
时间:2021-04-15 20:02:20 邀请函 我要投稿




英文的邀请函 篇1

  Dear :

  Please accept my apologies for the delay in acknowledging your invitation for on . I have been away form the office and only just returned.

  Unfortunately, I have other plans for the date you mention, but shall be happy to make a date for some other convenient time.





英文的邀请函 篇2

  ********* attention: ******

  a formal visa invitation

  dear sir or madam:

  we are very pleased to invite mr. *** come to our factory for visiting and business negotiation. the business trip will start from 18th april XX . and because the long business co-operation in future between **对方公司名 and us, they will come to china for many times.

  please note, however, that we don’t assume any legal or financial responsibility whatever regarding the presence of ****** in china. all expenses of *****'sjourney to/from china, their stay in china as well as health insurance will be borne by their employers.

  we send you our kindest regards and best wishes for a pleasant trip.

  yours sincerely,

  general manager signatur july 29, XX

  xxx, ceo xxx, vp sales

  xxxxxxxx corporation (address)

  it’s our great honor to invite you to visit xxx company located at (address) in august, XX. this visit will provide an opportunity for you to make a better understanding of our marketing issues, and to communicate our future business cooperation in detail.

  xxx company, as one of your distributors in china, has been great progressing in promoting and selling your products. we believe this visit will be of great benefit to our future business cooperation.

  please use this invitation letter to apply for your visa to china.

  we are all looking forward to seeing you soon, and should you have any questions, please feel

  free to inform me.

  yours truly,

英文的邀请函 篇3

  Beth: Sally, have you noticed that the people in our Finance Department are always so friendly Sally: I have noticed that. Why do you think they are so friendly Beth: Maybe it’s because they are surrounded by money all day! Sally: That’s possible! I wish I could join the Finance Department in our company. Beth: Why can’t you Sally: My numerical skills are just too bad.

  I failed mathematics at school, you know. Sally: Well, if you are no good at mathematics maybe you shouldn’t work in the Finance Department. You could accidentally loose a lot of money. Beth: You are always so wise Sally. I’m glad to have you as a friend. Sally: We’re a good team Beth and we should always look out for each other.

英文的邀请函 篇4

  我总结了下电子邮件或信件常用的英文缩写。一些缩写(标有 *)也会用在日常对话中。

  i.e.*: that is(即)的缩写(“We will do it by eob, i.e. 5:30 pm(我们将在下班前完成,即,下午 5:30 之前)”,发音为“eye-ee”)

  incl.: including(包括)的缩写(“Pls send it incl. new propsal asap.(请尽快发送,包括新的建议书。)”)

  info.: information(信息)的缩写(“Thanks in advance for the info.(提前感谢提供该信息。)”) IOU*: I owe you(欠条)的缩写(“We will send an IOU(我们将发给您一张欠条)”,发音为“I owe you”)

  K*: a thousand(一千)的缩写(“It will cost around 3K(将花费大约三千)”,发音为“three-kay”)

  max.*: maximum(最多)的缩写(“It will cost 3K max.(最多将花费三千。)”)

  MD*: managing director(总经理)的缩写(“He’s our MD(他是我们的总经理)”,发音为“em-dee”)

  min.*: minimum(最少)的缩写(“It will cost 3K min.(最少将花费三千。)”)

  n/a: not applicable(不适用)的缩写(“This is n/a in this context.(在此上下文中不适用。)”) NB: please note(请注意)的缩写(用在文档的末尾,“NB: Holidays this year are cancelled.(请注意:本年度的假期被取消。)”)

  no.: number(编号)的缩写(“Pls advise no. of deliveries.(请建议交付编号。)”)

  p.a.: per year(每年)的缩写(“How much p.a.?(每年有多少?)”)

  pd: paid(已支付)的缩写(“This invoice was pd in December.(此发票在 12 月份已支付。)”) pls: please(请)的缩写(“Pls advise.(请建议。)”)

  PTO: please turn over(请翻页)的缩写(用在页面末尾)

  p.w.: per week(每周)的缩写(“How many p.w.?(每周多少?)”)

  qtr: quarter(季度)的缩写(“How many per qtr?(每季度多少?”)

  qty: quantity(数量)的缩写(“Pls advise re. qty.(请就数量提出建议。)”)

  R&D*: research and development(研发)的缩写(“Need to do some R&D.(需要做一些研发。)”)

  re.: with reference to(关于)的缩写(“Pls advise re. qty.(请就数量提出建议。)”)

  ROI: return on investment(投资回报率)的缩写(“What will the ROI be?(投资回报率是多少?)”)

