实用文档>四年级下册《What Is Your Address》教学设计

四年级下册《What Is Your Address》教学设计

时间:2022-07-19 16:03:47

四年级下册《What Is Your Address》教学设计

四年级下册《What Is Your Address》教学设计

四年级下册《What Is Your Address》教学设计


  1、知识目标:学生能够掌握(听说读写)和运用四会单词avenue、road、street;掌握并能运用句子What is your address? My address is ____.




  1、教学重点:能听懂和运用四会单词avenue、road、street(并且注意在描述具体地址时要大写首字母);句子What is your address? My address is ____.


  三、教具学具:map、word card、radio and tape


  (一)Warming up and review: Hello, boys and girls. I am happy today, so I want to play a game.(look at a map 30seconds,try to remember “Where is the shop/restaurant/…?”,review these words: below、above、across from、beside.)

  (二)New concept:

  Step 1:

  Draw a house and an apartment on this map.

  T: I live in an apartment. Where do you live?

  S: I live in a house/an apartment.

  Show “road、avenue、street”on this map, put “255 Road/Xin Cheng Street/Dong Xinyuan Avenue/… on the map, read and find “What is my address?”Show the sentences “My address is __.I live on ____ Road/Avenue/Street.”

  Pactise with your partner, open the book and only listen.

  Step 2: Show another map, try to use these sentences make up dialogue: Where is ____? What is your/her/his address?

  Is the ____ far from/near ____?

  (三)Ending: Do activity book.


  Lesson 21 What Is Your Address?

  Where do you live? I live in ____.

  What is your address? My address is ____.

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