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  Personal information


  Gender: male

  Ethnic composition: the han nationality

  Age: 33

  Marital status: married

  Professional name: industrial and commercial management

  Major: management class

  Political landscape: the masses

  School: Malaysia state institute of technology

  Graduation time: in July 2006

  Highest degree: bachelor

  Computer level: master

  Working experience: above five years

  Height: 172 cm weight: 80 kg

  Now home: xinluo district

  Registration: xinluo district


  Hope is engaged in the occupation: investment manager, director of investment promotion, operations manager, chief operating officer

  Expected salary: 10000-15000

  Expect work areas: yongding county, xinluo district, changting county

  Expect nature of work: full-time

  The fastest arrive time: arrive at any time

  Must provide housing: no need


  Education background:

  School name: Malaysia state institute of technology (July 2001 - July 2006)

  Professional name: industrial and commercial management

  Education: bachelor degree

  Trained experience:

  Work experience

  Company name: quanzhou nanan head light market management co., LTD. (March 2015 - present)

  Related industries: real estate development, construction and engineering, services (mediation, property management, supervision, design) nature of the company: private. Private enterprises

  Company size: 200 ~ 500

  Working location: quanzhou

  Job title: investment operations director

  Job description: 1, responsible for the various rules and regulations and business standards and authorizing department each work and indicator; 2, responsible for investment promotion channel developing, resource integration, the key customer relationship development and maintenance, set up and dynamic maintenance merchant brand resources; 3, the calculation of the rent for the assigned project, cost budget and control, to achieve the company's business goals. 4, according to company strategic planning to determine the brand adjustment and combination, investment plan, strategy and policy, implementation of company approval before implementation; 5, comprehensive and will be responsible for the management and operation for rent, the tenant sales summary and classification analysis on a regular basis, provide rent warning and adjust the reference formats, and urged a good tenant services and customer service; 6, is responsible for organizing regular surveys of market competition, and report to adjust the plan; 7, responsible for department personnel pageant, training, division of labor, daily management and performance evaluation.

  Company name: longyan city heng & shangpin era department store co., LTD. (December 2013 - November 2014)

  Related industries: real estate development, construction and engineering, services (mediation, property management, supervision, design) nature of the company: private. Private enterprises

  Company size: more than 1000 people

  Working location: longyan

  Job title: manager of China merchants

  Job description: responsible for comprehensive quality goods international mall merchants work, by a large number of adjustable and combined with the detailed data, the company is international market investment for repositioning and quadratic forms planning, successfully developed is suitable for the market positioning mode, namely "outside street along street" mode. Outside street: depending on the area surrounding the occupancy rate and the hierarchy of customer success planning out of the 148 - meter long "Europe type amorous feelings street", is given priority to with Europe type light meal, combination of shangpin international mall special cultural atmosphere, make longyan the only European street, the street into the success: brand sweet shop and bakery, handmade chocolate store brand, brand of original juice shop, and with "starbucks coffee, coffee with you, Pacific, burger king, 85 ° C and other international and domestic a line of leisure brand certain strategic intention; the street: according to a large number of survey data and make appropriate adjustments, namely: the experiential forms + a small amount of retail format pattern. With this unique CK, song think, grace is, ivy, lee, Levi strauss, rand a batch of a second-line fashion retail brands at home and abroad, introduced the trends of men's clothing of strength can be more, men's wear hallyu MECHL and a series of high-end retail brands, with the polo club, and the earth element, NATICA, TRENDIANO a second-tier, JNBY, DIZZLE and other international and domestic retail brand certain cooperation intention. Experiential forms: combine children experience type giant" week eight town "mode, successful introduction of 3000 ㎡ children experience forms - pooh town, and also discuss the children around commerce.

  Company name: longyan genesis estate agents sales co., LTD. (March 2012 - November 2013)

  Related industries: real estate development, construction and engineering, services (mediation, property management, supervision, design) nature of the company: private. Private enterprises

  Company size: 50-200 people

  Working location: longyan

  Job title: manager of China merchants

  Job description: according to the key projects, longyan city in fujian province major workplace project - "the hercynian QiMao trading city in the overall investment, the project covers an area of 218 mu, total construction area of about 500000 ㎡, with a total investment of about 1.6 billion yuan, is the only a collection of minxi government, financial services, new and used car sales, car trading, automobile trade, e-commerce QiMao of spirits. Project planning have 2 s / 4 s car, hotel/office/car showrooms, second-hand car trading market, after the car market and high-rise residential sales is divided into three periods. Current period of couplet of four layers between 464 shops, led by underground 62 indoor used car shop sales, as of October 1, the first to the rate of about 95%, in the field of professional market has more than city minxi trading building materials city, adhering to the professional market investment in the direction of advance, lead the team for this project for enterprises reached more than 300 households, has reached around 80% of total sales accounted for paving, won the title of longyan this year's best commercial real estate. Phase ii is introduced, the product covers auto 2 s shop, a small number of four layers of couplet shops, residential, etc. By the left, sales, has completed a phase of the project completed 6 billions of sales performance.

