
发布时间:2016-11-7 编辑:互联网 手机版

Chapter 1(讲解版)

rugby ['rgbi] n. 橄榄球

hockey ['hki] n. 曲棍球

badminton ['bdmintn] n. 羽毛球

table tennis 乒乓球

______ ______ (打羽毛球)

______ _____ ________(弹钢琴)

top-right adj. 右上的

bottom-left ______

title ['taitl] n. *标题,字幕

the name of a work of art or literary composition etc.

subtitle _______

entitle : give a title to ________

signature ['signit] n. 签名

your name written in your own handwriting

Please ______your name here.

His ________isn’t clear enough for me to recognize.

postal code 邮政代码

deliver [di'liv] v. *送

deliverer ______

delivery ______

The person who _______ the parcels and letters is called a ________, and he always makes a _______ on time.

foot [fut] n. * 脚,英尺

foot (singular form)-feet (plural form)

____ _____ 步行

play chess 下棋

form [f:m] n. *年级

Grade eight Class four

three forms of water _______

fill in the form ______

form a company _______

sports field 运动场

______ _______ 运动会

keen [ki:n] adj. *热切的,渴望的

be keen on * 喜爱,渴望

very interested in ; wanting to do something






physics ['fiziks] n. *物理

Physics ____ one of the subjects.

physics – physical

a _______ teacher

________ homework

_________ changes

ambition [m'bin] n. *抱负,雄心

wish or goal

His ambition is to own his own business.




enclose [in'kluz] v. 围住,封入

put inside

close -enclose

Darkness enclosed him.

meaning ['mi:ni] n. 意义,意思

mean-meaning -meaningful-meaningless

What does the word ____?

What’s the _______ of the word?

look up * 查找

When we meet the new word, we’d better not look it up in the dictionary immediately.

all in 疲劳的


trainer ['trein] n. 训练器材,鞋子

I need to buy a pair of _______.

hurt [h:t] v. * 弄疼,伤害

(hurt –hurt-hurt)

terribly ['terbli] adv. 十分,非常


terrible -terribly

The film is _______ ________.

idle ['aidl] adj. 空暇的,游手好闲的



tidy ['taidi] v./adj. 整理

______ the room, and make it _____.

inaudible [in':dbl] adj. 听不见的

impossible to hear , unhearable

audible -inaudible-inaudibly

boring ['b:ri] adj. *烦人的

architect['ɑ:kitekt] n. 建筑师

a person who plans and designs

___ architect 一个建筑师

He is one of the famous _______ in China.

machine [m'i:n] n. * 机器

full name 全名

less than *少于

more than ____

inch [int] n. *英寸

at all 根本

Not at all ______

I don’t know you at all. __________

geography [di'grfi] n. * 地理

probably ['prbbli] adv. *也许,可能

possibly / maybe / perhaps

length [leθ] n. * 长度

long-length wide-width

high-height strong-_______

birth [b:θ] n. 出生

conversation [knv'sein] n. 会话,对话

formal talk

questioner ['kwestn] n. 提问者,询问者

shorten [':tn] v. 缩短

enlarge /enclose /broaden / widen

begin with 从......开始

start with 从......开始

end up with _________

consonant ['knsnnt] n. 辅音

vowel ['vaul] n. 元音

European [jur'pi:n] a/n. 欧洲的,欧洲人

Europe - European

____ European 一个欧洲人

actress ['ktris] n. *女演员


at the other side of 在......另一边

on both sides of

on each side of

on either side of

recently ['ri:sntli] adv. * 最近

I have finished reading a new book recently.

arrow ['ru] n. 箭

such as *例如

dictionary ['diknri]n. *字典

encyclopaedia [ensaiklu'pi:dj]n. 百科全书

directory [di'rektri] 地址,姓名录

alphabetical [lf'betikl] adj. 字母表的

alphabet - alphabetical

arrange ['reind] v. * 安排


they made ____________ to meet in Chicago.

social ['sul] adj. 社会的

society _______

step [step] n. *步骤,阶段

ending ['endi] n. 结束

capital ['kpitl] a/n. *大写的,首都

childhood ['taildhud] n. * 童年

underlined ['nd'laind] adj. 下划线的


come into the world 出生

couple ['kpl] n. * 一双,一对,夫妇

the couple _______

a couple of days _______

adopt ['dpt] v. 收养,采纳

omen ['umen] n. 前兆,预兆

year of the horse 马年

destine ['destin] v. 命定,预订

fortune ['f:tn] n. 运气,财富

bill [bil] n. * 帐单

arrival ['raivl] n. 到达

arrive - arrival

on one’s arrival ________

embassy ['embsi] n. 大使馆

housekeeper ['hauski:p] n. 管家

chief [ti:f] adj. 主要的,首位的

earn [:n] v. 赚得,挣得

earn money= make money

greatly [greitli] adv. 极大地

moment ['mumnt] n. * 瞬间,刹那

drama ['drɑ:m] n. 戏剧

academy ['kdmi] n. 学院


Taylor ['teil] 泰勒

Sidney [sidni] 西德尼

Newcastle ['nju:kɑ:sl] 纽卡斯尔

Tyne [tain] 泰恩

Edwin ['edwin] 埃德温

punch [pnt] 潘趣酒,混合饮料

Stephen ['sti:vn] 斯蒂芬

Don Wilson 唐.威尔逊

Ottawa ['tw] 渥太华

Ontario [n'triu] 安大略

Test1: Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms.

1. I was sitting at the back of the hall, so his speech was ______(audible).

2. The performances made me ______(bore).

3. _______ is a new subject in Form Two.(physical)

4. My new ______ hurt my toes because they are too tight.( train)

5. My sister is an________(act).

Test2: Write questions for the underlined part.

