
发布时间:2016-12-1 编辑:互联网 手机版



false, blood, persuade, defenseless, Illness, sex, proper, available, discourage, recover, specialist, meaningful, stranger, fierce, strength, prevention, bleed, drownwire, container, electrical, scream, witness, calm, slight, chest, wound, blanket, bite, explanation,


die of, suffer from, cheer up, on the contrary, for the moment, free from, first aid, catch fire, keep in mind, in honor of, roll over, all of a sudden, in case of, a list of, live with, as with, upside down, become infected, break down, spit out


1. In 2002, there were 42 million people living with HIV/AIDS in the world. 在2002年, 全球有42,000,000 个艾滋病毒携带者/病人。

live with 接受,容忍,患有

You’ll have to learn to live with it, I’m afraid. 我看,你得学会接受这种现实。

You’ve lost all your money; now you must learn to live with the situation.你已经丢了所有的钱,现在你必须接受现实了。

其它有关live 的短语

live by 靠…为生

live for 为…而活; 企盼

live on 靠吃…而生活;靠(收入,别人的钱)生活

live through 经历

live up to 按…行事, 使行为…和相符,不辜负…的希望

The man lives by selling vegetables.那个人靠卖菜为生。

They live for nothing but pleasure. 他们活着只是为了寻欢作乐。

He lives for the day when he can retire and grow roses. 他企盼可以退休种花的日子。

People in the south live on rice while people in the north live on wheat. 南方人以大米为主食,而北方人以小麦为主食。

He and his family live on $20 a week. 他和家人每周靠20美元为生。

He has lived through two wars and three revolutions. 他经历过两次大战和三次革命。

WTO won’t live up to its name if it doesn’t include a country with such a large population 如果不能如此把一个人口大国包括进去, 世贸组织就名不符实。

2. …try to persuade the other group members that your problem is the most serious one. 努力说服小组成员你提出的问题是最严峻的。

persuade vt. 意为“说服、劝服”


persuade sb 说服某人

persuade sb of sth 说服某人相信某事

persuade sb. to do sth. 说服某人做某事

persuade sb. into doing sth. 说服某人做某事

persuade sb out of doing sth 说服某人不做某事

persuade sb that… 说服某人

He persuaded her to go to school, even though she did not want to.尽管她不想去上学,他还是说服她去。

He’s easily persuaded. 他这人好说话。

We are persuaded of the justice of the case. 我们确信案件的审理是公正的。

How can I persuade you that I am sincere? 怎样才能使你相信我是真心实意的?

How can we persuade him into joining us? 怎么才能说服他参加我们的活动呢?

注意persuade强调已成功说服某人, 如果结果是没有说服,可用try to persuade sb. to do sth.. 或advise sb. to do sth. 意为“劝说某人做某事”。

We tried to persuade him to give up smoking, but failed. 我们试图劝他戒烟,但没成功.

3. AIDS is a disease that breaks down the body’s immune system… 艾滋病毒是一种破坏人体免疫系统的病毒。


break down 分解,(身体、精神等)垮掉, (机器)出故障

break up 打碎, 结束, 分解, 驱散

break into (vt.) 强行闯入

break in (vi.) 强行进入,打断

break through 做出重大发现/突破

break off 中断, 折断, 突然停止, 脱落,

The old car broke down again on the way to work, so he had to walk there. 那辆旧车在 上班路上又抛锚了,我们只好步行去那里。

I broke up the candy and gave each child a small piece. 我把巧克力掰开,分给每个孩子一块。

This week we have had the house broken into by thieves. 这礼拜有贼闯入了我家。

It is natural that after many years rocks are broken down into dirt. 许多年后岩石被分解成尘土, 这是很自然的事。

Someone broke in and stole some valuable things. 有人闯进来,偷走了一些值钱的东西。

Scientists think they are beginning to break through in the fight against cancer. 科学家们认为他们开始在抗癌的领域将有所突破。

