
时间:2024-05-24 14:28:03 教学反思 我要投稿





  英语英文教学反思 1

  Ⅰ Preparation and teaching process

  During my preparation, I prepared a lot of pictures to realize the revision and teaching of the new words. I found that they were quite attractive when students saw them during the teaching. To some extent, the use of the pictures of some famous stars could cultivate students’ interest to use the adjectives to describe their appearance, personality and etc. When I had to teach the related words about the face, for example, round and square, I presented some cartoons for comparison. As far as the adjectives of eyes and nose were concerned, I also used some flashcards for presentation and comparison.

  Ⅱ Students’ learning process

  In this English class, all of the students were very hard-working. It seemed that they had grasped all the knowledge effectively in this period. However, I found some problems when they stood up to give me answers. At that time, I felt nervous about my teaching effect. “Was my teaching method unsuitable for them?”, I said to myself, but I had no time to think. I tried to speak more slowly and clearly, giving them more time to think and speak. It really worked. The students and I cooperated well during the following steps. In my teaching process, I felt it a pity that I didn’t give the students time to present their papers and correct their mistakes, which I thought I should keep in mind for future teaching. After the class, our instructor gave me some advice, which was quite acceptable and suitable to me.

  Ⅲ The organization of the class

  In terms of my organization of the class, there were seven steps in detail. They were warm-up, revision, presentation, practice, conclusion, discussion and writing. But I was not satisfied with the writing part, .Although students had time to write their compositions, they didn’t have the opportunities to know how well they had written. They should get some comments on their composition, for instance, grammar, sentence structure, hand-writing and so on. If I had five more minutes, I would present their papers to the whole class and gave some corrections if necessary. The last part was enjoying a poem, which was related to the theme of the class. Because of the limited time, I didn’t realize the teaching aim of this part. I just called them to read it. If I removed this part, I thought it would be better for the writing exercise.

  All in all, on one hand, this was a comparatively successful class. On the other hand, I found some unsatisfactory elements in my teaching. I think it would be better for me to improve the teaching procedure for future use. In addition, the classed should be practical and adhere to the students’ ability. I learned a lot from my experience and my instructor’s guide. In order to realize the new concept of teaching, I think I need to do more research on the textbook and learn more from the others.








  英语英文教学反思 2

  本单元为教材的第2 单元,所涉及的内容是关于身体状况的用语,这一单元的内容关于询问健康的`知识,主要的`学习内容是询问身体健康的正确表述方式。本课的教学内容及教学目标是让学生能熟练掌握6 个生病词组:have a cold, have a fever, have a toothache, have a headache and stomachache. 本节课还要求能熟练运用本单元的两个重点句型: What’s the matter? I have…… 这些单词和句型学生在日常生活中经常碰到,十分贴近学生的生活。整堂课都是以操练和运用为主, 精讲巧练, 由浅入深, 由易到难, 由已知到未知, 循序渐进地深化教学内容。 特别是在What’s the matter? 的操练。 展开以教师为主导, 以学生为主体的师生双边活动。 学生在本堂课中始终能积极地参与活动, 积极发言, 积极动脑课堂气氛活跃, 学生学得容易, 学得扎实, 学得开心。 老师教得轻松。

  This unit is the second unit of the textbook, which involves the terms about physical condition. The content of this unit is about asking about the knowledge of health, and the main learning content is asking about the correct expression of physical health. The teaching contents and objectives of this course are to enable students to master six sick phrases: have a cold, have a fear, have a toothbrush, have a headache and stomachache. This lesson also requires students to master two key sentence patterns in this unit: Whats the matter? I have…… ... These words and sentence patterns are often encountered by students in their daily lives, which are very close to students lives. The whole class is based on practice and application, and the teaching content is deepened step by step from shallow to deep, from easy to difficult, from known to unknown. Especially in Whats the matter? Practice. Carry out bilateral activities between teachers and students with teachers as the leading factor and students as the main body. Students can always actively participate in activities, speak and think in this class. The classroom atmosphere is active, and students learn easily, solidly and happily. The teacher taught easily.


  Reflected in this class, but also the usual shortcomings:

  1 、学生分组练习时,确实每个学生都有了练习的机会,但是老师能关注到的,能在全班学生面前表演的也只能是个别小组。所以在以后的教学中,在面向全体的同时更多地关注后进生,使平时学习有困难的学生能够基本掌握新内容。

  1. When students practice in groups, it is true that every student has the opportunity to practice, but what teachers can pay attention to and can only perform in front of the whole class is individual groups. Therefore, in the future teaching, we should pay more attention to the underachievers while facing the whole class, so that students with learning difficulties can basically master the new content.

  2 、在运用语言的过程中,让学生除了在创设的情境中运用语言外,有意识地在生活中运用语言。想表演对话,课上没得到机会展示的可随时找老师。老师可以在每节课前安排学生表现的机会。

  2. In the process of using language, let students use language consciously in life besides creating situations. If you want to perform the dialogue, you can always ask the teacher if you dont get a chance to show it in class. Teachers can arrange students performance opportunities before each class.

  英语英文教学反思 3


  This year, as a math teacher, I became a member of the teaching team in climbing english. For me, a person who only has junior high school English level and hasnt used English for more than ten years, I really feel difficult and stressed, and some of them are confused.


  Although I did a lot of preparatory work before class, the first class still made me encounter a lot of embarrassment. In order to organize the class and better complete the teaching task, I have repeatedly violated the principle of "NoChinese", forgotten the classroom organization terms memorized by heart, and spoken only a few simple questions in English, which is inconsistent with the requirements of climbing englishs experiment. Moreover, in class, I just play it according to the contents of the CD-ROM. The classroom atmosphere is not very good and the students classroom discipline is very chaotic. I think this may be related to my improper teaching methods.


  At first, I thought that climbing english class was an English class taught by CD-ROM, and the teacher was only responsible for organizing discipline or correcting childrens pronunciation. However, after the climbing english group of our school trained our new teachers and listened to a demonstration class in climbing english, I realized my mistake. It turned out that climbing english only created a real, rich and multi-channel English environment for children with the help of multimedia, giving full play to the organizational role of non-English teachers, creating a new model of teacher-student relationship and designing learning activities that meet childrens psychological characteristics.


  Every class in climbing english is presented to students by CD-ROM, which I think is attractive and interesting for children aged six or seven. Therefore, I must organize the classroom teaching well, and dont kill the childrens interest in the bud because of the teachers boring classroom organization.


  Now, a weeks study has passed unconsciously. Through the experiment during this period, I seem to understand that teachers should make double or even multiple efforts to do well in each class, so as to organize classroom teaching well and let children feel that teachers are learning with them and making progress together!

  英语英文教学反思 4


  In October, my main research work is to stimulate students interest in autonomous learning by means of multi-interactive classroom evaluation, so that students can learn English, speak English and use English independently in class, and use classroom evaluation terms and new sentence patterns learned in this class to evaluate students own classroom performance and classroom behavior, so as to promote students interest and effect in learning.


  The goal of autonomous learning is defined as:


  Speak autonomously in class. Review independently after class. I didnt give the students a preview task in advance. Because I dont want to add pressure and burden to students, and students dont have preview tools. Instead, I will take a class to familiarize the students with my teaching routines. Through this class, I will let the students know which teaching links can be played independently, where they can be small teachers, and where they can get small red flags. That is to say, through a class, students can know the direction of their efforts and feel a sense of accomplishment, so that they can preview spontaneously, which is much better than the teachers forced preview.


  This method has achieved good results. The most obvious is the fourth grade. It turns out that the students in this class are not interested in learning and the teaching effect is poor. Sometimes it takes a class to teach several words, and some of them remember the meaning but cant remember the pronunciation. Since becoming a primary school teacher, students have felt the joy of learning and a sense of accomplishment. Students welcome their own learning style, and the classroom atmosphere has been revived. Students can teach one word by themselves at first, and gradually most of the words are taught by small teachers. I dont teach until students cant teach. Almost all the sentences in the text dont need my translation, and students can translate by themselves through independent preview and group cooperation. Therefore, I teach very easily and the students learn very happily. There is a student named Xiaoyun whose change is the most obvious. At first, the student was not interested in English class. She either made small moves or deserted in class. Since she tasted the sweetness of a little teacher, she has become a serious teacher and is scrambling to be a little teacher. Sometimes she can teach several words in one class. I think behind this little teacher, there must be diligent and independent preparation. I think this is due to the change of teaching methods, the shift of learning focus, and the students dominant position can be fully reflected. English classroom has become a happy base camp, and teaching and learning have become a relaxed thing.

