Lesson 10

发布时间:2016-7-15 编辑:互联网 手机版


Two periods for this lesson

ⅠTeaching Materials

Words: harm, rubbish, collect, whenever, produce, wherever, neighbourhood, litter, onto, public, spit, protect, tidy, dustbin, recycle, contribution

Phrases: cut down, make a contribution to…, harm the environment, keep…clean and tidy, throw…onto…, in a public place

Sentences: There was a truck collecting rubbish.

It’s a pleasant way to keep our city clean.

Taking care of our environment is very important.

Have I ever collected waste paper or bottles for recycling?

ⅡTeaching Objectives

1. Try to understand the whole lesson and finished Ex. 1 in the workbook.

2. Read it fluently and the pronunciation and intonation should be right.

3. Master the following materials as 4skills

Word: harm, rubbish, collect, whenever, produce, wherever, neighbourhood, litter, onto, public, spit, protect, tidy, dustbin, recycle,

Phrases: cut down, harm the environment, keep…clean and tidy, throw…onto…, in a public place

Sentences: There was a truck collecting rubbish.

It’s a pleasant way to keep our city clean.

Taking care of our environment is very important.

Have I ever collected waste paper or bottles for recycling?

4. Master the following materials as 2 skills:

Word: contribution

Phrase: make a contribution to…

ⅢTeaching Points:

1. The main points: (1) & (2) in the teaching objectives

2. The difficult points: A. rubbish 不可数名词

B. whenever = no matter when

Wherever= no matter where

C. litter sth. on the ground= litter the ground

=throw sth. about on the ground

ⅣTeaching Procedure

Period 1

1. Organization of the class

We are going to talk about how to make our world more beautiful

2. Revision


Yesterday, we knew the river had become dirty, why?

What did Greener China want to do? Why?

The present perfect tense (2) 表示过去延续到现在的一个动作或状态

for+时间段 since+ 时间点

瞬间动词不能加上一段时间做状语,要进行转变。 如: open, close, begin, finish, get up, fall asleep, die, come, get to, reach, go, leave, join…

3. The teaching of the new lesson

A. Lesson 10

Yesterday, we learned that factories poured waste water into the river and lots of fish had died. Well, what things can harm the environment? Let’s go on to learn Lesson 10

B. Part 1 Pre-read

* harm: v. harm sb. sth.

n. It is harm to do sth.

There is no harm in the meat.

He means no harm.

* improve our environment

① What things can harm the environment?

Waste water, waste air, litter, rubbish

② What do you think we should do to improve our environment?

Plant treesflowers, pick up waster paper, keep …clean and tidy

C. Read and do workbook Ex.1

D. Read and learn

Part 1: It talks about an interesting truck collecting rubbish.

*There was a truck collecting rubbish outside.

*whenever = no matter when

*produce 播出(产生,生产)

*as soon as 后面常用一般现在时代表将来

*It’s a pleasant way to keep our city clean. it 代表后现的to keep our city clean

Reading practice

Part 2: It talks about what we should not do

*Taking care of our environment is very important.

*wherever= no matter where

*throw litter onto the ground

litter: v. litter somewhere with sth.

eg. Litter the desk with paper

litter things about = throw things about

litter: n. throw the litter about.

*on public walls, in a public place

* cut down

*protect eg. Protect sb. from sth.

eg. Protect the child from the cold weather

E. conclusion

1. harm 2. There is sb. doing sth. 3. whenever wherever 4. help do sth. 5. throw litter onto the ground 6. draw…on public walls 7. spit on public place 7. cut down 8. protect

4. Homework

A. Workbook ex. 2

B. Retell the story.

Period 2

1. Organization of the class

A truck to collect rubbish can help keep our city clean. Do you think keeping our city clean in very important? Ss: …

What should we do? We will talk about it in the next part

2. Revision

If we want to protect the environment, what should we not do?

A. litter things onto the ground

B. spit in a public place

C. draw on public walls

D. cut down trees

3. The teaching of the new part

A. Read Part1 and Part 2

B. Learn Part 3

Part 3: It talks about what we should do

keep …clean and tidy

throw … into a dustbin

collect sth. for recycling

in or near my neighbourhood

make a contribution to protecting the environment

make a contribution to doing sth.

Reading practice

C. Workbook ex. 2&3

D. Conclusion

E. Retell the story

4. Homework

A. Recite Part 2 & 3

B. Go over the new language points