how to be happy英语作文

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how to be happy英语作文(通用12篇)

  在日复一日的学习、工作或生活中,大家总免不了要接触或使用作文吧,作文是从内部言语向外部言语的过渡,即从经过压缩的简要的、自己能明白的语言,向开展的、具有规范语法结构的、能为他人所理解的外部语言形式的转化。还是对作文一筹莫展吗?以下是小编收集整理的how to be happy英语作文(通用12篇),仅供参考,欢迎大家阅读。

how to be happy英语作文(通用12篇)

  how to be happy英语作文 篇1

  Sometimes we may think that happinessis so faraway a thing that we couldn't touch it. But with time passing by,I gradually understand the meaning of happiness. It turns out to be easy. You know what?You could take everything as a reason to be happy. When you come across an old friend,you can feel happinessfrom the bottom of your heart. When you see someone else smileto you in the morning ,you might be happy the whole day? When you find a letter which is written by your teacher,you may feel satisfaction. And when you give a seat to a pregnant woman you must be proud of yourself and be happy.

  Remember when you just smileto the world,you will receive double of that.Believe it or not.Happiness is with you all the time and the most important thing is that you catch it and cherish it!

  how to be happy英语作文 篇2

  When I do well in the exam, I will show my paper to my parents, they are so happy to see me do well in the exam. I want to be happy all the time. But I have put so much pressure on myself. One day, my parents tell me that they don’t care how I do well in the exam, they just want me to be happy. I know I should relax myself and be happy.


  how to be happy英语作文 篇3

  group of young people everywhere seek joyfully,but,meets many worries actually, sad and the pain.

  they inquired to their teacher,socrates,joyful in where?socrates said that,"you help me to make a ship first!"the young people seek the joyful matter to put temporarily one side,looks for the shipbuilding the tool,use manytime,made a boat.the dugout canoe launched,the young people please embark teacher,at the same time with joint forces rows,at the same time with one voice sings. socrates asked that,"children,are you happy?"the student answers in chorus:"joyful etremely!"

  socrates said that,"joyful is this,it is often busy with when you handles other matter comes visiting suddenly."

  how to be happy英语作文 篇4

  Every child to love a holiday it is Children's Day. In this holiday we can get some presents and eat some cakes. We can also have a party with friends and family. But behind the happy there is a unknown origin. The children's Day is in order to protect the rights and interests of the children all over the world in November 1949 the International Democratic women's Federation held in Moscow the Executive Committee decided June 1 was chosen as the international children's day. We are Children's Day happy sad.

  how to be happy英语作文 篇5

  There is classic story about a fishman and his wife. The fishman caught a golden fish and the fish asked the fishman to let it go for giving the fishman wish. The fishman’s wife asked his husband to get more, at last, the golden fish was angry and made the fishman back to the original situation. The story tells us that satisfaction brings happiness. When people are greed, then they will never feel happy, because there is always something they lack of. A happy man will cherish what he has and is grateful to life. The simpler life we live, the happier we will feel. If the fishman’s wife gets satisfied for the first wish, then they will live the good life.

  how to be happy英语作文 篇6

  Today is my birthday. At my birthday party, I sang, danced and played games with my friends, we ate a double layer cake, the cake was made of fruit, cream and soft bread, it was very delicious, we also drank two drinks, one was orange juice and the other was coke. I really like the birthday, because I can get together with my friends and have fun, and receive many blessings and gifts. I'm sure you enjoy your birthday, too?

  how to be happy英语作文 篇7

  i live in hollywood. you may think people in such a glamorous, fun-filled place are happier than others. if so, you have some mistaken ideas about the nature of happiness.

  many intelligent people still equate happiness with fun. the truth is that fun and happiness have little or nothing in common. fun is what we experience during an act. happiness is what we experience after an act. it is a deeper, more abiding emotion.going to an amusement park or ball game, watching a movie or television, are fun activities that help us relax, temporarily forget our problems and maybe even laugh. but they do not bring happiness, because their positive effects end when the fun ends.

  i have often thought that if hollywood stars have a role to play, it is to teach us that happiness has nothing to do with fun. these rich, beautiful individuals have constant access to glamorous parties, fancy cars, expensive homes, everything that spells "happiness".but in memoir after memoir, celebrities reveal the unhappiness hidden beneath all their fun: depression, alcoholism, drug addiction, broken marriages, troubled children, profound loneliness.

  the way people cling to the belief that a fun-filled, pain-free life equates happiness actually diminishes their chances of ever attaining real happiness. if fun and pleasure are equated with happiness, then pain must be equated with unhappiness. but, in fact, the opposite is true: more times than not, things that lead to happiness involve some pain.

  as a result, many people avoid the very endeavors that are the source of true happiness. they fear the pain inevitably brought by such things as marriage, raising children, professional achievement, religious commitment, civic or charitable work, and self-improvement.

  how to be happy英语作文 篇8

  There is no doubt that happiness is the most precious thing in the world. Without it, life will be empty and meaningless. If you wish to know how to get happiness, you must pay attention to the following two points.

  First, health is the secret of happiness. Only a strong man can enjoy the pleasure of life.