  英语英文教学反思 5

  本单元的核心教学内容是学习和使用祈使句。通过教Open the door,please。及否定句Don’t open the door。两种方式,其教学内容与学生的实际生活息息相关,因而对学生来说不难理解,关键是单词的学习及句型在实际生活中的准确运用。本节课我是安排的以肯定祈使句为教学重点的,让学生掌握“请别人干某事”的英语表达方法。在教学过程中,我用英语来组织教学,我通过手势、眼神、动作、夸张的表情与音调还有简笔画等为学生创设学习英语的环境,培养学生直接用英语思维、表达的习惯。如eat,drink,在看、听、模仿过程中给学生以感性认识,发展直觉思维,促进智力活动,收到了良好的效果,还运用了chant,提高他们的学习兴趣,激发他们学习积极性,为学习英语创造了快乐。如教draw时,画简笔画创设真实情境,给学生表现机会,并要求学生在学习和交流过程中注意文明礼貌,充分运用已学的`日常交际用语,从而发展学生语言技能,提高实际运用语言的`能力。

  The core teaching content of this unit is learning and using imperative sentences. By teaching Open the door, please. And the negative sentence Dont open the door. The teaching contents of the two methods are closely related to students real life, so it is not difficult for students to understand. The key is to learn words and accurately use sentence patterns in real life. In this class, I arranged to focus on affirmative imperative sentences, so that students can master the English expression of "ask others to do something". In the process of teaching, I use English to organize teaching. I create an environment for students to learn English through gestures, eyes, movements, exaggerated expressions and tones, and stick figures, and cultivate students habit of thinking and expressing directly in English. For example, eat and drink give students perceptual knowledge, develop intuitive thinking and promote intellectual activities in the process of watching, listening and imitating, which has received good results. chant is also used to improve their interest in learning, stimulate their enthusiasm for learning and create happiness for learning English. For example, when teaching draw, draw stick figures to create real situations, give students opportunities to express themselves, and ask students to pay attention to civility and politeness in the process of learning and communication, and make full use of the learned everyday communication terms, so as to develop students language skills and improve their ability to actually use languages.

  在课堂上我注重用比较法、由旧知引出新知的方法,让学生更容易记住单词。例如在学drink时,我把dress,think与drink作比较;学习read时,还由jeans,please,tea中的tea引到eat 。因为tea,eat他们的字母组成是一样的,只不过是顺序颠倒了一下;还有right与write,copybook与copy之间作比较,因为他们之间有相同的部分或者是读音相同,用这种方法可以为学生背诵单词打下坚实的基础。

  In class, I pay attention to the method of comparison and drawing new knowledge from old knowledge, which makes it easier for students to remember words. For example, when learning drink, I compare dress, think and drink; When learning read, tea in jeans, please and tea leads to eat. Because tea and eat have the same letter composition, but the order is reversed; There are also comparisons between right and write, copybook and copy, because they have the same parts or the same pronunciation. This method can lay a solid foundation for students to recite words.

  英语英文教学反思 6


  Recently, when I was in the sixth grade class, I always felt that the students emotions were not well mobilized, and I was also confused. So I consulted some books on pedagogy theory. From the perspective of educational psychology, one of the biggest factors affecting the learning effect in the learning process is the emotional control of learners.


  Among the factors of success in English learning, besides intelligence, it is more important that those non-intelligence factors play a role. It has serious defects in learning motivation, interest, emotion, will and behavior habits. This shows the important role of motivation and attitude in English learning from one side.


  Should English teachers focus on teaching content, syllabus and examination form, or should they shift their teaching focus to the cultivation and control of students personality, interests and emotions? Facts have proved that people who think they are "democratic, open, calm, friendly, considerate, helpful, intelligent, logical and happy" are generally more likely to succeed in learning English than those who are contrary to or greatly different from the above personality.


  In addition, in the process of foreign language learning, due to the influence of external factors, learners will be anxious, depressed and fidgety. As the organizer of teaching activities, English teachers should pay attention to the cultivation and control of foreign language learners emotional factors. Especially in primary school, English teachers should cultivate a sense of closeness to students. So I decided to fully respect students, pay attention to motivating students and pay attention to students learning process in the near future.


  In the process of teaching, we still focus on observing students psychological feelings in class, making students love English classes, and taking teaching forms and students as the focus of preparing lessons. Try to make the teaching forms diverse and vivid, stimulate the individuals desire to participate, and the classroom atmosphere should be as relaxed and pleasant as possible, emphasizing the individual and the foundation, so that every student can master the key words firmly first.


  The above is my reflection after being confused.

  英语英文教学反思 7

  上了一段时间下来,发现学生的课上表现不错,但是回家作业不能保质保量完成,口头作业的反馈情况也不好。由此,我在考虑一方面提高课堂教学效率,尽量把部分作业在课上完成。另一方面,加强口头作业的抽查力度,以不同形式抽查学生的背诵及阅读反馈。从教学方面,我的每个单元的教学流程一般都是从学习新单词以及C部分句型操练。上课之前我先通过Free talk来复习一下已学过的句型和单词,接着通过一个情境创设或猜谜的游戏引出新学单词,学生一下就能准确地猜出我要的东西,从而提高了他们的学习氛围,在巩固单词时我从听、看两个方面着手,通过高、低声说单词,看老师嘴型说单词两个小游戏帮助学生巩固单词,接着我出现了一些物品的部分形状,让学生结合句型来巩固单词,效果很好,只是由于隐藏的部分并不多,学生一下就看出了是什么物品,缺少难度,最后还做了听力练习,通过练习来检测学生单词的掌握情况。

  After a period of time, I found that the students did well in class, but the homework at home could not be completed with good quality and quantity, and the feedback of oral homework was not good. Therefore, I am considering improving the efficiency of classroom teaching on the one hand and trying to finish some homework in class as much as possible. On the other hand, strengthen the spot check of oral homework and spot check students recitation and reading feedback in different forms. From the teaching aspect, the teaching process of each unit of mine is generally from learning new words and practicing part C sentence patterns. Before class, I review the sentence patterns and words I have learned through Free talk, and then introduce new words through a situational creation or guessing game, so that students can guess what I want accurately at once, thus improving their learning atmosphere. When consolidating words, I start from listening and watching, and help students consolidate words through two small games: speaking words in a high voice and watching the teachers mouth say words. Then I showed some shapes of objects, which made students combine sentence patterns to consolidate words. The effect was very good, but because there were not many hidden parts, students saw what objects were and lacked difficulty. Finally, they did listening exercises to test students mastery of words through practice.

  在复习C部分句型时,我先让学生看图来编对话,并进行适时地指导,由于在操练对话时会遇到了人称代词,我在Free talk时就作铺垫,学生出错的并不多。最后巩固运用部分,我让学生拿出自己身边的物品进行编写类似的`对话,由于之前操练、铺垫的比较牢固,学生都掌握了句型,最后一个环节学生编的都不错,充分调动了他们的积极性。

  When reviewing the sentence patterns in Part C, I first ask the students to make up the dialogue with pictures and give timely guidance. Because I will encounter personal pronouns when practicing the dialogue, I will pave the way in Free talk, and there are not many mistakes made by the students. Finally, in the part of consolidating the application, I asked the students to take out their belongings and write similar dialogues. Because of the firm practice and preparation before, the students all mastered the sentence patterns, and the last link was well compiled by the students, which fully mobilized their enthusiasm.


  However, there are also some problems in the process of teaching each word. For example, because part of the time spent in word teaching is too long, the sentence pattern drills in the back are a little compressed, which gives people the feeling that the front is loose and the back is tight. Another example is that students are given too many parts when they guess the picture, which makes it easy for students to guess what it is, and it needs to be improved in future teaching.


  小学英语英文教学反思 1


  Ye Lan, a famous educator, said: A teacher may not become a famous teacher if he writes a lesson plan for a lifetime, but he may become a famous teacher if he writes a reflection for three years. This sentence is meaningful to emphasize the importance of teaching reflection.


  When I teach this class, according to the physiological and psychological characteristics of primary school students, closely around the teaching objectives, I make full use of various lively teaching forms, such as situational maps, word cards, courseware and audio-visual resources to integrate the knowledge I have learned with my life. Let students be willing to use their brains and dare to speak in the process of listening, speaking, reading and playing, so as to achieve the purpose of flexible use of language.


  In the whole teaching process, teachers are no longer indoctrinating and teaching speakers, but guides and organizers, guiding students to use language flexibly and cultivating students innovative ability and cooperative inquiry ability. Teachers should strive to create a relaxed and pleasant classroom, so that students can gain considerable initiative, improve teaching quality and guide students to the palace of new knowledge.


  In this class, I also found my own shortcomings in teaching and the direction I should work hard in teaching in the future.


  1. The process of vocabulary teaching is still not fully grasped. The form of word practice is single and the practice is not enough. In the future teaching, in order to enable students to master words better, on the one hand, we should demonstrate ourselves in place and standardize pronunciation, on the other hand, we should do large-scale exercises for students, and use a variety of lively teaching methods, such as reading in the whole class, reading for boys and girls, reading in groups, reading vertically and reading horizontally, to practice words, so as to avoid the monotony of vocabulary teaching.


