
发布时间:2016-3-25 编辑:互联网 手机版

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1.spare vt. 节约;吝惜;省出;抽出(时间);剩下 adj.多余的;剩下的;空闲的;未占有的


spare no efforts (pains) 不遗余力

spare one’s life (spare sb his life) 饶某人一命

in one’s spare time 在业余时间

a spare room 备用房间


1. He caught the train with a few minutes ______.

A. spare B. to spare C. sparing D. spared

2.. Let Harry play with your toys as well, Clare--- you must learn to _______.

A. support B. care C. spare D. share

3. 现在我能抽出时间。 。

2.replace v. 取代;代替;替换;放回原处;


replace= take the place of 取代;代替

in place of取代;代替(介词短语)

in stead of代替;而不是(介词短语)

take one’s place 代替某人;就位;就职

take place 发生;

replace…by/ with … 以。。。。。。代替/替换


1. Now plastic have ______ wood, iron, and steel in many fields.

A taken place B. in place of C. instead of D. taken the place of

2.They will go to Guangzhou by plane_______ by train.

A. in place of B. in stead of C. instead D. take the place of

3.Can anything replace a mother’s love and care?



1. received adj. 被承认的;被认可的;公认的

be well received with 很受……欢迎



receive sth from…从……得到某物

receive sb into sth接纳;接待


1. 我昨天收到了李红给我的生日礼物.

2. 这个节目很受观众的欢迎.

2.have nothing to do with 与……无关;与……没来往




have sth to do with与……有关

have nothing on sb不比……强

come to nothing没结果;终归失败

go for nothing无结果;无价值

care nothing for对……满不在乎

think nothing of对……满不在乎

make nothing of不了解

do nothing but只是……

nothing…but… 只……

for nothing免费

nothing like 什么也比不上;完全不像


1. He (不在乎钱).

2. She got the tickets (免费).

3. I could (不了解) what he said.

4. She (只是) a child.

5. The dress is (完全不同) the one they advised.

6. He (认为……不算啥)a twenty-mile walk.

7. ------Anything interesting happening?

------No, ______.

A. something of B. nothing of C. something much D. nothing of

3.have a place in …在……中占一席之地



2.The famous scientist has ________ in the world.

A. a seat B. a place C. a role D. places

4.make…into…= to change sth or sb different from what it/he/she used to be




5.at a time 一次;每次




at one time曾经

at all times总是;随时;永远

at other times在其他时候

at times有时

at the same time同时

at the time在那时

at no time 决不;在任何时候都不

in no time立刻;马上

ahead of time提前;提早

all the time一直;始终

as time goes on 随着时间的推移

take one’s time从容进行;不慌不忙


1.-------Can I look at the menu for a few minutes before I decide?

--------Of course. _____ , sir.

A. Make yourself at home B. Enjoy yourself C. It doesn’t matter D. Take your time.

2.Don’t all speak at once! ______ , please.

A. Each at one time B. One by one time C. One for each time D. One at a time

6.be set in 以……为背景



set about (doing ) sth开始/着手(做)某事

set aside 留出;拨出;不顾

set back把(钟表等)往回拨

set sb down使乘客下车

set sth down放下;记下

set forth 启程; 动身

set off出发;动身;使爆炸;引起

set out出发;动身; 开始/着手做某事

set…free 释放……


1. He set _________ washing his car.

2. She set a good example _______ all of us.

3. The rainy season has set _______.

4. The school was set _______ years ago.

5. She has ________ some money for a trip to Beijing.

A. set about B. set aside C. set down D. set in

7.would rather宁愿


would rather(not) do sth宁愿(不)做某事

would rather do…than do………宁愿做某事……而不愿做某事

would rather sb did sth宁愿某人去做某事

would rather sb had done sth宁愿(过去)某人已做了某事

prefer to do …rather than do…喜欢做……胜过……

rather than而不是

other than除了

or rather确切的说


1. It was owing to luck ______ judgment _______ the driver succeeded in avoiding an accident.

A. better than; when B. rather than; that C. other than; When D. more than ; which

2.I worked as a secretary, ____, a typist.

