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  安慰朋友跟父母沟通英语作文 1

  Communication with people relies on language. The communication between people and hearts relies on thinking. In the first chapter of the lecture, Professor Zhai made a very philosophical statement: the transfer of emotions during communication is the transmission of information and the interaction of emotions. Rather than communicating with the heart, it is interacting with the heart. A country needs stability, a company needs unity, a family needs harmony, and an individual needs peace and harmony of mind. How can we achieve harmony among sentient beings if both humans and their own inner selves are contradictory to each other? So many sages, wise men, and those who have reached the Unity of Heaven and humanity through the ages are people who have maintained unity with their hearts.

  The most important thing to achieve harmony with oneself is to adjust ones emotions in a timely manner. The mouth is the gateway of the heart, and the power of a single word is greater than that of an atomic bomb. Angry words can break up a family and even destroy a country; And a thoughtful and gentle word can also make people feel like spring breeze, and even save a life. How can the power of a flower be so great that it does not attract our attention? Its not difficult to say a kind word or a thoughtful and gentle one. The difficulty is how to say a considerate word even when youre angry. It doesnt take courage, but an attitude and a heart. A person who can shift their emotions at critical moments is bound to win victory in life. If a teacher can immediately shift their attitude to the next lesson after criticizing their students, and an excellent teacher can immediately shift their attitude to the next lesson after criticizing their own students; And an excellent leader can also shift their attention to work after criticizing their subordinates. The transformation of language is the transformation of character, character is personality, let go to take on! So when communicating with our hearts, we must focus on the results, not the emotions.

  Communicating with our hearts also requires us to face life directly, adopt an optimistic and positive attitude to meet life and challenges. A persons happiness can affect a group, and a persons anger can also affect the emotions of a group. If you can be a happy angel with a smile, why should you be an emotional polluter? Lets be happy every day and welcome the exciting life!

  安慰朋友跟父母沟通英语作文 2

  People feel unreachable when they are around, and they feel trapped in their hearts when they are in the sky. I look forward to your communication with me, but I remain silent when communicating with you. You are as silent as darkness, and I am as sad as a bystander. In the darkness of isolation, can you still return to light? Can you still have a clear goal in the darkness, with its intricacies and uncertainties? Its cold and humid in the dark, can you still be warm?

  Communicating with others is your best way to save yourself; When interacting with people, you will break free from confusion. Communication is light, helping you dispel darkness; Communication is fire, helping to warm your heart; Communication is water, helping you cleanse your soul; Communication is me, moving towards tomorrow with me. Tomorrow you will no longer be lonely; Tomorrow you will yearn for the sun; Tomorrow you will no longer be lonely; Tomorrow you will be brilliant. Perhaps you will lose the passing of your past; Perhaps you will be grateful for tomorrows sun.

  A persons life should not be confused, but should be full of vitality.

  The heart lock between you and me will open from now on; Your communication with me bloomed from then on; Build a heart bridge between you and me, and we will meet on the bridge.

  安慰朋友跟父母沟通英语作文 3

  A kind mother has threads in her hand, and a wandering son has a coat on his body. Before leaving, there are close seams, and Im afraid he may return late. Who says that an inch of grass in the heart can bring back the sunshine of spring? "Have you heard Meng Jiaos song" The Wandering Sons Song "? I feel the selflessness of maternal love after reading Wandering Sons. Maternal love is different from other things, and it cannot be exchanged with money.

  There is one thing that makes me feel the selfless love of my mother the most. The thing is like this: one night at 9 oclock, I suddenly felt a fever all over my body. My mother took my temperature and was surprised to see that it had reached 40 degrees Celsius. My mother picked up my towel and walked towards the kitchen. She wrapped the ice cubes inside and took them to my forehead. Originally, my mother wanted to use physical cooling to see if she could reduce the fever, but the experiment failed. My mother picked me up and walked out of the house. When we arrived downstairs, she stopped a taxi. My mother and I took a taxi, and we arrived at the hospital. However, it was already 10 oclock.