  Secondly, happiness consists in contentment. A man who is dissatisfied with his present condition is always in distress.




  how to be happy英语作文 篇9

  Little happiness

  Why am I so unlucky? Why things are always getting worse? Why God never favor me? Every time when I hear things like these, I just keep silent, for we couldn t get anything in complain, and then I learn to be appreciated.

  One day I stayed in a condition where I just felt nervous or worse, be mad. I only looked forward to finding a hole and hided myself. Maybe I am too fragile ,easy to be hurt .When I stayed in a corner and was so scared, a friend of mine came to me ,and said : In this world, nothing can daunt us, in addition to our own. Anyway, I will stand by you. I just cried but didn t realize how it would influence me in the future.

  We always complain blindly, not knowing much happiness flows. There are many things we couldn t predict, and we don t know how tomorrow will be. However, cherish what you have now and things would be better.




  how to be happy英语作文 篇10

  There are so many things around us that make me happy, but reading is the happiest thing I can think of. Reading makes me forget all my worries and immerse myself in the ocean of books. I can explore the world with the hero of the book, find the treasure, and save the world...... In a word, I can do a lot of things that can't be done in real life with the characters in the book.

  I read, I'm happy...... I hummed my own ditty and sat in the warm sun and read the book. It is in the book world infected it, read the happy place I clap, read the sad place I secretly tears, read humorous place I will laugh, read to wonder where I will immediately sketch, read the beautiful place I will little circle. As long as I meet the beautiful place and the unknown place, I can't help to paint it, because I have to do all these things to my advantage.

  I read, I'm happy. No, I sat on the couch with my dear little story, big truth, and I read it. I read and eat snacks, so that not only can enjoy the fun of reading, but also enjoy the fun of food, this is really a special enjoyment! If you sit tired, you can also lie in bed reading, leaning on the seat of reading, you can do everything possible to make yourself happy reading, happy reading.

  I read, I am happy, we can get lots of knowledge in reading at the same time, to make my life more rich and colorful, make their own learning on the upgrade, so I can get a lot of fun in the book.

  Close to the book, I still read the fun of reading. I can't forget the joy for a long time. I read, I'm happy......






  how to be happy英语作文 篇11

  Reading makes people happy. Golgi once said, reading a good book is talking to many noble people.

  When I was young, I had very little knowledge of vocabulary. I often saw my mother reading a thick Olympic math book. A solution does not come out of the title mother's eyebrows knit into a question mark, when mom finally solved a problem, will beam with joy. I went around my father, I saw my father also was all eyes looking at a book in English, he watched and learned, not to say a few words in english.

  I doubted, thinking: why the book can make them so fascinating? So I picked up a book and read it.

  But I knew very little words, and I told my mother to tell me stories before going to bed every night. Good children bedtime ten minutes story, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, Zheng Yuanjie fairy tales, Romance of the Three Kingdoms, outlaws of the marsh.

  Gradually, as I grew up, I began to read books myself. I know Cao Cao in the romance of the Three Kingdoms, and his every move reveals his cunning. Zhang Fei's reckless, Liu Bei heavy friendship etc.

  In the Water Margin, I also know the outspoken Song Jiang and gallant heroes of Liangshan.

  It is the three of us are walking together, there must be my teacher, is the good from it, the poor instead !

  More reading makes my eloquence and writing very good, writing composition is easy, and my writing level has improved a lot.

  Reading makes me understand a lot of extra—curricular knowledge, understand the infinite fun of knowledge. Reading makes me happy. I love reading!

  how to be happy英语作文 篇12

  Reading, open—minded, open—minded and smooth; reading, refreshing and inspiring; reading, make people happy personally on the scene!

  Morning, the morning mist filled the air, I won the Green Gables"author Montgomerie Anne, with clear and smooth, deeply moving strokes of humor brought me into the description of children's life the most sweet novel, pure kindness, love life, public security hostess became my friends, she told me. A good man will always have happiness, a person who loves life, will find and enjoy the beauty of life; she also taught me courage and integrity. Reading in the morning is like enjoying a warm breakfast.

  Reading makes me happy.

  At noon, a cloudless blue sky, I walked into the journey to the west, a distinctive figure presented in front of the kind—hearted, faith Tang Seng, Sun Wukong; magic game; simple simple and honest, hard working, still water runs deep pig; honest sand monk, look, feel is Tang Seng fourth. Along with them, go to the west.

  Unfortunately, my master and three senior brothers have become immortal, and I have not been immortal, I feel a bit rough, but I know, strong will succeed. Reading at noon is like sipping a cup of fragrant coffee. Reading makes me happy.

  In the evening, I walked into the sunset, a dream of Red Mansions, this encyclopedic novel. Let me witness the four families of honor and sorrow, but also let me understand the demise of the feudal dynasty omen. Read this book, could not help but pick up a cavity of sorrow; but can't put down the book, Bao Yu and Dai Yu love tragedy, not tears, knits the brows knits the brows worry, worry, bitter knits the brows knits the brows. Reading books at night, such as appreciating the elegant Nocturne, reading makes me happy.The ancients said: three solar eclipse is better than meat, not a day without books.".

  Indeed, one day without reading, people lose a lot of fun.

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