
时间:2021-04-01 12:35:03 其他类英语作文 我要投稿




话题英语作文 篇1

  Relax Yourself

  Every time when we feel stress, others will ask us to be relaxed. And we all know that relax is good for us to make things successful. I think maybe it is because people can gain enough energy and clearing their mind after relaxing. But relaxing doesn't means indulging. Some people may suffer pain when they are trying to make something done, but when they stop to relax, they feel happy for avoiding the difficulty. And then they may indulge in the relax life resist to think. It is not good for them. For example, a student is tired from study. He can recover after several minutes’computer games. But if he is addicted in it, he will ruin his study. Thus, when relaxing, people need to pay attention to the problem of degree. Do not step over the line.

话题英语作文 篇2

  The cartoon aims at informing us of the significance of modesty. Definitely, no once can deny the importance of it. Modesty can inspire people to achieve greater success. Those who are modest will never be content with their current achievements, instead, they will work constantly to achieve a higher target. moreover,a modest people are more likely to be fitting in, win others’ trust and enjoy a harmonious interpersonal relationship. To further illustrate the importance of modesty, I would like to take Newton as a case in point: how could he, one of the most influential scientists throughout the history of mankind, discover the Law of Momentum Conservation if he was simply content with the achievement of finding Three Laws of Motion ?

  Accordingly, at no time should we be satisfied with our small accomplishments, instead , we need to keep an open mind to accept new things, absorb new information, acquire new knowledge and seize new opportunities. "Success consists in industry and modesty." A philosopher once said.

话题英语作文 篇3


  1、enable honest person to succeed in work and life. (获得成功)

  2、to work honestly to attain one’s life goal. (实现人生目标)

  3、to enhance reputation of a country.


  1、Contributing money and other necessities to people in need is a goal way to express human love. It reflects the sense of social responsibility.

  2、It also expresses a feeling from deep with one’s heart.


  该类别主要包括:创新、 勇气、 奋斗、 勤俭 、高瞻远瞩、 奉献、 浪费、 社会公德 、幸福观 、勇敢 、得与失、 正直诚实、 持之以恒 、拼搏的奥运精神 、读书。

  1、To be fair and upright; honest person;

  2、economical and simple life; to learn to be frugal;

  3、success derives from persistence; Olympic motto, read more books

  情感友谊、团队合作、让座 邻里、献爱心

  1、show love; provide assistance to others; teamwork and cooperation; selflessly offering help

  2、contributing money and other necessities to people who are in great need


  该类别主要包括:中西方文化、 民族文化、 老外过春节 、老外学书法、 学英语、 城市发展与历史传承。

  1、participating in the annual celebration of the Chinese spring festival

  2、practicing Chinese calligraphy (书法)

  3、cultural exchanges; acquire better understanding of each other;the traditional Chinese culture.

  4、pass down culture habit and treasure; absorb and assimilate traditional culture; reserve and spread brilliant diverse culture; be under the threat of extinction; be in great danger


  1、cultural exchanges can enhance international friendship.

  2、people can acquire better understanding of each other.

  3、can also greatly benefit the countries and stimulate their own social development and culture prosperity.


  1、in my opinions, there needs to be a comprehensive renovation in the educational system in which new educational concepts are introduced.

  2、only by new teaching methods can we cultivate children into talents and elites who will meet the requirements of our society.


  1、 to develop good health

  2、 to keep regular exercise

  3、 to make more contributions to the society

  4、 to make do with bad diet

  5、 to neglect sports and exercise



  1、the sanitation problem of family workshops

  2、the promise of one’s own responsibility is like a method of cheating, and is quit against professional morals(职业道德)

  3、low-quality products

  4、the ignorance of sanitation

  5、short of occupational disciplines

  6、the false commercial advertising and promotion


  该类别主要包括:家庭关系、 养老、 啃老。

  Young people are used to relying financially on their families


  Traffic accidents have long been a problem and are becoming a severe problem


  1、many drivers are forced to drive days and nights

  2、a lot of people drive after drinking alcohol


  该类别主要包括:高薪、 加班、技能、学历、自立自强、创业。

  1、to display talent and capability;

  2、to be of real service to fellowmen and the country;

  3、to feel guilty in front of parents and family supporters;

  4、to encounter discrimination on the basis of sex or height or even birthplace;

  5、to despise jobs of lower social status and less income;

  6、to avoid the possibility of working in the rural areas

  7、to find (searchhunt) the right career;



  1、the exhaustion of resources;

  2、pollution from industrial production transform many clean rivers into undrinkable water.