  After diagnosis, the doctor said, You need to take some drops to get better quickly, or you can buy some medicine and take it back.. After considering it, my mother decided to "get a drip". That night, under the meticulous care of my mother, I recovered from my illness. But my mother is very tired.

  Mother is selfless and great.

  安慰朋友跟父母沟通英语作文 4

  In family life. We are enjoying our family relationship. Love and joy, home is the paradise for our growth. If conflicts and conflicts with family cannot be resolved, the home becomes a cage. Lets approach our parents, communicate with them, resolve conflicts, and overcome our rebellious hearts. Sincerely make friends with parents. Make our family happy and warm.

  In real life, we often have conflicts with our parents and even confront them with a tough attitude. Resist with rough behavior. Now that I have learned ideological and moral character, I finally understand that treating my parents with this attitude is not right and it hurts their hearts too much.

  When communicating with parents, we cannot underestimate it, but we cannot exaggerate it. To build a bridge of communication in daily life, children should be close to their parents and strive to resolve conflicts between them.

  One day, I was able to have heart-to-heart conversations with my parents, and in the days to come, I could listen to their teachings without worrying about them. Even if my parents are wrong, I will be more considerate and not compete with them. When my parents misunderstand me, I restrain myself, try not to be impulsive, and communicate more. When my parents scold me in anger, I will not retaliate. When my parents criticize me, I will not be resentful, and if there is something wrong, I will be encouraged.

  Finally, I built a bridge of communication with my parents, and they became my good friends.

  安慰朋友跟父母沟通英语作文 5

  Communication between people is very important, even family members need to communicate in order to understand the right direction.

  As we age and change in grade, our pressure increases, gradually creating a generation gap with our parents

  We live opposite a person from Gonger Village Elementary School who is excellent at learning, and there are also many class reports, so my mother also wants me to become an "elite" in foreign languages. However, with too many newspapers, the pressure is great. After reviewing one thing, I review another, and my mind is in a mess, and the learning effect is not ideal. Because these pressures make me so tired that I cant breathe.

  One day after dinner, my parents kindly said, "Tingting, is there a lot of pressure to study?" I nodded desperately, but I was also afraid that I would be scolded. Unexpectedly, my mother said, "As long as you pass the exam, dont attend these classes." I cheered and hugged my parents and kept saying, "Thank you, thank you······

  I dont have much homework at school, so I have enough time to review and preview the three subjects. Unexpectedly, after communicating so happily, the "generation gap" between me and my parents has disappeared, and now I am much happier than before. Communication between people is really important.

  安慰朋友跟父母沟通英语作文 6

  There is no parent in the world who does not love their children unless they are stepmothers. I am not a sensible child, either having things today or tomorrow, always causing trouble for my mother and father, and always receiving criticism from them afterwards. I always dont understand my parents and argue with them.

  Now I have gained some understanding of my parents care. Parents say we are doing it for our own good. Can you ask a parent whether they are still parents or not! But we also need to learn to care for and empathize with our parents, and use our thoughts to understand their innermost intentions?

  Have you achieved it? I am an immature child, and now I understand that parents have to put in a cold heart!

  Dont be an immature child, making your parents angry. Your parents are too old to withstand ups and downs. Let you have a good impression in your parents hearts that you will always be so innocent and lovely, and in their hearts, you will always be a newborn baby! Cherish your time with your parents!

  安慰朋友跟父母沟通英语作文 7

  Communication is the bridge of the human soul and the key to the absence of barriers in the human soul. Friends need communication, family needs communication, and communication makes our lives better.

  When I was young, I didnt like to communicate with my father. Dads face is always pulling, which gives me a sense of fear. My father is an ordinary worker, but he is very strict and holds onto my studies very tightly. I rarely talk to him.

  Day by day, as I have grown up, I still dont talk to my father. After entering junior high school, he became stricter with me, and my father began to sigh.

  I remember one time, I was cold all over and had a headache that I couldnt bear. Perhaps my moans were too loud, waking my father up from a dream. In a daze, I felt a pair of warm arms surrounding me. The next day, I woke up and found my father lying on the head of my bed, the wrinkles around my eyes stinging my heart, and tears quietly falling. Later, my father woke up and I saw him smile. Its the first time Ive seen him smile at me like this.