  Company name: dragon rock color top hui business management co., LTD. (street) wet person (February 2010 - February 2012)

  Related industries: real estate development, construction and engineering, services (mediation, property management, supervision, design) nature of the company: private. Private enterprises

  Company size: 50-200 people

  Working location: longyan

  Job title: China merchants

  Job description: the busiest section of zhongshan road for longyan do merchants "hipster street", and after finish to a business. "Hipster street" is located in longyan zhongshan road on the second floor, due to poor management of original refitted rectification of foreign investment. Area of about 12000 ㎡, 168 shops, after rectification into archaize street type architectural style, layout reasonable, accurate, and successfully opened in 5.1, the occupancy rate above 95%, Deere jewelry, more love only to clothing, lee, Levis, koti brands among them, there is still hot today.

  Company name: xiamen, gome electrical appliances co., LTD. (January 2007 - January 2010)

  Industry: industry

  Nature of the company: the listed company

  Company size: more than 1000 people

  Working location: xiamen

  Job title: director of operations

  Job description: my tenure at group company has 20 stores and daily management work, mainly in charge of training, system implementation, landing related shops operating personnel guidance, improve the planning, building, its category and establish and improve the establishment of the key indicators, tracking, evaluation.

  Self assessment

  Self assessment: familiar with commercial real estate project investment channels and industry dynamics; Commercial management experience; Skill and familiar with the process of investment, catering, entertainment, and cooperation between the main store of engineering hardware conditions has accumulated rich experience, with retail catering entertainment business resources in fujian province; With strong investment skills, planning and independent negotiation skills, can write market research, prediction and analysis of economic activity in the project report; Good public relations capacity, compressive ability, work a strong sense of responsibility.

  Language ability

  Language name master degree

  Good English

  Good mandarin




  性别: 男

  民族: 汉族

  年龄: 33

  婚姻状况: 已婚

  专业名称: 工商管理

  主修专业: 管理类

  政治面貌: 群众

  毕业院校: 马来西亚学邦理工

  毕业时间: 2006年7月

  最高学历: 本科

  电脑水平: 精通

  工作经验: 五年以上

  身高: 172cm体重:80公斤

  现所在地: 新罗区

  户籍: 新罗区


  期望从事职业: 招商经理,招商总监,营运经理,营运总监

  期望薪水: 10000-15000

  期望工作地区: 永定县、新罗区、长汀县

  期望工作性质: 全职

  最快到岗时间: 随时到岗

  需提供住房: 不需要



  学校名称: 马来西亚学邦理工学院(2001年7月-2006年7月)

  专业名称: 工商管理

  学历: 本科



  公司名称: 泉州市南安水头光线市场管理有限公司(2015年3月-至今)

  所属行业: 房地产开发·建筑与工程·服务(中介·物业·监理·设计) 公司性质: 私营.民营企业

  公司规模: 200~500人

  工作地点: 泉州

  职位名称: 招商营运总监

  工作描述: 1、负责各项规章制度和业务准则并下达部门各项工作和指标;2、负责招商渠道拓展、资源整合、重点客户关系的开拓和维护、建立并动态维护商户品牌资源;3、负责项目租金的测算、成本费用的预算和控制,达成公司的经营目标;4、依据公司战略规划确定品牌的调整及组合、拟定招商计划、策略和政策,获得公司批准后执行落实;5、全面负责商铺租赁管理及运作,定期进行租户销售汇总与分类分析,提供收租预警与业态调整参考,倡导并督促实行良好的租户服务与顾客服务;6、负责组织针对市场竞争对手的定期调查,并上报调整方案;7、负责部门人员的选拨、训练、分工、日常管理和绩效考评。

  公司名称: 龙岩市恒亿&尚品时代百货有限公司(2013年12月-2014年11月)

