
时间:2022-04-05 15:00:05 动物类英语作文 我要投稿




写动物的英语作文 篇1

  I like the animals very much, but my favorite animal is my uncle picked up the puppy.

  The puppy's hair is yellow, his ears pointed, his high, his eyes round and big, black and bright, his nose black and upright, its mouth is small , Its tail long swing to swing, very cute.

  Puppy eating food when very cute, I put the ribs into a small bowl inside, he far to see, all of a sudden ran over, first with a smell of the nose, it smelled the taste of ribs, immediately dangling, Big mouth to eat up. Puppy habits every time to see strange things, have to use the nose to smell, when it will eat something crisp sound.

  It is always in front of his forefoot on the front, back on the back, he sometimes when he was going to sleep barking sound, as if in a dream.

  Puppy and I often play the game is running, it ran like a river when the same action is very agile.

  I really like this puppy, should be, it has been with me a good time.

写动物的英语作文 篇2

  Russian Scientists Surrounded by Polar Bears


  Relief supplies finally arrived on a remote Arctic island where a group of scientists had been trapped in a weather station. Up to a dozen polar bears had surrounded the station on the island of Troynoy and set up camp approximately two weeks ago. The bears were becoming more aggressive over time, killing one of the station's dogs and breaking a window. On Wednesday, a helicopter that picked up supplies from a nearby vessel arrived with dogs and flares and was able to scare away the bears and allow the researchers to get back to work.

  救灾物资终于抵达了偏远的北极岛屿,有一批科学家被困在那里的气象站中。大约两周以前,十几只北极熊将特洛伊诺伊岛(Troynoy Island)上的一个气象站团团包围,并在那里安营扎寨。随着时间的流逝,北极熊变得越来越有攻击性,咬死了气象站的狗,还打破了窗户。周三,一架从附近船只上携带犬和照明弹物资的直升机到达岛屿,能够将北极熊吓走,让科学家正常工作。

写动物的英语作文 篇3


  My family has a puppy. It's my mother's birthday present to me on my birthday. I like it very much. My mother gave it a lovely name.


  Every day I come back from school, the first thing is to take things to feed Wangwang, my mother said, to be friends with the puppy, it must be good to it.


  So I usually shower it and take it out to play. Want to be naughty, and at the beginning of each time to help it wash, it is always reluctant to, every time I wet my clothes, but I did not angry, mother said, and more help it wash a few times, it will get used to it.


  Every night after dinner, I will be holding the dog and her mother went to the outside for a walk, take it to the park and other puppies playing together, but I was too naughty, bullying next O king, mother said, don't take it out. Wangwang although a little naughty, but I still like it, I will always be friends with it.

写动物的英语作文 篇4

  When the Arctic Ocean freezes over in the autumn, polar bears set off in search of their favorite meals: fatty ringed seals and bearded seals. By the summer, the sea ice begins to melt and break apart. Deprived of access to the tasty seals, polar bears spend the summer fasting. At least, that's what's supposed to happen. As the planet warms, the warmer ice-free season is getting longer and longer. So what's a hungry bear to do?

  Scientists once thought that polar bears might survive by supplementing their pinniped diet by turning to terrestrial foods like snow geese, their eggs and caribou.

  "We've had this debate in the literature about whether terrestrial foods are nutritionally relevant to polar bears during the on-land season when the ice has melted."

  University of Alberta biologist Nick Pilfold.

  "And we've known for a long time, going back to research in the early 70s, even going to back to early explorer logs, that polar bears will consume terrestrial based foods. But the debate was always whether those foods actually add up, energetically." In other words, do these substitutes provide enough nutrition to make up for the lost seals?

  To find out, Pilfold and his colleagues estimated the weight lost each day by polar bears in the wilds of western Hudson Bay during the ice-free season, when they could ostensibly be chowing down on terrestrial foods. Then they compared that to the weight lost by bears that are temporarily held in Manitoba's Polar Bear Alert Program.

  While captive, the bears do not eat. They drop about one kilogram each day. But the wild bears, who had access to the Arctic snack bar, lost the same amount of weight each day. The results are in the journal Physiological and Biochemical Zoology.

  "Which is really saying that the terrestrial foods do not have dense enough energy to offset the mass loss. So this idea that bears can just switch from eating sea ice–based food to land food and that's going to help supplement against longer ice-free seasons, that really doesn't show up in the data."

  The problem is that polar bears evolved to rely on the marine diet.

  "The food on land is protein and carbohydrate based, and the food the polar bears really focus on is fat. Fat is the name of the game for these bears; they're highly adapted to absorbing that fat into their system and putting it onto their body as body mass, so they can fast on it later on. And the only thing that's going to provide them with that type of fat are marine mammals. And they can only access those marine mammals when there's sea ice."

  Adult males can go eight months without food. But younger, sub-adult bears, which are no longer nursing and must hunt, can't last as long without sea ice. So as the Arctic warms, younger polar bears will disproportionately die out. Leaving the species' survival in doubt.












写动物的英语作文 篇5

  Animals are friends of human beings. Most of them are lovely. I like giraffe the most.

  They are very tall and have many brown spots. They have very long necks, so that they can eat the leaves in high trees. Giraffes are gentle and lovely.

  They are friendly to people. When I go to the zoo, I always look at them. They move slowly.

  I can’t keep it as a pet, because it’s so huge. It’s a big pity.










