
发布时间:2016-1-23 编辑:互联网 手机版

一 重点短语

1 have a good taste 有品位

have a taste for喜欢(=be fond of )( 区别:have a preference for偏爱)

2 a piece of furniture/equipment/information/news/advice…n(u.)

3 by design/on purpose:intentionally/deliberately 故意地

4 prefer to do/doing 更喜欢做… eg,I prefer to live/living in a modern flat.

prefer n./doing to n./doing喜欢…而不喜欢…=prefer to do rather than do宁愿…而不愿…

eg,I prefer playing outdoors to watching TV.

=I prefer to play outdoors rather than watch TV.

I would prefer it if….我愿意,我希望…

eg,I would prefer it if you didn’t smoke in front of children.我希望你不要在孩子们面前抽烟。

联想:I would appreciate it if…..如果…,我将不胜感激

eg,I would appreciate it if you would turn the music down.

I hate/don’t like it when…我不喜欢…eg,I hate it when people ask me for money.

5 would rather do=prefer to do/doing would rather(that) sb did/had done…(虚拟)

eg,I would rather you told me right now.我希望你现在就告诉我。

I’d rather I hadn’t met him yesterday.我宁愿昨天没见过他。

6 can’t stand…无法忍受 eg,I can’t stand his rudeness.我无法忍受他的无礼。

eg, I can’t stand to see/seeing such a tragic sight.我不忍看到这副悲惨的景象。

stand the test of time/money 经受住时间,金钱的考验

7 go against 违背,反对 be against反对 / be for/be in favor of赞成

8 be equal to 与相等;胜任,应付 eg,I’m sure that she is quite equal to the task.

9(sth/sb)impress sb 给某人留下印象

eg,The movie impressed a lot of people. 这部电影给很多人留下印象。

She impressed me as a woman of great kindness.在我印象中,她是一位非常仁慈的女性。

be impressed with/by eg,I was deeply impressed by/with his speech.

leave/make a(deep)impression on sb eg,His speech left a deep impression on me.

10 act as 扮演,充当 act out表演出来

act on (sb’s)advice/suggestion/orders 依照某人的意见,命令办事

11 be the first/second….to do…eg,Who was the first to use e-mail?

12 despite the fact that….尽管,虽然(注意区别despite sth=in spite of sth)

13 inspire sb to do 激励某人做 feel/get inspired 受到激励;获得灵感

14 be filled(up)with=be full of 填充,充满

15 It’s convenient for sb to do…(对某人而言)做…方便

eg,When is it convenient for you to meet me?你什么时候方便见我?

(When are you convenient to meet me?×)

16 A is to B what C is to D A对于B 正如C 对于D eg,Water is to fish what air is to man.

17 inform sb of sth 告知某人某事 keep sb informed of sth

18 put up(a picture,tent) 张贴,搭建

19 succeed in doing=manage to do(反义:fail to do)成功地做到

20 pull/tear/knock down 拆毁(建筑物)

21 be decorated with 用…装饰

22 set aside 留出,拨出(钱,时间)(save or keep );把置于一边,不顾(ignore).

eg,You should set aside at least one hour to memorise words.每天抽出至少一小时记单词。

I’ve set aside some money for the journey.我为那趟旅行留了(存了)些钱。

You both should set aside personal feelings 你们双方应该抛开个人感情。

对比:put aside 搁置一旁,停下;(时间,钱)留存起来

eg,Put aside your work and have some fun.

She put aside some money for further studies.

put away 收拾起来;把钱留存起来 eg, Put your toys away.

He had put away lots of money.=set aside=put aside

23 in the neighbourhood在附近地区

二 重点句子

1 Every great culture in the past had its own ideas of beauty expressed in art and architecture.

2 When you look around at buidings,streets,squares and parks,you will find them designed,planned and built in different styles.

3 Both in the choice of materials and shapes of buildings, ancient architectue stands much closer to nature.

4 Looking at the architecture by Gaudi is like a dream,full of fantastic colours and shapes.

5 Despite the fact that he used traditional materials, Guadi was a modern architect.

6 F.L.W,who built an art museum in New York,found himself inspired(激发灵感) by Japanese seashells.

7 Seen from the top,it looks as if the stadium is covered by a gray net of steel.

8 A nest is to a bird what a house is to a man.

9 I want you to keep me informed of how things are going with you.

10 These buildings are pulled down after having stood (=having been left) empty without use for many years.

11 Old factory buidings have many halls and workshops of different sizes.

三 语法:过去分词作宾补

例如,1 She heard her name called. 2 I’ve got the paper typed.

3 How do you like the dish cooked? 4 I had my leg broken.

Unit 4 A garden of poems

一 重点短语

1 call up唤起,回忆起;打电话 call on sb/sp拜访某人,某地

call on sb to do号召,要求某人做 call for需要 call off 取消

2 stand for代表 stand for/against支持,维护;反对

eg,Which principle do you stand for?你支持那个原则?

stand out突出,引人注目 stand by 袖手旁观;支持,拥护(某人)

eg,I’ll stand by you whatever happens. stand on one’s own feet/legs独立,自力更生

3 in the absence of sb/sth 某人不在的时候;因为缺乏…(=for lack of )

4 light up 点燃,照亮 eg, A flare lit up the night sky.火焰照亮了夜空。

Suddenly a smile lit up her face.她的脸上忽然绽放出笑容。

(sb’s face or eyes)light up(vi.) (脸上或眼中)流露出喜悦,兴奋

eg,His face lit up with joy. 他的脸上流露出欣喜之色。

5 lead to(=contribute to=give rise to =bring about)导致,促成

6 come into being形成,产生eg,Modern English came into being in the 16th century.

更多:come into+n.表进入某种状态

come into action开始行动 come into effect开始生效 come into office就职

come into /to power当权 come into force开始实施 come into use开始使用

come into fashion开始流行 come into blossom开花…

对比:come about 发生,产生eg,Tell me how the accident came about.

How did it come about that…?事情是怎样发生的?

eg,How did it come about that he dropped out of school?他为什么要辍学?

How come…?(美口语)为何会?eg,How come he dropped out of school?

How is it that…..?什么原因使得…?eg,How is it that he dropped out of school?

7 send for help去请某人帮忙

8 get through 通过,完成,度过,用完

9 in the shade 在阴凉处 pull down the window shade拉下窗帘,百叶窗(blind)

put sb/sth in the shade (idm 习语)使相形失色,逊色

eg,I thought I was quite a good artist,but your painting puts mine in the shade.


10 by the light of a candle借助烛光

11 recommend sth to sb 把…推荐给某人 recommend sb for sth推荐某人(职位,工作)

recommend doing /that…should do建议做 It’s strongly recommended that…强烈建议

12 look up words in the dictionary查字典 refer to/consult a dictionary

二 重点句子

1 Poems by Du Fu,Li Bai and Wang Wei stand out among others in the halls of glory.

2 Despite its long history,there is a lot of good English poetry around.

3 Greatly loved in China are the English Romantic Poets.(倒装句:表语提前)

(联想:Gone are the days when teachers were looked down upon.)

4 Now matter how well(=However well) a poem is translated, sth of the spirit of the original work is lost.

5 Quietly,we embrace in a world lit up by words

6 In the absence of the teacher, Fang Lan will be in charge..

7 Reading poems takes a bit of work,but it is well worth the effort.

三 语法:过去分词作状语

例如:1 Once it was translated into Chinese,the book became very popular in China.

=Once translated into Chinese,…

2 If we were given more time,we would be able to do the work much better.

=If givern more time,…

3 Although he was left alone at home,Sam didn’t feel afraid at all.

=Although left alone at home,…