
时间:2023-06-01 19:22:16 其他类英语作文 我要投稿




英语作文 篇1

  On-Line Learning

  Let us say there is something you don't know how to do。

  In the past if you were determined to learn,you might have called a friend or a relative, taken a

  night class or walked down to the local library for a research term。 But now a host of websitos are sprinoing up to provide free practical advice on these subjects and actually anything else you can think of。

  In one sense, these "how-to" sites represent the growing world of on-line loarnino。 This tradition found one of its earliest forms in the FAGsFrequently Asked Questions files that began on Usenet, the Internet's global discussion group。The FAGs, many of which still circulate (go round continuous-

  ly), took a specific subject and explained it to complete novices。

  But "how-to" sites take the FAQs idea in a somewhat different direction by addressing subjects that aren't necessarily related to discussion forums。 These sites take the style of a written tutorial (teaching period) and a tone of friendly advice。 Possibly the biggest and best known of these sites is learn2, com (www。 learn2, com)。 It offers nearly 1,000 free tutorials and adds new ones frequently for a job interview。 At ehow。 com (www。 ehow。 com) you can learn how to train for your first marathon, how to buy a vacation home, or how to make a movie in eight steps。






英语作文 篇2

  Alongwith the development of our education, today most universities have offeredvarious electives for students to choose and study. However, some people claimthat these elective courses have very little effect on spreading knowledge andstudents’ development because what students concern about when choosingelectives are so different.


  Thereare various kinds of reasons for choosing electives and I list some in here.Primarily, the most important and wide factor students concern about is theteachers of the courses. Instead considering the quality of the teacher, or theform or style of the teacher will take or act in the course, they just want tomake sure that the teacher they choose will never keep trace of theirattendance and let them fail in their exams. In addition, a large number ofstudents choose their elective courses aiming to get a high score but neverconsider what they will learn and how to apply to it. What’s worse, somestudents choose their electives just they are forced by their schools’institution demand and their score need.


  Asfar as I am concerned, I advocate that the most important thing we shouldconcern about when choosing electives is our personal interests. The mostworthy meaning for these electives is to broaden our horizon and extend ourknowledge as much as possible and to complement our major and compulsorycourses. Therefore, what electives we choose should be in accordance with ourinterests and our career planning instead of aiming to make high score or passthe exam.


英语作文 篇3

  Some people claim that public museums and art galleries will not be needed because people can see historical objects and works of art by using a computer. Do you agree or disagree with this opinion?

  It is simply absurd to assert that with historical objects and works of art being able to be seen through a computer, public museums and art galleries will no longer be needed.

  First of all, computers can never replace real public museums and art galleries. No matter how real and vivid computer images are, they are only images, not the historical objects and works of art that we see in real or even might be allowed to touch with our fingertips. For those who claim museums and galleries are no longer needed because they can see all they want to on a computer screen, I’d like to suggest that they marry a wife or husband in the computer rather than in real life!

  In the second place, visiting real museums and art galleries is a rewarding experience in many respects. For one thing, it is a good exercise. While we are making the trip to a museum or art gallery and then strolling about on site, we get some exercise which does a lot of good to our health. For another thing, we can feast our eyes on all kinds of things there and experience the wonder, beauty and exquisite workmanship with our own eyes in an active way instead of in a passive manner by looking at what are being displayed to us by others on the screen. For yet another thing, we protect our eyesight by moving away from the computer screen and see the real objects on site.

  It is true that computers have brought great conveniences to our life. At certain times, especially when it is temporarily impossible for us to visit museums and art galleries in person, we can get a rough picture of what are on display on site. However, what we see from a computer screen is, after all, not exactly the same as what we see and feel with our own eyes on site.

  In conclusion, computers will never be able to replace real public museums and art galleries. Therefore, it is ridiculous to say that one does not need to go to museums and art galleries as historical objects and works of art can be appreciated on a computer screen.

英语作文 篇4

  When anyone opens a current account at a bank, he is lending the bank money, repayment of which he may demand at any time, either in cash or by drawing a cheque in favour of another person. Primarily, the banker-customer relationship is that of debtor and creditor -- who is which depending on whether the customer's account is in credit or is overdrawn. But, in addition to that basically simple concept, the bank and its customer owe a large number of obligations to one another. Many of these obligations can give in to problems and complications but a bank customer, unlike, say, a buyer of goods, cannot complain that the law is loaded against him.

