实用文档>Mdule 1 Basetball优秀教案设计

Mdule 1 Basetball优秀教案设计

时间:2022-06-23 07:14:42

Mdule 1 Basetball优秀教案设计

Mdule 1 Basetball优秀教案设计

Mdule 1 Basetball优秀教案设计

  Mdule 1 Basetball教学设计说明


  Perid 1 ReadingINTRODUCTION和READING AND VOCABULAR合并为第一课时“阅读课。“教师还可以参考“教学资源”The Analsis f the Difficult Sentences fr Mdule 1Basetball中的材料,帮助学生解决字、词、句等方面的问题。

  Perid 2 Functin第二课时FUNCTION是“功能课”,expressing feelings and etins学习表达感情及情感。教学重点是-ing,-ed表情感的用法。

  Perid 3 GraarGraar cnversin and suffix,通过转换和词缀构词法掌握词义

  Perid 4 Writing

  2. N, the aren’t. (USA, Canada)

  3. The plaers in a prfessinal tea get paid. It is their b t pla basetball.

  aateur, n., persn Dan, are u excited abut tnight’s gae?

  Dan: Gd evening, Matt. Gd evening, everne. es, Matt, I a ver excited abut tnight’s gae. I’ reall ling frward t it, and I thin we are ging t see a great gae between tw ver exciting teas.

  Matt: es, the Rcets and the Bulls are reall ht at the ent.

  Dan: The sure are, Matt! And I thin ne f the ain reasns fr this is having Chinese star a Ming n the tea. He’s been abslutel utstanding fr the Rcets this seasn.

  Matt: As a Rcets fan, u ust be delighted.

  Dan: I a delighted, Matt, but a little nervus.

  Matt: Wh’s that?

  Dan: Well, u reeber that the Chicag Bulls used t rel t uch n Michael rdn?

  Matt: eah, that’s right, Dan.

  Dan: Well, I thin abe the Rcets expect t uch fr a Ming seties. He’s a terrific plaer, but he can’t d everthing b hiself.

  Matt: That’s true, Dan. Well, the teas are cing ut nt the curt nw, and ust listen t the crwd.

  FX Crwd rar

  Matt: The’re happ, we’re happ; we’re all ling frward t a great atch tnight.

  Dan: es, Matt, that’s right. And I dn’t thin we’ll be disappinted.

  2. Part 2

  es: aazing disappinted disappinting exciting exhausted

  Tape script fr Part 2

  Matt: Well, that’s the end f the gae and the Chicag Bulls have beaten the Hustn Rcets b the sallest f argins – 101 pints t 100. An aazing gae, but ver disappinting fr Rcets fans wh were expecting sething re fr this ver talented tea. Dan…

  Dan: Well, Matt, I’ abslutel exhausted after watching that atch. It was fantastic—this is the ind f gae we lve t see. There was a lt f actin, and se great plas. Bth teas shwed a lt f character. And b, the had a lt f staina—the all ran and ran and ran!

  Matt: And there was a lt f silful pla, t.

  Dan: u’re right, Matt. But I have t sa I’ a little disappinted. I thught the Rcets wuld win this ne.

  Matt: S, a few details abut the gae. aal Crawfrd was the Bulls leading screr with a agnificent 32 pints. Steve Francis was the Rcets tp screr with 25 pints, a Ming scred 20 and Cuttin Mble scred 19. The Rcets led b tw pints ging int the 4th quarter, and were 69-61 in the lead with ust under nine inutes t pla. But the Bulls cae bac t cut the lead t tw pints at 76-74, and then, with ust seven secnds left f nral tie, aal Crawfrd scred a three-pinter t tie the gae at 83-83, which eant vertie. The perid f vertie was fast and furius, incredible exciting fr the crwd. In fact, the actin was nn-stp all night! There were nl tw tieuts in the entire gae. Final scre: Hustn Rcets 100, Chicag Bulls 101.

  Step 2: Everda English

  1. I’ reall ling frward t it.

  (a)It’s in frnt f e.

  (b)I’ happ that it’s ging t happen.

  2. The Rcets and the Bulls are reall ht at the ent.

  (a)Bth teas are plaing well.

  (b)The teperature is ver high.

  3. Bth teas shwed a lt f character.

  (a)There were a lt f interesting peple in the teas

  (b)The plaed with curage and hard wr.

  4. The perid pf vertie was fast and furius.

  (a)Overtie was dne ver quicl with a lt f effrt and energ.

  (b)Se f the plaers gt angr.

  es: 1-4 (b) (a) (b) (a)

  Perid 6 Reading Practice


  ●Practise the sills f reading

  ■ Prcedures

  Step 1: Waring up

  Answer the questins

  1. D u thin basetball is a safe r dangerus sprt?

  2. Have u ever seen r plaed in a basetball atch where sene was hurt?

  3. What pssible riss are there when u pla basetball?

  Step 2: Reading

  1. Read the passage and chse the sentence which describes the writer’s cnclusin best.

  (a)Basetball is ne f the safest sprts.

  (b)The plaers’ energ is partl directed upwards, s there’s less ris f a cllisin between tw plaers.

  (c)Althugh basetball plaers wear scs and sneaers which are speciall designed t absrb the energ when the bund int the air, the wear n ther prtectin.

  (d)If there is an abrupt change f directin in their energ, there is a real danger f persnal inur.

  e: (d)

  2. Read the passage again and ae a seantic ap


  ↙ ↘

  One f the safest sprts but there is a danger

  ↗ ↗ ↖

  Energ directin n ther prtectin abrupt change f directin


  Partl upward ↘ ↗ ↖


  90 degree angle fast buncing the ball

  ↘ ↑ ↘ ↙

  less cllisin danger f persnal inur

  Perid 7 Cultural Crner -- Hw Did The Start?


  ●T read abut Aerican ftball, basetball, baseball

  ■ Prcedures

  Step 1: Befre u read

  Please g ver the wrd list fr this dule, paing attentin t the prnunciatin f the wrd, the relatinship between its prnunciatin and its spelling.

  Step 2: While u read

  Cut/ the sentences int thught grups, blacen the predicates, underline the useful expressins and daren the cnnectives.

  Step 3: After u read

  Cp all the useful expressins int ur Expressin B. u a ae sentences with these expressins.

  Useful Expressins fr Hw Did The Start?

  n the tea, pic up, nae after, be exprted t, prvide sething fr sebd, attach … t, be based n, be siilar t

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