1. My father went to London by air last week.


2. Sam and Karl have visited the Great Wall some times.


3. It is around 4500 kilometres from Beijing to Singapore.


4. Qu-yuan was born around two thousand years ago.


5. His brother practises swimming twice a year.


6. It took the old man over half an hour to get home.


7. They have lived in Los Angeles for six years.


8. Eddie felt quite well this morning.


9. Twenty of my classmates like watching television best.


10. My plane will leave for Bangkok at 10:10 a.m.


11. Jack’s sister is 14 years old.


12. I always have toothache because I have eaten too many sweets.


13. The man over there is 1.75 metres tall.


14. The big house cost me more than a million yuan.


15. There are about 12 million people in Tokyo.


16. Many tourists always visit the Palace Museum in Beijing.


17. Mrs Li is going to USA to see Aunt Judy.


18. He has put a small amount of tea in his suitcase.


19. We are going to have Dragon Boat races in two weeks.


20. I lost my bag in the park the day before yesterday.


Chapter 1(集中版)

rugby ['rgbi] n. 橄榄球

hockey ['hki] n. 曲棍球

badminton ['bdmintn] n. 羽毛球

table tennis 乒乓球

top-right adj. 右上的

title ['taitl] n. *标题,字幕

signature ['signit] n. 签名

postal code 邮政代码

deliver [di'liv] v. *送

foot [fut] n. * 脚,英尺

play chess 下棋

form [f:m] n. *年级

sports field 运动场

keen [ki:n] adj. *热切的,渴望的

be keen on * 喜爱,渴望

physics ['fiziks] n. * 物理

ambition [m'bin] n. *抱负,雄心

enclose [in'kluz] v. 围住,封入

meaning ['mi:ni] n. 意义,意思

look up * 查找

all in 疲劳的

trainer ['trein] n. 训练器材,鞋子

hurt [h:t] v. * 弄疼,伤害

terribly ['terbli] adv. 十分,非常

idle ['aidl] adj. 空暇的,游手好闲的

tidy ['taidi] v./adj. 整理

inaudible [in':dbl] adj. 听不见的

boring ['b:ri] adj. *烦人的

architect['ɑ:kitekt] n. 建筑师

machine [m'i:n] n. * 机器

full name 全名

less than *少于

inch [int] n. *英寸

at all 根本

geography [di'grfi] n. * 地理

probably ['prbbli] adv. *也许,可能

length [leθ] n. * 长度

birth [b:θ] n. 出生

conversation [knv'sein] n. 会话,对话

questioner ['kwestn] n. 提问者,询问者

shorten [':tn] v. 缩短

begin with 从......开始

start with 从......开始

consonant ['knsnnt] n. 辅音

vowel ['vaul] n. 元音

European [jur'pi:n] a/n. 欧洲的,欧洲人

actress ['ktris] n. *女演员

at the other side of 在......另一边

recently ['ri:sntli] adv. * 最近

arrow ['ru] n. 箭

such as *例如

dictionary ['diknri]n. *字典

encyclopaedia [ensaiklu'pi:dj]n. 百科全书

directory [di'rektri] 地址,姓名录

alphabetical [lf'betikl] adj. 字母表的

arrange ['reind] v. * 安排

social ['sul] adj. 社会的

step [step] n. *步骤,阶段

ending ['endi] n. 结束

capital ['kpitl] a/n. *大写的,首都

childhood ['taildhud] n. * 童年

underlined ['nd'laind] adj. 下划线的

come into the world 出生

couple ['kpl] n. * 一双,一对,夫妇

adopt ['dpt] v. 收养,采纳

omen ['umen] n. 前兆,预兆

year of the horse 马年

destine ['destin] v. 命定,预订

fortune ['f:tn] n. 运气,财富

bill [bil] n. * 帐单

arrival ['raivl] n. 到达

embassy ['embsi] n. 大使馆

housekeeper ['hauski:p] n. 管家

chief [ti:f] adj. 主要的,首位的

earn [:n] v. 赚得,挣得

greatly [greitli] adv. 极大地

moment ['mumnt] n. * 瞬间,刹那

drama ['drɑ:m] n. 戏剧

academy ['kdmi] n. 学院


Chapter 2(讲解版)

motor [ 'mut ] n. *马达,汽车

subtitle [ 'sbtaitl ] n. 字幕,说明,副标题

be similar to 与......相似

be different from 与......不同

whiz-kid ['wizkid] n. 神童

a teenager or young adult who is very good or quick at doing something

successful [ sk'sesful ] adj. 成功的


Failure is the mother of _________.

If you work hard, you will _______.

How can I work it out _________?

His ambition is to be a __________ writer.

top student 尖子生

luckily [ 'lkili ] adv. *幸亏,幸运地


_________, he failed in the examination.

manager [ 'mnid ] n. *经理

a person who controls a business or part of it


Without your help, I couldn’t ______ it by myself.

manage to do

responsible [ ris'pnsbl ] adj. *负责的

having the responsibility or duty to do something

be responsible for 对......负责

It is responsible of you to look after these homeless children.



sale [ seil ] n. *销售

selling; the part of a business which tries to sell the product

on sale ____

accountant [ 'kauntnt ] n. 会计

the person who looks after the money and keeps the financial records

own [ un ] adj./v. *自己的

of one’s own _________







client [ 'klaint ] n. 客户

customer; someone who buys something or uses a service

achieve [ 'ti:v ] v. *达到,获得

get, receive, succeed in doing something


fail [ feil ] v. *失败

fail to do

fail -failure

simple [ 'simpl ] adj. *简单的

very easy


attend ['tend] v. 出席

be present, go to

attend the school/ a club/ the meeting

assist ['sist] v. 帮忙

help someone do something

assist sb. in doing sth.

assist sb. with sth.

assist-assistant ( )

violin [vai'lin ] n. *小提琴

continue [ kn'tinju: ] v. *继续

go on doing

seldom [ 'seldm ] adv. 很少,不常

not often

company [ 'kmpni ]n. *公司

gain [ gein ]v. *获得,增加

musical [ 'mju:zikl ]adj. 音乐的


instrument [ 'instrumnt ] n. 工具

pass[ pɑ:s ] v. *通过

usual [ 'ju:ul ] adj. *通常的,平常的


guard [ gɑ:d ] n. 警卫,哨兵

messenger [ 'mesind ] n. *信使

positive [ 'pztiv ] adj. 肯定的,积极的

adverb [ 'dv:b ] n. 副词

adverbial [ d'v:bil ] adj. 副词的,积极的

phrase [ freiz ] n. 短语

at no time 从不

rainfall [ 'reinf:l ] n.[u] 降雨,雨量

honestly [ 'nistli ] adv. 诚实地


to be honest _______

daydream [ 'deidri:m ] v. 做白日梦

physical [ 'fizikl ] adj. *物理的,身体的

temper [ 'temp ] n. 脾气

lose one's temper 发脾气

tell the truth 说实话

tell a lie _____

repeat [ ri'pi:t ] v. 重复

say it again

correct [ k'rekt ] v./adj. * 改正,正确的

explain [ iks'plein ] v. *解释

explain to sb. sth./ explain sth. to sb.