4. Most people who have AIDS manage to survive only a few years. 许多艾滋病人只能设法再活两年。

Xiaohua is trying to change this … 小华正努力改变这个(人们的这种想法)


manage to do sth. 意为“努力地做某事”,强调已成功地做成某事。

try to do sth./ attempt to do sth./seek to do sth 意思是 “试图去做某事,但是不一定成功”。

The pilot managed to circle the balloon for some time. 这位飞行员设法绕气球飞了一阵。

At first, no ready technical data were available, but we managed to go without. 起初,我们没有现成的技术资料,但也设法干下去了。

He managed to avoid an accident. 他设法避免了一个事故。

The boys attempted to leave for camping but were stopped by their parents. 男孩子们想去野营但被他们的父母们拦住了。

He sought to make peace. 他企图讲和。

5. The disease is spreading fast in Africa and parts of Asia, mainly because of a lack of proper health care, prevention and education. 这种疾病在非洲和部分亚洲地区迅速传播, 主要 是因为缺乏适当的医疗保健,预防措施和教育。

lack n.欠缺,不足 ,v. 缺少……,( 对 ) ……不充裕

There is no lack of vegetable. 不缺蔬菜。

Owing to lack of time, we cannot do more than what we have done. 由于时间不够,我们只能做到这样。

The plants died through/for lack of water. 那些植物由于缺水而死掉了。

We still lack the necessary information. 我们仍缺少必要的信息。

She lacked the experience to get the job. 她缺乏做那份工作的经验。

be lacking in… 缺乏(某种品质,特点等)

Is she lacking in courage? 她缺乏勇气吗?

short adj.(常与of连用)短缺的,缺乏的;不足的

We are short of men. 我们缺少人手。

Are you short of money? 你缺钱用吗?

I'm a bit short of funds. 我手头钱不多了。

6. As with most diseases and disaster, the young suffer the most. 就像大多数疾病或灾难一样,最容易遭殃的是年轻人。

as with 相当于as it is the same with… “像…的情况一样”

As with hiking, you should always think about your safety and wear good clothes when doing rock climbing.. 像徒步旅行一样, 攀岩的时候,你总是要考虑到安全问题, 穿合适的衣服。

As with drawing a picture, you should be careful and patient in doing this job. 像画画一样, 做这项工作时,你要仔细,要有耐心。

As with many other things, it’s up to you to decide whether it is worth doing. 像其他事情一样, 由你决定这事是否值得做。

7. I now think of my cancer as a gift. 我现在把癌症看作是一个礼物。

think of…as… 把…看作是…

You mustn’t think of me as being unhappy. 你千万不要以为我不幸福。

I have long thought of it as the most attractive village in England. 长期以来, 我一直把它看作是英格兰最迷人的小村子。


regard…as…/consider…as…/ look on…as…/ see…as…/

view…as…/treat…as…/count…as…/have…as…/ take…as…/


Don’t treat me as a little child. 不要把我当成小孩子。

Considered to be the symbol of the city, the sculpture has been well preserved. 这个雕像被看作是城市的标志, 受到了很好的保护。

8. Seconds count in an emergency. 紧急状况下, 分分秒秒都很重要。

count v. 数; 计算, 清点; 认为,看作; 有价值, 重要;

to count from 1 to 100 从1数到100

Six people are on the ship, counting (including) a kid. 船上有6人, 包括一个小孩。

Don’t count your chickens before they’re hatched. 不要高兴得太早。

He counted himself fortunate to have such an opportunity. 他认为自己真是幸运能得到这么一个机会。

Every second counts. 每一秒钟都很重要。

count on = rely on= depend on 依靠

You can always count on Fred in any emergency. 你可以在紧急情况下求助Fred。

I think we can count on him to support us. 我觉得我们可以依靠他来帮助于我们。

Don’t count on the weather being fine. 不要指望天气会晴了。.