  2. Failing to face all students in the classroom. In the future teaching, I will respect students individual differences, follow students cognitive rules, face all students, awaken students theme consciousness, and mobilize students initiative and enthusiasm in all directions, so that students can listen, speak, read, recite and perform in relaxed and pleasant situations, so that the whole classroom can present a harmonious and orderly scene.

  3. 在教授新知识时,有些单词没有结合相应的情景来教授。在任何词汇教学中,教师都应该遵循“词不离句,句不离景”的教学规律,单词是构成语言的三大要素。如果单词仅仅局限于单词,会让课堂无趣,简介扼杀孩子学习英语的兴趣。在今后的教学中,我会在特定的语境中引出新单词,并且加上妙趣横生的例句,这样既利于学生的理解,又印象深刻。另外学生置身于一种真实的语言环境中,能让他们自然的使用所学习的词汇来表达自己的思想感情,从而达到学以致用的效果。

  3. When teaching new knowledge, some words are not taught in combination with the corresponding situations. In any vocabulary teaching, teachers should follow the teaching law of "words are inseparable from sentences and sentences are inseparable from the scene", and words are the three major elements of a language. If words are limited to words, it will make the classroom boring, and the introduction will stifle childrens interest in learning English. In the future teaching, I will introduce new words in a specific context and add interesting examples, which will not only help students understand, but also impress them. In addition, students are exposed to a real language environment, which allows them to naturally use the words they have learned to express their thoughts and feelings, so as to achieve the effect of applying what they have learned.


  Even if there are omissions and mistakes in a successful classroom page, I will review and sort out my own classroom, and make a profound reflection, exploration and analysis on it. After long-term accumulation, there will be a harvest of "every ounce makes a mickle."

  小学英语英文教学反思 2


  This semester, in addition to teaching English classes in three classes of grade five, I also took English classes in the first and second grades of the lower class. Looking back on my short four-month teaching, I find that I often use games to help my teaching, because games are loved by students. Every time I enter the classroom, the students are "high" and think they can play games again. Indeed, singing and dancing in class, playing and talking, are free of burden and follow ones inclinations, so that students can experience happiness and joy. But after a long time, I found that many students only pay attention to the game itself, ignoring the real purpose of teaching and paying no attention to the words and sentence patterns that need to be mastered. Often, only one-fifth of the students in the class can recall the information from the previous class when they arrive at the next class. This result is quite pessimistic.


  Coping with such an inefficient state often leads to painful reflection.


  Actually, there is nothing wrong with the game itself. There is nothing wrong with me using games to assist teaching in classroom teaching, and the childrens playful nature cant be contained. So which link needs to be improved? Looking through the English Curriculum Standards, it is clearly pointed out that we cultivate students interest mainly for learning and mastering English, and games can only be used as a means for primary school students to learn English language knowledge. Therefore, in the process of stimulating students interest in the subject, we should not only stay in the superficial "living", "having fun" and "playing" in the classroom, but also pay attention to the subject itself, so as to continuously develop interest from the successful experience after learning and tap the internal driving force of students learning. The charm of language knowledge itself is the driving force of students lasting learning and the inexhaustible energy. For this reason, I think games, as an effective teaching form to help students learn English well, should really play its auxiliary teaching function and achieve entertaining.

  小学英语英文教学反思 3

  每当到了月末,渐渐地习惯了总结过去,反思一下自己。“有则改之,无则加勉”嘛。这个月中,我把教学面向全体,关注情感培养,并且注重其交际的发展。 在我的教学中,要面向全体,要为学生全面发展和终身生展奠定基础。创设各种情境,鼓励学生,大胆的使用英语,对他们在学习过程中的英语和错误采取宽容的态度。为学生提供自主学习和直接交流的机会,以及充分表现和自我发展的一个空间。鼓励学生,通过体验、实践、合作、探究等方式,发展听、说、读、写的综合能力。

  Whenever the end of the month comes, I gradually get used to summing up the past and reflecting on myself. "If you have it, change it, and if you dont, encourage it.". This month, I put my teaching to the whole class, paying attention to the cultivation of emotion and the development of communication. In my teaching, I should face the whole class and lay the foundation for students all-round development and lifelong exhibition. Create various situations, encourage students to use English boldly, and adopt a tolerant attitude towards their English and mistakes in the learning process. Provide students with opportunities for autonomous learning and direct communication, as well as a space for full expression and self-development. Encourage students to develop their comprehensive ability of listening, speaking, reading and writing through experience, practice, cooperation and inquiry.


  Create conditions for students to explore some of their own problems and solve them independently.


  In my teaching process, I pay more attention to students emotions and create a democratic and harmonious teaching atmosphere. Only when students have a positive attitude towards themselves, English and its culture, can they keep the motivation of English learning and get good grades. Stereotyped attitude will not only affect the learning effect of English, but also affect other development. Modality is an important factor in learning English well. Therefore, I strive to create a relaxed, democratic and harmonious teaching space, respect each student, actively encourage them to try in learning, and protect their self-esteem and enthusiasm. Combine English teaching with modality, create various cooperative learning activities, and promote students to learn from each other, help each other, experience a sense of accomplishment and develop the spirit of cooperation. Pay attention to students with learning difficulties or introverted personality, and create language opportunities for them as much as possible. Establish harmonious and democratic communication channels between teachers and students, encourage and help each other, and learn from each other.


  An important purpose of learning English is to communicate in English, and communication between two people is an important form of activities. Therefore, two-person activities should be carried out frequently in language training. Dialogue between two people is the most common two-person activity. Ask students to have a question-and-answer dialogue on a topic, a picture, a person, etc. You can also ask students to develop an activity of giving instructions and doing another, and you can also carry out discussions, debates, consultations and other activities between two people. Two-person activities are easy to be carried out on the desk, and students do not need to leave the classroom. Sometimes, in order to enliven the classroom atmosphere or provide more opportunities for training with different people, students in the front row can turn around and students in the back row can carry out two-person activities.


  Time passes quickly. In the future teaching process, I will put my thoughts into practice little by little, and strive to make my children learn English better!

  小学英语英文教学反思 4


  Creating a rich English atmosphere and immersing students in the small English world every day is very beneficial for students to learn English efficiently. I want to make the following attempts in teaching:


  1, the classroom is the main place for students to learn English, a good learning environment will unconsciously drive every students enthusiasm for learning. I encourage students to greet and communicate in English on campus and in the classroom. And as a mandatory requirement. After a long time, students no longer feel embarrassed and regard speaking English as a part of their lives.


  Use part of the space on the back blackboard to arrange some puzzles that give play to intelligence; Chant; with a bright rhythm; For example, I designed a riddle for the first unit: 1-5 numbers and some other words are written on the blackboard regularly, and each word is incomplete. Students are required to complete it, read it and write explanations. These are changed at any time according to the teaching content. Primary school students have a special liking for such an interesting and wonderful English garden. In their eyes, this is not a boring study, but an interesting game activity.


  2. Create a family English atmosphere


  The creation of English atmosphere needs the active cooperation of parents. Many parents of rural students receive little education, and even a little knowledge of English. We can motivate parents to learn and speak English with their children. Students are also very happy to be small teachers. Students teach in school and teach in middle school, and the family has become a place for students to use English in real situations.


  Another way is to let students make an "English treasure bag" and write the words and sentences they have learned into small notes every day and put them in the treasure bag to accumulate wealth. Teachers regularly ask students to show them in class and say every word. Students will really regard them as their own wealth, thus realizing the happiness of creating wealth through labor.

  小学英语英文教学反思 5


  The process of teachers teaching reflection is a process in which teachers, with the help of action research, constantly explore and solve the problems of teaching objectives, teaching tools and themselves, constantly improve the rationality of teaching practice, constantly improve teaching efficiency and teaching and scientific research ability, and promote teachers specialization. It is also a process in which teachers directly explore and solve practical problems in teaching, constantly pursue the rationality of teaching practice and develop in an all-round way.


  English teaching in the lower grades mainly focuses on cultivating childrens interest in English, which mainly allows children to feel simple English in a relaxed classroom environment and try to make daily communication with simple spoken English.


  In teaching, create scenes for students, such as drawing out the teaching content with the help of pictures and toys, arouse childrens interest in learning according to their life experiences, such as what food they like and what color they like, and cultivate students interest and ability from listening, speaking, reading, recognizing, singing and playing.


  Various forms of competitions and games stimulate the scene. Games also cater to the nature of primary school students love of playing, entertaining and entertaining; Competition will always be a stimulant in the classroom, cultivating their ability of cooperation and coordination and their consciousness of survival of the fittest and survival of the fittest. For example, this semester focuses on the four basic skills of English learning: listening, speaking, reading and writing. I launched a competition for everyone to be a little star, specifically: reading the little stars aloud-cultivating their correct pronunciation and intonation; Vocabulary invincible star-accumulate rich vocabulary; Versatile stars-train their enthusiasm for creating English and the ability of teamwork; Poetry Uranus-cultivate their interest in learning and speaking English. Through their own efforts, these students are full of sense of accomplishment, more confident and like English better in individual competitions.