A. rather than B. or rather C. in rather D. would rather




add to (=increase)增加;添加

add up把……加起来

add up to(=come to;total)共计(达)

add… in把……包括在内

add that…补充说


1. 这种坏天气增加了我们的困难.

2. 这些数字加起来是1000.

3. We have planted flowers and green trees around the blocks of buildings , which _____ beauty to the whole city.

A. add to B. add up to C. is added to D. add

4.We are having a class,” she said, _______ it was a newly open kindergarten sponsored by the church.

A. added that B. adding that C. has added D. and adding that

9.be bent on sth / doing sth 一心想要;决心要



make up one’s mind下定决心

determine to do sth决定做某事(表示动作)

be determined to do sth 决心做某事(表示状态)

determine sb to do sth使某人下决心做某事

decide on/upon决定某事

bend one’s mind to sth专心于某事物

bend (sb) to sth(迫使某人)屈从;顺从


1.___________ to train his daughter in English, he put an ad like this in the paper," , an English teacher for a ten-year-old girl.”

A. Determined; Wanted B. Determined; Wanting

C. Determine ; Wanted D. Determining Wanting

2.He is _________ learning English well.

A. bent to B. bent on C. bending to D. bending on

10. make the acquaintance of = make sb’s acquaintance 和……相识;结识



acquaint sb with sth 使某人熟悉或了解某物

be acquainted with sth对某事熟悉

be acquainted with sb认识某人

acquaintance with sth /sb 对某事/某人(常为略微的)了解

on (further ) acquaintance 认识了一段(较长) 时间以后


1. 请把这事的情况告诉我._____________________________________________________

2. 你很快就会对这些程序完全熟悉了.__________________________________________

3. 我们认识那位女士.________________________________________________________

Unit 1 Grammar、Task and project

Grammar and task

1 far from------

离-----远; 远非……、决不……

如: The sun is far from the earth.

He is far from (being) honest.他决非诚实之人。

译: 我决不是怪他。




2 原句再现

: Oliver gets caught by the police and is taken to court.

1) catch: 捕捉; 撞见; 理解

be caught in ----- 碰到, 遇到

catch sb by the + 部位 抓住某人体部位

catch sb doing----- 撞见某人正在做-----

catch one’s attention 引起某人的注意


We __________________(遇到大雨) on the way home.

He __________________ (抓住我的手)and said, “Don’t forget.”

The teacher___________________(撞见他在睡觉) in class

I’m sorry.______________________(我没听懂你的话)

2) take sb to court 起诉/控告某人

go to court (over sth) 起诉, 打官司


I ______________ (起诉他)for repayment of the debt.


He pities Oliver, takes him home, and tries to reform.

reform 变好,改善; 改良,改进,改革; 改造,改过自新

There are signs that he’s reforming.

reform one’s way/habits 改变作风/习惯

译: 进行改革_____________________



I wanted to _________ him, but ____________________.


They force him back into a life of crime by pressuring him with the threat of violence if he resists.

pressure n./vt

pressure sb with sth

pressure sb into doing sth强迫某人做某事

bring pressure to bear on sb (to do sth) 对某人施加压力(使其做某事)

put pressure on sb (to do sth) (试图)迫使某人(做某事); 催逼某人

under pressure


We don’t want to ________ pressure _______ you to make a decision, but we haven’t much time left.

A put; to B place; on C put; on D place; to

5 Kevin was filled with sorrow at the sight of his old soccer ball, and he let out a sad sigh.

1) at the sight/ thought of----

at first sight 乍看

catch/have/get sight of---

in sight

out of sight

lose sight of----

in the sight of sb 在某人看来

2) 译下列短语:

Let out a cry

let out a secret

let out the skirt

let sb down

let sb alone

let go off

let alone

6 entertain sb to sth 以--- 招待----

entertain sb with sth 以---逗了逗乐----

entertaining adj. = amusing and pleasing

entertainment n.