A dictionary______ the meaning of words.

He left the room without _________.

politeness [ p'laitnis ] n. 礼貌

polite [ p'lait ] adj. 礼貌的

_________ 不礼貌的

experiment [ iks'perimnt ] n. *实验,试验

do / make an experiment

first of all 首先

attention[ 'tenn ] n. 注意,注意力

pay attention to

cell [ sel ] n. 蜂窝,细胞

force [ f:s ] n. 力量,权力

seed [ si:d ] n. 种子

temperature [ 'temprit(r) ] n. *温度

____ ____ _______ 量体温

champion[ 'tmpjn ] n. 冠军

jog [ dg ] v. 慢跑,漫步

go jogging ______

daily[ 'deili ] adj. *日常的,每日的


finding [ 'faindi ] n. 发现


Bandar 班达(地名)

Fuller 福勒 (人名)

Fantasia 樊泰西亚 (人名)

Test1: Spell the words according to the meanings.

1. _________ a person who looks after the money and keeps the financial records

2. _________ a person who plans and designs a building

3. _________ a person who plans, makes or repairs machines.

4. _________ a teenager who is very good or quick at doing something

5. _________ a person who controls a business.

Test2: Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms.

1. We all ______ in mending the roof when it was raining.(assistant)

2. If you want to be a ______ in business,you must work hard.

3. _______, I didn’t pass the final test .

4. My mother is __________ for cleaning the house.(responsibility)

5. He bought a small house in the countryside and lived ______. (simple)

6. ---Why did he look _____ at her son?

--- Because he didn’t pass the examination. (happy)

7. Most of the people in our city ________ the night school for the further education.(attention)

Chapter 2(集中版)

motor [ 'mut ] n. *马达,汽车

subtitle [ 'sbtaitl ] n. 字幕,说明,副标题

be similar to 与......相似

be different from 与......不同

whiz-kid ['wizkid] n. 神童

successful [ sk'sesful ] adj. 成功的

top student 尖子生

luckily [ 'lkili ] adv. *幸亏,幸运地

manager [ 'mnid ] n. *经理

responsible [ ris'pnsbl ] adj. *负责的

be responsible for 对......负责

sale [ seil ] n. *销售

accountant [ 'kauntnt ] n. 会计

own [ un ] adj./v. *自己的

client [ 'klaint ] n. 客户

achieve [ 'ti:v ] v. *达到,获得

boring [ 'b:ri ] adj. 烦人的

fail [ feil ] v. *失败

simple [ 'simpl ] adj. *简单的

attend v. 出席

assisst v. 帮忙

violin [ .vai'lin ] n. *小提琴

continue [ kn'tinju: ] v. *继续

seldom [ 'seldm ] adv. 很少,不常

company [ 'kmpni ]n. *公司

gain [ gein ]v. *获得,增加

musical [ 'mju:zikl ]adj. 音乐的

instrument [ 'instrumnt ] n. 工具

pass[ pɑ:s ] v. *通过

usual [ 'ju:ul ] adj. *通常的,平常的

guard [ gɑ:d ] n. 警卫,哨兵

messenger [ 'mesind ] n. *信使

positive [ 'pztiv ] adj. 肯定的,积极的

adverb [ 'dv:b ] n. 副词

adverbial [ d'v:bil ] adj. 副词的,积极的

phrase [ freiz ] n. 短语

at no time 从不

rainfall [ 'reinf:l ] n. 降雨,雨量

honestly [ 'nistli ] adv. 诚实地

daydream [ 'deidri:m ] v. 做白日梦

physical [ 'fizikl ] adj. *物理的,身体的

temper [ 'temp ] n. 脾气

lose one's temper 发脾气

tell the truth 说实话

repeat [ ri'pi:t ] v. 重复

correct [ k'rekt ] v./adj.* 改正,正确的

explain [ iks'plein ] v. *解释

politeness [ p'laitnis ] n. 礼貌

polite [ p'lait ] adj. 礼貌的

experiment [ iks'perimnt ] n. *实验,试验

first of all 首先

attention[ 'tenn ] n. 注意,注意力

cell [ sel ] n. 蜂窝,细胞

force [ f:s ] n. 力量,权力

seed[ si:d ] n. 种子

temperature [ 'temprit(r) ] n. *温度

champion[ 'tmpjn ] n. 冠军

jog [ dg ] v. 慢跑,漫步

daily[ 'deili ] adj. *日常的,每日的

finding[ 'faindi ] n. 发现

Test3: Choose an expression to take the place of the underlined part of each sentence.

A. help B. go on C. was born D. picks up F. walking slowly

1. My mother sometimes collects me after I finish my violin lessons.

2. I always assist my father with the garden.

3. I will continue watching TV after lunch.

4. Jogging is his favourite form of exercise.

5. He came into the world in 1954.

1._____ 2._______ 3._______ 4._______ 5. ________

Chapter 3(讲解版)

dial [ 'dail ] n/v* 拨号 号码盘

select the numbers on a telephone ; make a phone call

dialed / dialled


argue [ 'ɑ:gju: ] v. *争论,争辩

argument [ 'ɑ:gjumnt ] n. *争论,争辩

a quarrel ; an angry disagreement

We _______ with the waiter about the price of the meal.