  Later, my father said to me, "Children blame my father for not being good. I shouldnt have pinned my college dream on you. Dad was in a bad era when he went to school, and he was wrong to force me to achieve this dream." After I understood all this, I said to my father with great ease, "I wont let you down." I saw happiness ripple on my fathers face.

  Communication is a witness to happiness and the root of happiness. We need communication in our daily lives. Communication can help us grow.

  安慰朋友跟父母沟通英语作文 8

  When it comes to communication, I have a lot to say. Communication is building a bridge between people. Im not sure who said that either! However, the impression that this sentence left on me will never be forgotten! Originally, I didnt include the word communication in my dictionary, but now I see it as an important step in life!

  In the past, I was very careless in exams. After the exam, I carefully checked it, but when I handed it in, I remembered that I still made a calculation mistake. No wonder my mother keeps saying, Its rare to be good, simple things are wrong! Its too careless! After that, I dont have the energy to do anything every day, and my face is gloomy. Afraid that Xiaozhou would be sad to let his mother know about his grades and say that I am not worthy.

  Later, I decided to clarify with my mother to prepare her mentally. My mother learned about it and he smiled at me with a smile, saying, "You dont have to worry, as long as you work hard, I dont care about relying on 70 points!" Upon hearing this, my heart immediately calmed and happy, and everything I do is full of energy!

  In the future exams, I wont worry at all. The pressure is gone and I am very relaxed. There was a sudden leap in performance.

  Communicating with ones own confidant can provide guidance and guidance to those who have difficulties. It can also make boring people feel interesting. It can even help you, who are helpless, wait for help!

  Communication is building a bridge between people!

  安慰朋友跟父母沟通英语作文 9

  I think communication is an art, really!

  Some people say that spring is magnificent; Some people say that spring is gorgeous; Some people say that spring is noble. But I have to say, as long as you communicate with Spring, it is simple and natural, unparalleled in the world!

  I think everyone will always have a pet, either a kitten or a puppy. From the first day it arrives at your home, you communicate with it. When it eats, you may call it by its name or put on a small bell. Anyway, it always runs over with its tongue down and its head wagging. When you give it food, it will jump and jump happily again. Your little dog may perform at a talent show. If you give it a command to shake hands, it will stretch out its small paws and tiptoe to your feet. If you call it "congratulations", it will lift its front legs and hug into a fist.

  You should be communicating with your parents, classmates, friends, and teachers every day.

  I think communicating with my parents is the most meaningful communication because they always care about our learning and health. From the moment I was born, my parents have been communicating with us, starting with nursery rhymes such as "chopsticks", "rice", and "spoons". From a simple sentence called "dad," "mom," "brother," and "sister," to speaking, everything about literacy is related to communication.

  As long as you communicate with others with your heart, you will quickly gain their trust.

  Learn to communicate! It can make you happy and fulfilling!

  安慰朋友跟父母沟通英语作文 10

  In life, everyone needs to communicate, and communication allows us to understand things between parents, teachers, and classmates. There are many troubles and lack of communication, resulting in misunderstandings. There is a barrier between people. I have had barriers before.

  It was an afternoon, and I came home from school. Because my mothers birthday will be in a few days. I quickly finished my homework, locked the door, and prepared it as a birthday gift for my mother. My mother came back from work and found that my door was locked. She wanted to see what I was doing. Just took the backup key to open the door and took a sneak look, realizing that I was not doing homework, but doing something else. She ignored me and picked up my things and threw them into the trash can. Then she said sternly, "Hurry up with your homework and dont play. Only by studying well can you get into middle school and high school well! Dont just focus on playing!" She didnt understand me very much, so she threw away my things without asking me what I was doing. You know how much effort I put into making a doll.

  It is obvious that there has been a lack of communication and a misunderstanding between me and my mother. When my mother knew the whole story, she also understood the importance of communication. Everyone gradually communicated, all misunderstandings were resolved, and they returned to their previous happy moments.

  This incident made me realize that communication can break down barriers, so communication is like a bridge or cable between peoples hearts, and I am absolutely right.