I like Dr liu’s lecture, which is both informative and ___________.

Is there any traditional _________ at Thanksgiving in your town, besides Trick and Treat.



He was transformed and became famous overnight.

overnight adj./ adv.

译:an overnight journey

an overnight success

become famous overlight


Romantic themes tend to be more emotional.

tend to do---- 有---- 倾向

tend towards/ to----朝--- 方向



他的观点趋向偏激 He ______ ________ extreme views.

Tendency n. a tendency to sth/ to do sth.

I have a tendency to fatness (同意句)

I_______ ________ _________ _________.

3 Like many of Burns’s poems, this one was intended to be a song.

intend to do/ doing----

intend sb to do--- = (sth.) be intended/designed /meant to do===

intend sth for sb = sth be intended/designed/meant for sb.

intend sth as ----= sth be intended/designed/meant as---


1)Children above 12 are able to take part in skiing or other activities ________ for them.

A designed B. designing C. to design D. having designed

2)The performance of the host, ____ to please the audience and draw their attention, was greeted with a cold silence,however.

A. had intended B. intended C. intending D. to intend


This book is intended for children.


These notes are intended as an introduction to the course.






no, not, never, none, nobody, nothing, nowhere, neither... nor,结构均表示强烈意味的完全否定, 在汉语中体现为"绝对不","没有","远不(非)......","一点也不","根本不......","无论如何也没有......"等.


英语中一些含有总括含义的代词、形容词或副词,当用于否定句中时,只否定一部分,而不是完全否定.如all, everybody(everyone), everything, anyone(anybody), anything, anywhere, everywhere, always, quite, both, entirely, altogether等词与not连用时,在汉语中译为"......不全是......","不都是......","并非全都是......","不总是......"等,而不是按照字面理解为"所有......都不是".

All that glitters is not gold.


All of us don’t want to go.

照字面看来好像是“我们大家都不想去”,而实际上是“并非大家都不想去”,即有人想去,有人不想去。 “None of us wants to go” 才是“大家都不想去”

因此, “All……not……” 应解释为“一切……并不都……”或“并非一切……都……”。例如:

All knowledge and techniques of modern medicine cannot bring him back to life.


类似 “All……not……” 的结构还有 “Both……not……” , “Every……not……” ,

如:Every instrument here is not good.



1) 英语中否定含义的表达形式多种多样,可以用not,no,never,none,nobody,nothing,nowhere等否定词来表达否定之意.

2) 可以用hardly,scarcely,seldom,little,few等半否定词来表达否定之意.

3)可以用含否定意义的前缀a-,ab-,an-,de-,dis-,il-,im-,in-,ir-,non-,un-,under-等构成的词表达否定之意;也可以用后缀 -less,-free,-proof等构成的词表达否定之意。



1.动词:absent(缺席,不到),fail(没有),defy(公然反抗),deny(否认),miss(未击中,未赶上),lack(缺乏),escape(被……忘掉),ignore(不顾),refuse(不肯,拒不),negate(否定),decline(拒绝),neglect(忽略),forbid(不许, 不准),resist(抗拒)等。例如:

He absented himself from a meeting on some pretext.


Her name escaped me for a moment.


2.动词短语: differ from(与……不同), prefer… to(宁愿……而不),keep off(不接近,不让……接近),keep… from/prevent… from/stop…from/protect… from(阻止,使……不), deprive… of(使丧失),lose sight of(看不见), make light of(轻视,视……不足道)等。例如:

Why should you prevent them from moving into the new house?


Sickness deprived her of the pleasure of meeting her son.


3.名词:absence(不在), failure(没有,不及格), lack(缺乏),(不愿),refusal(不肯),ignorance(无知),negation(否定),shortage(缺乏,不足),want(缺少),zero(乌有)等。例如:

His reluctance to think of a nonsports career caught up with him.


