
时间:2024-09-07 11:19:46 偲颖 观后感 我要投稿




  《忠犬八公的故事》英文观后感 1

  In recent years,the film “Hachiko—A Dog’s Story” has been very popular.It mainly shows an impressive story between a loyal dog and a professor.As far I am concerned,there are many things we can learn from the film.


  To begin with,I believe that most people who have watched this film were moved by the dog’s loyalty.The dog has waited for his owner for a lifetime and hid loyal behavior has taught us never forget anyone we loved—the meaning of loyalty.We can learn that we should try to get along with each other with true affection and never betray in an intimated relationship so that we can strengthen our relationship and understand each other better.And we should believe that there is still a true affection in the world.


  Another thing we can learn from the film is to value what we have.In other words,we should learn to count our fortunes.What we own is always unique and cannot be replaced by others,so we have to value what we have.As the saying goes,“Tree prefers calm while wind not subsides; Son chooses filial while parents died”.We should never be regretful until losing.


  Finally,we should learn to treat our pets well because they are also our friends and even our family members.


  《忠犬八公的故事》英文观后感 2

  I watched Hachiko: A Dog’s Story days ago,eyes filling with tear.It’s really a fantasticly moving film.

  The plot went as: A college professor (Richard Gere) took in an abandoned dog and they formed an unbreakable bond.The dog arrived daily at the correct time at the station,to meet his owner.After the professor died while away from home,the dog kept vigil waiting for his master for nearly a decade.

  To wait for your love for a decade,which contains almost the whole life-time of Hachi,it’s an incredible dedication that we human beings never has.This is why the film strikes us a lot.

  No one has the ability to show his love to only one person during his whole life,let alone make friends with only one people; have the food that never changes year by year; do the same damn thing without complaining and conciousness of exhaustion.We can’t! However,what we could learn from Hachi is that we should never forget the one we once loved.

  A detail in the movie catches my eyes.One day when professor was on his way to school,Hachi fetched the tennis ball as he was taught years ago.But during the last several years,he never did like that,because to fetch a ball in this way is not his instinct.Why Hachi did so? He wants to entertain his master for more palatable food,for a hug? I’m afraid not.

  Research and statistics prove that pets are more sensitive in human’s potantial deseases than us do.Hachi fetched that ball because he knew that his master is going to die because of his heart desease.It’s his only way to hold him back.

  Hachi has been waiting in the weeds,waiting for his only fellow to walk him home.His hope has been floating in the breeze,carrying his loneliness and misery all above the ground.Maybe professor knows,but he could never come back.

  《忠犬八公的故事》英文观后感 3

  This is a story between a dog and his host.The dog called Hachi moved me to tears.This film changed my mind to dog from fear to love and appreciate.

  This film tell the story in a simple,without big billows,but it touch people heat and soul.The college professor Parker Wilson find a lost puppy at a train station and take it home,which take much annoyance to his wife Cate.However,parker and the dog develop such a remarkable bond that Cate is forced to relent and Hachi becomes a devoted member of the family.

  After several months,Parker and Hachi get along very well,they become partners.Every morning,Hachi accompanies Parker to the train station and waits patiently for his return,becoming a regular fixture of Hachi’s life.

  However,Every day is not Sunday.One day,Hachi become abnormal,he barked fiercely and didn’t want to see his host off.At last,Hachi come to the station to see Parker off with a ball between Hachi’s tips,which cost Parker mach time to train him but was failed.Parker was so excited to see this,but this is his last to see Hachi.He was dead because heart disease.

  However,Hachi persist in waiting for his host,day after day and year by year.Hachi came to the station to wait his host in the day time and sleep under a discarded train at night.The dog’s discarded moved the people in the train and the people all over the world.

  This story present a animal’s morality that human beings are ill needed.The dog give us a vividly lesson that we all have to loyal to our boss,loyal to our wife or husband,loyal to our family,loyal to our country.

  《忠犬八公的故事》英文观后感 4

  Its an animal movie.a simple movie.

  Hachiko is an Akita dog who drifts at a train station and is taken in by a university professor. Since then.Hachiko has been picking up his master from work at the train station every day. One day.the professor suddenly died of a heart attack.and Hachi did not know the news.always waiting for the return of the master. Eight in the railway station set up a home.regardless of spring.summer.autumn and winter.cold and heat.eight has always been lonely waiting. Until one snowy night.when he died alone. Company slogan.

  Hachiko is undoubtedly a smart dog.but he just wont help his master fetch the ball. "When one day it will give you the ball.there must be some special reason," the professors Japanese friend had told him. Sure enough.on the very day of the professors death.Hachiko had been haunting him and playing with him with a ball.preventing him from going to work. The dog was an animal that could sense the future.and he understood that his master was in danger.but eventually the professor left for work and did not return.

  Hachi knew that his master could no longer play with him.play games with him.and leave him.but he was still waiting for his master at the train station.

  "Hachi.lets go home." Hachi seemed to see his master in the last moment of his life.yes.they were together at last.Hachi finally waited for his master.

  After watching this movie.quietly a person to remember.often burst into tears. We all know that "dogs are our most loyal friends".but who can really understand and feel the feelings between dogs and us? For people.dogs can not be his only emotional sustenance.he will have his own family.friends. But for a dog.the owner may be the only one in its life.the dogs emotion is very simple.adhere to their own feelings.once identified.will be very silly very silly to stick to it.and even prefer to like Hachi until their old age! Improve execution

  Waiting is a kind of pain.yes.we can see it from Hachikos lost figure and helpless eyes again and again.but waiting is a test of their will.spring and autumn come.the leaves are green and yellow.under the tree only Hachikos lonely and strong figure.its persistence.its loyalty.will not pass with time!