  安慰朋友跟父母沟通英语作文 11

  I am a child who is often scolded by my parents. I also know that my parents only curse me because they hate iron and steel, but do you know?

  I really dont want to be scolded by you. I also want to do everything by myself, but I just cant do it well. Im stupid. Im a stupid child and always make my parents angry, so its natural for my parents to scold me. But sometimes when you scold me too much, my self-esteem will also be damaged. I know youre just talking about me casually, just to understand my own feelings. I know its just casual, but I always take those words seriously, I dare not tell you anything because you are always parents, so I can only hold back some words. I envy other children. When I get sick and take leave to go home, what you give me is not care but scolding. When other children get sick and take leave to go home, their parents are both worried and concerned. In contrast, I think their parents are really good to their children. I envy them because their parents care about them so much, but when I get sick and go home, The first blow is to scold you for reading like this. I think youre just fooling around. These words make me want to cry. Its your right for parents to educate your children, and I cant interfere. I just hope to care more, communicate more, and scold less, okay.

  Perhaps I am not worth your concern at all. I have done so many wrong things, and you dont care about me. Hating me is also right. I started to hate going home, and it was warm, but I couldnt feel the warmth. When I returned home, there were curses that followed. I am so old, I have my own thoughts, I have my own ideas, and I am no longer a child. The more you scold me, the less I can do well, and I began to rebel, All the warmth I once wanted became nothing, and I could only taste a hint of unreal sweetness in my bitter dreams. I woke up as before,

  Its all my fault, and the mistakes I make can only be borne by myself. I deserve it.

  安慰朋友跟父母沟通英语作文 12

  Our growth is inseparable from the care of parents and teachers, as well as our continuous accumulation. But the most important thing is to communicate with family members.

  I often talk about learning with my parents. Whenever there are any difficulties or difficulties in learning, I will discuss them with them. This not only allows them to understand my learning situation, but also helps me solve difficult problems. Isnt it a win-win situation? I always communicate with them about what we have done in school, what lessons we have learned, or what troubles we have. They teach me how to handle interpersonal relationships and how to learn various subjects well. Gradually, communicating with each other has become a hobby for me. Through continuous communication, I have learned a lot of knowledge and understood many principles of being a person, This is all thanks to the bridge of communication between me and my family, which made me understand that our growth cannot be separated from communication with others.

  Of course, not only communication between family members, but also communication between teachers and students is very important. If you have any confidences, you can tell the teacher. At that time, you will feel that the teacher sitting in front of you is not the one who strictly demands you on a daily basis, but your best friend. She will listen attentively to your voice, talk to the teacher, and make herself more wise and happy, It can also broaden ones horizons.

  Let us learn to communicate with others, learn to share happiness and troubles with others. Learning from others strengths, learning from their life experiences, constantly surpassing ourselves, changing ourselves, allowing us to grow through communication and constantly challenge the difficulties in our growth path. So, your growth process will be the most meaningful!

  安慰朋友跟父母沟通英语作文 13

  When we were young, we attached ourselves to our parents. Worship. After adolescence, we have our own thoughts and begin to act independently. We yearn to receive our parents "liberation certificates", and we yearn for them to treat us like adults, and even challenge their authority. In the eyes of parents, we are always children who have no life experience, no rich experience, but have our own ideas. Our parents blame us for becoming more and more unruly, less sensible, and missing our youthful beauty. Their love for us has not changed, but it has become more severe, and it is inevitable that they will be spoken more. If you dont listen, you feel like your parents are nagging. Verbose. As a result, there was a conflict between us and our parents.

  Looking forward to Jackie Chan. Watching women is a common wish of parents around the world. The conflicts between us and our parents are often based on their high expectations. Strict requirements. This somewhat harsh strictness in our view reflects the love of our parents for us. We must strive to understand our parents.

  Conflict with parents, if you refute them with a tough attitude, resist with rough behavior, or ignore them. It is wrong to be indifferent to the other party, or to shift from disagreements about something to a negative feeling towards parents, or even take extreme measures to deal with it, which can cause great harm.