Bass was also in ignorance of his whereabouts.


Shortage of manpower is the chief cause of the delay at the factory.


Their hopes were reduced to zero.他们的希望化为乌有。

4.形容词及形容词短语: reluctant(不愿), absent from(不在,没到场), ignorant of(不知,不懂),different from(与……不同),short of(缺少,不足),far from(远非,决不),safe from(免于), free from(不受……影响的,没有……的),free of(无……的)等。例如:

We should be free from arrogance and rashness.我们应该不骄不躁。

5.介词:above(超出……之外),against(反对), beneath(不值得),beyond(超出,无法……), off(离开), past(超过), but/except(除……之外)等。例如:

This problem is beneath notice.这个问题不值得注意。

The young men of the present day are beyond my comprehension.


His stupidity is past all belief.他的愚蠢简直不可思议。

6.介词短语:at a loss(不知所措,不知……), in the dark(不知道), invain(徒劳,无用), out of the question(不可能), off one's guard(毫无防备,没有警惕),out of the swim(不合时髦,不合潮流), at one's wits'end(智穷计尽,不知所措), at the end of one's rope/at the end of one's row(山穷水尽,智穷力竭)等。例如:

The police are at a loss for an explanation of the affair.


I am completely in the dark concerning his plans.


I have so much work to do that a holiday for me this year is out of the question.我有这么多工作要做,因此,今年我不可能休假了。

7.其他词组及固定搭配:anything but/by no means/in no case/on no account/under no circumstances(决不), instead of(而不), rather than(而不是), other than(不同于,除……以外), aside from(除了……以外), least ofall(最不),the last(极不可能的,最不适合的), let alone/to say nothing/…stil less,…(更不用说)等。例如:

The little bridge is anything but safe.


The truth is quite other than what you think.


He can't run a hundred yards,still less a mile.




He's too much of a coward to do that.他太怯懦了,干不了那件事。

2.more A than B(与其 B不如 A)或 more than+含有 can的从句(不能)

He is more brave than wise.他有勇无谋。

My gratitude for your help is more than I can express.



You should know better than to play football in the classroom.


He was wiser than to have done such a thing.



He slipped out before the meeting started.


Unless you put on your overcoat,you'll catch a cold.



But for your coming,I should have been very lonely.


If only you had worked with greater care.



1. We are too busy to take a long holiday this year, ________ the fact that we can't afford it.

A) not to speak B) not to mention C) to say anything of D) much less

2. He didn’t arrive ________ the game had begun.

A) until B) after C) when D) before

3. They could hardly keep themselves alive, ________ look after a wife and children.

A) or not B) and even not C) let alone D) as opposed to

4. He is ________ have done such a foolish thing.

A) as experienced as to B) more experienced than to

C) too experienced to D) only too experienced to

5. All knowledge is ________ , and when it fails to lead the students into the correct path, it is either in itself bad, or it has been very imperfectly acquired.

A) bad B) not well C) worse D) not good

6. ________ other big cats, leopards are expert climbers.

A) The most unlike B) They are unlike most C) Unlike the most D) Unlike most

7. We should ________ look down upon the people who are inferior to us.

A) by no means B) by any means C) at all D) in any way

8. It won’t be long ________ imperialism comes to its end.

A) when B) after C) until D) before

9. She can ________ be held responsible for the terrible accident.

A) in any way B) in a way C) in no way D) in the way

10. You are not to let anyone know where we are going ________.

A) under no circumstances B) under any circumstances C) by every means D) at no time

11. Miss Keller was so intelligent that I could not ________ .

A) but admire her B) admire her C) admiring her D) to admire her

12. The ministry had no choice ________ our rates.

A) except raising B) but raise C) but to raise D) without raising

13. I will not lose confidence in the great cause ________.

A) at no time B) at times C) at a time D) at any time

14. No human beings could possibly copy down all these facts, ________ remember and organize them.

A) much more B) much less C) still more D) more than

15. The students cannot be ________ careful in performing the experiment as it is such a critical link in the whole project.

