Unit1 Vocabulary(新课标版 高一必修四)

发布时间:2017-11-12 编辑:互联网 手机版

简介: ppt制作 connection n. 连接;关系;亲戚

Is there a connection between the sun and the seasons?

What is his connection with the case?

He has some important connections in Hongkong.

. 上传者:xiaozhou xiaozhou@friend.com

相关课件Unit1 Vocabulary

   简介: ppt制作 connection n. 连接;关系;亲戚

Is there a connection between the sun and the seasons?

What is his connection with the case?

He has some important connections in Hongkong.

. 上传者:xiaozhou xiaozhou@friend.com 「下载次数:221」