

时间:2022-06-25 11:49:39




  篇一:Unit2 In the library和反思


  1. 能会用简笔画画出标识牌,并能用本单元主要语言进行表达。

  2. 在正确情境下应用句型Don’t shout /eat...

  3. 会书写单词shout, eat, run, talk, sleep, drink.


  1. 能够正确使用日常用语 Don’t shout /eat/run/talk/sleep/drink.

  2. 句型Don’t shout /eat...在正确情境下应用。

  3. 词汇library, shout的发音以及talk, milk的正确拼写。 Step一、Warm up

  1. Greeting

  Stand up

  Good morning, class.

  Good morning, Miss Sun.

  Sit down. Please.

  … please close the door.

  Look at me, please.


  Step 二、 Review

  1. 出示句型条形卡,指明学生认读句子。

  2. Listen and act

  T: Stand up.

  Ss: Yes, Miss Sun.

  T: Don’t stand up.

  Ss: Yes, Mr./Miss . . .

  T: Open your books.

  Ss: Yes, Miss Sun.

  T: Don’t open your books.

  Ss: Yes, Miss Sun.

  Step 三、 Fun time

  1. Draw and say

  1) 教师在黑板上画人物shout, eat, run, talk, sleep, drink的简笔画,


  2) 请学生上台在每个简笔画下写出单词。

  2. 就“shout”示范标识的制作。

  T: We all know what we shouldn’t do in the library. The boy is shouting. What should we say to him?

  Ss: Don’t shout.


  3. 学生分组讨论、合作完成其他标识(引导学生模仿老师的简笔画)。

  4. 小组活动,谈论制作好的标识卡片。



  1. 戏院里

  T: At the theatre. People are watching movies, and someone is talking. What should we say to him?

  Ss: Don’t talk here.

  2. 公交车内

  T: On the bus. A child is running. What should we say to him? Ss: Don’t run here.

  3. 公园里

  T: In the park. A girl is sleeping on the bench. What should we say to her? Ss: Don’t sleep here.……

  Step5 Homework

  1. 用制作的标识卡玩游戏,读读做做。

  2. 抄写单词shout, eat, run, talk, sleep, drink.4+1。


  Unit 2 In the library

  Don’t shout


  run 标志图





  句型Stand up/Sit down既是上一单元的重点,也是课堂日常用语。通过每节课反复操练能加深学生的印象,帮助学生理解应用,同时也能考察学生的听力,集中他们的注意力。通过几节课的反复操练确实提高了对句型交流的熟练度。





  篇二:Unit 2 Where’s the library?教学设计与反思


  本模块以学校为话题介绍 there be句型及介词的使用。第一,句式与内容符合,便于操作;第二,对大部分学生来说,其所在学校是新学校,通过这种句式对学校的设置和教室的状况进行介绍,在学生入学不到4周的情况下还是有新鲜感的。而以此为基础让学生向来宾介绍自己的学校也符合任务的要求。在对学校介绍的基础上,教师根据学生的情况还可以扩展话题,比如让学生介绍一下自己小学母校的情况等。




  英语教学课程应以学生为主体,以训练为主线,以能力的培养为宗旨。学生是学习活动的主人,教师是学习活动的组织者和引导者。教师要努力创造多种多样的方式和机会,让学生通过自主、合作、探究等方式进行学习, 注重教学的师生互动和生生互动。根据教材内容,教学目标和学生的实际情况,以“启发诱导法”“多媒体辅助法”等教学方法来开展教学活动。





  掌握词汇: dining hall, gym, science lab, in front of,next to, behind, any library, office, classroom. 掌握句型:Is /Are there ...Where is/are...


  能用there be 句型介绍自己的班级和学校,能阅读包含there be句型的有关介绍学校的短文,能用there be 句型及介词写出简短的介绍教室和学校的句子。




  通过对本课的学习,培养学生学习有关班级及学校建筑物的词汇和There be句型;鼓励学生乐于模仿,敢于开口,积极参与,主动请教,树立学生学好英语的信心和勇气。




  1. 自学与教师点拨相结合。

  2. 小组合作与个人表达相结合。

  3. 情境激励教学法。






  Step 1. Warming-up

  Let students introduce their parents or their friends in front of class.


  Step 2. Presentation. Part One . Learn new words

  1. Guess a riddle. The teacher shows a piece of paper with riddles. Let students guess what place it is. (e.g. Where do you have meals at school? Where do you have PE class? Where do you borrow books?)


  2. Show the pictures of Part One. Then ask where you can see the pictures? Let students guess which place it is.学生先个体活动,然后全班核对答案。


  3. Read through the words in the box and have the students repeat and spell the words. Make sure that they understand all of them. Ask them to match the words with pictures.