A) very B) too C) quite D) so

16. ________ to finish quickly.

A) No every student wants B) No every student want

C) Not every student wants D) Not every student want

17. The students are ________ with these two famous scientists in the lab.

A) too pleased to work B) too pleased that they cannot work

C) only too pleased to work D) so pleased that they cannot work

18. He does not know English, ________ German or French.

A) nothing to say about B) to say nothing of

C) anything to say about D) to say anything of

19. It's nearly impossible to go through a major city ________ a person who is or appears to be homeless.

A) not to have seen B) not to see C) without seeing D) without being seen

20. I've got ________ Sundays free this month.

A) never B) not C) none D) no

21. The book is ________ me, but I'll never give up studying.

A) above B) over C) under D) below

22. I don't believe it. I think he is ________ such a thing.

A) the only person to do B) the first person to do

C) the last person to do D) the very person to do

23. The experiment is ________ ; it was a great success.

A) far from being a failure B) far away from a failure

C) more than a failure D) nothing but a failure

24. You can't be ________ careful when driving on the highway.

A) very B) quite C) so D) too

25. The old lady whom Jack quarreled with yesterday is ________ Mary.

A) not other than B) none other than C) nobody other than D) no one other than

26. If we're attacked we can't but ________ in self-defense.

A) to fight back B) fight back C) fighting back D) only to fight back

27. I know nothing about his journey ________ he is to be away for a month.

A) provided that B) supposing that C) now that D) except that

28. I have never been back since we moved out, not even to the town, ________ to the house where I was born.

A) still less B) still not C) even not D) no to mention

29. I ________ her skill of performance, though I don't like her personally.

A) can't but admitting B) can't help but admitting

C) can't help but to admit D) can't help but admit

30. She is ________ diligent than he is.

A) no B) not C) no more D) not more

Unit 1 words

1. Mist is a symbol of danger and u_______ in Great Expectations.

2. Is an e_______ person with a lot of money a gentleman ?

3. He made an a_________turn to avoid hitting another car .

4. Children must swim in the s________ end of the swimming pool.

5. John is b_______on getting the first place in the following race .

6. The a_______ chair was made in 1628.

7. He graduated from Cambridge University, so he spoke r_______ standard English.

8. P________is the child of ignorance.

9. Disappointment is the nurse of w______.

10. Oliver Twist was written by one of the greatest n______ in the world.

11. Better be envied than p______.

12. Some experts agree to r_______a system of education.

13. This is a new kind of glassware that r_______heat.

14. The hungry boy ate his food g_______.

15. I always took him for an honest man ,but it appears that I was m_____ in him.

16. Edinburgh is the capital and largest u_______ center of Scotland.

17. He became famous nationwide o______.

18. On that matter he t_____ towards your opinion.

19. Sunlight is (使变化) into chemical energy,when it falls on the leaves of plants .

20. He is __________(展出) his paintings at our school .

21. You may praise your child ___________(公开地).

22. A fool always wants to ____________(缩短)space and time .

23. The ball was ___________(旋转) across the grass as the boys laughed and shouted happlily.

24. It was ____________(代表性的) of him to arrive so early .

25. The word “today” is ____________(重读)on the second syllable.

26. The _________(_最高的)Count sentenced the murderer to death.

27. She ____________(叹气) with relief .

28. The teacher was ____________(生气)at him for being late again than before.

29. The dog was his closet _____________(伙伴).

30. The idea for the film was ____________(根据)on his childhood dreams.

模块8 unit one 短语及翻译


1. 对..有偏见

2. 一心想要

3. 和…相识

4. 看到

5. 从头到尾

6. 在空余时间

7. 和…无关

8. 经典小说

9. 宁可…而不

10. 等不及要…

11. 不久以后

12. 一个…的象征

13. 以..为背景

14. 偷某人的东西

15. 做出突然的决定

16. 提醒某人某事

17. 给文章增加更深含义

18. 不受…的伤害

19. 一大比钱

20. 对…有偏见

21. 没有时间来放松

22. 被主人虐待

23. 被警察抓住

24. 同情某人

25. 由…改制成

26. 充满伤心

27. 一夜成名

28. 由…组成

29. 打算,准备

30. 把…比做



A new film _____ _____Su Tong`s novels is to _____ ______ next Monday.


