
时间:2023-09-22 11:06:46 英语作文 我要投稿




英语作文 篇1

  Today I had a great time with my friends. First we went to the Sunshine Hotel to swim. All of us were good at it and swam a lot. After two hours’ swimming, each of us felt hungry and tired. At about 11:30 we arrived at a KFC and had some last food for lunch. The chicken was so delicious that we all ate a lot. Later we went to watch a movie called Harry Potter which we were very interested in. In the evening we went to Mary’s birthday party. We sang and danced a lot and gave her our presents. I wish she will like them. We enjoyed ourselves so much t

英语作文 篇2





  The colorful life of junior high school is about to pass, and looking back, it was like yesterday. Three years of junior high school life, the endless sour and sweet bitterness, in the day of the farewell, together in the heart...

  Junior high school is sweet. The three years of friendship between my classmates are full-bodied, sweet and sweet. From the strangers who were first in school, to the gradual and undiscussed, sweet, like honey to the mouth, a little bit sweet to the heart. We read, write and talk. We played basketball, played football, and ran all the way. Happy to share; Difficult, bear together. That's the way to be happy! Really, middle school life is sweet. Middle school life is sour. Every time I fail in the exam, I will hate myself for not being angry and tears of regret. The occasional teacher's soft voice, I will feel aggrieved. However, the acid is a sincere gift, every time I am sad because of the exam bad, I will understand: the result needs to give, the effort will be rewarded. Every time I feel bad about being criticized, I tell myself that I can't do it again. That's it, and every time it's sour, it gives me a warning -- "sour, I'm not afraid!"

  Middle school life is hard. In order to achieve the ultimate goal, we need to work hard for future dreams. To wake up in the morning to recite in a hurry; At ten o 'clock I will not rest so that I will not leave today's work till tomorrow. During the day, "language, number, politics, external, rational, student". In the evening, read the candle at night because tomorrow the teacher will check the homework. Alas, dead! Think of the World Cup on TV, but you have to face the pile of homework and shake your head. Junior middle school life, really tired!

  Middle school life, let me taste the sour and sweet bitterness of the world, also the state of the state. The bitter and the bitter are sweet, and the reward is always there. When I finished the exam with ease and drew a full stop for my middle school life, I looked back and said that everything was worth recalling. My dear middle school life, goodbye!

英语作文 篇3




  上课了!这时我在恩典的'第一课,我的老师Candy(棒棒糖,这个英文名字真逗。)她个子不高,鼻梁上架着一副粉红色的眼镜,微笑着站在同学们面前讲英语单词,那甜美的声音啊,听了一百遍都不会厌倦。在这里上课不像学校里一样死记硬背,Candy老师会用做游戏的方式来帮大家巧记单词,背句子。比如:老师在教同学们记Have Supper(吃晚餐)时,她会用开火车的游戏问第一个同学这个单词第一个字母是什么,然后随意地请下一个同学说出第二个字母,这样一个接一个地轮流说字母。轮到谁谁说不出来,她就假装生气般地噘起嘴用充气锤子假假地在那个人头上“锤”一下。这样一来大家自然就记住这个单词了。每一种游戏用过一阵子,老师又会换别的游戏,如:冰冻人、大风吹等等。


英语作文 篇4


  In my mind, everyone shall have his own dream. I think that having a dream means that we have an idea, and then we will do all the things to achieve the target. As long as we have a goal to be realized, we won’t be blind at least.

  My dream is to become a successful stateman, helping those people who need help with their rights. Of course, to be a good stateman is very difficult, but I will do whatever I can do to keep everyone satisfied. That's my dream. I want to try my best to help the poor sick people of our country. China is a developing country which needs good stateman,especially in the countryside and distant villages.

  Now I’m a junior student on Grade One, My dream is also that although at present I’m good at study, I’ll still try my best to be the study winner. Now everything I do is close to my dream. I feel life is fill with hope and is colorful, and I have enough confidence to realize my dream.





英语作文 篇5

  With the living standards rising rapidly, more and more Beijing residents have cars of their own. Statistics show that in Beijing alone, there are 2500,000 cars, among which private cars add up to(=number) 1700,000. The increase in the number of cars brings about a lot of problems, such as air pollution, noise, traffic congestion and gas shortage. Then a controversy arises: whether private cars should be encouraged in Beijing? People differ in their opinions on it.

  Many residents are against owning cars. According to them, private cars have to be limited in Beijing. The reasons for it are obvious. To begin with, cars contribute to air pollution. Beijing is now plagued by serious air pollution. If people are to have cars of their own, the already contaminated atmosphere will get even dirtier. Secondly, private cars can be a terrible threat to the already heavy traffic in the city. If more cars are allowed onto busy streets, there will be more traffic jams, which is really a public hazard to all of us. Finally, cars consume a large amount of fuel. Though China is rich in its oil resources, they are running out rapidly. All these facts allow of only one solution: to limit the ever growing number of cars.

  In my opinion, private cars should be discouraged in Beijing. In order to leave clean air, wide and safe roads and abundant energy resources to our descendants, we have to say “No” to private cars. As far as the great demand for means of transport is concerned, we can develop mass transit to take the place of private cars. In short, Beijing does not need private cars.





英语作文 篇6

  My favorite building is Zhuhai Fishing Girl, which is located at the scenic Xianglu Bay, in Haibin Park. The statue is composed of granite and stands 8.7 meters high, weighing 10 tons. It was built by a professor called Panhe from Guangzhou Art College in 1982. Now it has become the landmark of Zhuhai. It looks so glorious. Look, she holds a pearl highly in the air with both of her hands in an elegant pose, as if she is greeting the guests from everywhere. That also symbolizes the brightness of Zhuhai. Every year, thousands of people come to see it with their own eyes. If you travel to Zhuhai, I'd love to show you around there. Maybe you'll have a nice time.






My mother,我的妈妈英语作文英语作文-英语作文09-30





英语作文 怎样学习英语02-02