  小学英语英文教学反思 6

  二年级是学生开始真正英语学习的初始阶段,在英语中有这么一句谚语:well begun is half done 。因此,我始终让学生在宽松,庄重,和谐的学习氛围中进行语言的学习,表演,竞争和相互评价,为真正体现“学生是学习的主人”这一教学现象而努力。

  Grade two is the initial stage when students begin to learn real English. There is such a proverb in English: well begun is half done. Therefore, I always let students learn, perform, compete and evaluate each other in a relaxed, solemn and harmonious learning atmosphere, and strive to truly reflect the teaching phenomenon that "students are the masters of learning".


  Many English teachers may have this sigh: there seems to be always a distance between what students have learned in English and our real life, and it seems difficult to "match words with deeds"! In fact, in many English classes, as long as teachers use some thoughts and ideas to find a similar entry point between book knowledge and real life, it can fully reflect the authenticity, practicality and functionality of task-based teaching.

  在教学新起点2年级上第一单元家庭主题的.时候,在通过各种机械训练和游戏帮助学生巩固所学之后,我让学生准备了家庭成员的图片,并把全班学生分为6人一小组。每组一个学生扮演外宾。之后我适时提问:外宾到你家中做客,但是他/她听不懂中文,那么怎么用英语来介绍自己的家人?请孩子们用Hello!This is … Shes… Hes…等句型让他们分组练习。然后自己扮演外宾询问引出用语:Who’s he/she?之后学生学习并且分组练习、表演。当然,此时,我要求其余学生认真听,听这一组学生的对话中是否有误。如此学生在课堂表演中正确掌握了有关家庭话题的问答用语。

  At the new starting point of teaching, when I was in the first unit of family theme in Grade 2, after helping students consolidate what they had learned through various mechanical training and games, I asked the students to prepare pictures of family members and divided the whole class into groups of 6 people. One student in each group plays the foreign guests. After that, I asked a question at the right time: a foreign guest comes to your home, but he/she doesnt understand Chinese, so how can you introduce your family in English? Please ask the children to use Hello! This is … Shes… Hes… and other sentence patterns let them practice in groups. Then play the role of the foreign guest and ask the introduction: Whos he/she? After that, students study and practice and perform in groups. Of course, at this time, I ask the rest of the students to listen carefully to see if there are any mistakes in the dialogue of this group of students. In this way, students have correctly mastered the questions and answers about family topics in class performances.

  小学英语英文教学反思 7

  我教的是五年级,有四个班,在讲十七课时,前面两个班我只是把单词和句型教了一遍,然后让学生读了几遍,感觉学生的积极性不高,所以在第三节课时我做了充分的准备,明信片和信的实物,电子邮件的图片,利用这些实物向大家介绍新的单词和句子,如:我利用电子邮件的图片向大家介绍:This is an e-mail.You write an e-mail on a computer.我先说几遍,然后问学生:What’s this?

  I teach Grade Five, and there are four classes. During the 17th class, I just taught the words and sentence patterns in the first two classes, and then let the students read them several times, feeling that the students enthusiasm is not high, so I made full preparations in the third class, such as postcards and letters, pictures of emails, and introduced new words and sentences to everyone by using these objects. For example, I use the pictures of e-mail to introduce to you: this is an e-mail. You write an e-mail on a computer. I will say it a few times first, and then ask the students: Whats this?

  学生回答:This is an e-mail.和学生多做几遍这样的练习。然后领着他们说几遍这两个句子,接着让几名同学到前面来手指电子邮件的图片向大家介绍这两个句子,由于句子比较简单,所以学生的积极性很高,我先让几个英语较好的.学生先来介绍,这样一来就连平时成绩不是很好的学生也争先恐后的举手,我则给予了这部分学生更多的机会,同样的方法,我教授了有关明信片和信这两部分的句子,学生的情绪依旧高涨,但由于时间有限,我就让学生两人一组来介绍这些新概念,效果非常好。

  Students answer: This is an e-mail. Do this exercise with students several times. Then lead them to say these two sentences a few times, and then let several students come to the front to introduce them to you by pointing to the pictures of e-mail. Because the sentences are relatively simple, the students enthusiasm is very high. Ill let some students who are good at English introduce them first, so that even the students who are not very good at ordinary times raise their hands, and I will give these students more opportunities. In the same way, I taught the sentences about postcards and letters to students.


  The reason why this class is so effective is that the students interest in learning is stimulated by the use of objects and pictures when teaching new words and sentence patterns. Besides, I led the students to say it several times before asking them to introduce it, which made the students familiar with it and reduced the difficulty. At the same time, I also asked the students to introduce it to the front, which not only fully mobilized the students enthusiasm, but also provided opportunities for those students whose English was not very good to prove and show themselves, thus gradually building their self-confidence.

  小学英语英文教学反思 8


  This lesson is the first volume of 29 lessons in six years, focusing on September to December. On the basis of reading the text, students are required to briefly introduce these months and briefly talk about related activities.


  Educator Ye Shengtao once said: "The purpose of teaching is not to teach." That is, the essence of teaching is to learn, students learning is the basis of teaching, and teachers are the guides of students learning process. Teachers should not only make students actively participate in learning, but also make them learn to learn and become the main body of learning, which is an important duty of teachers work. Combining this concept with the senior English reading class, I preset five steps before class, aiming at: first, with the help of this form, let children try to complete the teaching goals of reading, understanding, reading fluently and using simply; second, through this form, encourage students to participate in teaching activities more actively and feel the joy of success again and again.

  Step One 勇闯语音关环节,孩子们在自读和互助中,解决了单词发言难点。Step Two突破理解关环节,孩子们在互助中掌握了较难理解的句子。Step Three朗读大比拼环节,孩子们又在竞赛中,加强了读的流畅性和准确性。Step Four 阅读我能行环节,又把本课课文学习进一步拓展延伸,让孩子们的阅读能力再一次得到锻炼和提升。而最后的交流竞技场环节,则给孩子们创设了一个可以自由谈论,展示语言交际能力的舞台,让他们能够结合本课内容和已有知识基础,畅所欲言。

  Step One braved the voice link, and the children solved the difficulty of speaking words in self-reading and mutual help. Step Two broke through the understanding link, and the children mastered difficult sentences in mutual help. In the Step Three reading contest, the children strengthened the fluency and accuracy of reading in the competition. Step Four reading I can do the link, and further expand the learning of this lesson, so that childrens reading ability can be exercised and improved again. And the final communication arena link creates a stage for children to talk freely and show their language communication ability, so that they can speak freely in combination with the content of this lesson and the existing knowledge base.


  In the teaching of this course, I also have some shortcomings to be improved and adjusted. For example, the amount of reading training and practice is not enough, and some students still have difficulty reading aloud. For another example, although there is no writing training in the five-step process, it will be better if children can take notes at any time, record some key and difficult words and phrases, and develop the habit of taking notes at any time.


  初中英语英文教学反思 1


  Through the dialogue in pairs, I reviewed the knowledge about constellations, which paved the way for further study of Reading. I think it is a good way to help students remember by summarizing some key words. After class, I ask them to recite the text in sections. In this lesson, students are interested in learning actively. Through teachers clever questions, they can understand the text step by step and paragraph by paragraph. Students can inspire themselves in the process of autonomous learning and speak freely. Students abilities in all aspects have been developed, which are embodied in:


  1. Create scenes and create a free and harmonious learning atmosphere.


  Practice has proved that a free and harmonious environment can give full play to peoples wisdom. Therefore, teachers must let students feel psychologically safe and free in a harmonious atmosphere, so that students can actively and vividly play their main role.


  2. Group cooperation has aroused students innovative ability.


  Group cooperation is an effective way for students to learn under the background of the new curriculum. Let students exchange their opinions in groups and show them to others. This student-oriented group cooperation can stimulate students innovative ability and cultivate students innovative ideas.


  3. Using multimedia-assisted teaching, the teaching design is from easy to difficult, scientific and reasonable, interlocking and natural, paying attention to students cognitive ability, and students listening, speaking, reading and writing abilities have been trained.

  初中英语英文教学反思 2


  The seventh-grade students are still lively, cheerful and curious. I use group cooperation, competitions and other forms to carry out classroom teaching, so that students can actively participate in learning. I think the success of this lesson lies in:


  1. Provide students with opportunities for autonomous learning and direct communication, and a space for full expression and self-development; Encourage students to develop their comprehensive ability of listening, speaking, reading and writing through experience, practice, cooperation and exploration; Cultivate students autonomous learning ability, guide students to learn by themselves, and be good at questioning and exploring in self-study, highlighting students dominant position, and teachers give appropriate guidance to solve small problems that appear when students show.


