all problems. On the whole, I believe we young people should face the difficulties in right manner. And nothing is impossible, just do it.


  From the pictures given, we can get such a message:in the era of rapid economic development, many people neglect how important is in our life. should be given enough attention and should be actively promoted.

  To begin with ,,a traditional virtue of the chinese nation , plays a very important role in our lives so that we must place great emphasis on it. In addition, is of great benefit for us to integrate into the social life. A recent finding reveals that people are more willing to make friends with those equipped with this quality. What is more, the trait of not only contributes to improving our personal accomplishment, but is of great importance to the formation of a good social climate.

  In a word, I personally believe that every one of us should be. As for ourselves, we should take the initiative to cultivate the excellent quality of. For the whole society, we should promote this quality together.


  As is portrayed in the picture, a boiling hotpot contains various forms of both domestic and alien cultures. The hodgepodge could be categorized as a mixture of literature, moral values and performing arts. It reveals to us that our modern culture is netplicated and diverse.

  I cannot help relating this picture to reality and wondering why this happened in reality. For one thing, the globalization has made it possible that the cultures from all over the world can meet and mix together and we can enjoy the benefits of alien cultures without going abroad. For another, the harmonious coexistence between the traditions and modern cultures gives us a rich identity and spiritual wealth.

  What is right attitude we should take toward the phenomenon? First of all, we should get lost in face of the diverse cultures and values. We must remember we must preserve our own national and local cultures in which we take root. Secondly, in the mixture of cultures and values we must learn to distinguish the good from the harmful. We should absorb the nutritious good cultures and values but at the same time we must defend ourselves against the danger of being polluted by the bad cultures and values.





  according to the figures given by the graph, the chinese farmers’ personal income rose steadily from 1970 to 1990. in the middle of 1970’s their income was rather low. their annual personal income was about 180 yuan. but in 1980 the average personal income increased approximately 50%, reaching 270 yuan. as is shown by the graph, in 1985 their income doubled, amounting to 540 yuan. after that there was a consistent tendency for income to grow. in a word, during the period of 20 years the farmers’ income had gone up rapidly.

  there were two reasons for the increase in the farmers’ income in china. firstly, the chinese government had been carrying out a reform and opening policy. a large number of county-run enterprises had been set up in the rural areas. secondly, a significant reform of agricultural policy had been carried out in china. the party’s policy had brought farmers’ initiative into full play. as a result, the agricultural output had been on the rise all the time. all these factors resulted in the steady growth of farmers’ income.

  i believe that with a series of agricultural policies being carried out, there will be even more rapid development in china’s agriculture. there is no doubt that the farmers’ living standard will be improved to a great extent. (220 words)


  I’d rather have the university assign a roommate to share a room with me. As far as I’m concerned, this is part of the university experience. Students should meet new people and be open to new experiences. I like leaving this up to chance.

  Actually, even though the university will choose, it’s not totally a matter of chance. We all filled out information sheets. The school knows what we’re majoring in, what our interests are, and our study habits and our goals. I think they’re probably very good at matching roommates using this information. They’ve had a lot of practice. Besides, if a mistake is made, I can change my room assignment next semester.

  If I did want to choose my own roommate, I’d first pick some candidates from the list supplied by the university. Then I’d write to them and they’d write back. Through our letters, we’d find out if we shared common interests, such as sports or movies. More importantly, we’d find out if we like doing the same things in our free time. Because my investigation, I’d probably get someone compatible with me. It’s a lot of work to go through, though. Besides, the process of finding similar interests isn’t all that different from what the university does.

  Trying to predict whom I’m going to get along with is not a science. I might choose someone who sounds just like me and still find that the two of us just don’t get along as roommates. Besides, I think it would be boring to room with somebody who’s just the same as me. I’d rather be with someone who has different interests and likes to do different things. Maybe I’d even get a roommate from another culture. After all, one of the reasons I’m going to the university is to be exposed to a lot of new experiences. So, I’d rather have the university choose my roommate for me.