All the people______ _____the case were _______ last week.

3.于购物相比,她宁愿呆在家里, 复习功课.

Rather than ____ _______ ,she would _____ at home ,_____ over her lessons.


I like ____ _____ you told that joke .


He was about to leave _____ he heard himself _____.

6.Jack 过去一心想成为一名律师,但后来他成了文学专家.

Jack used to _____ ____ _____ law as a profession ,but he was an expert on literature.


I ____some _________ with French ,but I don`t know it well.


The fish in the lakes ____ _____ ,dose it ____ anything ___ ____ with pollution ?


Don`t ______ a _____ ______ when we are in trouble .

10.当你像那样说话时 ,我想起了你的父亲.

You ____ me _____ your father when you say like that.


welcome to the unit ---- reading

A:1.B D I can spare time now.2.D B 有什么东西能取代母亲的爱和关怀。All the books must be replaced on the shelves.B:1.The singer is well received with the students./ I received a birthday present from LiHong yesterday. /The programme is well received with the audience.2.This has nothing to do with you. / I advise you to have nothing with that man./ care nothing for money /for nothing/make nothing of/ is nothing but/nothing like/thinks nothing of /

B 3.Mr Smith has an important place in the company./ B 4. The success of the film made her into a star overnight./ We can make this room into a study.5.Take the pills two at a time./Don’t try to do everything at once; take it a bit at a time./D /D 6.The film was set in Shanghai./about/to /in /up/ B.7.B/B 8.The bad weather added to our difficulties. / These numbers add up to 100. /A /B

9.Jim is bent on becoming a musician. /A /D 10. I made his acquaintance at the party./Please acquaint me with the facts of the case./You’ll soon become fully acquainted with the procedures./ We are /become acquainted with the lady.

Grammar、 Task and project

1 I’m far from blaming him.

His writing is far from perfection.

2 were caught in a rain

caught me by the hand

caught him sleeping

I didn’t catch what you said

took him to court

3 carry out reforms reform in vain

4 C

6 entertaining entertainment


2 Women tend to live longer than men.

tends to

tend to get fat

3 A B




1-5 BACBD 6-10 DADCB 11-15 ACDBB 16-20 CCBCD 21-25 ACADB 26-30 BDADC

Words: 1---5._uncertainty educated abrupt shallow bent

6---10 antique .received. prejudice wisdom novelists

11-15 pitied reform resists greedily mistaken

16-20 urban overnight tends transformed exhibiting

21---25 publicly shorten twisting typical stressed

26-30 Supreme sighed angrier companion based


1. be prejudiced against

2. be bent on (doing )sth.

3. make the acquaintance of

4. at the sight of

5. from beginning to end

6. in one`s spare time

7. have nothing to do with

8. classic novels

9. would rather …than

10. can not(hardly ) wait to do sth.

11. before long

12. a symbol of

13. be set in

14. steal from sb

15. make an abrupt decision

16. remind sb. of

17. add deeper meanings to the text

18. free from

19. a large sum of money

20. have prejudice against

21. have no time to relax

22. be abused by the master

23. get caught by the police

24. pity some doing/ take pity on someone

25. be made out of

26. be filled with sorrow

27. become famous overnight

28. consist of

29. intend to do sth.

30. compare …to .

1 based on , be released 2 related to , arrested 3 go shopping ,stay , going 4 it , when

5 when called 6 be bent on 7 have acquaintance 8 died out , have ,to do

9 make abruptly 10 remind of