  2. Create a democratic, relaxed and harmonious teaching atmosphere for students, actively encourage them to try in their studies, and protect their self-esteem and enthusiasm; Combine English teaching with modality organically, create various cooperative learning activities, and promote students to learn from each other, help each other, experience a sense of accomplishment and develop the spirit of cooperation. Let each students personality and talents be fully developed as much as possible, so that each student can enjoy the joy of success in the classroom.


  3. Evaluate students performance in the process of demonstrating learning and their feelings, attitudes and strategies in a timely manner, fully discover students progress, enhance students self-confidence in learning English, learn to analyze their own achievements and shortcomings through evaluation, and make clear the direction of their efforts.


  Disadvantages: In the process of showing the learning results, the time is a little hasty, some students are not fully prepared, they cant let go when performing, and the classroom atmosphere is not active enough.

  初中英语英文教学反思 3

  英语教学作为一门语言学,其主要目的是培养学生的语言技能,运用语言的能力,因此其课堂教学具有不同于其他课程课堂教学的特点。我通过对新课标的学习,根据中学教材的内容编排突出了对这种能力的培养,采取了指导性的学案模式,强调师生之间、学生之间的双向运用。 英语的.课堂教学应当反映这种特点,以用为主,树立一种“大英语教学观”,让英语教学走出课堂,走向社会。

  As a linguistics, the main purpose of English teaching is to cultivate students language skills and ability to use language, so its classroom teaching is different from that of other courses. Through the study of the new curriculum standard, according to the content arrangement of middle school textbooks, I highlighted the cultivation of this ability, adopted a guiding learning plan model, and emphasized the two-way application between teachers and students. English classroom teaching should reflect this feature, focus on use, establish a "big English teaching concept", and let English teaching go out of the classroom and go to the society.


  The first is the change of teachers concept. The first idea that English teachers should change is that English teaching is not the teaching of language knowledge but the teaching of language skills. In the past, due to the influence of examination baton, English teachers put too much emphasis on the teaching of English knowledge, and as a result, a group of "dumb English" and "deaf English" were cultivated. This reform of middle school English textbooks has laid the foundation for the change of teachers ideas. However, the "afterglow" of the traditional examination is still there, and the examination is still the baton of teaching. As an English teacher, you should know how to find a balance between these two points. It is gratifying that the English syllabus for middle schools has been adjusted in time, and it is clearly stipulated that it will reduce the difficulty of grammar test questions, reduce the objective questions of knowledge, focus on cultivating students language ability, and learn languages in middle schools by using words.


  The second aspect of the change of teachers concept is: from this-oriented to use-oriented. English language is a developing language, and the development of modern science and technology has injected fresh blood into it. English textbooks are only the basis and medium for students to learn English. Students must integrate into the sea of English and keep up with the pace of English development if they want to learn English well. Therefore, I often put fresh English into teaching at any time on the basis of teaching materials, so that students can feel English and express their thoughts in English. In the usual teaching activities, a single and inflexible teaching method is easy to make students lose interest in learning, and it cant reflect the vividness of language, while various teaching methods can

  初中英语英文教学反思 4


  In the teaching process of the third volume of junior middle school English, I mainly adopted two methods, the first is to divide into study groups, and the second is to cultivate students autonomous learning.

  在课堂教学中,我没有一词一句地教学生,而是让学生知道如何学习。比如我教《Planting trees》一课的时候,我首先要求学生在课前先把生词拼读并记熟,在学习这一课的时候尽可能把生词默写出来,然后我要求学生理解课文大意,能在课堂上用自己的话把文章大意表达出来,然后把文章中的短语挑出来找出他们的同义词并用它们造句,并要求学生分小组讨论。

  In classroom teaching, I dont teach students word by word, but let them know how to learn. For example, when I teach the lesson "Planting trees", I first ask students to spell and memorize the new words before class, and write them down as much as possible when learning this lesson. Then I ask students to understand the main idea of the text and express it in their own words in class, and then pick out the phrases in the article, find out their synonyms and make sentences with them, and ask students to discuss in groups.


  The success of this lesson is to give full play to students autonomous learning spirit, and cultivate the spirit of mutual assistance in the process of group learning, exercise students own understanding of the text and learn research-based learning methods, and increase students contact with extracurricular reading materials and vocabulary. Learning phrases also fully reflects the expansion of knowledge and the deepening of the impression of the knowledge in this lesson. When expressing their opinions, they also exercised students courage and oral English expression ability.


  The shortcomings of this lesson:


  1. The students opinions are not wide enough, which leads to some people being busy and others having nothing to do. In the future teaching, they should be as open to all as possible, both individuals and groups, so as to make the whole class compact and full;


  2. When the teacher explains grammar, the explanation is not detailed enough, which leads to some students with poor foundation not understanding, which directly affects the overall effect of teaching. In the future classroom teaching, it is necessary to explain clearly and give consideration to the students with poor foundation. Thirdly, I overestimated the students consciousness. Some students didnt preview at all before class, which would lead to these students gulping down the text. In the future, we should pay attention to the supervision in place so that all students can maximize their knowledge in 45 minutes.

  初中英语英文教学反思 5


  In class today, the main topic of study is about greeting others in English. Most of the teaching content is based on students overall perception of the text. In the past, when I taught, I made the following arrangements for the content of the text:


  1. Students listen to the tape and feel the text.


  2. Listen and read the picture.


  3. Listen and repeat the text.


  4. Read the text in different roles.


  After class, I found that the students were very obedient and always led by me. They do whatever the teacher tells them to do, and students are always passive, but such learning will not be conducive to the long-term development of students.


  In view of this situation, I readjusted the teaching plan. In this lesson, I adopted the "task-based" teaching approach. After the warm-up review, I explained the learning tasks of this lesson, and asked the students to learn more polite expressions with the teacher. Were going to conduct a contest for "Politeness Stars". See who can win. The clarity of the task gives students a motivation to learn and gives them a clear goal. Their enthusiasm will be high. When I organized students to participate in the activity of "finding friends and greeting your friends", students interest in learning reached a climax. They clap their hands, make friends with great interest and greet their friends in English. The design of this kind of activity is also advocated in the New Curriculum Standard: teachers should creatively design teaching activities close to students reality according to the overall goal of the curriculum and combined with the teaching content to attract and organize their active participation. In this way, students can learn and use English better and complete their learning tasks through thinking, communication and cooperation.


  Of course, in the process of adopting the "task-based" teaching approach, there are also many links that I need to further improve in the future teaching. For example, activities should not be limited to classroom teaching, but should be extended to study and life outside the classroom, encouraging students to speak more English on weekdays, so that students can achieve "applying what they have learned" and better highlight the pragmatics and communication of our language teaching.

  初中英语英文教学反思 6

  这节汇报课可能因为准备的时间不是很充足,在做教学设计过程中还存在漏洞,所以很多细节问题都没有处理好。在整个教学过程中前面那几个部分基本上都达到了自己预想的效果,但是在讲解role-play的这个部分,学生的反馈比自己想象中还要差一点。首先,关老师给我的建议是在开始讲解新内容的时候应该要给学生预热,例如对话中出现的关于食物的名词,应该先让学生了解一遍,然后再讲解效果会好一些。其次,主要是因为时间关系,让学生听完对话后,我列举了三个问题来询问学生,但是在这个环节我并没有给学生充足的时间阅读对话,导致一些成绩较差的学生跟不上老师的讲课内容。在讲解完整个对话,我抛出了一个问题Do you have any difficulties? 然后学生都回答No,然后我就结束了这个环节,其实我觉得我应该抛出一些考点问题问学生,因为学生可能思考的知识层面没有我们所了解那么深刻。最后我设计了一个拓展环节,让学生分小组设计自己的特色菜,然后让学生做report,因为这个部分是需要讨论的,学生在课堂上开始失控,讲话的声音开始稍微大声了,有些同学也没有拿出纸按照我的'指令设计自己的特色菜。

  This lecture may be due to insufficient preparation time and loopholes in the teaching design process, so many details have not been handled well. In the whole teaching process, the previous parts have basically achieved their expected results, but in this part of explaining role-play, students feedback is even worse than they expected. First of all, Teacher Guans suggestion to me is that students should be warmed up when explaining new content. For example, the nouns about food appearing in the dialogue should be understood by students first, and then the explanation will be better. Secondly, mainly because of the time, after listening to the dialogue, I listed three questions to ask the students, but I didnt give the students enough time to read the dialogue in this session, which led to some poor students unable to keep up with the teachers lecture. After explaining the whole conversation, I threw out a question: Do you have any differences? Then the students all answered No, and then I ended this session. In fact, I think I should throw out some questions for the students, because the knowledge level that students may think is not as profound as we know. Finally, I designed an expansion link to let students design their own special dishes in groups, and then let them make a report. Because this part needs to be discussed, students began to lose control in class, and their voices began to get a little louder. Some students didnt take out paper to design their own special dishes according to my instructions.


