

时间:2018-03-01 14:03:38 英文简历模板 我要投稿





  Personal information


  Gender: female

  Ethnic composition: the han nationality age: 28

  Marital status: single professional title: logistics management

  Major: management class political landscape: the league members

  School: fuzhou university graduation time: in June 2015

  Highest degree: bachelor computer level: good

  Working experience: more than three years

  Height: 164 cm weight: 49 kg

  Home now: xinluo district household register: yongding county


  Hope is engaged in the occupation: management, procurement, back office expected salary: 3000-4000

  Expect work areas: xinluo district expectations nature of work: full-time

  The fastest time to arrive: arrive at any time to provide housing: don't need


  Education background:

  School name: fuzhou university (September 2011 - June 2013)

  Professional title: logistics management education: bachelor degree

  Location: fuzhou certificate: English level 4, a driver's license

  Professional description: for warehousing, transportation, procurement, distribution and other related knowledge learning, and the basis of the relevant knowledge of cargo by sea, air, and trade

  School name: fujian business college (September 2008 - June 2011)

  Name: professional tourism management education: college degree

  Location: fuzhou certificate: computer level, legally

  Professional description: mainly of tourism, hotel management, tourism laws and regulations as well as basic knowledge, the guest in the process of tourism emergency treatment

  Trained experience:

  Work experience

  Company name: Shanghai international freight forwarders co., LTD. Xiamen branch BaiHui (March 2014 - February 2017)

  Industry: traffic, transportation, logistics company nature: sino-foreign joint venture (joint venture, cooperation)

  Company size: 50-200 people working location: xiamen

  Job title: OP (operator)

  Job description: I mainly responsible for tracking and maintenance of Australia and South Korea guests, which made me has a lot to improve English writing ability; For emergencies, timely coordination of domestic and foreign guests and deal with the problem, let me understand the real efficiency and doing things calm, validated "period", a word from a global view, the industry is interlinked, which links appear problem, as long as there is about work, so for a limited time to solve the problem, it is concluded that the importance of cohesion in practice; As the "equipment control" (our company is the south Korean company), the main docking with South Korea headquarters, main work is to xiamen and fuzhou port container required for control and maintenance, need accurate forecast and make empty container allocation.

  Leaving reason: personal questions

  Self assessment

  Self assessment: personality: cheerful, treats people the enthusiasm, sincerity; Travel make my view more broad, more optimistic and positive about life, let oneself more confident. Knowledge: the university of the first major is tourism management, worked as a tour guide, my management skills, communication, language expression and other comprehensive ability have bigger promotion. The second major is logistics management, the transportation, storage, procurement, distribution and other logistics management had a sure grasp, after graduation work in the Marine society: "sunshine summer" experiences it needs great patience to let my experience as a teacher. Work over the years, I mainly responsible for tracking and maintenance of Australia and South Korea guests, which made me has a lot to improve English writing ability; For emergencies, timely coordination of domestic and foreign guests and deal with the problem, let me understand the real efficiency and doing things calm, validated "period", a word from a global view, the industry is interlinked, which links appear problem, as long as there is about work, so for a limited time to solve the problem, it is concluded that the importance of cohesion in practice; As the "equipment control" (our company is the south Korean company), the main docking with South Korea headquarters, main work is to xiamen and fuzhou port container required for control and maintenance, need accurate forecast and make empty container allocation, it looked from the whole problem. Place oneself in the society, the competitive environment of the jungle let me experience, let me understand the importance of service, let me deeply understand the charm of win-win cooperation, but the most important is the mentality, a kind of attitude to work. Conclusion: an experience, an experience, continuous learning in the experience, summarize unceasingly, is growing up. But no matter what the most fundamental is to have two hearts - the sense of responsibility, patience.

  Language ability

  Language name master degree

  Good English

  Proficient in mandarin




  性别: 女

  民族: 汉族 年龄: 28

  婚姻状况: 未婚 专业名称: 物流管理

  主修专业: 管理类 政治面貌: 团员

  毕业院校: 福州大学 毕业时间: 2015年6月

  最高学历: 本科 电脑水平: 良好

  工作经验: 三年以上

  身高: 164cm 体重:49公斤

  现所在地: 新罗区 户籍: 永定县


  期望从事职业: 管理类,采购,内勤 期望薪水: 3000-4000

  期望工作地区: 新罗区 期望工作性质: 全职

  最快到岗时间: 随时到岗 需提供住房: 不需要



  学校名称: 福州大学(2011年9月-2013年6月)

  专业名称: 物流管理 学历: 本科

  所在地: 福州 证书: 英语四级,驾照

  专业描述: 对仓储、运输、采购、配送等相关知识的学习以及海运、空运的相关知识和贸易的基础了解

  学校名称: 福建商业高等专科学校(2008年9月-2011年6月)

  专业名称: 旅游管理 学历: 大专

  所在地: 福州 证书: 计算机一级、导游证

  专业描述: 主要是旅游地理、酒店管理、旅游法规以及旅游基础知识,客人在旅游过程中突发事件的处理



  公司名称: 上海柏辉国际货运代理有限公司厦门分公司(2014年3月-2017年2月)

  所属行业: 交通·运输·物流 公司性质: 中外合营(合资.合作)

  公司规模: 50~200人 工作地点: 厦门

  职位名称: OP(操作员)

  工作描述: 我主要负责澳大利亚和韩国客人的跟踪和维护,这使我英语书面能力有很大提升;对突发事件,能及时协调国内外客人并处理问题,让我真正理解了效率和处事的淡定,最终验证一句话“事在人为”,从全局看,这个行业是环环相扣的,只要有哪一环节出现问题,工作就无法进行,所以要在有限的时间内解决问题,实践中得出衔接的重要性;作为“箱管”(我司是韩国公司),主要跟韩国总部对接,主要工作是对厦门和福州港所需集装箱进行管控和维护,需要精准的预估并做出空箱调配。

  离职原因: 个人问题


  自我评价: 人格:性格开朗,待人热情、真诚;旅行让我的视野变得更宽阔,对生活更乐观、积极,让自己更自信。知识:大学第一专业是旅游管理,当过导游,使我的管理、处事、交际、语言表达等综合能力有较大的'提升。第二专业是物流管理,对运输、存储、采购、配送等物流管理知识掌握得很牢固,毕业后从事海运工作社会:“阳光暑期”的经历让我体会到作为老师需要很大的耐心。工作这些年,我主要负责澳大利亚和韩国客人的跟踪和维护,这使我英语书面能力有很大提升;对突发事件,能及时协调国内外客人并处理问题,让我真正理解了效率和处事的淡定,最终验证一句话“事在人为”,从全局看,这个行业是环环相扣的,只要有哪一环节出现问题,工作就无法进行,所以要在有限的时间内解决问题,实践中得出衔接的重要性;作为“箱管”(我司是韩国公司),主要跟韩国总部对接,主要工作是对厦门和福州港所需集装箱进行管控和维护,需要精准的预估并做出空箱调配,这得从全盘看问题。置身在社会中,让我体会到弱肉强食的竞争环境,让我懂得服务的重要性,让我深刻体会合作共赢的魅力,但最重要的是心态,对工作的一种态度。总结:一种经历,一种心得,在经历中不断学习,不断总结,不断成长。但不管做什么事情最根本的是要有两心---责任心、耐心。


  语种名称 掌握程度

  英语 良好

  普通话 精通