  3、the convenience brought by cars, their harmful impact on the atmosphere.

  4、garbage output, such as plastics and glass.

  5、deforestation Global warming, current greenhouse effect remains out of control

  6、human exploitation of natural resources


  该类别主要包括:教育、上网成瘾、上网交友、青少年犯罪、 个人隐私、出国留学、 知识学术欺诈、 望子成龙, 拔苗助长、 应试教育素质教育 、考试作弊 、相互攀比、 名牌、 浪费、 课业负担、 恋爱 、兼职 、富二代、 校园旅游 、教育平等 、独生子女、 农民工子女、 创新 、迷信、 溺爱(spoiled)。

  1、To concentrate limited resources on creative talents, or elite;

  2、to enhance the quality of population;

  3、to promote scientific and technological level;

  4、 to prepare one for a better and more meaningful life rather than a job;

  5、one-child policy

  6、migrant workers(农民工);

  7、impartial education opportunities

  8、overwhelming homework;

  9、quality education(素质教育)

  10、a comprehensive renovation

  人口增长、 人口质量、养老与老龄化、 性别比例

  1、population aging; outdated and abandoned; to improve the living condition of the aging population ; to respect and appreciate the aged; to provide safety and happiness

  2、the number of males outweighs that of females;the population growth is almost out of control, the humans to live is increasingly circumscribed.

话题英语作文 篇4

  There is a story that an old woman always feels unhappy, because when the sun comes out, she worries about her daughter's business, because the girl sells umbrella.

  But when it rains, she stills feels unhappy for she worries about her another daugther's business. People tell her to change his point of view, when the it is fine, she can feel happy about her second daughter's business and when it rains, she can be happy about her first daughter's business. In that way, she will be a positive woman every day.

  We can't change the fact, but we can treat things in another way, so that we can be positive all the time.

话题英语作文 篇5

  关于建议的英语作文一关于成功的建议 Some Advices about Success(1392字)

  I have some good advice for your work. If you can do the following things, you will succeed in doing everything.


  Firstly, whatever you do, you must be punctual and hard-working. If you sow a good seed, you will get a good harvest. If the seed is in poor quality, the harvest will also be very bad. And if you sow nothing, you will get nothing at all. Nothing.


  Secondly, you must be honest. As honesty is the moral tuition that everyone should have. If you treat other people friendly and sincerely, others will also respect you.


  Thirdly, you must be tolerant to others, since no one is perfect in the world. Everyone has his own faults, but if you can see everything on other person's perspective, there will be no problem at all.

  第三,你必须对别人宽容,因为在这个世界上没有人是完美的。每个人都有他自己的缺点,但如果你能换位思考,什么问题都不会有。话题作文 关于建议的英语作文话题作文 关于建议的英语作文。

  What's more, when you are in a big company, you should not only respect the leaders, but also get on well with the colleagues. Sometimes, you should try to please your boss, so that you could have more chances to be promoted.


  Last but not the least, don't ignore the little things, because such a little thing will have a great effect on your life. So you should start yourselves at the bottom, in order to get enough working experience. As you have enough working experience, nothing you will be afraid.


  关于建议的英语作文:解决交通问题的建议 Advice on Solving traffic problems(1085字)

  With the development of economy, there are more and more vehicles on the streets. Governments at all levels have to do something to solve the problem of heavy traffic in the city.


  I would like to share with you some ideas about this problem: firstly, the government should build more roads. This action can decrease the degree of street congestion and make it possible for cars to run faster than ever before. But each coin has two sides. If a city builds too many roads, the streets will occupy much land. We will have little space used for other purposes. So secondly, more special bus lines for public transportation should be added. Thus people can go conveniently everywhere they like; they will not ride bikes or drive cars. In this way, the number of cars and bikes on the road will be greatly cut down.

