

时间:2022-06-19 05:55:21




  A report of the British culture In this section of the lecture by the teacher told us that the British culture. In this lesson, the teacher told us a story "albion, English language and culture, the history of Britain, music, food, and so on. We further understanding of British culture, feel different culture charm from his story.About Britain's culture, my interest is in the English language culture and the English food. In the UK, different places have different accents. In England, people almost every city has different accents, at the same time, in Scotland, wales and Northern Ireland, English is not accurate language, because Scotland has its own dialect. Standard pronunciation, British area recognized the highest status of British accent, usually accept people always use the pronunciation of higher education. But unfortunately, the results of the survey shows that only a few people use it.

  British people especially in Britain, people have to hide their feelings and reserved in public reputation. This has certain facts, but cannot be applied to a nation with a population of 56 million. Scotland, wales and Northern Ireland feel they shouldn't get the idea. England also has distinctive religious differences, northern England people appear more natural than the people in London and the south-east and open. Overseas tourists to see some aspects of British life as a typical British life. As in the public transport vehicle, people don't talk to other passengers. People don't hug at parties, usually only shake hands when they meet for the first time. In theaters, concert halls, and the movie theater, the performance of the audience to keep quiet. If they take the initiative to start a conversation, will find that the British people are helpful and considerate. Relative to other cultures, the British people behave certain aspects of it becomes natural. One example is in the position of different colleagues at work, don't call, people very casually call each other names. Rich and colorful English culture and Chinese culture are different. To the British people to come to a guest, should an appointment on time and prepared some small gifts early to be considered to be impolite behavior.

  At meal time, eating his dinner plate where all the food is polite behavior, such as the remaining food in the UK means that guests do not like these foods.

  The British like to eat when the chat, then need to pay attention to eat and speak alternately. Zhang Dazui when eating and speaking, are very rude behavior, it is best to eat only a small amount of food put into their mouths.

  If you have mouths, the best cover it with one hand.

  In the UK culture, To stay to socialize after dinner conversation was regarded as polite behavior, gathering more than likely to continue for several hours.

  Through this lecture, I realized that, in the process of learning English, also need to understand the culture of English speaking countries customs, not only in English language learning is of great help, but also in the and foreign friends can understand each other and have a better relationship.