9. The most important thing to keep in mind when dealing with an emergency is to stay calm.

处理紧急情况时, 要记住最重要的一点是保持冷静。

1)注意比较still, quiet, silent 和 calm

still 静止不动的

quiet 安静的 


calm 平静的,沉着的,镇定的

The sea was calm and still. 大海风平浪静。

Keep still while I comb your hair. 我给你梳头时,请不要动。

Mr. Smart wants to live a quiet life in the countryside after retirement. Smart先生期望退休后能在乡下过安静的生活。

Everyone was silent as the president announced the winner of the competition. "当校长宣布竞赛的获胜者时,全场静悄悄的。

calm v. (常与down连用) 使安静

The nurse calmed the little boy by giving him some candy. 保育员给那小男孩一些糖果,使他安静下来了。

It was difficult to calm down the football fans. 要使球迷们平静下来是很困难的。

2) 注意比较:

keep… in mind = bear… in mind 意思是 “记住, 牢记”

have … in mind 意思是 “想到, 考虑”

Who do you have in mind for the job? 你想到让谁做这份工作?

Keep it in mind that success depends on diligence. 记住成功依赖于勤奋。

10. We can also prepare for an emergency by learning more about first aid. 通过了解更多的急救知识,我们就可以对紧急情况做到有备无患。


prepare sth. 准备,调制.

prepare for sth. 为……做准备

prepare sb. for sth 使……为……做准备

prepare to do sth. 准备做

be prepared for sth. 为…做好准备(准备好的状态)

be prepared to do sth. 已准备好做…(准备好的状态)

in preparation for sth. 在为……做准备

make preparations for sth. 为……做准备

What special food do people often prepare for the Spring Festival? 人们通常为春节准备那些特殊的食物?

They are preparing to hold a party. 他们正在准备举办一个晚会。

We’re prepared for the difficulties we will face. 对将要面临的困难我们已有准备。

Beijing is in preparation for /making preparations for the 2008 Olympics. 北京正在为2008年奥运会做准备。

11. We can do a lot of good by simply asking “Are you all right?” 我们只要问一句 “你没事吧?” 就可以帮大忙。

good n. 好, 好事, 慷慨的行为, 好处, 利益

to do good all one's life 一生做好事

I'm telling you this for your good. 我告诉你这件事是为你好。

It’ no good my arguing with you. 和你争论没有任何好处。

Her holiday has done her good/done good to her. 假期对她很有好处。

He has gone for good/ for ever. 他永远离开了。

12. …let him or her know that help is on the way. 让他/她知道援助就要来了。

表示 “即将…”的短语有:

on the /one’s way ; around the corner; in store; at hand; be coming; draw near

Don’t worry! Help is on the way. 别担心! 援助就要来了。

A big storm is around the corner/in store/at hand. 暴风雨即将来临了。

May Day is coming/drawing near. “五一”马上就要到了。


He is on his way to visit a friend. 他在去看望朋友的路上.

He is on his way to becoming a super star. 他即将成为明星.


例题一 ---- Can you come to attend our party tonight?

---- Sorry. But I do wish I ____.

A. had B. can C. should D. could

答案: D

wish +宾语从句=if only + 从句,表示不能实现的愿望,汉语可译为“要是……就好了”, “悔不该……”, “但愿……”等.


表示将来不能实现的愿望用“would/could/might +动词原形”;

表示过去不能实现的愿望时用“had +过去分词”

I wish it were spring all the year round. 我希望一年到头都是春天.

I wish you could go with us. 我希望你能和我们一起去.

We wish we had arrived there two hours earlier. 我们要是早两个小时到就好了.


1. How I wish it ____! If it ____ in a few days, the crops would be saved.

A. will rain; rained B. would rain; should rain

C. should rain; rains D. would rain; had rained

2. I wish that I ____ with you last night.

A. went B. had gone C. could go D. could have gone

3. If only he ____ quietly as the doctor instructed, he would not suffer so much now.

A. lies B. lay C. had lain D. should lie

4.If only I ____ my time when I was young.

A. didn’t waste B. shouldn’t have wasted

C. wouldn’t have wasted D. hadn’t wasted

5. ____ it would stop snowing!

A. If only B. Only if C. Even if D. But for


例题二 After the accident, the police ____ to help the wounded people.

