
时间:2023-09-25 09:52:10 英语作文 我要投稿




英语作文 篇1

  for most university students, dormitory life is a new experience. most students have never lived far away from their parents before coming to university. they have always had their parents to depend on for advice and guidance, and when they become university students, their lives begin to change.

  there are striking difference between home life and dormitory life. student must begin to be responsible for their own action. they must depend on themselves to get up in the morning on, time for class, to eat properly, to keep their clothes and themselves clean ,and to set aside an appropriate amount of time for study and relaxation. they must also learn to take care of their money, making sure to preserve enough for both necessities and for fun.

  in general, there are both good and bad points about life in student dormitory. often, dormitory鷕ooms are small and crowded. this lack of space can limit one’s privacy and make it鷇ifficult for students to concentrate on their studies. on the other hand, in a dormitory, student have a great deal more freedom than鷗hey might have at home. they can act according to their own will and desire than to that of parents.

英语作文 篇2

  As your book tells you, if you put two independent clauses together without proper punctuation, you have made an error called a run-on sentence. Another name for this error is a fused sentence. Chapter Three explains techniques for figuring out if you have made this error in your writing, and if you have, how to fix it. Chapter Three will review much of what you learned in Chapter Two about coordination. Run-ons are generally created when you attempt to coordinate sentences and don't use the correct punctuation. In addition to run-ons, you will review how to correct comma splices. Comma splices are created when you attempt to join two complete sentences with just a comma and no coordinating conjunction.

英语作文 篇3

  There would be both advantages and disadvantages to having a shopping center built in my neighborhood. One advantage would be the convenience. I would like to have all those stores close by. Shopping would be much easier and faster because I wouldn't have to drive great distances to get to the stores.

  A shopping center would mean more choices, because there would be more stores selling different products. I might have a movie theater nearby, because so many shopping centers these days include movie theaters in their plans. Most shopping centers also have restaurants and a food court. That means a greater variety of places to eat in our area.

  Having a shopping center built in the neighborhood would also mean more jobs for the community. Initially, these jobs would be in the building of the center. Later the jobs would be in the stores, theaters, and food establishments.

  Of course, these would be some disadvantages, too. Probably the biggest problem would be traffic. A lot of people would be coming to the shopping center. They’d drive through our neighborhood to get to the center. In addition, if there wasn't enough parking at the center, they might look for parking space near our homes.

  A shopping center might also invite more crime into our neighborhood. Parking lots after dark are a big temptation to robbers. They know people are there with money to spend. The shopping center might also become a place where unruly teenagers would gather. This could cause trouble. Our town would need a community center for them to go to instead.

  On the whole, though, I think my neighborhood should support having a shopping center built here, It would bring more variety to our shopping, give us the opportunity to amuse ourselves at movies theaters and restaurants, and bring more jobs into the area.

英语作文 篇4





  1. 创造人性化的反馈环境,兼顾不同学生的写作水平



  学生刚写好作文,对题目的理解、构思、结构、用词造句等都还记忆犹新,若此时教师趁热打铁,当堂指导学生进行批改,就能产生很好的批改效果。如:以“How to Build a Harmonious Society?”为例,笔者根据对学生的了解,制订了如下的当堂批改方案。分别选出好、中、差各一篇作文(不署名且事先不告诉学生各篇作文的等级),通过教室投影放映给全班学生阅读,然后通过电脑显示提供评价标准:作者的观点是否明确;各段是否服务于该观点;段落间及段与段的连接是否合理、流畅;结尾是否做到了首尾呼应或深化主题,或提出了解决问题的建议等。再让学生对照标准,评价这三篇作文。这样做的目的在于让学生明白作文评分要从内容(思想和材料)、语言和结构三方面入手。接着要求学生对这三篇作文作总体反馈。学生的反馈与实际情况可能大相径庭,不过教师恰好可以就这点进行针对性的分析。然后,教师再进行示范性的分析,分别指出三篇课堂习作中的优缺点。这样,不同层次的学生都有了参照,都有了发展的空间,也便于学生对自己的作文有更为深入的了解。


  传统的做法是教师用红笔批改学生作文中的错误,然后给出分数。红笔批阅的内容也就是错误的内容。殊不知,学生的心理是害怕红色,甚至抵制红色的。既然这样,那何不换位思考一下呢? 不妨试着和学生进行沟通,使用一些学生认可的方法进行批改。有些教师在批改学生作文时,尝试用绿色荧光笔画出学生习作中的.好词好句,用紫色画出学生在时态和搭配等方面的错误。紫色的批改常侧重在句子层面的错误上,更易于学生进行改错和加强记忆。实践证明,用除红色外的彩笔进行修改,不会对学生造成视觉上的冲击,可以缓解红色的过度“警示作用”对学生自信的打击。所以,彩色批改法不仅不伤害学生的自尊,而且还使教师和学生摆脱了审美疲劳。这种批改方法也可用于学生的相互批改中。



