
发布时间:2016-9-1 编辑:互联网 手机版


1 fill in/out the form填写表格

2 take turns doing/to do轮流做某事

3 ask for advice/suggestions征求意见 give advice/ make suggestions给出建议

4 What do you have in mind?=What are you thinking about? have…in mind心中考虑到某人、物

have sth on one’s mind:worry about sth有心事,担心

eg,You look worried.Is there something on your mind?

bear/keep…in mind记住某事

set one’s mind on(doing)sth:make up one’ mind to do下定决心要做

eg,Once you set your mind on (achieving )the goal,you should go for it.

be the last thing on sb’s mind是某人最不可能考虑的事

eg,Marrying you is the last thing on my mind.

It’s all in your mind.都是某人自己想象出来的

eg,The doctor has said you’re not really sick and it’s all in your mind.


great minds think alike英雄所见略同

read one’s mind领悟某人的心思

5 dance/sing to music配合音乐跳舞、唱歌 sing to the guitar和着吉它唱歌

6 show independent/strong/free spirit展现独立、坚强、自由精神的人

be in good/low spirits=be in a good/bad mood心情好、坏

be in high spirits=be excited情绪高涨

keep up one’s spirits保持心情开朗

7 suggest (doing)sth/suggest that…

eg,She suggested having lunch at the restaurant.

=She suggested that we (should)have lunch at the restaurant.

suggest sth/that… 暗示,表明

eg,Are you suggesting that I’m not suited for the job?

eg,His tone suggested his indifference (漠不关心)to the matter.

8 consider doing考虑做 consider sb/sth (to be)认为某人某物…

9 play a musical instrument弹奏一件乐器

10 on/over the radio通过广播 on TV在电视上

11 have /take a bried look at… 简单地来看

12 used to do 过去常常get/be used to doing习惯做 be used to do(某物)被用来做…

13 have much/a lot/nothing in common (with…)

14 spread(vi.) all over/throughout the world遍及全世界

spread(vt.) lies/rumors/gossip散布谎言、谣言、流言蜚语

15 Spanish-speaking countries讲西班牙语的国家 spoken language口语

16 be popular in/at sp. 流行 be popular with sb 受某人欢迎

popular belief/view普遍的信念、观点

17 be well-known/famous throughout the world全球闻名

18 a wide variety/range of 各种各样的,各种不同的

eg,The T-shirts are available in a wide variety of colors.各种颜色的T恤都有。

eg,Students came from a wide range of backgrounds.学生门来自不同的背景。

19 in every corner of the world在世界的每一个角落

20 open your ears to the sounds of the world倾听来自世界的声音

turn a deaf ear to =close/shut one’s ears to 充耳不闻,置若罔闻

21 music is a universal language.音乐是全球通用的语言

22 follow the beat 合上节拍

23 start/begin school开始上学 leave school毕业;退学finish school /graduate from school 毕业

24 in the open air 在户外

25 pick out::recognize sb/sth in a group of people or things分辨出,辨认出

eg,It’s easy to pick out Jack in the crowd for he is tall.

make out:be only just able to hear,see or understand sth(勉强)听出,看出,辨认出

eg,I can scarcely(=hardly)make out his writing.我几乎辨认不出他的笔迹。

26 rock and roll摇滚音乐 rock the nation 震惊全国

eg,The major scandal rocked the whole nation.

27 in style/out of style=in fashion/out of fashion流行的、过时的 eg,This type of dress is in style.

the latest style in hairdo最新的发型款式 live in the Western style过着西式生活

change your living style改变你的生活方式

It’s not one’s style.=it is not the way sb ususally behaves 那不是某人的做事风格

eg,I can’t be irresponsible.-it’s just not my style.

28 perform a play/a song/dance表演一出戏剧,一首歌,舞蹈

perform an operation/an experiment实施一项手术、做实验

perform well/badly表现地好、差

eg,Our team performed very well . The computer performs badly.

give a performance表演,演出

29 make/play records 录制、播放唱片 keep a record(write down sth)做记录

set /hold /break a record创下记录、保持记录、打破记录

30 during/in one’s lifetime在某人的一生中 the chance of a lifetime一生难逢的机会

around(=throughout)the world遍及世界 around the clock日以继夜地,日夜不停地

31 turn into sth=change into sth变成 eg, The prince turned into a frog.王子变成青蛙。

turn sth/sb into sth=change sth/sb into sth 把…变成

eg,You can’t turn iron into gold.

eg,You’ll never turn me into a scientist,Dad.I’m not made for it.


