小学英语作文:The Rise of Christianity

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小学英语作文:The Rise of Christianity

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小学英语作文:The Rise of Christianity

  Christianity is the world’s largest religion today. Therise of Christianity can be trace back to 4 B.C.E when Jesus wasborn. He was born in a town in Galilee and as the son of Joseph.When he was young, he went into the desert for prayer andreflection. After he came back from the desert, he began to tech inGalilee, and soon he had many disciples. While one day, when Jesuswas praying alone, one of his disciples betrayed him and broughtthe priests and the temple soldiers into the garden to arrestJesus, Jesus was took to a hill and nailed his hands and feet to across. Jesus died but the Christianity was spread byhim.

  Before his event, In 900 BC,two kings David and Solomon, united the Israelites and created theKingdom of Israel. Soon the Israel divided into two countries wastaken over by powerful countries. Israel was destroyed, but thepeople of Judah which were called Jews survived. The Romans tookover Judah, and changed it into a province called Judea. Some Jewsargued and thought they fight the Romans and take back control oftheir Kingdom, so they rebelled. While Romans killed Jews and theJews rebelled many times but failed every time. So some of the Jewsfound new home. The Jews hated Romans, and then Jesus was born. Hetells people not to complain about the life. The afterlife will bebetter if you bear the difficulties. This was popular among peopleincluding Jews. So the Christianity was spread quickly. Romans alsoknew this thing, so they wanted to stop Christianity fromspreading.

  In 64 AD, a colossal fire brokeout at Rome, and burned much of the city. The Romans said theChristians did this; they rounded up and billed Christians. Thereasons for most persecution were, the Romans couldn’t bear peoplewho worshipped gods different from their gods. They didn’t allowthis happen, so they killed many Christians. Over the next hundredyears, Christians were sometimes persecuted. So until the thirdcentury the persecutions began to be stopped.

  Today’s societies preventdiscrimination based upon religious grounds. When we see peoplewearing religious clothes, we shouldn’t laugh at them or hit them.In addition, we should not take photos of them.

  In brief, Christians has theirown religion. They had a long history too. They should be respectednot persecuted.

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