高二英语导学提纲(27) (译林牛津版高二)

发布时间:2016-5-13 编辑:互联网 手机版

M6U4 Helping people around the world

Words(Ⅱ)& Project



1. mountain (n.)→_______________(adj.)

2. contain (v.包含;包括) →________________(n.)

3. basic(adj.基本的;基础的)→_________________(n.)

4. force(n.力量;强迫)→__________(adj.)→_______________(adv.)

5. nutrition(n.营养)→nutritious(adj.) →____________________(n.)反义词

6. means(n.方式;手段)→_____________(v.)


7. usable(adj.可以使用的)→________________(adj.)

8. medicine(n.)→_______________(n.)→__________________(adj.)

9. minor(adj.少数的;次要的)→__________(n.)

→______________(adj.多数的)________________ (n.大多数)

10. occupation(n.占有) →_________________(v.)


1. 处于混乱状态______________________ 2. 逃到山上躲避洪水_________________

3. 一片狼藉 _________________________ 4. 完全无法使用_____________________

5. 一个完全不同的体验________________ 6. 不让儿童死于_____________________

7. 进行活动__________________________ 8. 产生变化,发生改变_________________

9. 我的医疗队的同事__________________ 10. 设立一个临时诊所________________

11. 得到定期药物治疗_________________ 12. 回想起那些经历__________________

三、预习Project, 在下列横线上填写适当的单词。

Change the world-my commitment

1._______ Everything is in chaos.

The whole island is flooded.

People have 2.________ to escape the floods.

The work of MSF Set up feeding centers

Check the health of babies

Conduct a vaccination campaign

Set up a 3._______ medical center on the north of the town

4.________ the dead bodies as quickly as possible

Dangers The 5.________ of diseases

Possible 6.________ from the people who fight for food

7._________ caused by destroyed fields and harvest

Thinking Being 8.________ about the local people’s lives

Feeling lucky and proud to be able to help others everywhere

9.________ all the things she has had today

Hoping to make a 10.___________ to people’s lives individually






1. face

★be faced with sth.面临;面对

in the face of面对着……而不顾,在(危险、困难的)情况下

The country is now ________the prospect of the war. 这个国家目前正面临战争。

__________ such a difficult problem,he didn’t know what to do.

A. Faced B. Facing C. Faced to D. Facing with

2. expense n. 花费,代价

★ spare no expense =spare no efforts 不惜一切代价做某事

The non-governmental organization ____________ in helping us preserve atmosphere.


★at the expense of sth 牺牲,以….为代价=at the cost of sth

The manager accomplished the goal _______________his health.


3. Unfortunately, if the pump breaks down, the repairing of the pump tasks several days, as an engineer has to come from the nearest town to repair it.


★break down出故障,抛锚;垮了身体;分解;(和谈)失败;不成功

(1)Unfortunately, the car_____________. 不幸的是,汽车抛锚了。

(2)Chemicals in the body break our food down into useful substances.


归纳: break up分解,解放;分裂;击碎;使停止;结束

★词语辨析:break down与break up

两者在表示“击碎,粉碎,拆散”等意时非常相近,可通用。但是在表示化学性质的分解时多用break down;表示“驱赶,使解散”时多用break up;表示婚姻、友情等关系破裂时用break up。

break out(vi.)(战争、火灾、瘟疫等)爆发 break into突然发出;闯入……

break in打断,闯入 break off中断,折断

1). News reports say peace talks between the two countries __________ with no agreement reached.

A. have broken down B. have broken out

C. have broken in D. have broken up

2). I was still sleeping when the fire , and then it spread quickly. (2006 广东)

A. broke out B. put out C. came out D. got out

4.occupation n.职业;占有;消遣;业余活动 occupy v.占有,充满

★be occupied with sth/in doing 忙于干某事


He is____________ preparing for the wedding reception.

5. means [C]方法n. 手段,方法(可数名词单复数同形)


The economist and the environmentalist had no _______of communication, regardless of valuable efforts they had made.

All possible means _________ been tried. (have)所有可能的办法都已经试过了。

Every possible means _______ been tried. (have)每种可能的办法都已经试过了。

★ by all means当然可以

-“May I borrow this book?”

-“By all means.”

★ by no means (not by any means)not at all: 决不

I’ve tried very hard to improve my English. But by no means ______with my progress.(2006重庆)

 A. the teacher is not satisfied B. is the teacher not satisfied  

C. the teacher is satisfied D. is the teacher satisfied

6. Many of the people have fled to the mountains to escape the floods.(P62L4)

★flee v.逃跑;逃避 (fled, fled,fleeing)

★flee from ……. to/into ……从……逃跑到……

词语辨析:flee,escape与run away


He fled to London after an argument with his family. 他与家人争吵以后离家去了伦敦。


He escaped from/out of the burning house. 他从着火的房子里逃了出来。

(3)run away多用于口语,含有”不辞而别”的意味,只用作不及物动词短语。

The boy ran away from home.那个男孩离家出走!