Most families have _______ over money.

deal with 处理,应付

do with ________

______ will you do with these problems?

______ will you deal with these problems?

shout at 对......大喊

hold out 端出,伸出

crowd [ kraud ] n. 人群,群众

a large number of things or people together


a crowd of people ________

The new store is _____ with customers.

stare [ ste ] v./n. 瞪视

look at someone or something with great interest, with one’s eyes wide open

She stared at herself in the mirror.




steal [sti:l]v. (stole,stolen) *偷窃

take something which is not yours ; be a thief

steal something from somebody

purse [ p:s ] n. 钱包

a small bag in which we keep money, wallet

bookshop [ 'bukp ] n. 书店


postcard [ 'pstkɑ:d ] n. *明信片

notice [ 'nutis ] v. *注意到

see something, to become aware of it

Did you notice him coming in/come in?


I noticed something unusual.

handbag [ 'hndbg ] n. 手提包

follow [ 'flu ] v. *跟随

to travel behind, go after, come after

the following week =the next week

请跟我来 ______________

bell [ bel ] n. *钟

ring [ri] v. (rang,rung) *响铃


gate [ geit ] n. *大门

aboard [ 'b:d ] adv. 上车,上船

on or into a ship, boat, aeroplane, bus or train

go aboard ______

go abroad ______

strange [ streind ] adj. *奇怪的,陌生的

unusual , puzzling

stranger ______

action [ 'kn ] n. 行为,行动

Actions speak louder than words.


______ ______ 动作片

robbery [ 'rbri ] n. 抢劫

the act of robbing someone

rob - robber - robbery

The______ knocked her down and ______ her of her purse.

There were several________ happening in the neighborhood.

railing [ 'reili ] n. 围栏

metal bars which keep you out of an area

detail [ 'di:teil, di'teil ] n. 细节,详细

handcuff [ 'hndkf ] n. 手铐

two strong metal things which police put around the wrists of prisoners, usually used in pairs

in handcuffs ______

noisily [ 'nizili ] adv. 吵闹地

with much noise or loud and unpleasant sound


There is so much _____in this restaurant; your voice.

He blew his nose _______.

The bus was crowded with _____ children.

funny [ 'fni ] adj. *有趣的,古怪的


A _____ thing happened to me today.

What great _____ swimming in the sea is!

amusing ['mju:zi] adj. *有趣的,好笑的


She keeps a lot of _____ stories in her head.

Everyone was ____ at/by the story about the dog.

unusual [ n'ju:ul ] adj. *不同寻常的


against [ 'genst ] prep. 反对,抵抗



realize [ 'rilaiz ] v. *实现,意识到

My wishes have been realized. ( )

He could not realize his own danger. ( )

permission [ p'min ] n. 允许


They entered the room without _______.

in time *及时

on time ____

definitely [ 'definitli ] adv. 明确地,确定地

do sth wrong 做错事

attack ['tk ] v. *攻击

The enemy attacked us at night.

description [ dis'kripn ] n. 描述


The beauty is beyond ________.

Words cannot ______ the beauty .

baseball [ 'beisb:l ] n. 棒球

refer to 谈到,涉及

referred referring

Don't refer to this matter again, please.

regular [ 'regjul ] adj. 规则的,定期的

irregular [ i'regjul ] adj.不定期的,无规律的

double [ 'dbl ] adj./v 双倍的,加倍

final [ 'fainl ] adj. *最终的


____ _____

____ ___ ______

period [ 'pirid ]n. 时期,阶段

inspector [ in'spekt ] n. 检查者,稽查员

_____or _______ _______

alone [ 'lun ] adv. *单独地

lonely 寂寞的孤独的

Although I live ______, I don’t feel _____.

smash [ sm ] v. 粉碎,猛撞

gang [ g ] n. 匪帮团伙

daring [ 'dri ] adj. 大胆的,勇敢的


switch [ swit ] v. 接通,转换

switch on ______

____ ____ 关掉

scold [ skuld ] v. 责骂,批评

Did you scold her for breaking it?

soldier [ 'suld ] n. *战士,士兵

scientist [ 'saintist ] n. *科学家

cauliflower [ 'k:liflau ] n. 花椰菜

cause [ k:z ] v./n. *引起,原因

Police are investigating the causes of the fire.

caution [ 'k:n ] n. 小心,警告

cellar [ 'sel ] n. 地窖,地下室

cello [ 'tel ] n. 大提琴

cement [ si'ment ] n. 水泥

ceremony [ 'serimni ] n. 仪式,典礼

chain [ tein ]n. 链子,电路

chalk [ t:k ]n. [u] 粉笔

top-left adj. 左上的

cassette [ k:'set ] n. 录音带

absent [ 'bsnt ] adj. 缺席的

absent-present( opposite)

national [ 'nnl ] adj. *国家的,民族的


_____ ______ ________ __________

prove [ pru:v ] v. *证明

coast [ kust ]n. 海岸

defeat [ di'fi:t ] v. /n. 击败

easily [ 'i:zili ] *adv. 容易的

Can you work out the ____problem _____ ?

goal [ gul ] *n. 目标,终点,球门

He has achieved his goal. _____

It's in we've got a goal! _____

starve [ stɑ:v ] v. 挨饿

joke [ duk ] n. *玩笑

play a joke on somebody.

degree [ di'gri: ] n. *等级,程度

figure [ 'fig ] n. 数字,形状

broken ['brukn ] adj. 坏的,破的

charge [ tɑ:d ] v. *收费

the price charged for some article or service

How much do you charge for mending shoes?

photocopy [ 'futu.kpi ] v. 复印

gift [ gift ] n. 礼物

make up 化妆,编造

I tried to make up for the lost time. ______

make up one’s mind _________

Make up a story ________


Kurt 科特 (人名)

Julia 朱丽亚 (人名)

Judy 朱迪 (人名)

Celsius 摄氏的

Test1: Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms.

1, I _____with her for a long time.(argument)

2, A______ _______ a bank yesterday.( robbery)

3,That is a _______ of you. (describe)

4, Your writing is _______, some letters are big and some are small.(regular)

5, The time is coming for _______(act).

Test2: fill in the blank with the right tense.

1.We (visit) our teacher already.

2.I (be) to the Great Wall twice.

3. May (go) home yet?

4.He (give) you the answer as soon as he (come) back.