  At home, there are conflicts and generation gaps between parents and us, which cannot be denied, ignored, or exaggerated. A positive approach is to build a bridge of communication. Communication is a matter for both parties. As a child, we should approach our parents, be close to them, strive to cross the generation gap, and walk hand in hand with them.

  In family interactions, there is no need to pay too much attention to parents. Even if parents are wrong, forgive them more and dont have to compete with them. Sometimes even if you win, it may not necessarily bring happiness to yourself or your family. If we admit our mistakes, we wont lose face. Instead, they will lose their burdens and receive more love and happiness.

  安慰朋友跟父母沟通英语作文 14

  Why children nowadays are increasingly reluctant to speak up is because parents are doing too well in all aspects, often without waiting for their children to speak up. A simple glance can tell what they need. Many children who dont like to speak have a particularly attentive and capable mother or father at home.

  At this point, parents should not do everything comprehensively, but instead let their children express their thoughts on their own, in order to learn more information.

  Are you a communicative parent? To achieve the above three points, I believe that effective communication with children will not be a big problem. No matter how big a childs mind is, it is necessary to continuously strengthen their individual independence ability, starting from mutual respect, gradually understanding their true thoughts, and making effective verbal communication in a timely manner, so that they can develop an outgoing personality during their childhood.

  The above is all about how to become a good communicator as a parent. I hope it can help parents to have more communication and interaction with their children in future family education, truly understand their childrens hearts, and help them grow better!

  As children grow up day by day, due to cognitive differences between parents and children, they may feel a bit distant, disconnected, worried, regretful, or even disappointed; And children are sad, sad, and even antagonistic to their parents. Over time, children will experience personality and behavioral problems as adults.

  I want to say a word to every loving parent of a child: you can leave behind a golden and silver mountain for your child, and at the same time, you have a greater responsibility to make your childs personality sound and mental health.

  Parents are the first teachers of children, so they must know how to use various methods to educate them, and communication is the most important way to educate children.

  安慰朋友跟父母沟通英语作文 15

  In recent years, parents and children, teachers and students, have long since ceased to form a whole. Why is this? Due to a lack of communication.

  Parents are currently busy with work and ignore their childrens lives. They never sit down and have a good conversation with their children. Some parents even dont know how old their children are, what grade they are in, or which class they are studying in! Why is this? What is the use of working hard, what is the use of giving money to children, and what is the use of complaining that children are not sensible? How can one say that one is the most knowledgeable person in the world about children, who never sits down to talk to them and doesnt even know what they want? Due to a lack of communication in families, how many happy families have been shattered, how many children have rebelled, and how many people have lost loved ones!

  There was a child whose parents worked outside for a long time. He lived with his aunt. In his memory, none of the family had a good meal together. As a result, he played truant and killed himself at home with a Red scarf! What does this tell us? Parents think that giving money to their children is happiness, and money is not everything! Lack of communication is a fatal flaw in modern life!

  Communication is the most desired thing for children, parents, and teachers nowadays. Perhaps sometimes parents think of talking to their children, but they dont realize that their children have already lost their ability to communicate with others. Now children keep everything in their minds and dont confide in others. Perhaps the teacher will communicate with the child, but whats the use? Who would tell the teacher their innermost thoughts completely?

  Communication is the best way to resolve conflicts, and its time for you to let go of your work and have a good conversation with your child. Children should also open up their hearts and let more people understand your inner world.

  安慰朋友跟父母沟通英语作文 16

  Today, my mother said she wanted to officially talk to me about my studies. I reluctantly walked up to her and sat in bed with her. Her mother said it was just a conversation, telling me not to be afraid or nervous, just to say what I wanted and not to get angry. I was still afraid of my mother, and she smiled and held me in her arms. My mother asked me why I hadnt heard her lately, why I was talking to him about school and why I shouldnt be her teacher, Why dont you study with her? I just said Im afraid my mother might be tired. Mom took a look. It seems to penetrate my heart.