  Step 3. Presentation. Part Two. Read and say

  1. Use some classroom objects to show the meaning of the three prepositions, put a chair behind a desk and ask “Where is the chair ?” eliciting “It’s behind the desk.”Or call out three students to the front. Elicting students to say their position.(Liu Hongchang is next to Zhang Rongyan. Zhang Rongyan is in front of Wang Lu. Wang Lu is behind Zhang Rongyan.)

  2.Practice. Let students talk about their position freely in class then call out several students to report. Help them to use the prepositions correctly:next to,in front of, behind.

  【设计意图】在这一过程的设计中,既有教师引领学生的活动,又有学生自己的活动;既有个人活动,又有集体活动。使学生体会到合作与竞争,激发和培养了学习英语的兴趣,在很大程度上调动了学习积极性, 为以后的学习打下了良好基础。

  3.Listen and Read. Listen to the tape and ask students to read the short text.

  【设计意图】学生在听录音的过程中,能校正自己的读音,还能锻炼听读能力。 Step 4. Presentation. Part Three用多媒体展示 Betty’s 学校各个建筑物的图片

  Ask Students to listen to the tape. Let students fill in the names of the Betty’s school buildings according to tape. Have the students tell me where the rooms are and spell the names for me to write them down. Ask students to read after the tape then ask and answer in pairs according to the pictures of Betty’s school.


  a. science lab b. dining hall c. classrooms

  d. library e. offices f. gym


  Step 5. Practice

  1.Take out a picture of school. Let students introduce our new school. Introduce “What’s in the picture and Where is it?”Let students discuss in groups first. Then encourage them to talk in front of the class.

  【设计意图】 在这一过程的设计中,小组活动讨论、练习。让每个学生在活动中都有不同的收获,取他人之长,补自己之短,在很大程度上调动了学生的学习积极性。

  2.Work in groups introduce their primary school to each other and tell the situation of the buildings. Then ask students to set up their primary school by using the models of the building. Put them in correct situation. Encourage some students to use English in this activities.

  【设计意图】 在这一过程中我利用建筑物模型尽量给学生创设真实的语言环境,从而达到学用结合的目的。让学生从内心感到了学有所用,更加激发他们的学习劲头和信心,同时,通过亲身操作既训练了学生的听力和分析能力,还培养了学生的动手操作能力,提高了学生的综合素质。

  Step5. Homework

  Let students bring a picture of their own rooms or draw a picture,then introduce next class.



  Classroom,dining hall,library office science lab behind,in front of, next to

  There is/are...





  篇三:don't eat in class 教学反思

  教学内容为新目标英语七年级上册第12单元Section B 第4课时。学习内容主要体现在以下几点:

  Teaching Aims:

  1. Learn to talk about the rules at school, in someone’s house and other places

  the Ss are familiar with.

  2. Learn to use “I have to ?”, “I can / can’t ?” , “ Don’t?” to describe

  the rules of each place.

  3. Ss improve their speaking,reading and writing skills.

  3. Learn to be a polite student anywhere.

  Important Points and Difficult Points:

  1. Master the sentence structure “No+doing” , “No+noun”

  2. 祈使句肯定形式与否定形式的运用。

  3. Describe the rules of the places correctly and fluently.




  3、在课堂教学中要组织学生多说。尤其是要多比较的说祈使句的DO和don't 结构及用情态动词have to 和can't


  Step 1 Warming-up and Lead-in

  Sing an English song with lyrics in the screen.

  T:Class, do you like music? Let’s sing an English song together.

  Step 2 Competition

  1. The teacher tells the students about the instruction for a game.

  T: We have two groups, A and B, We’ll have a competition between A and B,Let’s see which group will answer the most questions?

  2. Play a video of a movie, T: What rules are they breaking? If they are your classmates, what will you say to them?

  Ss: Don’t play cards in class

  Don’t smoke

  3. T: What are the rules in the library?

  Ss: Don’t ?

  We have to ?

  We can’t ?

  (Get more participation from the students)

  [Don’t ?句型的到了很好的复习与操练,值得探讨的是此环节是否可以自然的把Do?句型跟Don’t ?句型放在一起操练,从而对祈使句的肯定形式与否定形式进行了巩固。]

  4. T: Do you know these signs? Get them to identify the public signs, the public sign recognitions help them to learn the model No doing / No + noun.

  Step 3 Presentation

  Present a reading test for the students in the form of a letter. The students are asked to underline the parts which are the rules for them.

  The teacher checks the results of the students.

  Then the whole class read all the rules loudly.

  Step 4 Listening to the tape

  Step 5 A role play

  T:If you are Zhao Pei, What will you say to your parents to make them understand you? Lets act it out. Three students in a group act as father, mother and Zhao Pei,make a short play.