  Originally, the teaching process was designed to let students present their own special dishes, and then ask other students which special dishes they like to practice the sentences learned in this lesson to make a dialogue. But this part can only be ended in a hurry because of the time. Therefore, in the process of design teaching in the future, we should also take the class time into account, and try our best to explain the content of each class.


  There will be shortcomings in every class. What we need to do is to constantly improve our own shortcomings and hope to improve ourselves better in the next few weeks.


  高中英语英文教学反思 1


  Today, I give classes to Class 14, Grade 3. The main topic of my study is reading about national education. Most of the teaching content is based on students overall perception of the text. In the past, when I taught, I made the following arrangements for the content of the text:


  1. Students listen to the tape and feel the text.


  2. Listen.


  3. Listen and repeat the text.


  4. Read the text in different roles. After class, I found that the students were very obedient and always led by me. They do whatever the teacher tells them to do, and students are always passive, but such learning will not be conducive to the long-term development of students.


  In view of this situation, I readjusted the teaching plan. In this lesson, I adopted the "task-based" teaching approach. After the warm-up review, I explained the learning tasks of this lesson, and asked the students to look for questions or make their own propositions with the teacher. Were going to have a contest to see who asks the best questions. The clarity of the task gives students a motivation to learn and gives them a clear goal. Their enthusiasm will be high. When I organized students to answer other peoples questions, students interest in learning reached a climax. They clapped their hands and discussed with great interest. The design of this kind of activity is also advocated in the New Curriculum Standard: teachers should creatively design teaching activities close to students reality according to the overall goal of the curriculum and combined with the teaching content to attract and organize their active participation. In this way, students can learn and use English better and complete their learning tasks through thinking, communication and cooperation.


  Of course, in the process of adopting the "task-based" teaching approach, there are also many links that I need to further improve in the future teaching. For example, activities should not be limited to classroom teaching, but should be extended to study and life outside the classroom, encouraging students to speak more English on weekdays, so that students can achieve "applying what they have learned" and better highlight the pragmatics and communication of our language teaching.

  高中英语英文教学反思 2


  This semester, I took over the English teaching work of Class 1 (2, 3) of Senior High School, and served as the class leader of Class 1 and 2 of Senior High School. I feel that my burden is heavier. I should not only teach English well, but also manage this group well. Although I have three years of teaching experience in senior high school, there are still many puzzles in teaching.


  Puzzle 1: The new textbooks contain a large number of new words, which are scattered and difficult to remember. The average number of new words in each unit is about 40. The new teaching materials are designed according to the sections, and each section has new words.


  Confusion 2: Listening is long and long, so it is difficult to set questions.


  Puzzle 3: There are many writing tasks, which are difficult to complete.


  Faced with all kinds of confusion, I must overcome it: I must leave a clear context for students, and I must let students thoroughly grasp the important and difficult points in each class. Therefore, it is really important to study teaching materials, students and implement the foundation. In preparing lessons, I must thoroughly study the teaching materials, properly adjust the teaching order and teaching methods, and appropriately supplement and the teaching content. Because teaching materials are materials for teaching, any kind of teaching materials can not fully meet the needs of students. At the same time, in the last new lesson, we should know the level and ability of students, and we should not be enthusiastic about it ourselves. Otherwise, you can only have a hot head in class and the students dont respond.


  Pay attention to cultivating students good study habits: the habit of remembering, the habit of reading, the habit of writing and the habit of speaking. I pay special attention to the habit of speaking. Li Yang said: The highest level of language learning is to blurt out, and English is spoken. Therefore, it is particularly important to read English early. Over the past year, I have insisted on getting to school on time, including the contents of morning reading in the teaching plan, and including the contents, methods and objectives of morning reading every day as part of the lesson preparation content. Students read after the tape recording or I will lead the reading. When they encounter key paragraphs and difficult sentences, they will read them repeatedly until they are fluent and blurt out. Constantly improve the teaching level, I rely on two methods:


  First, download the classroom record online;


  The second is to listen to excellent teachers lessons. For example, I often listen to the lessons of experienced teachers of this grade, Mr. Lu and Mr. Xie, from which I can learn good teaching methods and see some theoretical knowledge. On this basis, combined with their own classroom, make a new attempt in teaching, so that their level will continue to improve.


  In short, teaching is a technology and an art. "There is no best, only better." If we want to do better, we must constantly reflect on our past work, sum up our experiences and lessons, check for omissions and supplements, and make continuous progress.

  高中英语英文教学反思 3


  In the past 24 years of senior high school English teaching, I found that the teaching methods and forms we used have changed greatly. Especially after the new curriculum reform, the great changes in senior high school English textbooks are admirable. Both Peoples Education Edition and Oxford Edition have absorbed the teaching ideas of contemporary languages, emphasizing function, concept and structure. The combination of themes has changed the grammar-centered arrangement system in traditional textbooks. The arrangement mode of modern senior high school English textbooks has made some teachers unilaterally pursue communication in teaching, ignoring or not teaching grammar, leading to the desalination of grammar in English teaching and even going to the other extreme. In fact, grammar teaching is an indispensable part of English teaching at any time. It is the cornerstone of students comprehensive use of language knowledge for communication.


  However, judging from the current situation of English grammar teaching in senior high schools, some senior high school teachers tend to ignore grammar teaching to varying degrees. In teaching practice, some teachers excessively pursue the communicative teaching process and neglect grammar teaching, which makes students lose the ability to analyze sentence structure and master sentence components. In oral communication, when they encounter materials consistent with the text, they will open their mouths and become fluent. If they change a little, they will make mistakes and omissions. In writing exercises and tests, they will make mistakes, and the logic, standardization and flexibility of the language are poor. One-sided understanding of the requirements of the syllabus also despises grammar teaching.


  Therefore, the first step in the reform of teaching methods is to renew ideas. Over the years, the slogan of "weakening grammar teaching" has been loud and clear. But this is very different from the actual teaching. The requirements for grammar items in the new syllabus have really decreased. It emphasizes the cultivation of students ability to communicate in English. However, this does not mean that grammar teaching is dispensable. Because language itself is communicative. Therefore, we must realize that although communication is the foundation, grammar is the method. Without the guidance of grammar, we will lose our way. It is impossible to improve our practical ability, and the fundamental purpose of language communication is also difficult to achieve.


  After carefully studying the relevant theoretical knowledge of English grammar teaching method and the research of English grammar system, I feel that I have benefited a lot and felt deeply. I learned a lot of valuable things from it, and even understood the one-sidedness and mistakes of the previous grammar teaching views. Next, I will extract my feelings and discuss them with my colleagues.

  高中英语英文教学反思 4


  This semester, I am teaching English in Class 3 and Class 4 of Senior Two. One of these two classes is a counterpart education class, and the other is a vocational high school class. Except for a few students who have a good foundation, they generally have a poor English foundation and a thin foundation, and most of them are lazy. There are many boys, and most boys hate memorizing words. Therefore, their biggest difficulty is the poor vocabulary, which seriously affects their interest in English learning. In view of this, I pay special attention to students learning and accumulation of vocabulary in daily teaching, require words to pass every class, and often dictate words, so as to constantly urge students to recite more words, phrases and some good sentences. In addition, I give them relevant test papers for vocabulary and phrases in each unit, but there are always some students in each class who would rather be copied than recite words.


  In teaching, I conscientiously implement the link of preparing lessons. Before preparing lessons, I know the contents of the teaching materials fairly well, refer to relevant materials, study the teaching materials carefully, and determine the important and difficult points. At the same time, preparing lessons should not only prepare teaching materials, but also prepare teaching methods; In addition, we should prepare students, adopt teaching methods suitable for them according to their actual situation, and constantly cultivate students interest in learning English. Every class should be "prepared" and be concise. After class, reflect on the teaching in time and summarize its shortcomings. Encourage students more and criticize them less. In order to make students love to talk more, we should pay attention to the use of encouraging language in practice and constantly strengthen students confidence in participating in communication.


  In addition, I can take an active part in attending and evaluating classes, learn teaching methods from my colleagues with an open mind, ask questions in teaching and improve teaching level.


  The above is my reflection on teaching in this semester, and there are many shortcomings. I hope that in the future teaching, I will study more and reflect more, and continue to explore ways to improve students interest in learning English, so as to promote the teaching work in by going up one flight of stairs.

  高中英语英文教学反思 5


  English is a difficult subject for students nowadays. Many students say that English is really difficult and they are unwilling to learn it. As a result, their study is not ideal. Recently, one thing touched me too deeply. It is recognized that students are not bad at learning, but there are factors that they are unwilling to learn.