  我想与大家分享我对这个问题的一些看法。首先,政府应该修建更多的公路。这一举措能够减轻街道拥堵程度,使汽车能够比以前跑得更快。但是,每件事都有利弊。如果一个城市修建太多的公路,过多的街道就会被占用,用作其他用途的空间就很少。话题作文 关于建议的英语作文文章话题作文 关于建议的英语作文出自,此链接!。其次,应该增加更多特殊的公共交通线路。这样一来,人们就方便行走到他们想要去的任何地方;他们就不用骑自行车或者开车。通过这个方法,公路上汽车和自行车的数量就会大大减少。

  As far as I am concerned, if we want to solve this problem, we should set up an idea of public transportation first and give a priority to this idea in our traffic work.


  关于建议的英语作文:关于复习的建议My Suggestions about Revision(1182字)

  If one wants to do well in an examination, the revision is one of the most important factors. After so many years of study and examination experience, I summarize some useful review methods that should be helpful to other students.


  Firstly, slowing down the speed of review appropriately so that you can set aside more time to think about your reviewing plan and make a summary for the previous stage. Moreover, you can make an adjustment for your review if necessary.Secondly, repeated training is so important that it can help you to better understand the knowledge of the error-prone. Thirdly, the teacher should reduce the amount of homework to improve the quality of review. That is so say, the teacher should give more time and freedom to students. Last but not the least, having a good rest also plays a dominant role during the reviewing process, for sufficient energy is the ensurance of efficient revision.


  Perhaps each student has their own unique review method which requires students to summarize constantly. After all, the best method is the one that 's right for you.


  关于建议的英语作文:建议信 Letter of Advice

  Dear President,

  I am a student of Class Seven, Grade Two of our school. I am writing to share some advices with you. We all know that study is the most important task for senior students, so it's necessary for us to spend most of our time in study. However, proper rest is necessary for us as well. But in our school, we only have a short night to rest, which I think it's not good to us. I did a survey

  in our school that collect the ideas about having a longer rest every week. Almost all students say that they need more time to rest and relax. Therefore, according the opinions of our students, I would like to advise that set an afternoon and a night for students to have a good rest. Proper rest can help students focus on study better. I will be more than happy that you could accept the suggestion.

  Sincerely yours,



  您好!我是我们学校二年七班的一名学生。我写信是想和您分享我的一些建议。我们都知道学习是高年级学生最重要的任务,因此对我们来说把大部分时间花在学习是是必要的。话题作文 关于建议的英语作文小学作文-初中作文-高中作文-中考作文-高考作文-节日作文及各类中小学生作文。然而,适当的休息对我们也同样重要。但是,在我们学校只有短短的晚上可以休息,我觉得这对我们是不好的。我在学校做了一项调查,收集了大家对于要求每周有更长的休息时间的想法。几乎所有的同学都说他们需要更多的时间来学习和放松。因此,根据同学们的看法,我建议给学生设立一个下午和晚上的时间好好休息。适当的休息可以帮助学生更好的专注于学习。如果您能接受我的建议我再高兴不过了。



  1. 重点句型

  1). It’s adj for sb to do 做…对某人来说

  2). … so … that … 如此… 以至于…

  … too … to do 太… 而不能…

  such … that … 如此… 以至于…

  3). not…until…直到…才… 例: I didn’t go to bed until my mother came back.

  4).The reason why + 句子 is that + 句子… 的原因是…

  例:The reason why he got angry was that she told him a lie.

  5). That is why + 句子 那是…的原因

  6). That is because + 句子那是因为…

  7). It is said that + 句子 据说…例:It is reported that + 句子 据报道…

  8). There is no doubt that + 句子 毫无疑问…

  9). It goes without saying that + 句子 不言而喻,毫无疑问

  10). There is no need to do 没必要做…

  11). There is no point in doing 做某事毫无意义

  12).as is known to all, +句子 众所周知

  as we all know, +句子据我们所知

  it is generally/ publicly known / considered that…,众所周知

  13) find it + adj to do…觉得/发现做… 是…的。

  例︰I find it necessary to take down notes while listening.