  Step 6 Writing

  As it’s a letter, the girl in the letter isn’t happy, the students are suggested to write a letter to her parents. T: Do you like Zhao Pei’s parents? If you are Zhao Pei’s parents, what would you let him do at home?

  Write a letter to Zhao Pei’s parents, the teacher moves around and offers support.

  Check the competition results

  The writing is checked with one student coming to the front and read his letter. Step 7 T: We can’t rule the country without rules.How many donts have we learned in this lesson?”

  Ss count out what they learned

  The teacher count the numbers of the candies from two groups, give the winner group some gifts.

  Step 8 Homework

  Write a short article about their own family rules.


  时代在变,世界在变,事物都在发展,教育理念的更新也是势在必行。由David Nunan倡导的任务型语言教学主张learning by doing,掀起了英语教学改革的浪潮。这给工作在第一战线的英语教师带来了希望,也使得英语课堂教学更具挑战性。如今,互联网无处不在,网上分布着无比丰富的英语教学资源,多媒体和网络技术的应用已经成为英语教学不可缺少的教学辅助手段,确实为英语课堂教学带来了生机与活力。英语教师也因此用一种新的眼光来看待英语教学。互联网拥有如此令人惊讶的无限资源,它可以使我们每一位教师变得更富有创造性,更紧跟时代,更令人满意。教师在实际情景中感知学习任务,有助于学生最大限度地发挥个人潜能和实现自我价值,学生的情感、个性及学习环境的因素受到了重视。同时,教师充分考虑课堂教学的实际和课堂上学生的表现,注意授课的方式、步骤和学习时间,有助于调动学生的学习积极性和主动性,使学生能够投入到自然、自觉、自由的英语学习氛围之中,为英语教学注入新的养分,为英语学习带来新的活力。




  1、会读、写单词:librarian library card, hurry, stand in line rule,close,quiet,problem.

  2、会认读祈使句: Don’t talk in the library.Please be quiet .Please stand in line.Please hurry.


  在情境中运用3个祈使句Don’t talk in the library. Please stand in line.Please be quiet .





  教学重点:会读、写单词:librarian library card, hurry, stand in line rule,close,quiet,problem. 会认读祈使句: Don’t talk in the library.Please be quiet .Please stand in line.Please hurry.

  教学难点:在情境中运用3个祈使句Don’t talk in the library. Please stand in line.Please be quiet.






  Step 1:Teaching organization

  1、Dvid students into 7 group。

  2、Enjoy a song :Laugh and sing

  Step 2: Warming up:

  1、Greet to the students.

  Boys and girls ,how are you today!

  2、Free talk.

  Doy like my dress? Do you like the new classroom?Do you like running? Do you likeplaying computer? Do you like reading?

  Step 3. Lead-in and Presentation:

  1、Me too.reading makes people smarter.(阅读使人更聪明。)Today,Miss Chen will take you To Jieshi primary school library to read.

  2、ppt show(出示界石小学图书馆图片)。Teach :library,librarian.

  3、Have you got a library card?(学生出示单词卡,师请生依次教单词。 Line__stand in line(ppt 贴板书),hurry__please

  hurry(ppt),close(ppt),quiet_please be quiet(ppt 贴板书)problem__no problem (ppt)rule__library rule (板书library rules)


  (1)I can read(小组一分钟开火车读单词)。

  (2)you do a good job ,Let’s go to library.(chant配音乐)

  Step4 Presentation:

  1、Don’t talk in the library(贴板书)

  2、But Simon and Daming sayed lauder .the old librarian were angry . Open your books on page 56. listen and circle the words ‘please’ and ‘don’t’.

  3、抽生读圈出句子,做连线题(ppt show)。

  4、Listen again and think the questions,then discussion in group.


  6、Listen again and follow CD。(一句一句跟读,逐段抽生读,齐读) Step5 Practice :role play



  1、Today, we’ve known that public has their own rules, we should obey the rules. (公共场所都有它们的规章制度,我们要遵守这些制度)

  2、Which group is the winner?(表扬获胜组)

  Step7 Homework:

  Homework:1、Listen and read the text two times.

  2、Make rules for your class.


  ----Library rules----

  Don’t talk in the library.

  Please be quiet.

  Please stand in line.

  一、Look and match(连线):

  Please hurry. 请安静。 Please be quiet. 请排队。 Please stand in line. 请快点。 Don’t talk in the library. 不要在图书馆讲话。

  二、Listen again and think questions, then discussion in group.


  1、Where do Daming and Simon go?

  2、What are the library rules?

  3、 What does Simon find(找到)?