  由于要录实堂课,所以我就把课本中的一节读写课制作成了课件。这样想的目的主要是避免课堂上的麻烦,节省时间。但实际上的效果却是我没有想到的。由于学生第一次接触课件,所以他们感觉非常的新鲜。上演练课的时候,学生学的特别的认真。他们积极的、认真的读课文,听我解讲课文中的重点知识。也在积极的动脑回答思考我所给他们出的问题。整堂课给我的感觉是学生没有一个在偷懒,都在认真的学习,哪怕是对英语一点兴趣都没有的学生。自然而然这一节课的效果是出乎我所意料的。过后, 我就在办公室里反思为什么这节课上的这么好?学生为什么对我已经学过的内容表现出这么大的反应?我的'最大的感触就是,使用了新鲜的东西,学生感兴趣的方式方法来引导他们学习。这就意味着,上课要不断的给学生新鲜感,要培养他们对学习英语的兴趣。不是说“兴趣是最好的老师吗?”我就是在这一堂课中给学生不同的学习方法,也可以说是他们比较感兴趣的,抓住他们的注意力。最大限度的发挥他们本身的潜力,由他们原先的被动学习变为现在的主动的学习。正因为他们对本节课充满着兴趣,所以就有很大的乐趣去学习,从而就很顺利地完成了本堂课的教学任务的。

  Because I want to record a real class, I made a reading and writing class in the textbook into a courseware. The main purpose of thinking like this is to avoid trouble in class and save time. But the actual effect is what I didnt expect. Because students are exposed to courseware for the first time, they feel very fresh. During the drill class, the students studied very carefully. They read the text actively and carefully, and listen to me to understand the key knowledge in the lecture. I am also actively thinking about the questions I gave them. The whole class gives me the feeling that none of the students are slacking off, and they are all studying hard, even those who have no interest in English at all. Naturally, the effect of this class is beyond my expectation. After that, I reflected in the office why this class was so good. Why do students react so much to what I have learned? My biggest feeling is that new things are used and students are interested in ways and means to guide them to learn. This means that we should constantly give students a sense of freshness in class and cultivate their interest in learning English. Didnt you say, "Interest is the best teacher?" It is in this class that I give students different learning methods, which can also be said that they are more interested in and catch their attention. Maximize their own potential, from their original passive learning to active learning now. Because they are full of interest in this class, they have great fun to learn, and thus successfully complete the teaching task of this class.


  Therefore, in the future teaching, we should constantly change the teaching methods and fundamentally cultivate students interest in learning. Only interest is the best teacher. A good teacher is not teaching, not teaching students, but teaching students to learn.

  高中英语英文教学反思 6


  This semester, I taught English in two liberal arts classes in Grade Two, Grade One and Grade Three. According to the teaching plan made at the beginning of the semester, I have basically completed the teaching task. This semester, I have been more active in getting to know students and finding out their learning foundation, so as to better "teach students in accordance with their aptitude". In teaching, we should carefully prepare lessons, attend classes, attend lectures and evaluate classes, correct homework and comment homework in time, do a good job of after-school counseling, extensively dabble in all kinds of knowledge, form a relatively complete knowledge structure, strictly demand students, respect students, and make them learn something, so as to continuously improve their teaching level and ideological consciousness and successfully complete the education and teaching tasks.


  Because it is a new textbook, the treatment of the textbook for each lesson will be discussed seriously in the preparation group first, and the choice will be made in combination with the requirements of the new curriculum standard, so that teaching with textbooks is truly achieved, rather than simply teaching textbooks. In every class, I carefully prepare lessons and carefully write lesson plans in combination with the actual situation of our students. After class, I can reflect and summarize in time and constantly improve my professional level.


  For two classes at different levels, my teaching is also very different. The key classes continue the elective courses in senior high school. Because of the poor foundation, ordinary classes begin to make up for it from junior high school courses. Both classes at different levels have made progress. Over the past semester, the students interest and ability in English learning have been improved, and their grades have improved significantly in previous exams organized by the school.


  In short, a hard work, a harvest. Teaching work is accompanied by bitterness and joy. I hope I can do better in my future work.



  英语作文 1

  Spring is a season for revival. Every spring the wild goose will fly back to the south from the north, the grass grow new seedlings, peach and cherry trees grow the bud, opening with pink flowers.

  Abask sunlight in the face of the earth, make people intoxicated. The sun like a warm spring furnaces, as on the green earth, the golden light. The white clouds in the spring is exceptionally beautiful, like a pentium pony, like the rolling waves, and as the voice of white face. The spring wind like a kindly mother, Buddha with you on the cheek, make you feel fortable carefree and happy.

  Spring breeze blowing through the earth, the earth turn green; The spring breeze blowing trees, leaves gently shake, the wind as if to tell jokes, tree smile curved waist; The window clapped ring, like in the happy clap your hands; Look, leaves brush to fly, the wind is the eldest brother with wire rope skipping had more time!

  The campus is rich and colorful of spring. Beautiful winter jasmine is wele us! Boulevard, tree-lined, paths on both sides of flowers numerous and leafy. Cherry blossom everywhere in the campus, far see like to spread a thick layer of white snow, campus nearly look let a person feel the sky is beautiful snowflakes fluttering. Money chrysanthemum inlaid around the lawn, dotting the green lawn is particularly bright beautiful; Grass green, central a few bunch of beautiful flowers to decorate his lawn more charming, more beautiful. New shoots grow from peach, peach blossom in bud. Willow pond light fo the embankment, the sun sparkling on the river in between. The willows reflected in the water, like a beautiful landscape painting.

  I looked at the beauty of spring, can not help hearts vibrated: our country is like spring, everywhere is full of vigor and vitality, as full.






  英语作文 2

  "Protect the environment, everyone duty", when it comes to protecting the environment, I think of a thing.

  Its a sunny afternoon, my mother and I happily went downstairs for a walk, inadvertently, I found on the green lawn with an old, dirty battery. Battery is harmful to our environment a major killer! A grain of small button battery can be 600 cubic meters of water pollution, the equivalent of a mans lifes water consumption; Section 1 battery rot in the field, can lose one square metre of land utilization value, and cause permanent public nuisance. Think about this, I ran to my mother had said it again, I say again: "mom, I want to throw waste batteries into the dustbin." Mother think I speak very reasonable, I happily run to waste batteries, thought: I really do a meaningful thing! I gently picked up the waste batteries, threw it into the dustbin.

  "Not to small and not for good, it is a sin to." As a primary school student, we should start from me, start from small things, start from the side, start from now, pick up every piece of paper on the ground, take good care of trees and flowers, love small animals. Lets go and look for the green world, to make our world a better place!




  英语作文 3

  The genial spring breeze is very comfortable on the face. In the bright spring days, the school held a sports meeting open up a fresh outlook. Unlike in the past, the athletes were the teachers of the school.

  The name of the game is very interesting. Its called "helping each other."". "Boat" is actually two pieces of wood, each board has five fixed sets, when the game, five players put their feet into the fixed sleeve, the first team came to the end, is the champion.

  In the third class, the loud voice of headmaster Li came from the radio. "Please ask the group leader and the players to concentrate immediately on the playground."......" Suddenly, the whole campus was boiling up. Both sides of the runway were crowded with spectators: cheerleaders, teachers, classmates, and curious parents.

  The game began, and the season teacher and her players came in, they set the posture, the back of the people holding the front of the waist, one by one eager. Just listen to the referee gave the order, they shouted: "one or two, one or two......" While with vigorous strides forward to walk, at the beginning, I am happy to their way ahead, jumping and screaming. But good times dont last long teacher suddenly fell, single, which you can go, you rush. I am anxious, anxious to help them to run in the past. Finally, they regroup and start again, but soon to end point of time, do not know what the teacher, a nervous, they fell, had a long time to climb up. It seems the first prize is gone, can only take a "wrestling Award"!

  In fact, it is not important to be a champion. It is important for you to participate.






  英语作文 4

  Maybe some people, they will not like the teacher as we travel the knowledge of the ocean, nor like parents tell me the true meaning of the world. Theyll tell you short stories, and theyll teach you playful, healthy games. They are my good friends and good classmates.

  I want to thank my friend. In class, we had a heated discussion; after class, we played and played happily together. They brought me smiles and happiness.

  We have good things to play together. We are together in a quiet corner listening to the music box music; always help doll hair and clothing design in the home who played awfully. We roll on the grass, climb up trees, pick berries, and on the night of the full moon, we tell thrilling ghost stories on the roof and so on. Thank my friend for giving me these stories that are worth collecting and recalling.

  Good friends are not only happy, happy, but also share the pain. On one occasion, I was surprisingly poor, much less than the bottom of the class. The next class is physical education, and I stay alone in the classroom. Glistening tears fell across my cheek. My friend came back, she took out a towel, gently wipe the tears on my cheeks, she said: "do not cry, the exam is just a test, do not look too heavy, I think, is also important for your success and failure, failure belongs to the past, victory is the future." When I heard this, I raised my head and went to the playground with her.