  I have decided to talk to my mother about my grades in school and the teachers criticism of me. Mom looked at it and I said, Why havent I worked hard and studied hard before?. Are you tired or do you think you can? I said, "Mom, during winter vacation, didnt you make me relax? Mom smiled and became serious again. Vacation can help me relax. The new semester has begun, and I have to devote myself to studying. I am now the most important in studying. Just like my mother who doesnt work can be lazy, but when she goes to work, she must work hard and work hard, and the boss will pay me a salary. Only when I study hard and work hard can I achieve good grades and learn more knowledge. I said, "I understand, I am wrong. Mom said: I hope to know my mistakes and change them, so I am a good child. My mother told me that I only need to work hard and be serious in my studies. My mother told me that every day after school, as long as I finish writing homework and reading books, I can teach my mother the lessons I learned that day. She gave me 30 minutes of my own time and agreed with my mothers opinion. She also said that when I grow up, I should learn to be a good little adult. Thank you, Mom. I will definitely work hard. A conversation with my mother made me love her even more.

  安慰朋友跟父母沟通英语作文 17

  Perhaps some peoples parents dont understand their children very much, but I think my parents are very open-minded.

  In fact, everything parents do is for our good. We are currently in adolescence and have a bad temper, making it easy for us to argue with our parents. And my parents understand very well that everything they do will compete with my wishes. I remember my sister saying to me, "Your aunt is very annoying and always nags. She knows shes doing it for me, but when she starts nagging, she never stops, so I think shes very annoying." At that time, I thought I wouldnt be like my sister. But now I feel like I might be a bit irritable. My parents get annoyed with everything they say, but we never argue because they know I didnt mean to say it that way. They always give in. I also know that my parents are well intentioned, but when I speak loudly, my dad jokingly says, "Why are you talking so loudly?" "Am I very loud?" I answer loudly. Cut, Ill ignore you! "Dad joked... and our argument turned into laughter. If every parent is like this, there will still be arguments, and we often chat. Interesting things about school, embarrassing things about old classmates, criticism from teachers, and praise from classmates are all our topics. Before, I didnt feel anything, but now I feel like my parents are friends, a friend who will always support you. They will never leave you, the friends who will always be by your side. Understand more and communicate more, make you and your parents good friends who can talk without hesitation! Keep the family from arguing! I have a netizen who is quite right: "Freedom is limited because you are still under age." Perhaps it is because he is already a parent that he understands so deeply!

  We are still under age, and freedom is still just a fantasy. Dont ruin our love for our parents because of freedom!

  安慰朋友跟父母沟通英语作文 18

  Communication refers to calmly discussing ones heart, understanding each other, and exchanging ones thoughts with each other. If you dont communicate, even your loved ones wont be able to guess your thoughts.

  My parents are getting busier and busier now, and my learning tasks are also getting heavier, so our communication time is getting shorter and shorter.

  I remember that time, I was about to rely on exams for the final semester, and I was about to take exams for English, Science, Chinese, and Mathematics. The weekend before the exam, I had more homework than usual, and when I finally finished my Chinese, Mathematics, and English homework, my hands felt a bit sore. But when I told my mother that I had done so much homework, she said, "Take a break and do the science exam later. If you do it earlier, add a little more." I was surprised and said, "Do you still need to do it today?" My mother asked, "Are you tired? If youre really tired, go watch TV and rest! Do it tomorrow." In fact, I dont want to watch TV, and its not time to watch TV now, I must not be very relaxed in my heart, because after all, the exam is coming and there is still homework to do. So he said to her, "I better go do it!" Mom might have thought I was angry, so she walked over and said to me, "Its better not to do it. Its too tiring, its not good for my health." I told her my thoughts. After listening, my mother said to me, "I see you have a lot of homework. Im afraid you wont be able to do it in time, so I asked you to do more. However, dont be too tired and you need to rest in moderation. Why dont we go for a walk?" So my mother and I strolled around the community to relax, and when we returned, I felt much more relaxed.

  Do you think that after communicating with my mother, she can understand me and many things can be successfully resolved. Once communication is insufficient, it is easy to have some minor misunderstandings.

  Communication is both necessary and necessary. If you communicate with your parents frequently, you will feel how much they love you and how beautiful everything is!