  14) not only…but also不但…而且.....

  例︰In just three years, she had not only finished all the lessons, but also received her doctor’s degree.

  15)in order to 为了....例︰He worked very hard in order to realize his dream.19) 就我的看法……;我认为……In my opinion, as far as I’m concerned

  20) 随着人口的增加…… With the increase/growth of the population, …

  随着科技的进步…… With the advance of science and technology, …

  例:With the rapid development of Taiwan's economy, a lot of social problems have come to pass.

  21). Since + S + 过去式, S + 现在完成式.

  例:Since he went to senior high school, he has worked very hard.

  2. 提建议

  1.had better (not) do 最好(不)做

  2.how about / what about doing …怎么样?

  3.I think you should do我认为你应该…

  4.I suggest / advice that you should do 我建议你做…

  5.If I were you, I would do… 我要是你的话,我会做…

  6.It’s best to do 最好做…

  7.Why not do / why don’t you do…? 为什么不…

  3. 表示喜欢和感兴趣

  1.like / love doing 2.enjoy doing

  3.be fond of doing喜欢做… 4.be keen on n/doing 喜欢做…

  5.prefer to do A rather than do B 宁愿做A也不愿做B

  6.be interested in doing = show/ take great interest in n / doing

  4. 努力做…

  1.try to do努力做… 2.strive to do 努力做…

  3.try one’s best to do = do one’s best to do 竭尽全力做…

  4.make efforts to do = make every effort to do 尽力做…

  5.do what sb can (do ) to do 尽力做…

  6.spare no effort to do 不遗余力的做…

  7.do what / everything sb. can to do 尽某人全力做…

  5. 打算做… / 计划做…

  1.intend / plan to do打算做… 2.be going to do 打算做…

  3.decide to do 决定做… 4.determine to do决定做…

  5.be determined to do决定做… 6.make up one’s mind to do 下定决心做…

  6. 表示想/希望

  1.want to do= would like to do 想做… 2.hope to do希望做…

  3.expect to do 期待着做…4.wish to do希望做…

  5.consider doing 考虑做…

  7. 只加doing 作宾语的动词

  1.finish 完成 practice 练习 suggest建议 consider 考虑

  mind 介意 enjoy 喜欢+doing


  look forward to doing 盼望做…keep on doing 坚持做…

  dream of doing 梦想做…can’t help doing 情不自禁地做…

  keep / stop / prevent sb. from doing 阻止某人做…

  be busy (in ) doingbe busy with + 名词 忙于做…

  spend time / money (in )doingspend time / money on + 名词 花费时间做… have fun / have a good time / enjoy oneself doing玩得开心

  have trouble / have problem / have difficulty (in) doing

  或 with + 名词做…有困难




  Dear ______,

  ①You have asked me for my advice about ______ , and I will try to make some suggestions here.

  ②In my opinion, _____(建议的内容).

  ③I would appreciate it very much if you could consider my suggestions.I will be looking forward to your reply.

  Yours sincerely,

  Li Ming


  Dear ______ ,

  ①I am writing ask to _____(请求的内容).

  ②Could you please ___________-②would you mind ___________③I wonder if you could___________ ⑥Thank you for your attention to these requests.. ⑧I look forward to a favorable reply.

  Yours sincerely,

  Li Ming


  Dear ______ ,

  ①I am ______(自我介绍). ②I am writing to see if it is possible for you to provide me with information regarding ______(要询问的内容).

  ③First of all, what are ______(第一个问题)? ④Secondly, when will ______(第二个问题)? ⑤Thirdly, is ______(第三个问题)?

  ⑥I would also like to inquire ______(将最重要的问题单独成段). ⑦Could you be so kind as to send me some relevant booklets on the above-mentioned aspects?

  ⑧Thank you for you kindness, and your prompt attention to this letter will be highly appreciated.

  Yours sincerely,

  Li Ming










