Lesson 25

发布时间:2016-5-14 编辑:互联网 手机版



ⅠTeaching Materials

1. Functional and notional items

Talk about the new inventions

2. Language materials

Words: able, neatly, own

Phrases: be able to, keep working on it, change the world more, the second most useful invention

Sentences: I’m trying to get it to write more quickly.

Which of these would you most like to own?

Grammar: The infinitive

ⅡTeaching Objectives

1. Learn to talk about the new inventions orally.

2. Understand the whole lesson and read it fluently.

3. Master the following materials:

Words: able, neatly, own

Phrases: be able to, keep working on it, change the world more, the second most useful invention

Sentences: I’m trying to get it to write more quickly.

Which of these would you most like to own?

4. Learn the use of the infinitive: (1) as object

ⅢTeaching Points

1. The main points---(1)&(2) in the teaching objectives

2. The difficult points: (1) get sth. to do sth. (2) the difference between “be able to” and “can” (3)the second most useful invention: the combination of the ordinal number and the superlative degree (4) Which of these would you most like to own? Try to understand its structure.

ⅣTeaching Procedure

1. Organization of the class

Today we’re going to learn a new unit. In this unit, we are going to talk about Edison. In Grammar, we’re going to talk about the infinitive.

2. Revision

Go over the names of some inventions

Well, we know Edison was a great inventor. He invented a lot of things all his life. Nowadays, there are more and more inventions. What inventions do you know?

Light, telephone, television, radio, computer, …

3. The teaching of the new lesson

A. Unit 7 A man who never gave up

Lesson 25

David try to invent something today. What does he want to invent? Let’s go on to learn Unit 7, Lesson 25.

B. Part 1

Listen to Part 1 and answer the following questions.

What is David doing?

Why is he doing that?

Does it work?

Read and learn.

Teach: (1)get it write more quickly让它写得更快。 Get sb. to do sth.

(2)be able to 与 can的区别

时态:be able to 用于不同的时态;can只有原形过去形式

意义:be able to 能做某事;can有更多的意思,如:表示允许;表示猜测

(3)neatly adv. Write neatly; put the books on the shelf neatly

(4)keep doing sth.= not give up doing sth.

(5) work on sth. 从事…

Read and act it.

C. Part 2

T: David wanted to invent a new pen. If he can, that is a new invention. The inventions have changed the world a lot. Which do you think have changed the world more? Look at page ii and talk about it.

Ask and answer in pairs by using the questions in Part 2.

Teach: change the world more; the second most useful invention; Which of these would you most like to own?; own = have = have got

Ask some to do it in class.

D. Workbook ex. 1

Some inventions’ names are very long, so people usually have a short way to call them. Let’s open our workbook and do Ex. 1

E. Conclusion

Be able to; neatly; keep working on it; the second most useful; own

4. Homework

A. Workbook ex. 2 &3

B. Recite Part 1