英语作文 篇5

  A well known benefit of developing high Emotional Intelligence, especially for managers, is the greater ability to engage and motivate the people they work with。

  Another less well known benefit of having great EQ is it can help in effective stress management, or in other words, to bring our stress to a comfortable level。 This is the goal of many managers who feel that they are facing too much stress at work。But how can Emotional Intelligence help in stress management?There are three ways。

  1。 Our emotions are good indicators of our stress level。 If we are aware of our own emotions, we can identify the signs of unusually high stress earlier。 Then we can take steps to relax or to control our emotions, and avoid further stress。

  For example, getting angry ten times in one single day at our team members, peers, or other people we interact with is most likely not a sign that they have suddenly become more annoying or incapable。 It is more likely to be a sign that our level of stress has increased, and that our tolerance for anything that doesn’t go our way has decreased。

  2。 Self—management, the second dimension of Emotional Intelligence, also helps decrease our stress。 Self—management is our ability to prevent the waves of our negative emotions from rising too high。 An example of self—management is keeping our sadness or anger from reaching an intensity when we can not function and work normally, and when it can even be painful。

  Such high emotional waves further escalates stress in two ways。

  First, stress is amplified by the feeling that we are “losing control”。 And then it can be accompanied by guilt…and even more stress。

  Secondly, decisions we make during these emotional waves are usually not well—thought and usually bring us more trouble and more stress。 For example, decisions we make during an episode of anger are can be expected to result to extra work to repair “collateral damages”。

  3。 Social awareness, the third dimension of Emotional Intelligence decreases stress by lessening interpersonal conflicts in the workplace。 One serious conflict with one of our team members or peers can eat up a tremendous amount of our energy and result to a lot of stress。

  How exactly does better social awareness lead to less conflicts? Social awareness is the ability to recognize emotions in other people, and to handle them resourcefully。 In situations when conflicts can easily arise, this skill is particularly useful。 By identifying the emotions in our counterpart and then acknowledging these emotions, we can prevent a disagreement from turning into an open personal conflict。

  As a conclusion, if you are feeling that you are too stressed, I encourage you to look at how you could develop your Emotional Intelligence further。

  There are several other ways to bring your level of stress down, like working on your time management or the way you delegate, or using effective relaxation techniques。 But improving your Emotional Intelligence is a way you can count on。








英语作文 篇6

  Have you been to Shenzhen, you have been to Shenzhen to know that the folk culture village is one of the ten major scenic spots in Shenzhen, and today I was lucky to have a visit to the folk culture village.

  Approaching the folk village, we see a big sign of "Chinese folk culture village".

  As soon as I entered the gate, I saw the comic Pavilion, the tea house... There are all the things, and we walk around to appreciate the ancient architecture, as if we have returned to the old town.

  Walking is heard very lively hubbub, I have attracted attention in the past, a look that is a group of people playing throwing Hydrangea, that is not really throwing Hydrangea, is a piece of the score board, a ball, a rope, a ball, as long as gently swinging rope let go the ball flew across the score board. To see who scored the most, I also took part in one, and my luck was not so good, eight balls only two hit the score board. It's "bad luck".

  In the end throwing Hydrangea, walk on a white horse into my sight, you may not know, but I am a "lost" I want to see the horse for a circle, but Dad had to wash pockets, I can't wait to cross on horseback, feel so good. But when I walk around and play it back, I'm scared to death. It's a real repent.

  We walk, see Miao, Buyi village...... , there are musical instruments, sandals, clothing and so on, every village has its own characteristics, make me feel dizzy.

  The most attractive thing for me is the "torrent" of the project, we put on a raincoat, seat in float like a ship, slowly move away, along the way, look at the scenery on both sides, looking at the animal model one by one, imagine the animal model is used to do? I thought, I felt water sprayed on my face, and the water came from there? It turned out to be from the animal's mouth. We slowly drifted with the curtain, there are waves, we are always on tenterhooks floating forward, it is impossible to guard against, spray a body of water, they use every kind of the way to the us. It was not easy to go ashore, and it was shot two times by a water gun. The whole down a "soaked through.".

  The Chinese folk culture village is really fun. I don't introduce it here. Friends, if you have the opportunity to visit yourself.






英语作文 怎样学习英语02-02