A. called on B. called at C. was called in D. were called in


call at +地点 访问

call on/upon sb 号召, 拜访

call in 召集, 召来

call up 召唤, 使想起, 打电话给

call for 要求,需要,去接某人

call off 取消

call back “召回,回电话,收回处理”


1. The factory called the laid-off workers ____.

A. on B. at C. back D. for

2. His sister types in a foreign firm and I know that kind of job calls ____

carefulness and patience.

A. for B. in C. on D. off

3. The flight were called ____ because of the bad weather.

A. for B. in C. on D. off

4. These stories can call ____ old times.

A. for B. off C. on D. up

5. The factory had to call ____ a specialist to help them with the technical problems.

A. for B. off C. in D. up




第I卷 (两部分,共95分)

第一部分:英语知识运用 (共三节,满分50分)

第一节: 语音知识(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)


1.move A. rule B. cook C. notebook D. store

2. great A. measure B. treat C. play D. heaven

3. machine A. research B. technique C. Asia D. March

4. atmosphere A. declare B. admire C. research D. fierce

5. language A. dangerous B. anxious C. none D. twentieth



6. “______ are you to leave your post,” commanded the boss.

A. In any case B. In no case C. In that case D. In case of

7. Do everything step by step and don’t _____ off more than you can chew.

A. bite B. take C eat D knock

8. The last of the nineteenth century ______ the steady improvement in the means of travel.

A. has witnessed B. was witnessed C. witnessed D. had witnessed

9. After the bullet was taken out of the soldier’s arm, the doctor began to bandage the _____.

A. cut B. wound C. injury D. burn

10. ----I’d like to book a room for tonight.

----Sorry, sir, but we don’t have any room ______ at the moment.

A. suitable B. comfortable C. available D. usable

11. Tom is on the way _____ the most highly paid man in the company.

A. of becoming B. to become C. to becoming D. into becoming

12. His words were _____ out by loud cheers from the crowd.

A. covered B. drowned C. wiped D. carried

13. If the safety precautions against the accidents ______, the miners ______ a chance of surviving then.

A. were taken; had B. were taken; would have

C. had been taken; didn’t have D. had been taken; would have had

14. ----______ the window, my finger was cut unfortunately.

----I’m sorry to hear that.

A. Having cleaned B. To clean C. While cleaning D. While I was cleaning

15. He tried hard to get some information out of her mouth, but she just remained ______.

A. quiet B. calm C. still D. silent

16. ----When did you buy this nice MP3?

----Sorry, I can’t remember the date I bought it ______.

A. at that moment B. for a moment C. in a moment D. for the moment

17. Who do you think will take _____ office next month and become ______ president of that country?

A. a; the B. /; / C. the; / D. /; a

18. It was during the 1920’s that the friendship between the two American writers Hemingway and Fitzgerald reached _____ highest point.

A. their B. its C. his D. out

19. ----I was riding along the street and, all of a sudden, a car cut in and knocked me down.

----You can never be _____ careful in the street.

A. much B. very C. so D. too

20. ----What were you doing when Tony phoned you?

----I had just finished my work and ______ to take a shower.

A. had started B. started C. have started D. was starting



The word “blog” gets its name from adding the “b” from “web” to the word “log”. It’s basically an online diary---- one that any one can read 21 visiting your personal blog site. Free blog programs and personal blog sites are 22 blogs a popular trend.

Designing and owning a personal blog site may seem complicated. It’s a good thing that blog programs are user-friendly. Bloggers can decide on the look of their Web site by choosing __23 pre-designed blog templates(模板). 24 the color, or adding pictures to the chosen template allows a site to reflect the blogger’s personality.

Each time a new blog entry is written, it can be seen 25 with the click of a button. Blogs are an easy and 26 way to share 27 with friends.

The popularity of blogs in 28 years has changed the way people record their thoughts. Writing in a diary and hiding it under your bed is considered 29 .

__30 personal thoughts and opinions on the Internet is the 31 trend. Many people write about their daily activities or personal thoughts in their blogs. Others give their opinions on 32 Web sites and 33 the related web links. Almost all blogs contain a section __34 readers can leave their remarks for all to see.