32 have /hold different opinions about/on sth 对…持不同观点

have a good/bad opinion of 对…评价好、坏 opinions are divided on sth . 持不同观点

33 be similar to 与…相似be the same as与…相同 反义:be contrary to 与…相反

eg,My opinion is contrary to yours.

34 on one hand,on the other hand / for one thing,for another thing

35 satisfy/meet/appeal to one’s inner desire满足某人内心需求

36 make/earn money 赚钱 make a big fortune发大财

37 because of =as a result/consequence of=on account of 因为,由于

38 forget about the real world 忘却真实的世界

39 bring in 200 million dollars 挣20万美金

40 feel easy 感觉放松 lead an easy life过安逸的生活

Make yourself easy.请放心。 Take it easy.别紧张。


1 People have been playing the blues for many years,but the music has kept many of its characteristics.

2 There is a wide variety of new music to be discovered in every corner of the world.

3 The next time you look for a record,don’t just look for Chinese or American music-open your ears to the sounds of the world.


the next/first time/the moment/the second/the minute/the instant…..=as soon as

instantly/directly/immediately=as soon as

4 Music makes people feel easy and forget about the real world.

5 Music is more than just sound--- it’s a way of thinking.

more than glad to help you 非常乐意帮你

The beauty of Hangzhou is more than words can describe. 杭州的美非语言所能描述

Unit 12 art and literature


1 design a film poster设计一副电影海报

2 A match B相配;相匹敌

eg,Her clothes don’t match her age. eg,No one can match her in math.

match A with/to B 使A与B相配eg,Can you match the paintings with the correct painters?

not match不搭配 eg,Your socks don’t match.你的两只袜子不是一双。

be a match for相配;旗鼓相当的对手eg,This tie is a good match for your suit.

eg,She is more than a match for me.她比我更优秀(我远不是她的对手)

be no match for根本不是对手

eg,I am no match for the champion.我根本不是这位冠军的对手。

be a perfect match天做之和,非常般配的一对

3 action movie动作电影 romantic comedy浪漫喜剧

4 act a part/role扮演角色 act out the dialogue/situation表演出对话、情景

act as担任…职务 act on(one’s)advice/orders按照某人的意见,命令办事

5 get sb to do 让某人做 对比:let/have/make sb do注意:make sb do/be made to do

6 be on exhibition(exhibit)=be on show

7 magic power 魔力 magic trick魔术戏法 play a trick on sb. 捉弄…

8 a series of events 一连串的事件 a comedy series一部喜剧系列片

9 what to do with sth /How to deal with sth 如何对付某事

10 be in/out of trouble get into trouble have trouble/difficulty (in)doing

11 come/run across/ meet with / run into sb/sth偶遇

12 fight (struggle/battle)with/against同…抗争 fight (struggle/battle)for为…而斗争

13 believe in/trust sb信赖某人 believe sb=believe what sb said

14 share the same opinion/interest持共同观点 share joys and sorrows同甘共苦

15 live a good life过得好 die a horrible death死得残 smile a insincere smile假笑

16 whisper sth to sb=whisper sth in one’s ear耳语

17 sound like… 听起来像 eg,That sounds like a helicopter.

sound as if/though …. eg,Your voice sounds as if you’ve got a cold.

It sounds as if/though…

eg;It sounds to me(I think I can hear) as if there’s a tap running somewhere.

sound the alarm拉响警报

18 If only=How I wish… 但愿,真希望,要是…就好了

eg,If only I had met her earlier! (表过去) eg,If only we had two days off a week.(表现在)

对比:only if 只有在…条件下 (对条件if的强调)

eg,Only if I get a job will I have enough money to go to school.

eg, The company will succeed only if it has sufficient backing.


19 be about to do…when…正准备做…这时…

20 make an announcement宣布,宣告

21 treat / regard / see / take / consider / count …as 将。。。看做

think of / look on / refer to… as

22 form / develop / fall into the habit of 养成习惯

drop/break (with)/give up/get rid of /get out of the habit改掉习惯


1 Where someone is born and what a person looks like are not as important as what he grows up to be.

2 Strangers can still be friends if they share the same goals,hopes and dreams.

3 It sounded like a woman crying.=it sounded as if a woman was crying.

4 He was just about to say sth when Peter turned around.

5 We pick up a book and lose ourselves in a good story , eager to find out what will happen next.