  The bank must obey its customer's instructions, and not those of anyone else. When, for example, a customer first opens an account, he instructs the bank to debit his account only in respect of cheques draw by himself. He gives the bank specimens of his signature, and there is a very firm rule that the bank has no right or authority to pay out a customer's money on a cheques on which its customer's signature has been forged. It makes no difference that the forgery may have been a very skilful one: the bank must recognize its customer's signature. For this reason there is no risk to the customer in the practice, adopted by banks, of printing the customer's name on his cheques. If this facilitates forgery, it is the bank which will lose, not the customer.



英语作文 篇5

  Once I saw the TV show, it was about the fathers and their kids having the match, they were separated by five groups and compete for the match. At first, they were competing happily, but as the game came to the end, the last group was so worried. The father inspired his kid to stick on and finish the match, while the kid was crying because he knew he must be the last. After the match, the father told his kid that winning was not the most important thing for the match, the first thing was to enjoy the game and finish it, the result was not that important. I agree with the father, the child must be endowed with the consciousness that to enjoy the game is more important than to win. Every match can only have one win, but we can enjoy every match.


英语作文 篇6

  Our future will be wonderful. People will have robots in their homes. Kids won’t go to school. They’ll study at home on computers. People won’t use money, everything will be free. There will be more free time. There will be less pollution. There will be more tress. In ten years, we will live in sea. I think there will be more tall buildings. There will be fewer cars and more buses. Maybe one day people will fly to the moon for vacations. My life will be a lot better than this now.

英语作文 篇7




  我们坐了一会儿,服务员小姐拿了一本精致的`菜谱轻轻放在了姥姥、姥爷的面前,调皮地笑着说:“老太太点菜吧!”姥姥受宠若惊,被服务员小姐这突如其 来的举动搞得手足无措,慌忙打开了菜谱,然后对服务员小姐说了声:“‘三克油’!”服务员小姐愣了愣,随后不好意思地说:“老太太,我们这儿油不拿上 桌。”大家哈哈大笑,我捂着肚子,对服务员小姐解释说:“我姥姥是谢您呢!对您说‘thank you!’”“啊,啊!”服务员小姐赶紧说了声不用谢。哎,我说姥姥,您才学了两天英语就想显摆显摆啦,还得好好再练几天!


  我们正吃着饭呢,姥姥又扬手把服务员小姐叫了过来。哎,姥姥又要点什么了?“再给我的乖外孙女叫个‘爱,爱斯格林’!”姥姥说。我一转眼珠子:“姥 姥,您说英文,阿姨听不懂,您画下来吧!”说完向服务员小姐使了个眼色,问:“阿姨,您同意吗?”小姐一边为姥姥递过纸和笔,一边对我说:“我求之不得 哩。”姥姥画了一个歪歪扭扭的冰淇凌,小姐走过去一看,这才明白姥姥要的东西,一边还嘀咕这老太太真时尚,洋味粘得这么重。

  餐厅里不知为什么跑进了一条狗,姥姥便赶紧对我们说:“这里有‘洞,洞口’!”我们急忙放下刀叉,环顾四周。咦,没有洞口呀!这时,姥姥还兴冲冲地 对我说:“小钰,你不是最喜欢洞口呀!快看看!”我顺着姥姥的手指方向看去,嗨,姥姥居然把小狗的英文“dog”说成了洞口!大家恍然大悟.姥爷还打趣 说:“老伴儿啊,这洞口怎么这么小呢?我们钻不进去!”姥姥这才知道自己说错了英文,脸涨得通红,十分不好意思。


英语作文 篇8

  One possible version:

  Dear Mike,

  Thank you very much for your concern. Last months several places in Beijing were blanketed with thick yellow fog. Everything around disappeared from oursight. Some highways were closed. Traffic jams were commonly seen in the streets. Many people, especially children and seniors, even found it difficult to breathe. As a result, local hospitals were crowded with people who had problems with their noses and lungs. Part of the cause was the dry weather, but the severely damaged environment contributed a lot to this nightmare. Personally I didnt get any health problems in the haze because I stayed mostly indoors.But to make a significant change we really have to do more to protect our environment. To live a better life we have to push on with the economy, but it wound be meaningless if we have to achieve it at the cost of our breathing air.








My mother,我的妈妈英语作文英语作文-英语作文09-30