Blogs provide a fresh new way 35 individuals to express themselves. Many people write blogs 36 they want to be heard and 37 ---- by anyone who will listen. Other people use blogs as way to vent(发泄).

Sometimes, bloggers reveal(展露)thoughts that should probably be kept private. Bloggers aren’t always aware that those they write about 38 read their blogs. Anonymous(匿名的) nick names, 39 , give bloggers the liberty to vent without dealing with the results.

Would you like to put your 40 thoughts on a blog for the whole world to read?

21. A. on B. from C. by D. in

22. A. being making B. making C. made D. to make

23. A. to B. on C. from D. for

24. A. Changing B. Copying C. Writing D. Talking

25. A. immediately B. slowly C. specially D. quick

26. A. bad B. fast C. well D. slow

27. A. minds B. view C. idea D. thoughts

28. A. recent B. last C. later D. coming

29. A. on date B. to date C. up to date D. out of date

30. A. Published B. Publishing C. To publish D. Being published

31. A. old B. future C. past D. new

32. A. variety B. a variety C. variety of D. various

33. A. provide B. made C. supply D. write

34. A. when B. that C. which D. where

35. A. for B. to C. on D. with

36. A. though B. but C. and D. because

37. A. understood B. to understand C. understanding D. be understood

38. A. must B. need C. should D. might

39. A. whatever B. whenever C. whichever D. however

40. A. public B. personal C. excellent D. grand



阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从21-40 各题所给的四个选项(A,B,C和D)中,选出最佳选项。


Today many people want adventure when they go on holiday; they want a challenge and excitement. But there are other more important elements they look for in their holidays. The main one is that they want to feel a sense of achievement from their holiday. That is why growing numbers of today’s holidaymakers are turning to eco-tourism.

Travelers who choose eco-tourism can contribute to the environment rather than destroy it; and there are more and more projects to choose from. In Antigua(安提瓜岛), guests help the endangered loggerhead turtles by covering up their tracks against predators. In Boston, USA visitors work with the Museum of Science to create a Science Park. In Egypt, eco-tourists join in a “Green Program” for planting trees, bushes and flowers.

The most selfless eco-tourism projects can be found in England. One organization offers tourists eco-work from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm and warns them that, although the work is very rewarding, it can also be demanding! People who are lucky enough to find a place on holiday are involved in productive projects, such as clearing paths, preserving plants. Sometimes the work is heavy, like cutting down weeds and rebuilding stonewalls. It’s rewarding, though! One visitor was challenged to provide a stream crossing, to connect pathways on both sides. After several days’ hard effort and determination from her and the rest of the group, there was a footbridge in place which they were able to cross. At the end of a week’s holiday, they all stood on the bridge to have their photo taken above the stream. It was a great achievement, and a big ‘plus’ for the environment.

41. What do people want to find from their holiday?

A. excitement B. achievement C. challenge D. all the above

42. Which of the following is not true, according to the passage?

A. A number of today’s holidaymakers like eco-tourism.

B. In Boston, American visitors work with the Museum of Science to create a Science Park.

C. In Egypt, guests help the endangered loggerhead turtles by covering up their tracks against predator.

D. In Egypt, eco-tourists join in a “Green Program” for planting trees, bushes and flowers.

43. One visitor was challenged to provide a stream crossing because_______________.

A. he wants to take a picture above the stream.

B. he wants to prove that he is very strong.

C. he wants to get rewards.

D. he wants to feel a sense of achievement.


Loose robes(长袍) with big sleeves. High collars and long skirts. It's not a scene in a TV drama. Tying up their hair and putting on the cotton shoes, about 60 young people gathered in a Beijing tea house Monday to perform traditional dances, music and poetry readings.

The event was set up by Haanen.com, a non-governmental organization founded in 2003. It has more than 24,000 registered members worldwide. They all love traditional Chinese culture and believe that recovering the Han costume is the best way to show love for China. Active members are mostly in their 20s or 30s.

Chen Ye, a 19-year-old member said it made her feel down that Koreans have hanbok(传统韩服) and Japanese have kimono(和服) while Chinese don't have a typical traditional dress.

