

时间:2017-09-20 10:26:05 英文简历写作 我要投稿





Your resume to specific, avoid tell

经常看到一些简历满纸的“较强的沟通能力,很强的社会实践能力,抗压性高……”之类的定性类词汇。不是说这些东西不能写,但是每一条都要有事实和自己的经历来佐证,否则你说什么就是什么,那还要面试官干嘛!面试官的作用就是通过你的一言一行,以及你过往的经历来判断你的素质和能力是否符合公司标准。 所以建议大家把一些能表现你自己特质的事情简单的写在简历上,这样内容具体,不空泛,也能让面试官找到提问的方向,让你有更多的机会展示自己。 另一种习惯,我不知道是什么时候在学生群体当中形成的.,就是总爱在简历的页眉或者页脚,或者其他什么醒目的地方,写一句看上去豪情万丈,其实毫无价值的话。随便摘几条,大家应该很熟悉: “给我一个机会,还您一个惊喜!” “相信我,没错的!" “是金子,在哪都会发光!” “我愿用我的热情为贵企业奉献全部的力量!” ………… 我猜有些学生是感觉如果不加上这种套话,就会觉得简历没有分量一样。但我看到这类的话,心里就有点不爽,面试官不会因为你写了这些东西就认为你这个人有自信,感担当等等,否则面试也太容易了。这种看上去漂亮的话属于那种写在简历上没什么帮助,扔掉它也不会觉得可惜的东西,属于典型的假大空范畴。所以,简历实实在在,清清爽爽就好,没必要狗尾续貂,人云亦云。

Often see some resume full paper "strong communication ability, a strong social practice ability, compressive resistance high......" And so on qualitative class vocabulary. Not to say these things can't write, but each have facts and own experience to evidence, or anything you say, that even the interviewer why! The role of the interviewer is through what you say and do, and your past experiences to judgment you of quality and ability in compliance with company standard. So suggest you put some can show you the qualities of things simple written in your resume, so content specific, not vague, also can let the interviewer find the direction of the question, let you have more opportunities to show yourself. Another kind of habit, I don't know what time in the student group formation of, that is, total love in your resume header or footer, or any other marked place, write a look inspiring, actually there is no value words. Pick them a few, we should be very familiar with: "give me a chance, return you a surprise!" "Believe me, that's right!" "Is not gold, which will shine!" "I would like to use my enthusiasm for your business to offer all the power!" ............ I guess some students is feeling if not add the formulary, will feel the same resume no component. But I see this kind of words, the in the mind was a bit uncomfortable, the interviewer will not because you wrote these things that you this people have confidence, feeling bear, etc., or interview is too easy. This looks beautiful words belong to the written in resume no help, throw it away to also won't feel pity thing, belongs to the typical tell category. So, truly, truly, resume, relaxed good, don't need to GouWeiXuDiao, parrot.


Your resume should pay attention to details

有个简历给我的印象很深,封面制作很漂亮,但打开之后,发现一只蚊子尸体的影印版赫然跃入眼帘。候选人对此的解释是,复印的时候没有注意,把蚊子也印进去了。这个人虽然沟通还算顺畅,但我没有要,因为对于自己的简历这种代表脸面的东西都无所谓的人,我不敢保证他以后会不会马马虎虎的对待客户。 这种情况还有很多。比如简历打开浏览了不到半页,就发现6,7个错别字,这时他还在自我介绍说自己是个认真细心的人,结果我反问一句他就答不上来了。还有简历通篇的字体,字号排版错乱,黑体、宋体交杂,4号字,5号字交杂。有的甚至把自己的毕业年份都能写错,当我提醒之后才慌忙现场拿笔修改。 上面的这些情况其实都可以避免,简历做好之后,只要认真的检查2,3遍就绝对不会出现这种低级失误。

There is a resume gave me the impression of very deep, cover production is very beautiful, but after opening, found a mosquito bodies gravure impressively jumped out. The candidate the explanation is that copy of the time have no attention, the mosquito also printed in. The man although communication will be smooth, but I didn't want to, because for his resume that represents face things doesn't matter, I can't guarantee that he will not slovenly treat customers. This kind of situation there are many. Such as resume open browse less than half of the page, he found that six or seven wrong character, when he was still in self introduction says she is a careful person, result I counter-question 1 he couldn't answer the. And, throughout your resume font, size layout disorder, blackbody, song typeface mixed, 4 words, 5 words mixed. Some even his own graduation year can write wrong, when I remind before flurried field take pen modification. The above these conditions in fact can be avoided, resume after well, as long as serious check 2, 3 times wouldn't appear this kind of low-level mistakes.