5. (be) there much snow last winter? No, there (not).

6. you (hear) the news last night?

7.They (write) letters the whole morning. They didn't have a rest.

8.She often (talk) about that book.

9.Look! The children (play) in the park.

10.The foreign guests (arrive) in 5 minutes.

11.The boy (study) now. (not make) any noise.

12. Last week my grandma (go) to (see) a friend of her. She (be) very happy. She (cook) a good dinner. They (enjoy) it very much.

13.A: How many times you (see) the film?

B: About 5 times.

A: When you (see) it for the first time?

B: 2 years ago.

A: you (like) it?

B: Yes. I (like) it very much?

14.Mary (listen) to the radio when her mother came in.

15. Tomorrow (be) Sunday. I (visit) an old friend.

Chapter 3(集中版)

dial [ 'dail ] n/v* 拨号 号码盘

argue [ 'ɑ:gju: ] v. *争论,争辩

deal with 处理,应付

argument [ 'ɑ:gjumnt ] n. *争论,争辩

shout at 对......大喊

hold out 端出,伸出

crowd [ kraud ] n. 人群,群众

stare [ ste ] v./n. 瞪视

steal [ sti:l ] v. *偷窃

purse [ p:s ] n. 钱包

bookshop [ 'bukp ] n. 书店

postcard [ 'pstkɑ:d ] n. *明信片

notice [ 'nutis ] v. *注意到

handbag [ 'hndbg ] n. 手提包

follow [ 'flu ] v. *跟随

bell [ bel ] n. *钟

ring [ ri ] v. *响铃

gate [ geit ] n. *大门

aboard [ 'b:d ] adv. 上车,上船

strange [ streind ] adj. *奇怪的,陌生的

action [ 'kn ] n. 行为,行动

robbery [ 'rbri ] n. 抢劫

railing [ 'reili ] n. 围栏

detail [ 'di:teil, di'teil ] n. 细节,详细

handcuff [ 'hndkf ] n. 手铐

noisily [ 'nizili ] adv. 吵闹地

funny [ 'fni ] adj. *有趣的,古怪的

amusing ['mju:zi] adj. *有趣的,好笑的

unusual [ n'ju:ul ] adj. *不同寻常的

against [ 'genst ] prep. 反对,抵抗

realize [ 'rilaiz ] v. *实现,意识到

permission [ p'min ] n. 允许

in time *及时

definitely [ 'definitli ] adv. 明确地,确定地

do sth wrong 做错事

attack ['tk ] v. *攻击

description [ dis'kripn ] n. 描述

baseball [ 'beisb:l ] n. 棒球

refer to 谈到,涉及

regular [ 'regjul ] adj. 规则的,定期的

double [ 'dbl ] adj./v 双倍的,加倍

final [ 'fainl ] adj. *最终的

irregular [ i'regjul ] adj.不定期的,无规律的

period [ 'pirid ]n. 时期,阶段

inspector [ in'spekt ] n. 检查者,稽查员

alone [ 'lun ] adv. *单独地

smash [ sm ] v. 粉碎,猛撞

gang [ g ] n. 匪帮团伙

daring [ 'dri ] adj. 大胆的,勇敢的

switch [ swit ] v. 接通,转换

scold [ skuld ] v. 责骂,批评

soldier [ 'suld ] n. *战士,士兵

scientist [ 'saintist ] n. *科学家

cauliflower [ 'k:liflau ] n. 花椰菜

cause [ k:z ] v./n. *引起,原因

caution [ 'k:n ] n. 小心,警告

cellar [ 'sel ] n. 地窖,地下室

cello [ 'tel ] n. 大提琴

cement [ si'ment ] n. 水泥

ceremony [ 'serimni ] n. 仪式,典礼

chain [ tein ]n. 链子,电路

chalk [ t:k ]n. [u] 粉笔

top-left adj. 左上的

cassette [ k :'set ] n. 录音带

absent [ 'bsnt ] adj. 缺席的

national [ 'nnl ] adj. *国家的,民族的

prove [ pru:v ] v. *证明

coast [ kust ]n. 海岸

defeat [ di'fi:t ] v. /n. 击败

easily [ 'i:zili ] *adv. 容易地

goal [ gul ] *n. 目标,终点,球门

starve [ stɑ:v ] v. 挨饿,饥谨

joke [ duk ] n. *玩笑

degree [ di'gri: ] n. *等级,程度

figure [ 'fig ] n. 数字,形状

broken ['brukn ] adj. 坏的,破的

charge [ tɑ:d ] v. *收费

photocopy [ 'futu.kpi ] v. 复印

gift [ gift ] n. 礼物

make up 化妆,编造

Chapter 4(讲解版)

minus ['mains] prep. *减,减去

decimal ['desiml] n. 小数

protractor [pru'trkt] n. 量角器

measure ['me] v. /n. 测量

He measured the length of the room. ( )

The government has promised to take measures to help the unemployed. ( )

angle ['gl] n. 角,角度

angel ______

triangle ______

odd [d] adj. 奇怪的,单数的

strange , cannot be divided by two

compass ['kmps] n. 圆规,指南针

fraction ['frkn] n. 分数,碎片

subtract [sb'trkt] v. 减,减去,减掉

subtract 2 from 8 _________

multiply ['mltiplai] v. 乘,增多

add a number to itself a number of times

Four multiplied by seven is twenty-eight. ______

divide [di'vaid] v. *除,分割

find out how many times one number is contained in another

Six divided by two is three. ________________

percentage [p'sentid] n. 百分比

an amount that is part of a hundred

80% ____________

even ['i:vn] adj. * 偶数的,相等的

especially [is'peli] adv. * 尤其


I love the country, __________ in spring.

I came here ___________ to see you.

She is a _______ friend of mine.

calculate ['klkjuleit] v. 计算

use numbers to find answers

calculation [klkju'lein] n. 计算

the result of calculating

calculator ['klkjuleit] n. *计算器

a machine for caculating

calculating __________

We can ______ the ________by using a _______ or a ________ machine.

brain [brein] n. 大脑

this organ inside the head that thinks, remembers, feels

at least 至少

at most _____

ancient ['einnt] adj. *古代的

very old

in ancient times _______

in tens 以十为计,十进制

Greek [gri:k] adj. / n.希腊的,希腊人,希腊语

Roman ['rumn] adj. / n. 罗马的,罗马人

When in Rome , do as the Romans do.