"Most people may think the cheongsam(旗袍)could be a symbol, but I don't think so," said Chen, from Capital University of Business and Economics。

Chen said Han costume is the one for China. It is the traditional dress of Han nationality. It had been worn for thousands of years before it died out at the end of Ming Dynasty.

This is not the group's first activity. In the past two years, some of the members have dressed up in traditional clothes and visited sights in the downtown areas of many Chinese cities. It helps raise people's awareness of traditional Chinese culture.

Gu Xiaoming, history professor with Fudan University, said the trend is an attempt to hold on to traditional identities in a changing world. "It's a youth movement perhaps springing up against the background of globalization."

44. Which is not a characteristic of traditional dress?

A. loose robes with big sleeves B. loose robes with small sleeves

C. high collars D. long skirts

45. Which of the following is not the reason why these people hold activities?

A. They all love traditional Chinese culture

B. They want to raise people’s awareness of traditional Chinese culture

C. They want to show their love for China

D. They want to fight against globalization

46. From his words, We knew Chen Ye was very __________.

A. angry B. satisfied C. disappointed D. surprised

47. Which statement is true, according to this passage?

A. The organization has 24,000 registered members worldwide in total.

B. Chen Ye thinks the cheongsam could be a symbol of traditional Chinese dress.

C. This performance is the group's first activity.

D. This activity can help people remember traditional Chinese culture.

48. Professor Gu Xiaoming’s words towards this activity mean__________.

A. This activity will be stopped soon.

B. This activity will go on.

C. This activity is a setback..

D. This activity changed the world.



Name /Address No.of Rooms Single Double Special Attractions


55 Zhongshan ROAD

Tel. 58577446 150 $20 $40 Air-conditioned rooms, TaiPei restaurant, Night-club,

Swimming-pool, Coffee shop, TV and radio in each room


321 Heping ROAD

Tel.57888888 100 $15 $30 Close to airport, Telephone in each room, Bar, Swimming pool


77 North ROAD

Tel. 27665658 100 $18 $20 Close to the city center, Coffee shop, Dry-cleaning, Shops, Night club


58 Anping ROAD

Tel. 39345577 150 $50 $80 Air-conditioned, rooms, Japanese and Chinese restaurants, Swimming pool, Large garden, Kitchen in each room

49. What is the number of the rooms in the best hotels in Shuiyuan altogether?

A. 400 B. 150 C. 100 D. 500

50. If a traveler likes to eat in TaiPei restaurant, which of the following is the right place for him to go to?

A. 321 Heping ROAD B. 55 Zhongshan ROAD

C. 77 North ROAD D. 58 Anping ROAD

51. Tom made a appointment with Mary in the Coffee shop of his hotel, so Tom may live in __________.



52. Which of the following is not true?

A. You can call 39345577 to book a room with a kitchen.

B. You should pay $160 for a double room for 2 days in the HUANGGUANG HOTEL

C. You can swim in all hotels but HAIYUE HOTEL

D. HUANGGUAN HOTEL can wash clothes for travelers.


Yesterday, Super Girl, the TV program which lasted half a year and received an incredible audience rating, finished, finally. Honestly, all that I knew about Super Girl came from Cindy who started to pay attention to this act at the very beginning. At first, I just did not like the way the judgments acted and the unprofessional singers. However, after I watched the lattermost(排在最后的) two plays, I changed my mind. It seemed that the girls all made a great progress during the time. Now, they sang pretty better and they were much smarter than before. They have been growing up.

Today, visiting the websites, I read many pieces of news about Super Girl. Several agents show their interests in Zhang Liangying and super girls will hold a series of vocal(声乐的) concerts in different cities in this October. I hope Zhang Liangying could persist in her own style. Many singers, for example, Su Rui and Zhang Huimei, started from pub by singing beautiful English songs, but after a while, they changed into Chinese songs to cater for all the tastes. What a pity they abandoned their original styles! On the other hand, Li Yuchun has a totally different color that no singer has by far. She is so charming before the lights that no one can help applauding her. Although she is a little laddish(稚气的)now, I believe she will succeed if she keeps singing and dancing. It should be noticed that she is the first person in this manner.