  This is love!

  This world.we can not live alone.our parents.our friends.and we are closely linked together.and love is this link to us. Hachikos heart is full of love for the professor.but what about our hearts? What are we thinking? What are we after? We need to really understand our heart.even if the youth is no longer.the sea changes.adhere to the heart.is to adhere to the only!

  "Where did Grandpa find Hachi?"

  "Actually it was Hachi who found Grandpa."

  Delicate! The only emotion in the world is the most subtle! The most is by fate! "Just because I saw you one more time in the crowd.I never forgot your face".a glimpse of love.a lifetime of love. Issa.American woman writer May? Alcott said that love is the only thing we can take with us when we die. It makes death so easy. Fate makes us love each other.love makes our hearts meet.

  Water.I wait for you in the water.fire.I wait for you in the ashes!

  Hachiko is a dog. Yes! Its just a dog!

  Colorful world.material desire longitudinal flow.how many persist.how many unremitting vulnerable; How many feelings.how many innocence broken. Yes.material and desire have blinded our hearts.the light is no longer.the spirit has withered.but why do we live? Why does it exist? We need to stop the hurried pace.quiet meditation.in order to truly find ourselves.

  Hachiko.Hachiko for life.

  《忠犬八公的故事》英文观后感 5

  When I was a child.I was very afraid of dogs.because many times when I passed the door of others.I would meet all kinds of vicious dogs running towards me. Whenever this time I will try to run away.the more run the dog runs faster.barking more fierce. Later.when I had a dog in my family.I began to find that dogs are very loyal and kind.and can develop special feelings after a long time.

  When I was in college.I watched the movie Hachikos Story for the first time on the recommendation of my classmates.and I was moved at that time. Thinking of the dog in my family before.and getting along with it bit by bit.I began to have a deeper understanding of dogs.and truly feel that dogs are smart.obedient and loyal. I have watched the film several times since then.and now I want to share it with you here.

  Hachikos Story is based on a true story that took place in Japan in 1925. The film tells the story of a university professor in an unexpected opportunity to adopt a small Akita dog.named "Hachiko". Every day after that.Hachiko took the professor to the station in the morning and waited for the professor to go home together in the evening. Unfortunately.the professor died of a sudden illness in class and never returned to the station. However.in the next ten years.Hachiko still waited at the train station every day until he finally died.

  Kohachi is an Akita.and as the professors friend said.these dogs dont like people very much.they dont please people.but they are intelligent. So Hachi wont pick up a ball to please his owner.and if he does one day.it will be for a special reason.

  One morning.when the professor.carrying a briefcase.was ready to call Hachi to go to the train station with him as usual.Hachi refused to go and even kept backing away. Obviously.Hachi has sensed the danger in advance.so it does not want to send the professor to school.it hopes to keep him. But the professor did not understand Hachis meaning.he left Hachi alone to go to the train station.

  When he walked into the train station.Hachi appeared with the ball in his mouth that he had been unwilling to pick up before. He motioned for his master to play ball throwing with him. The professor threw the toy ball.and soon Hachi got it back. The professor was very happy and shared his joy with the people around him.

  Hachi hopes to keep the professor by throwing and picking up the ball. But the train was about to leave.and the professor had to get on it and go to work.

  In that days class.the professor fell down.forever fell down. He never appeared on the platform again.

  However.Xiao Hachi still as usual.at the same time.came to the station.in the same position.waiting for the return of the old professor. Until the night was like ink.it left alone. Although it was disappointed again and again.but at that moment every day.Xiao Eight always squatted in the old place.gazing fondly at the exit of the train station.looking for the figure of the master in his black and white world.

  The station attendant said to him."You dont have to wait any longer.hes not coming back." But Hachi didnt leave.

  In this way.it has been waiting at the station.waiting for the spring.the hot summer.the cool wind in autumn.the snow in winter.

  Ten years of time.more than 3,000 days and nights.Xiao Ba has been waiting there.the wind and rain have not changed.

  Finally one day.he could not wait any longer.he lay down and gradually closed his eyes. In its dream.the sun is shining.the professor calls it "small eight".runs with it.plays games; They go to work together and leave work together; The professor pushed open the platform door.called Hachi.and took him in his arms.

  Hachi closed her eyes forever.

  Ten years! How long the years are! In this way.ten years as a day.obsessively.waiting.whimpering.until the last moment of losing the last trace of strength.the last moment of passing away.

  Ten years.for a person.ten years is enough to change things. And for him.a dog.ten years is his whole life.is all he has. It uses its life to wait for a love.it uses its all to repay a love.

  Every time after watching the movie.I would think.is there anyone in the world willing to wait for you in the same place unconditionally for your whole life? Can we ourselves so unconditionally wait for another person in the same place for a lifetime?

  Everyone expects to have a constant waiting.constant following and accompanying. However.the reality is too cruel.there are always such and such reasons to make the world change.let things be different.let the flame go out.let the flowers wither.let the people who love each other become strangers.let the people who stay together separate.let the sea become mulberry field. However.a dog.a dog who has waited at the station for ten years.has explained to the world what loyalty is and what love is with a lifetime of waiting.

  It teaches us to never forget the people you love.



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