All roads lead to Rome.


Egyptian [i'dipn] adj. / n. 埃及的,埃及人

consist [kn'sist] v. * 由...组成

consist of *由...组成

be made up of




invent [in'vent] v. *发明

make for the first time

invention [in'venn] n. *发明

inventor ______

The ________ of the computer marked the beginning of a new era.

Bell is one of the most famous _______, who _______the telephone.

develop [di'velp] v. *开发,发展

grow bigger or better


They ________ a new medicine.

China is a ________ country. However, with the ______ of China, she will be a ________ one in the near future.

abacus ['bks] n. 算盘

an old form of calculator

accurate ['kjurit] adj. 精确的,准确的

with no mistakes

He can speak English fluently and _________.

bead [bi:d] n. 珠子,念珠

represent [repri'zent] v. 代表

stand for

The red lines on the map represent railways.

What does "PK" stand for?

electronic [ilek'trnik] adj. 电子的

using electrons for power

E-mail ( ) E-pal ( )


I like to read books on ________ music.

Now _________ appliances have entered into ordinary families.

How can we make _________?

He bought an_______ hair-drier for Mary.

root [ru:t] n. * 根

square root 平方根

powerful ['pauful] adj. *强大的


lifetime ['laiftaim] n. 终身,一生

in one’s lifetime ____________

human ['hju:mn] adj. 人类的,人性的

human being __________

amazing ['meizi] adj. * 惊人的

very surprising

amazed ________

He was______ as he listened to their ______ news

program ['prugrm] n. 编程

give orders to a computer

instruction [in'strkn] n. 指令,指示


solve [slv] v. * 解决

I can solve the problem.

______________________(passive voice)

be made up of *由...组成

consist of

nation ['nein] n. 国家,民族

stand for 代表


What does blue stand for?

beat [bi:t] v. 打败

receive [ri'si:v] v. * 收到,接待

statement ['steitmnt] n. 陈述,说明

Listen to the tape and tell whether the following statements are T or F.

pause [p:z] v./n. 暂停

arrange ['reind] v. * 安排

arrangement _____

total ['tutl] n./ adj. 总数,总共,全部的

in total / in all / altogether

cardinal ['kɑ:dinl] n./adj. 基数,基本的ordinal [':dinl] n./adj. 序数,顺序的

position [p'zin] n. 位置

separately ['sepritli] adv. 单独地,分开地

ID card 身份证

pick up * 捡起,拾起

pick up a flower from the ground.

pick a flower

copy down 抄下,记下

wrongly [rli] adv. 错误地

announcement ['naunsmnt] n. 声明,宣言

decision [di'sin] n. 决定

decide ________

make up one’s mind ________

make a decision ________





fellow ['felu] n. 伙伴

graph [grɑ:f] n. 图解,图表

cashmere ['kmi] n. 开司毛(羊毛)

average ['vrid] adj. 平均的,平常的

On average we receive five letters each day.

population [ppju'lein] n. 人口





Prep. V.

+ plus/and add …and

- minus subtract…from

× times/multiplied by multiply …by

÷ divided by divide …by

+ (be) equal to is/ equal

5+5 add 5 and 5

5+5=10 5 plus 5 equals /is 5.

10-8 subtract 8 from 10

10-8=2 10 minus 8 equals 2.

8 × 6 Multiply 8 by 6

8 × 6=48 8 multiplied by 6 equals 48.

18 ÷6 divide 18 by 6

18 ÷ 6=3 18 divided by 6 equals 3.

5+5=? What is 5 plus 5 ?

Test1: Fill in the blank with the proper words.

1. Please ___7 and 3

2. David, ___4 from 14

3. ____3by 9 if you want 9 boxes of milk.

4. ___4by 2 ,and you will still get 2.

5. 10____9 is 1.

6. 9_____10 equals 19.

7. 9______ ____10 is 90.

8. 10____ ______10 is 1.

Test2: Translation

1. 100-94不等于5。


2. Tom 把6乘以0,他得到的答案仍是0。


3. 为什么不将100除以5呢?


4. 40-14=26


5. Bill,从30 里减去6。


Test3: Fill in the blank with the proper form.

give, bring, go, speak, rain, turn off, make, sleep, play, build

1、Tom many friends since he came here.

2、She swimming tomorrow afternoon.

3、Jim is always busy. He only sixhours every night.

4、Chinese in many countries today.

5、Look! the students football on the playgrownd.

6、The bridge by the farmers themselves in 1950.

7、The headmaster us a talk yesterday.

8、Please the lights when you leave.

9、Mr Smith asked me the book with me that afternoon.

10、Take the rain coat with you. It now.

Chapter 4(集中版)