Walking on the street, I always hear two or three people talking about Super Girl. These days, my friends are all rushing at their own businesses, like hunting for a job, struggling on living, applying for a further education overseas, or pursuing a love. Facing the difficulties, Super Girl gives us two gold coins: confidence and courage. whether there are audiences or not, they still sing out loud.

53. “Super girl” was held from ________ to ________.

A. April; June B. January; September C. January; October D. April; September

54. According to this passage, which statement is not true?

A. “Super girl” is a TV program which lasted six months.

B. The girls will hold a series of vocal concerts in many cities in this October.

C. Although Li Yuchun gave us a wonderful performance, no one applaud for her.

D. Although “Super girl” is finished, many people are talking about it.

55. The underlined words in paragraph 2 mean____________.

A. to like all kinds of delicious food B. to meet audience’s wants or needs

C. to meet one’s own wants or needs D. all of above

56. What can you infer from this passage?

A. The writer appreciated all “Super girl” plays.

B. Most people don’t like “Super girl”.

C. Zhang Liangying likes to sing beautiful English songs.

D. Li Yuchun is veteran before the lights.

57. What is the writer’s attitude to “Super girl”?

A. It is a TV program which is useless to young people.

B. It is a TV program which can help any young people to become superstars.

C. It is a TV program which can make people talk about it forever.

D. It is a TV program in which young singers are both confident and courageous.


Beijing plans to build huge free or low-cost parking lots beyond the Fourth and Fifth Ring Roads to encourage more car owners to take buses or subways to the downtown area.

The plan is just one of the many measures the city plans to take to reduce its traffic congestions(拥塞) as the 2008 Summer Olympic Games draw near. Low or no parking fees would be used as economic leverage(经济杠杆) to reduce growing parking demands from urban areas.

Car owners living in the suburbs will be encouraged to park their cars beyond the Fourth and Fifth Ring Roads and take buses or subways to the downtown area. Statistics show that nearly one quarter of the city’s traffic flow is concentrated in the 62-square-kilometre downtown area within the Second Ring Road, which makes up only 12 per cent of the city’s total area.

The Beijing Traffic Management Bureau, receives between 400 and 500 calls reporting traffic jams every day and more than 90 per cent of the roads are filled to capacity during rush hour every morning and evening. Part of the problem is the lack of easy links between bus routes, subways and cars.

According to the communication commission, half of the city’s investment(投资) in transportation will go towards public transit construction in the next few years, marking a jump from the current only 20 per cent. Moreover, Beijing plans to change its layout(布局) by building new city centers, such as at Yizhuang, Tongzhou, Shunyi and Changping, in a bid to reduce the traffic flow to the downtown.

The current layout of Beijing, expanded ring roads around the same center of the Forbidden City, is seen as the root cause of the endless traffic jams.

The downtown area is crowded with three business centers and one financial center, as well as nearly 400 government organs and institutions.

Traffic experts say building more urban centers around Beijing may reduce the number of residents living in the suburbs who travel long distances to work downtown every day, thus reducing traffic flows.

58. In the coming years, if a man beyond the Fourth Ring Road goes to work in the downtown of Beijing, he is encouraged to _____.

A. drive there directly

B. take a taxi

C. take buses or subways

D. park his car in a place which asks for no fees

59. According to the passage, while more and more people drive to work in rush hour in Beijing, it is likely to _____.

A. cause traffic accidents B. cause traffic jams

C. save time D. reduce air pollution

60. The passage suggests the author _____.

A. is tired of driving to work

B. is for the plan to reduce Beijing’s traffic congestions

C. finds it costs less to take subways than to drive

D. has benefited a lot by driving to the downtown every day

第五节:完成对话 (共5小题,每小题1分,共5分)

( John and his friend are looking for a new apartment.)

Friend: We hear that there’s an apartment here for rent.

Clerk: Right. I’ll show it to you. ___61____

John: OK. How many rooms are there?

