Unit 3 reading quite practical(新课标版高三英语选修九教案教学设计)

发布时间:2016-3-28 编辑:互联网 手机版

Task 1: Read the words.

Activity 1 Read the words in Group 1 aloud and then tell their Chinese meanings.

Activity 2 Read the words in Group 2 and tell their Chinese meanings.

n. nation, highway, custom,

高频词 v. support, include, encourage, rise, consider, join…and…

adj. unique,


n. ecology, autonomous, tolerance, splendor, sacred, reservation

cradle, attraction

认知词 v. tolerate

adj. tropical, magnificent, adequate

Task 2. Read for general information.

Q1. What topic.zuowen.c321.cnmon to all five texts? (Australia)

Q2. What the main idea of “Glimpses of Australia”? (An introduction about Australia)

Q3. Where is the third article probably taken from? (An advertisement)

Task 3. Read for detailed information:

Activity1. Choose the best answer.

1. According to the passage, “Glimpses of Australia” is probably ________.

A. a newspaper article B. a postcard from someone on holiday

C. a part of a tourist brochure D. a part of a text in an encyclopedia

2. Australia Day celebrations are held because they are an excellent way to ___________.

A. display singing and dancing

B. include people from so many birthplaces

C. encourage tolerance, respect and friendship

D. welcome those who have come from overseas

3. When you enjoy two nights on board the Ghan, you will _____.

A. see treeless plains

B. observe the rolling hills

C. spot a large variety of wildlife.

D. view the superb Blue Mountains

4. Which of the following is true according to the ads?

A. The Ghan can take you to Alice Springs

B. Indian-Pacific can take you to Darwin

C. You can see plains if you take the Ghan

D. You can see wildlife if you take Indian-Pacific

5. The word “reservation” in the fourth text most probably means __________.

A. booking B. feeling C. land D. decision

6. Which text is the most useful if you are on a self drive tour in Australia?

A. Tours outside Hobart

B.. Glimpses of Australia

C. Citizenship Ceremonies Planned Around Australia

D. Go by Plane and See the Clouds/Go by Train and See Australia

Activity 2. Questions and answers:(Write down the answers within 5 words)

Q1. Where do most Australians live? (Southeastern coastal area of Australia)

Q2. What will travelers who love sports probably do in Cradle Mountain National Park? (Take a walk)

Q3.Why do most people choose not to climb Ulrua? (Out of respect for Aborigines)

Task 4. Read and write

1. Underline the sentences to describe the amazing rock.

2. Copy and read these sentences.

3. Circle the useful verbs and describe the function

It is part of one of Australia’s 14 World Heritage Sites and rises about 335 metres out of a vast, flat sandy plain. At different times of the day it appears to change colour, form grey-red at sunrise, to golden and finally to burning red at dusk.

4. Practice:


1. 自从1990年他的收入增加了。

His income has risen since 1990.

2. 他拿起包起身要离开。

She picked up her bag and rose to leave.

Make sentences according to the given situations.

1. leaves autumn change tree colour

The leaves on trees change colour in the autumn.

2. Susan a lot I last see her since change

Susan has changed a lot since I last saw her.

3. magician, flower, bird, into, change

A magician changed a flower into a bird.

4. house, around 9 o’clock, appear, Tom

Tom appeared at my house around 9 o'clock

5. the right colours, a small room, much bigger, make,appear

The right colours can make a small room appear much bigger.

用rise, appear, change描述图片

Changes in Our Life

Over the past twenty years or so, great changes have taken place in our life. Take my family for example. ___________________________________________________________________

Task 5. Extension (09高考北京卷)

Camping wild is a wonderful way to experience the natural world and, at its best, it makes little environmental influence. But with increasing numbers of people wanting to escape into the wilderness, it is becoming more and more important to camp unobtrusively (不引人注目地) and leave no mark.

Wild camping is not permitted in many places, particularly in crowded lowland Britain. Wherever you are, find out about organizations responsible for managing wild spaces, and contact them to find out their policy on camping and shelter building. For example, it is fine to camp wild in remote parts of Scotland, but in England you must ask the landowner’s permission, except in national parks.

Camping is about having relaxation, sleeping outdoors, experiencing bad weather, and making do without modern conveniences. A busy, fully-equipped campsite (野营地) seems to go against this, so seek out smaller, more remote places with easy access to open spaces and perhaps beaches. Better still, find a campsite with no road access: walking in makes a real adventure.

Finding the right spot to camp is the first step to guaranteeing a good night’s sleep. Choose a campsite with privacy and minimum influence on others and the environment. Try to use an use an area where people have obviously camped before rather than creating a new spot. When camping in woodland, avoid standing dead tree, which may fall on a windy night. Avoid animal runs and caves, and possible homes of biting insect. Make sure you have most protection on the windward side. If you make a fire, do so downwind of your shelter. Always consider what influence you might have on the natural world. Avoid damaging plants. A good campsite is found, not made--- changing it should be unnecessary.

1. You needn’t ask for permission when camping in _______.

A. national parks in England B. most parts of Scotland

C. crowded lowland Britain D. most parts of England

2. The author thinks that a good campsite is one _______.

A. with easy access B. used previously

C. with modern conveniences D. far away from beaches

3. The last paragraph mainly deals with ______.

A. protecting animals

B. building a campfire

C. camping in woodland

D. finding a campsite with privacy

4. The passage is mainly about ______.

A. the protection of campsites

B. the importance of wild camping

C. the human influence on campsites

D. the dos and don’ts of wild camping