我的小秘密 My little secret

时间:2021-09-08 13:17:38 其他类英语作文 我要投稿

我的小秘密 My little secret

  Oct. 10 Saturday FineThis evening there was a broadcast of an exciting football match on TV. It was between Chinese team and the team of the United Arab Emirates. I am a loyal football fan and I had expected the match for a long time, so after class I hurried home. But on the way, I found a little boy crying. He lost his way. Considering his parents must be very worried, I immediately decided to send him home. Seeing their son back, the boy's parents showed their gratitude. They also invited me to stay for supper. But thinking of the football match, I refused them politely.When I got home, it was very late. Therefore, I missed the match,However, I felt very happy because I helped other people.Although my mother asked why ! came back so late, I said nothing.Perhaps this will become my own secret.10月10日星期六晴今天晚上电视播放了一场令人兴奋的'足球比赛。这场比赛是在中国队和阿联酋队之间展开的。我是一个忠实的足球迷,而且我盼望这场比赛很长时间了,所以放学后我就匆忙往家赶。但是在路上我发现一个小男孩在哭。他迷路了。考虑到他的父母一定很担心,我立刻决定送他回家。看到他们的儿子回来,小孩妁父母感激之情溢于言表。他们留我吃晚饭,但想着足球比赛我婉言拒绝了。我到家时已经很晚了,因此我错过了比赛。然而我很高兴因为我帮助了他人。尽管妈妈问我为什么这么晚回来,我什么也没说。或许这将成为我自己的小秘密。

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