Clerk: Three, this one and two bedrooms.

Friend: ____62_____ But it’s pretty small, isn’t it, John?

John: Well, there’s just us, so it would be all right. Where’s the kitchen?

Clerk: ____63____

John: That’s gas stove, isn’t it?

Clerk: That’s right. And here is the refrigerator.

Friend: Oh, it is pretty old, ____64____

Clerk: But it’s still in good condition. Now here’s the bathroom.

John: Not bad. How much is the rent?

Clerk: Three hundred a month.

Friend: Three hundred! For a little apartment like this?

Clerk: Actually, that’s quite reasonable, it’s in a fairly nice block and it’s not far from the supermarket.

John: Thank you.____65_____

A. That’s all right.

B. Let me see.

C. The view isn’t bad.

D. Here you are.

E. We’ll look around a little first.

F. This way, please.

G. I would say.





66. He _________(说服)me out the idea of dropping the experiment.

67. The little boy is not m________ enough to be given much responsibility.

68. The head teacher has make a few minor ________(调整) to our seats.

69. Even today can you imagine some children in Africa are s________ to death?

70. Running up stairs very fast made him b_________.

71. The news that our task was fulfilled on time was a great ________(满足) to us all.

72. The ________ (每年的)death rate in the US is 11 per 1000..

73. The children are e_______ for the Spring Festival to come.

74. Eventually the church ________(承认) that the earth was round.

75. Exercise in the open air is ________(有益的) to the health.

第二节: 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1.5,满分15分)



Meanwhile we can see people hunt or killed other animals 76.___________

for fun or for food: Some animals which shouldn’t have lived 77.___________

in their own worlds– the seas, the forests, the rivers and 78.___________

the grassland are kept in zoos or households. They’re kept pets. 79.___________

Some animals like cattle, horses and camels are forcing to work 80.___________

for humans, and given only the remains of the grain or 81.___________

leftover food to be eat. Some animals like rabbits, pigs are 82.___________

hunted or kept or killed for food. These animals have no right 83.___________

of their own to survive. Which we know, once the bird flu happens 84.___________

on one place, all the chickens and ducks and geese 85.___________

there have no hope to escape the fortune of being killed.

第三节: 书面表达(满分30分)

Cosplay 是英文costume play的缩写。中文译为“角色扮演”。一般是指借穿着特定的服饰来扮演动画,漫画以及游戏中的某些人物,而扮演这些人物的人,我们称为“costplayer”。假如你是一名costplayer,你将会选择哪个动漫人物来扮演呢?为什么(人物可以从以下提示中选择,也可以选择自己喜欢的其他人物。)字数:120左右

Micky Mouse(米老鼠) Hello Kitty(Kitty猫) Donald Duck(唐老鸭) Snow White(白雪公主)


1-5ACCDB 6-10 BACBC 11-15 CBDDD 16-20 DBBDD 21-25 CBCAA

26-30 BDADB 31-35 DDADA 36-40 DADDB 41-45 DCDBD

46-50 CDBDB 51-55 DDDCB 56-60 CDCBB 61-65 DBFGE

66. persuaded 67. mature 68. adjustments 69. starving 70. breathless

71. satisfaction 72. annual 73. eager 74. acknowledged 75. beneficial

76. killed改为kill 77. shouldn’t改为should 78. ∨ 79. pets前加as 80. forcing改为forced 81. and改为but 82. 去掉be 83. right改为rights 84. Which改为As 85. on 改为in


One possible version:

Cosplay is a new trend nowadays. I would prefer to play Micky Mouse who is my favorite cartoon character. He is so lovely that I was deeply impressed the first time I saw him when I was still a little kid. The lovely face has given me a lot of happiness especially when I was depressed. I have some friends who are also interested in Micky Mouse so whenever one of them feels sad, I always give him a Micky Mouse to make them happy. It not only brings much delight just like the bright sunshine does but also improves our friendship. There are pictures and toys of Micky Mouse in my house, which even arise interests of my parents in this little guy. That’s why Micky Mouse is my first choice for a cosplay.