minus ['mains] prep. *减,减去

decimal ['desiml] n. 小数

protractor [pru'trkt] n. 量角器

measure ['me] v. 测量

angle ['gl] n. 角,角度

odd [d] adj. 奇怪的,单数的

compass ['kmps] n. 圆规

fraction ['frkn] n. 分数,碎片

subtract [sb'trkt] v. 减,减去,减掉

multiply ['mltiplai] v. 乘,增多

divide [di'vaid] v. *除,分割

percentage [p'sentid] n. 百分比

even ['i:vn] adj. * 偶数的,相等的

especially [is'peli] adv. * 尤其

calculate ['klkjuleit] v. 计算

calculation [klkju'lein] n. 计算

calculator ['klkjuleit] n. *计算器

brain [brein] n. 大脑

at least 至少

ancient ['einnt] adj. *古代的

in tens 以十为计,十进制

Greek [gri:k] adj. / n.希腊的,希腊人,希腊语

Roman ['rumn] adj. / n. 罗马的,罗马人

Egyptian [i'dipn] adj. / n. 埃及的,埃及人

consist [kn'sist] v. * 由...组成

consist of *由...组成

invent [in'vent] v. *发明

invention [in'venn] n. *发明

develop [di'velp] v. *开发,发展

abacus ['bks] n. 算盘

accurate ['kjurit] adj. 精确的,准确的

bead [bi:d] n. 珠子,念珠

represent [repri'zent] v. 代表

electronic [ilek'trnik] adj. 电子的

root [ru:t] n. * 根

square root 平方根

powerful ['pauful] adj. *强大的

lifetime ['laiftaim] n. 终身,一生

human ['hju:mn] adj. 人类的,人性的

amazing ['meizi] adj. * 惊人的

program ['prugrm] n. 编程

instruction [in'strkn] n. 指令,指示

solve [slv] v. * 解决

be made up of *由...组成

nation ['nein] n. 国家,民族

stand for 代表

beat [bi:t] v. 打败

receive [ri'si:v] v. * 收到,接待

statement ['steitmnt] n. 陈述,说明

pause [p:z] v./n. 暂停

arrange ['reind] v. * 安排

total ['tutl] n./ adj. 总数,总共,全部的

cardinal ['kɑ:dinl] n./adj. 基数,基本的ordinal [':dinl] n./adj. 序数,顺序的

position [p'zin] n. 位置

separately ['sepritli] adv. 单独地,分开地

ID card 身份证

pick up * 捡起,拾起

copy down 抄下,记下

wrongly [rli] adv. 错误地

announcement ['naunsmnt] n. 声明,宣言

decision [di'sin] n. 决定

fellow ['felu] n. 伙伴

graph [grɑ:f] n. 图解,图表

cashmere ['kmi] n. 开司毛(羊毛)

average ['vrid] adj. 平均的,平常的

population [ppju'lein] n. 人口

Chapter 5(讲解版)

article ['ɑ:tikl] n. *文章

dinosaur ['dains:]n. 恐龙

No one can explain why dinosaur died out.

fierce [fis] a. 粗暴的,厉害的


Nowadays the competition for jobs is _____.

The storm blew ________ over land and sea.

They were having a _____ argument than yesterday night.

thinker ['θik] n. 思想家



Lost in _____, he sat there quietly.

He is a brave _____ with lots of new ideas.

_______before jumping

Africa ['frik] n. *非洲

_______ 非洲的

Europe ['jurp] n. *欧洲

________ 欧洲的

create [kri(:)'eit] v. 创造

make or produce using body or mind


Human beings are _______ animals.

Some people believe that God ____ the world.

Human beings are full of _________.

exist [ig'zist] v. 存在

have an existence,be, live



harmless ['hɑ:mlis] a. 无害的

not causing harm


It is ______ to your health to drink too much.

unlike [n'laik] prep. 不象,与...不同



My mother, _____other women, ______going shopping.

My mother, _____other women, ______going shopping.

skeleton ['skeltn] n. 骨骼,骷髅

the bones that support the body

jar [dɑ:] n. 坛子

a round container for holding food or drink

kneel [ni:l] v. 跪下,跪着

go down on one’s knees


She knelt down to pray.

amusement ['mju:zmnt] n. *娱乐

something that gives people pleasure or fun,entertainment

France [frns] n. *法国


Frenchman --Frenchmen

character ['krikt] n. 人物,性格

a person, animal in a book, play, film,etc.

lastly [lstli] adv. 最后

finally, in the end

like best 最喜欢

Which seasons do you like best?

Which do you like ______,coffee or tea?

= Which do you ______,coffee or tea?

tame [teim] a. 温顺的,驯服的

peacefully ['pi:sfuli] a. 平和的



The olive branch_____ _____ _______.

disease [di'zi:z] n. 疾病


secret ['sikrit] a. / n. * 秘密的,秘密


______(the) secret 保守秘密

______(a/ one’s) secret 打破秘密

memorial [mi'm:ril] a./n. 纪念的,纪念碑


If you can _______ the word “memorial”in two seconds, you must have a good ________.

main [mein] a. *主要的

the main road ______

the main idea ______

attraction ['trkn] n. 吸引,魅力

attract –attractive

The actress is so ______ that her _____ _____ all the audience.

republic [ri'pblik] n. *共和国

___ _____ ______ __ _____中华人民共和国

bury ['beri] v. 埋葬,埋藏

hectare ['hektɑ:] n. 公顷

____ hectare _____ ___ _____ 一点五公顷

____ ______ _____ ___hectares一点五公顷

government ['gvnmnt] n. *政府

roof [ru:f] n. 房顶

two _____

purple ['p:pl] a./n. 紫色的,紫色

toe [tu] n. 脚趾

crocodile ['krkdail] n. 鳄鱼

countable ['kauntbl] a. 可数的

uncountable [n'kauntbl] a. 不可数的

plural ['plurl] a 复数的

singular ['sigjul] a. 单数的

material [m'tiril] a./n. 物质材料物质的

concrete ['knkri:t] a. /n. 混凝土,具体的

banknote ['bknut] n. 钞票

ring [ri] n. * 戒指,耳环,圆

gold [guld] n. *金子

syllable ['silbl] n. 音节

electron [i'lektrn] n. 电子

electronic / E-mail

dynasty ['dainsti] n. 朝代

The Tang Dynasty n. 唐朝

produce [pr'dju:s] v. *生产,产生

diamond ['daimnd] n. 钻石,宝石

jewel ['du:l] n. 珠宝,首饰

photography [f'tgrfi] n. 摄影

photograph= photo---________(pl.)

___________ is one of his hobbies.

possible ['psbl] a. 可能的

possible--________(opp.) --________(adv.)

appear ['pi] v. *出现


panda ['pnd] n. *熊猫

upper ['p] a. 高的,上级的,上部的

slope [slup] n. 斜坡,倾斜的

south-western a. 西南的

giant ['daint] a. /n. 巨大的,巨人,大力士

chubby [tbi] a. 圆胖的

broad [br:d] a. 宽阔的

band [bnd] n. 乐队,细带

shoulder ['uld] n. 肩膀

We walked in the street shoulder ___ shoulder.

side ___ side/hand ___ hand /face __ face

patch [pt] n. 补片,斑点

clumsy ['klmzi] a. 笨拙的

hind [haind] a. 后面,后部的

behind adv./ prep

cub [kb] n. 幼兽,年轻人

shoot [u:t] n. 苗,嫩芽

rare [r] a. 稀少的,珍贵的

law [l:] n. *法律

lawyer _____

Shooting rare animals is against the law.