  所属行业: 房地产开发·建筑与工程·服务(中介·物业·监理·设计) 公司性质: 私营.民营企业

  公司规模: 1000人以上

  工作地点: 龙岩

  职位名称: 招商经理

  工作描述: 全面负责尚品国际商场的招商工作,经过大量市调并结合详尽数据,对尚品国际商场二次招商进行重新定位及业态规划,成功制定出适合该商场的定位模式,即“以外街带动内街”的模式。外街:依靠周边小区的入住率及客户的层级成功规划出148米长“欧式风情一条街”,以欧式轻餐为主,结合尚品国际商场特殊的人文气息,打造龙岩唯一的欧式街道,该街道成功入驻了:品牌甜品店、品牌烘焙店、品牌手工巧克力店、品牌原味果汁店,且与“星巴克、咖啡陪你、太平洋咖啡、汉堡王、85°C等国际国内一线休闲品牌达成一定的战略意向;内街:根据大量数据及市调做出适合的调整,即:体验式业态+少量零售业态的模式。结合该场独有的CK、歌力思、恩尚、艾薇、lee、李维斯、保兰德等一批国内外一二线服装零售品牌,引进了实力男装威可多、潮流男装韩流MECHL等一系列中高档零售品牌,并与沙驰、地素、NATICA、TRENDIANO、JNBY、DIZZLE等国际国内一二线零售品牌达成一定的合作意向。体验式业态:结合儿童体验式行业巨头“星期八小镇”的模式,成功引进3000㎡儿童体验式业态-吉维尼小镇,并陆续洽谈儿童周边业态进驻。

  公司名称: 龙岩创世纪地产代理销售有限公司(2012年3月-2013年11月)

  所属行业: 房地产开发·建筑与工程·服务(中介·物业·监理·设计) 公司性质: 私营.民营企业

  公司规模: 50~200人

  工作地点: 龙岩

  职位名称: 招商经理

  工作描述: 针对福建省重点项目、龙岩市重特大项目--《海西汽贸交易城》进行整体招商,项目占地218亩,总建筑面积约50万㎡,总投资约16亿人民币,是闽西唯一一家集政府、金融一条龙服务、新车及二手车展示展销、汽车交易、汽配贸易、电子商务在内的汽贸综合体。项目规划有汽车2S/4S、酒店/写字楼/汽车展厅、二手车交易市场、汽车后市场及高层住宅,共分三期进行招售。目前为首期464间四层联体商铺、地下62间室内二手车商铺的招售,截止10月1日,首期去化率达到95%左右,在专业市场领域已超过同城《闽西建材交易城》,专业市场秉承招商先行的方向,带领团队为本项目招进经营户达到300余户,达到总销售铺面占比的'80%左右,获龙岩本年度最佳商业地产称号。目前二期正在推出,产品涵盖汽车2S店、小部分四层联体商铺、住宅等。截止离开,项目已完成一期销售,完成销售额6个亿的业绩。

  公司名称: 龙岩城色百佳汇商业管理有限公司(潮人街)(2010年2月-2012年2月)

  所属行业: 房地产开发·建筑与工程·服务(中介·物业·监理·设计) 公司性质: 私营.民营企业

  公司规模: 50~200人

  工作地点: 龙岩

  职位名称: 招商主管

  工作描述: 为龙岩最繁华地段中山路“潮人街”做招商,并在完成后转为商管。“潮人街”位于龙岩中山路二楼,因原先经营不善而进行重装整改对外招商。面积约12000㎡,店铺168间,整改后成仿古街式建筑风格,布局合理,定位准确,并在5.1顺利开业,入驻率95%以上,更有爱迪尔珠宝、阿唯得服饰、lee、Levis、哥弟等品牌入驻其中,目前仍红火至今。

  公司名称: 厦门国美电器有限公司(2007年1月-2010年1月)

  所属行业: 家电业

  公司性质: 上市公司

  公司规模: 1000人以上

  工作地点: 厦门

  职位名称: 营运主管

  工作描述: 本人任职期间主管集团公司下辖二十几家门店的日常管理运作,主要分管培训、制度落地执行、相关店铺运营人员的指导、完善门店品类的规划、构建工作并建立完善重点指标的建立、追踪、考核。


  自我评价: 熟悉商业地产项目招商渠道及行业动态;具有商业管理经验;熟悉招商流程与技巧,对餐饮、娱乐、主力店等工程硬件方面以及合作条件方面积累丰富的工作经验,拥有福建省零售餐饮娱乐等商家资源;具有较强的招商技巧、策划和独立谈判能力,能撰写市场调研、预测和分析经济活动的专题报告;具备良好的公关能力、抗压能力,工作责任心强。


  语种名称 掌握程度

  英语 良好

  普通话 良好










