
时间:2023-06-11 11:53:44 英语作文 我要投稿
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英语作文600字 篇1

  My parents are very strict.Because I have so many family rules.

  For example,i can't go out with my friends at school nights.On weekends,i have to go home before nine p.m.It's strict,but i think it's necessary.

  And i must finish my homework in time.I can't play computer games.I have to wash clothes by myself.

  I have to get up at six o'clock every morning.And i have to be in bed by ten o'clock.

  Thanks to these rules.I can live health.But i think to be in bed by ten o'clock is unfair!Students need nine hours sleep!

  And i think play some computer games is not badly.Soi think the family rules can make some change.







英语作文600字 篇2

  In ten years Ithink I’ll be a boss in clothes factory。 My factory will be in Shanghai。 Because I went to Shanghai last year,I fell in love with it。 Shanghai is a beautiful city。 Somebody asked me: “Why do you want be a boss in clothes factory?” I think the job is very interesting and not easy。 Everyone needs more beautiful and fashion clothes。 I think the job can have more money for me。 I’ll have more money。 I’ll buy a big house and s sports car for my parents。 I even want to keep a dog。 Because they’re people’s best friends。I’ll tour with my parents on vacation。 We’ll go to Zhangjiajie。 Because it’s very beautiful there。 As a boss I don’t think I have more free time。 So I think the job is not easy。 But I want to make my parents happy。 I must be a boss in clothes。 If I have more money, I’ll help more poor children。 I think I’ll be happy in the future

英语作文600字 篇3

  June 30,200l

  Dear Wang Jun,

  I am delightcd to learn that you are going to visit me during the coming summer holidays。 My parents will also be happy to see you a gain I am sure you will enjoy every minute here。

  I know you are fond of swimming。 A river lies not far away from my home。 We can go swimming there。 I think it would be very pleasant and refreshing to swim in such hot days。 In every big room of my home there is an air-conditioner, so we cars also watch TV, play VCDs or read books very eorafortably at home。

  A mountain about two miles away form here is beautiful and there fore is worth touring。 We can go there on foot。 When we climb to the top of the mountain, we can have a wonderful bird's-eye view of the whole village。

  Just phone me before you set off。 There is no need for you to take anything。 I'll prepare everything for you。

  I am looking forward to seeing you soon。


  Zhang Ying

英语作文600字 篇4






英语作文600字 篇5

  Morning came. the bell rang. i got out of the warm cotton-padded qui]t, quickly dressed myself, ran onto the playground, and playedon the parallel bars.

  A few moments later, more people came. they eercised themselves in various ways. some ran around the track. some played on the horizontal bar. still. some played basketball,trying to shoot baskets.a group of girls were walking on the balance beam by turn.a couple of strongly-builtboys made graceful movements 0nthe flying rings. over there, several old men and women did shadow-boing.

  At eactly 6:30, music came for people to do eercises to radio music. for ten minutes all the people on the playground were seen bending down and straightening up, turning left and right. its really a beautiful sight to look at!

英语作文600字 篇6


  幸福是什么?幸福是父母为你营造的温馨的家,幸福是老师望向你的赞许的`目光,幸福是孤独时朋友送来的一杯奶茶,幸福是…… 请以My happiness为话题,写一件曾经发生过的令你感到幸福的事情。

  要求:条理清晰,语言流畅,用词准确, 字迹工整,80-100词。

  ★ 范文

  Happiness is important in our life。 In fact, happiness is always around you if you put your heart into it。

  I will never forget one thing。 Once, I had a bad mark at a math test。 I was shy and afraid to meet my parents。 But when I got back home late, my parents knew what happened, they said to me: “It doesn’t matter, my child。 Remember we’ll be always beside you when you need help。 We believe you can be better next time。 Never give up!” I was moved and made up my mind to work harder and harder。

  I feel happy。 Whenever I am in trouble, I can feel my parents’ love。 I want to be a good child for my parents。






My mother,我的妈妈英语作文英语作文-英语作文09-30





Careful and Careless英语作文_英语作文09-18