  They feel like a fresh breeze, brushed my sadness of trouble; they are like a shining emerald, shining in my childhood on the road: they are like a beautiful fantasy, to my hearts cleaning. Thank you, my classmate five years of friends, you brought me not only fun games, good music, but also that memorable, unforgettable memories of my life!






  英语作文 5

  Dragon Boat Festival is a traditional festival, legend in the miluo river, a patriotic poet qu yuans body, the people in honor of he threw zongzi in miluo river, shrimp and the harm to the body of qu yuan. Then gradually evolved into todays Dragon Boat Festival.

  Also not only the Dragon Boat Festival to eat dumplings, dragon boat racing, this project is to use the power of the dragon king, dont let the bold fish and shrimp eat to qu yuans dumplings.

  Stand in leading the people in charge of big drum, in the person responsible for boating, delimit the fastest that a fleet, can get the first name and prizes, back to shore, and sat in a chair, eating of waxy waxy, sweet sweet, sweet dumplings, watching the scenery, breathing the fresh air, dont mention how comfortable.

  In the evening, and with a background that infinite good sunset, men, women and children dressed in costumes, singing and dancing joyfully. Is a "sunset infinite good, just near evening". In a short time, it is dark. People sat together, singing, said amicably, eat his food, feeling really great! Time slipped, can you side, not to leave, had to silent night not black, wanjiadenghuo reflected into the day.





  英语作文 6

  The new year is a traditional program in the Spring Festival, and my family is no exception. The first day of the year of the tiger, I got up early, put on new clothes up, with mom and dad to pay New Years call aunt Lee home.

  When the car was at the door of Aunt Lis house, I saw a red red spring couplet on her broad gate, brand new and new. On both sides of the door is still hanging high big red lanterns. Before I entered the house, I felt the strong festive atmosphere of the Spring Festival. Mother knew I was a "not sweet" child. Before knocking on the door, I made a special urge to tell me, "baby, you have to take the initiative to see my uncle and aunt!" "Good!" I readily agreed. As my mother pressed the bell, I was secretly prepared for new years new years blessings. I didnt think that when Aunt Li opened the door, my heart was like a cat scratched. It shrinks back to the mouth. When it comes to the mouth, it is scared away. At this time, her mother anxious to touch my hand, as if to remind me to say: "hurry up, hurry up!" The more anxious my mother was, the more I could not speak, the worst thing was that I was so nervous that I forgot the ready blessings. Whats good to say? I am as anxious as an ant on a hot pot, and this should let my mother be disappointed. Suddenly a word in my mind blurted out, "congratulations on a fortune, a red bag!" The adult present was first Leng, and then laughed. In the wrong way, I sly looked at my mother and found her face red. Aunt Lee looked at busy smiled and said "it is really lovely children, Xiao zheng!"

  Think of it, my heart will have a sense of shame, will think what time you can be generous. It will be an unforgettable star in my growing up.




  英语作文 7

  My hometown is the place where there is Heng Mountain, where the scenery is picturesque. Four seasons have their respective beauty. That place is called Hunan.

  Everything recovers in spring. The grass reveals its green head, opens its eyes and watches the world carefully. In the garden, a riot of colours, willow dancing, the lovely green hair, the wind piaowu. Colorful flowers waved to us as if to say with a smile, "welcome to our home."." The different levels of green and colorful embellishment make the earth full of vitality. A vibrant landscape appeared before us.

  In the summer, cicadas sang songs with their unique voices. The burning fire of the sun baked the earth. The trees shook their heads listlessly, as if complaining about the heat of the sun. The dog lying in the shade of the tongue, and stood for a moment in the sun, like roast meat, smoking. This is the hot summer.

  In autumn, the fruity smell makes my mouth water. It is a season of abundant harvest. The farmers uncle smiled like a flower. In the fields there are golden wheat, red faced sorghum, and fruit shining on the trees like the sun. This is the farmer uncle hard-earned harvest. A sheet of fallen leaves flew gently down. This is a golden painting.

  Winter snow, a plum only thriving, the snow covered flowers make me feel plum firm and inflexible spirit. You see, every little red face is full of snow and ice. Small children dont know to make a snowman, snowball fights in the snow. They all narrowed their eyes with laughter. This is a picture of ink and wash.

  This is the four seasons of my hometown, there are colorful spring, there are hot summer, a harvest of autumn, there are cold winter. I love my hometown.







  英语作文 8

  The winter came, the temperature of the day, a day than a cold day. Six or seven oclock in the morning, we lived in the West under the overpass, there are morning people, was very lively, but now few people shadow, sparse leaves, come to the floor, a bleak picture. Every morning when I go to school and wait for the bus, it is the most uncomfortable time. The wind like a knife and hit me in the face, nose, frozen I shivered, forehead blowing like needle like pain and ice, gloves, scarf, jacket, is my daily necessary equipment. Every day my toes get numb with cold.

  A few days ago, the lowest temperature is zero 3 to 4 degrees, which has two days to reach 4 degrees below zero, the day before yesterday afternoon, the sky also Piaoqi the snow flakes fly, we next have Xiliu Lake a layer of ice. Sometimes walking feeling at the foot of the land is frozen stiff, give people the feeling mood is very dark, very lonely. But to the school and class, our mood will immediately become very happy, because everyone was dressed like a puppy bear like heavy. When I go to my seat, I feel very crowded and narrow at one time. Especially a few small pier “ ”, squeeze squeeze into the seat. We see each of the students entered the classroom, face look red, like rouged, very good-looking.

  There are several male students, love to play in the snow, although the snow fell on the hands are turned into the water, but they also play with relish, and play for a long time snow hand to touch the students face, students will be “ sou ” breath, really cool! And everybody laughing and ran out open your mouth and then the sky snow began to taste the natural ice porridge delicious ” &rdquo. Winter, although the feeling of cold pressing, but it will bring us a lot of endless joy!




  英语作文 9

  In my memory, the city in which there are countless chemicals in the air, never had such a pure white snow, as inviolable as the gods. The city has never been so pure, white, beautiful snow, so happy, so happy. Continuous snow, send with continuous love, snow ah, you know how much I like you?. Do you know how many sorrows I have hidden? Do you know how many cracks I want to hide? You never know, you never know.

  Snow, one by one, falls in every corner of the city, will not repeat, and will not miss. Like a piece of falling into the ground, but it seems to me like another sharp dart into the heart has no place to repeat, the blood flow continually, but no pain, just like we will be lonely, no one will go to the poor you, no one will go to help you.

  Footprints row after row, train of thought string, walk, think continuously samsara. Close your eyes, I can wander in the fantasy, open my eyes, I am still me, without any change, or the hands are stained with the blood of my wind, Xiao Xiao, blowing away my sorrow; snow fluttering, take away my sin, perhaps this is the best way to let nature of my baptism the body and mind.

  My feelings have long been broken. With the falling snowflakes floating away. But the snow is spring, and a blue seed, it will grow into a happy flower seedlings of hope, I am not sure whether it has no fruit, it is still sad before it in the thick mud, sad, strong to stand up straight, for that the dream in her heart, that is full of hope and dream of happiness.

  This early spring snow was drifting profusely and disorderly the next day and night, maybe God helped me, I should be happy!

  Life is bitter short, not too flustered, have a dream, want to say something.

  The world will not stop for who, without me, the world is still the world, but since I have, I should have more than a brilliant color.








  英语作文 10

  The quality of human life has been improving, and science and technology are becoming more and more advanced. What would life be like in the 25th century?

  In the 25th century, every family has at least one computer. Because computers are a necessary tool for every family. There were many computer functions, and they were all three-dimensional, so long as they were touched in the air, the page would show up and be very convenient. There may be more than a hundred computer functions now, but there are hundreds of computers in the future, and as long as you write down the features you want to use, the page will jump out and let you use it. You can play more games on the computer; Do more work; Find more information...

  Future is not just because of the computer, there is no school, school lesson is rich in the future: when you are in the class discipline, the teacher will take you together, go to the outdoor experience to experience the beauty of nature; When you are in math class, the teacher will put aside the rigid textbooks and take you to the classroom to learn the wonders of mathematics. When you are in Chinese class, the teacher will not be lecturing all the time, but sometimes there will be some interesting little games, let you learn in the game...

  The future of housework will not be done by humans. Just tell the robot at home and it will automatically do it for you. But it is not lazy sitting on the sofa waiting for somebody else to serve, in the future is made up of the gym, in the gym have special robots will teach you to make every action correctly, let you do exercise correctly.

  In the future, everything is beautiful and everyone is civilized. In the future, there are many things waiting for us to discover. Are you ready?