He was caught __________ the country.

A. to try to flee B. trying to flee C. to try fleeing D. trying fleeing

The enemy were_______ in all directions, but few of them could______.

A. fled; escape B. fleeing; escape C. escape; flee D. escaping, flee

7. vacant adj. 空着的/无人的/(岗位,职位)空缺的;空位的 vacancy n. 空位; 空缺

fill a _______position填补空职

We have ________for typists.我们的打字员职位空缺。

8. shelter (1)n. (2)vi. 庇护/保护/掩护 shelter…from

take shelter from the rain 躲雨 get under ________获得掩护

Trees can_________house from cold winds.树木保护房子免受寒风的袭击。

shelter escaped prisoner庇护逃犯

9. think back to回想,追忆

I’ve been trying to think back to that evening when we met with the strange creature

at a traditional wooden house.



(1)think about考虑,盘算

(2)think over仔细考虑

(3)think of考虑到

I’d _________blue for this room. 我曾经考虑这个房间用蓝颜色好。

(4)think out想出;认真考虑

(5)think up想出(主意等)发明或设计


I’m keeping ________ the day I arrived here.

A. thinking over B. thinking up C. thinking out D. thinking back to


1. Usually, I am working in areas that have no water such as Kenya and Sudan, where famine is the problem.

2. So the situation is completely different here, as are the problems.

3. The water makes it difficult for the cuts and wounds to heal and easy for bacteria to spread.

4. When I think back to all the experiences that I have had around the world since joining MSF, I feel that I have been lucky to be able to help others and do something worthwhile.


1. You should consider other _________ (方面) of the matter before making a decision.

2. His _____________(良心) troubled him after he took the money.

3. The price is s___________ higher than I expected.

4. They stopped their search in the _____________(多山的)area.

5. The cars were produced quickly, at the e______________ of safety.

6. If that room is __________(空着的), we can practise there.

7. The train will arrive in an hour; m___________, we can have lunch.

8. They found s____________ from the storm in a barn(谷仓).

9. The b_________ vocabulary of a language must be learnt.

10. He has no fixed ________________(职业).


1. The house was after the party .

A. in ruins B. in place C. in chaos D. in charge

2. These old pictures the unforgettable days we spent on the farm .

A. reminded him ; which B. reminded him that ; when

C. reminded him of ;that D. reminded him of ;when

3. The news that her husband was getting well and strong brought great_______ to her.

A. comfort B. comedy C. command D. comment

4. Everyone fails now and then. It is how you react that makes a _______ in life.

A. development B. point C. progress D. difference

5. Although the wind has_________, the rain remains steady, so you still need a raincoat.

A. turned up B. gone back C. died down D. blown out

6. The boy was caught cheating in the exam and he had to _________.

A. face music B. play the music C. face the music D. listen to music

7. Faced with a bill for 10000 yuan, ____________.

A. John has taken an extra job B. the boss has given John an extra job

C. an extra job has been taken D. an extra job has been given to John

8. --- How about your journey to Mount Emei?

--- Everything was wonderful except that our car _______ twice on the way.

A. slowed down B. broke down C. got down D. put down

9. When I got_______ the bus, there was only one passenger in it, with many seats_______.

A. on; vacate B. on; vacant C. off; vacate D. off; vacant

10. It took ________ building supplies to construct these energy-saving houses. It took brains, too.

A. other than B. more than C. rather than D. less than



1. mountainous(adj.多山的)→mountain (n.山;山脉)

2. container(n.容器)→contain (v.包含;包括)

3. basic(adj.基本的;基础的)→base(n.基地;基础)

4. force(n.力量;强迫)→forceful(adj.强有力的)→forcefully(adv.强有力地)

5. malnutrition(n.营养不良)→nutrition(n.营养)→nutritious(adj.有营养的)

6. means(n.方式;手段)→mean(v.意思是;意味着;打算)


7. unusable(adj.不能使用的)→usable(adj.可以使用的)

8. medication(n.药物治疗)→medicine(n.药物)→medical(adj.医学的)

9. minor(adj.少数的;次要的)→minority(n.少数派;少数民族)


10. occupation(n.职业) →occupy(v.占据)


1 be in chaos

2 flee to the mountains to escape the floods

3 be in a mess

4 be completely unusable

5 a totally different experience

6 stop children dying from

7 conduct a campaign

8 make a difference

9 my colleagues on the medical team

10 set up a temporary clinic

11 get hold of regular medication

12 think back to the experiences


1 Situation

2 fled

3 temporary

4 Bury

5 outbreak/spread

6 attack

7 Malnutrition

8 concerned

9 Appreciating

10 difference


1 faced with B

2 spared no expense at the expense of

3 broke down A A

4 occupied in

5 means have has D

6. D B

7 vacant vacancies

8 shelter shelter

9 thought of D


1. aspects

2. conscience

3 somewhat

4 mountainous

5 expense

6 vacant

7 meanwhile

8 shelter

9 basic

10 occupation