Diogenes [dai'dni:z] 戴奥真尼斯(人名)

Walt Disney [w:lt 'dizni ] 华尔特.迪斯尼

Mickey Mouse 米老鼠

Donald Duck 唐老鸭

Goofy ['gu:fi] 古菲

Waltz [w:lts] 华尔兹舞

Dudley ['ddli] 达德利

Albert Einstein ['ainstain]


Thomas Edison 托马斯.爱迪生

Test1: tag-questions

1.You're in Grade two now, ?

2.They all look fine, ?

3.Kate swims the best in her class, ?

4.They won't have a good time, ?

5.She isn't going to buy a book, ?

6.Tom and Mike are watching TV, ?

7.I had a rest a moment ago, ?

8.Don't open the door, ?

9.Let's go to school, ?

10.Listen to me, ?

11.Kate made few mistakes in the exam, ?

12.The little girl can hardly read, ?

13.He has never been to Japan, ?

14.The students borrowed few English books from the library, ?

15.There's little water in the river, ?

16. He knew the girl with few words, _______?

Chapter 5(集中版)

article ['ɑ:tikl] n. *文章

dinosaur ['dains:]n. 恐龙

fierce [fis] a. 粗暴的,厉害的

thinker ['θik] n. 思想家

Africa ['frik] n. *非洲

Europe ['jurp] n. *欧洲

create [kri(:)'eit] v. 创造

exist [ig'zist] v. 存在

harmless ['hɑ:mlis] a. 无害的

unlike [n'laik] prep. 不象,与...不同

skeleton ['skeltn] n. 骨骼,骷髅

jar [dɑ:] n. 坛子

kneel [ni:l] v. 跪下,跪着

amusement ['mju:zmnt] n. *娱乐

France [frns] n. *法国

character ['krikt] n. 人物,性格

lastly [lstli] adv. 最后

like best 最喜欢

tame [teim] a. 温顺的,驯服的

peacefully ['pi:sfuli] a. 平和的

disease [di'zi:z] n. 疾病

secret ['sikrit] a. / n. * 秘密的,秘密

memorial [mi'm:ril] a./n. 纪念的,纪念碑main [mein] a. *主要的

attraction ['trkn] n. 吸引,魅力

republic [ri'pblik] n. *共和国

bury ['beri] v. 埋葬,埋藏

hectare ['hektɑ:] n. 公顷

government ['gvnmnt] n. *政府

roof [ru:f] n. 房顶

purple ['p:pl] a./n. 紫色的,紫色

toe [tu] n. 脚趾

crocodile ['krkdail] n. 鳄鱼

countable ['kauntbl] a. 可数的

uncountable [n'kauntbl] a. 不可数的

plural ['plurl] a 复数的

singular ['sigjul] a. 单数的

material [m'tiril] a./n. 物质材料物质的

concrete ['knkri:t] a. /n. 混凝土,具体的

banknote ['bknut] n. 钞票

ring [ri] n. * 戒指,耳环,圆

gold [guld] n. *金子

syllable ['silbl] n. 音节

electron [i'lektrn] n. 电子

dynasty ['dainsti] n. 朝代

The Tang Dynasty n. 唐朝

produce [pr'dju:s] v. *生产,产生

diamond ['daimnd] n. 钻石,宝石

jewel ['du:l] n. 珠宝,首饰

photography [f'tgrfi] n. 摄影

possible ['psbl] a. 可能的

appear ['pi] v. *出现

panda ['pnd] n. *熊猫

upper ['p] a. 高的,上级的,上部的

slope [slup] n. 斜坡,倾斜的

south-western a. 西南的

giant ['daint] a. /n. 巨大的,巨人,大力士

chubby [tbi] a. 圆胖的

broad [br:d] a. 宽阔的

band [bnd] n. 乐队,细带

shoulder ['uld] n. 肩膀

patch [pt] n. 补片,斑点

clumsy ['klmzi] a. 笨拙的

hind [haind] a. 后面,后部的

cub [kb] n. 幼兽,年轻人

shoot [u:t] n. 苗,嫩芽

rare [r] a. 稀少的,珍贵的

law [l:] n. *法律

Chapter 6(讲解版)

rocket ['rkit] n. 火箭

telescope ['teliskup] n. 望远镜


______ _______ _______

I watched stars through the telescope.

comet ['kmit] n. 彗星

captain ['kptin] n. *船长,队长

dull [dl] n. *迟钝的, 乏味的


take place *发生,举行

happen, hold

When will the Olympic Game take place in BeiJing?

When will the Olympic Game _________in BeiJing?

I don’t know what will take place in the future.

I don’t know what will _______ in the future.

in trouble *陷入麻烦

in danger / order / sight

out of …

monster ['mnst] n. 怪物,巨兽

ugly and frightening creature

master ['mɑ:st] n. *主人,首领

master----- servant

host---- guest


Fire and water are good servants, but bad masters.

spaceman ['speismn] n. 太空人

navigator ['nvigeit] n. 领航员,航海者

person who finds the way on a ship or plane

navy _____

_____or / ____or / ____or / _____or

run out of 用完

finish or use up

The time is running out.

We are running out of time.

The time is being used up.

unexplored ['niks'pl:d] a. 未探索过的

never visited before

unknown / unexpected /

valley ['vli] n. 山谷,峡谷

close to 离......近,在......旁边

near ,next to

The church is close to the school.

Don’t get close to the fire.

cliff [klif] n. 峭壁,悬崖

rock [rk] n. *岩石

storey ['st:ri] n. 楼,层

floor or level of a building


approach ['prut] v. 接近,靠近

go / come towards

The time is approaching when we must think about buying a new house.

furniture ['f:nit] n. [U] *家具

a piece of furniture

bedside ['bedsaid] n. 床侧,枕边

partly ['pɑ:tli] adv. 部分地,少许