  RSVP*: please reply(请回复)的'缩写(用在邀请函中)

  sae: stamped addressed envelope(已贴邮票、写好地址的信封)的缩写(“Pls send sae.(请发送已贴邮票、写好地址的信封。)”)

  TBA: to be announced(即将公布)的缩写(“This news TBA at next week’s AGM.(此消息


  TBD: to be determined(待定)的缩写(“Exact date still TBD.(准确日期仍待定。)”)

  TCO*: total cost of ownership(总拥有成本)的缩写(“Pls estimate TCO.(请估算总拥有成本。)”)

  thx: thanks(谢谢)的缩写(“Thx for your mail.(谢谢您的邮件。)”)

  USP: unique selling point(独特卖点)的缩写(“Sounds great! What’s the USP?(太好了!独特卖点是什么?)”)

  VAT*: value added tax(增值税)的缩写(“Pls advise price incl. VAT(请建议包括增值税的价格)”,发音为“vee-ay-tea”)

  VIP*: very important person(非常重要的人)的缩写(“They are VIPs(他们都是非常重要的人)”,发音为“vee-eye-peas”)

  vs.: against(对抗)(是“versus”形式的缩写,“This is us vs. them.(这次由我们与他们对抗。)”)

  w/:: with(与)的缩写(“He will be w/ Mr Jones.(他将与琼斯先生一起。)”)

  wd: would(将/会)的缩写(“Wd you mind writing to Mr Jones?(您介意写给琼斯先生吗?)”) w/o: without(没有)的缩写(“Will you be there w/o Mr Jones?(若琼斯先生不去,您会去吗?)”)

  ytd: year to date(今年迄今为止)的缩写(“Pls give sales figs for ytd asap.(请尽快给我今年迄今为止的销售数字。)”)

  24/7*: non-stop – 24 hours a day, 7 days a week(一天 24 小时,每周 7 天无间断)的缩写(“We’re available 24/7(我们一天 24 小时,每周 7 天运作)”,发音为“twenty-four seven”)

英文的邀请函 篇5

  Invitation for An International Conference onthe Development of Complex Societies in Eastern China

  The Archaeology Research Center of Shandong University

  27 Shanda Nanlu, Jinan, Shandong Province 250100

  Email: arc@sdu.edu.cn

  Dear Colleague,

  The Haidai area of eastern China is an important region for investigating the origins of civilization in China, and for archaeology in Eastern Asia as a whole. The chronological framework for most areas has already been established through the hard work of several generations of archaeologists. During the past decade, along with collecting important new material, the main topic has changed from chronology to the study of ancient societies, and many different opinions have appeared. Therefore, deeper research focusing on the development of economic organization, social organization, social structure, and state formation, from the perspective of theory and practice, have become more necessary.

  Therefore, the Archaeology Research Center of Shandong University, Ancient Civilization Research Center of CASS, and the Shandong Provincial Archaeology Institute will hold an International Conference on The Development of Complex Societies in Eastern China from September 20 to 24, 20xx in Jinan.

  Since you are well known for your contributions to the field of Eastern Asian archaeology and to the origins of ancient civilizations, we are glad to invite you to attend the conference.

  The Main Topics of the Conference Are:

  1, The Development of Complex Societies in the Haidai and Other Areas.

  2, Settlement Archaeology Studies in the Haidai and Other Areas.

  3, Studies of Ancient Environment and Climate in the Haidai and Other Areas.

  4, Studies of Economic Organization in the Haidai and Other Areas.

  5, Interaction Between the Haidai Area and Other Areas.

  6, Theoretical Studies on the Origins of Ancient Civilization.

  7, Comparative Research on Chinese civilization and Other Civilizations.

  Best wishes,

  Archaeology Research Center of Shandong University

  Ancient Civilization Research Center of CASS

  Shandong Provincial Archaeology Institute

  December 20, 20xx

英文的邀请函 篇6

  Dear [Dr. Rodger]:

  [The English Department of Nankai University] would like to extend to you an invitation to be our guest speaker at the [annual conference] to be held at the [meeting room] at [eight] o’clock, [Saturday morning, December the thirtieth, 1993].

  As you know, the department is interested in [the 20th century English literature] Since you are familiar with the field, we know your views will be extremely interesting to us.

  You will receive further details later, but we would appreciate having your acceptance soon so we may complete our agenda.


英文的邀请函 篇7

Dear Sirs,

  It is our pleasure to invite your staff to e to Japan for attending our business meeting which is going to be held from June 26th , 20xx until July 6th, 20xx。 The invited person is: Mr。 Name: Mr。 Eldridge Eric Nicolas Department: Machinery & Electronic Position: Senior Section Manager Considering his attendance is really important for us, hence your kind cooperation in preparing Business Visa for the above person that enable his to have visit Japan is highly appreciated。 Sincerely yours, Kunihiro Yamauchi Group Leader Global Human Resources Group

  Toyota Tsusho Marunouchi Bldg,, 8- , Marunouchi 3-chome, Chiyoda-ku, T okyo 00-8320, Japan TEL。 +8 -3-5288-2 F +8 -3-5288-9 00 URL。 3w。toyota-tsusho。english AX。 Human Resources & General Affairs Department










