
时间:2022-08-30 16:03:31 其他类英语作文 我要投稿
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学英语作文 篇1

  You know, I’m a girl who was born in the pig year. So, I like pigs. Everybody knows that pigs live on farms. They are always very friendly, and they’re very cute, too. Some people think pigs are silly, but I don’t think so. Pigs are fat, that’s true, so I want to touch them! Every pig has small eyes, a very big nose and a pink and clumsy body. Because of this, so I like them very much. Their life is simple, too. They just eating and sleeping.

  As you can see, I love pigs very much!

学英语作文 篇2


  一到家,爸爸随手指着墙上的字母表让我找“I”的.小写字母在那里。结果没有熟练背诵字母的我找来找去找不着,爸爸走过来揣了我一脚,大喝一声:“让你在这表上抄过三遍,又忘了?可真是出息大了!” 我继续对着字母表一个一个在心里默念,眼前一片白茫茫。过了好一会儿,我还是没找到,爸爸使劲指了指红笔写的三个“i ”揪揪我的耳朵:“林曦颜,我问你这是什么?”我一看傻眼了,像一只木偶一样呆在原地。


学英语作文 篇3







学英语作文 篇4

  If I were a boy again, I would cultivate courage. “Nothing is so mild and gentle as courage, nothing so cruel and pitiless as cowardice,” syas a wise author.

  We too often borrow trouble, and anticipate that may never appear.” The fear of ill exceeds the ill we fear.” Dangers will arise in any career, but presence of mind will often conquer the worst of them. Be prepared for any fate, and there is no harm to be freared.

  If I were a boy again, I would look on the cheerful side. Life is very much like a mirror: if you smile upon it, I smiles back upon you; but if you frown and look doubtful on it, you will get a similar look in return.

  Inner sunshine warms not only the heart of the owner, but of all that come in contact with it. “ who shuts love out ,in turn shall be shut out from love.”

  If I were a boy again, I would school myself to say no more often. I might write pages on the importance of learning very early in life to gain that point where a young boy can stand erect, and decline doing an unworthy act because it is unworthy.

  If I were a boy again, I would demand of myself more courtesy towards my companions and friends, and indeed towards strangers as well. The smallest courtesies along the rough roads of life are like the little birds that sing to us all winter long, and make that season of ice and snow more endurable.

  Finally, instead of trying hard to be happy, as if that were the sole purpose of life, I would , if I were a boy again, I would still try harder to make others happy.








学英语作文 篇5

  This is a supermarket .It is big and new. Its name is Wanjia .You can buy many things in the supermarket .

  You can buy food like milk,bread ,vegetables,chocolate…… ,You can buy school things like books,rubber,pencil……,You can buy clothes like shorts,trousers,shirt.you can buy cupboard,computer,robot,fun,desk,too.

  This is a big supermarket ,It is open for 12 hours a day. There are many people here. The shop worker is very hard working. They always ready to people .

  I like going here.

学英语作文 篇6

  i have a lot of friends, but i have only a few good friends. one of them is my best friend. we are both twelve years old. he is fat and tall. he likes to eat oranges and meat. he is very straight and generous. we always help each other. he is a nice boy and his math is very good. he likes to play football and basketball. i enjoy playing with him because i can learn a lot from him. he can always come up with smart answers to those difficult questions. we usually play together after school in the afternoon. he is very funny and sometimes he tells me some interesting stories but sometimes he sets me up. after all we get a long well. but sometimes we fight each other. his goal is to be a math teacher. he lives in linshan and i live in iangshan. but we are good friends.