Unit 19 A visit to an island

发布时间:2017-11-21 编辑:互联网 手机版

Lesson seven –three

The seventy-third lesson

1 Teaching aims and demands : Review The Future Tense and adjective and adverb .

2 Important points : far-farther --- farthest We’d better not do

3 Teaching tools : flashcard ( three islands, ) tape , action .

4 Situation :

5 Teaching steps :

Step one : Review Do exercises and check it:

1 Who sings ________ (well ) in your class ?

2 He felt even _____ (bad ) than before .

3 She studied_______ ( hard ) than I .

4 This room is _______ (big ) than that one .

5 Wu Dong is ______ (tall) of all.

Step two Teaching of the new lesson :

Ask : What do you often do in spring ?

Answers : fly kites climb the hill , go fishing , plant the trees , plant the flowers , have a picnic ,

Ask : Do you have a trip ? Who will go with you ?

Teacher help answer : visit an island (hold the flashcard of an island .) teach the new word island. Read the word .

Listen to the tape for Lesson 73 part one . Book open ! Students find the answers for following questions:

1 What are the children going to do at this weekend ?

2 Where are they going to meet ?

3 When are they going to meet ?

Then listen to the tape again and repeat sentences by sentences . read after the tape .and read together . then ask two and two act it out

Step three talk and act

Talk about the picture on SB Page 21 . Get the students to give as much information as they can : How many islands can you see ? Which is near ? Which is farther? Where are the children ?” What are the doing ?

Ask three students (A,B, C )to come to the front and to stand one next to each other , close to you , like this:

T_____ A_____ B_________ C ________

Say C is near , B is nearer than C , But A is the nearest. Repeat, then students listen and repeat. Then get the three students to move away from you .

T______________ A_____ B_________C

Say A is far . B is farther than A, but C is the farthest Get the students to listen and repeat , Ask students questions : Who is nerer . A or B ? Who is farther /the farthest ?etc .

Step five Listening

Listen to the tape again Have the students to find the answer for Which island will they go to ? then repeat it read after the tape Pay attention to We’d better not do … .

Step six Workbook

Wb Lesson 73, Exx ,2 and 3 . Ex .2 should be done orally in small groups . Check several groups in class . Use Ex.3 as a contest . See which student can solve the puzzle first .

Step seven Homework for them

Finish off the workbook exercises.

Recite the dialogue .