Module7 Unit 3 The world online 教学案(教师用) (译林牛津版高二)

发布时间:2016-5-27 编辑:互联网 手机版

Teaching aims and requirements:

Learn to read an argument;

Talk about the effects of the Internet and learn to use the Internet wisely and properly;

Ask questions about facts and figures about the bad effects on our life caused by the network addiction and write a report according to the pie chart;

Have a good command of some important words, phrases and sentence structures to be listed on the paper.

Period 1 Word Study (1)

一、 词形转换(预习并完成)

1. analysis n.--- v. _____________ 2. value n. & vt. --- adj. __________--- 反义adj.:_________

3. acquire vt.--- n. _____________ 4. useless adj. --- 反:_____________ --- n. ______________

5. frequent adj.--- n. ____________ 6. appearance n. --- vi._________ --- 反:___________ (消失)

7. popularity n.--- adj. ___________ 8.accurate adj. --- n. ____________---反:______________

9. advantage n.--- 反:___________ 10.presentation n. --- v. ______________

11. appreciation n.--- v. ______________ 12. intelligent adj. --- n. ______________

13. hopeful adj. --- 反:____________ 14.admire vt. --- n. __________________

1. analyse 2. valuable,valueless 3. acquirement 4. useful, uselessness 5. frequency 6. appear, disappear 7. popular 8. accuracy, inaccurate 9. disadvantage 10. present 11. appreciate 12. intelligence 13. hopeless 14. admiration

二、 短语翻译(预习并完成)

1. 分析 make an ___________ of 2. 需要 _______________________________

3. 时事___________________________ 4. 向某人求助 ________________________

5. 对……表示怀疑 be ______ about sth. 6. 与……有共同之处 have sth. in _______ with sb.

7. 利用 take ____________ of sb. / sth. 8. 对……有利(不利) to one’s _______/________

9. 对……上瘾,沉溺于 be ___________ to 10.私下地,秘密地 in ______________

11.处理问题 _______________ the problem 12.习惯于 be ________________ to

13.与……有关 be _______________ to 14.筋疲力尽 be _________ ________

15.一个有争议的问题 a _____________ issue 16.受……欢迎 ________________________

17.对……感到满意 be ______________ with 18.渴望得到/做某事 be ___________ for sth./ to do sth.

1. analysis 2. in need of 3. current affairs 4. turn to sb. 5. skeptical 6. common 7. advantage 8. advantage/disadvantage 9. addicted 10. private 11. handle 12. accustomed 13. connected 14. worn out 15. controversial 16. be popular with/among 17. happy/satisfied/pleased 18. eager

三、 重点词、短语讲解

1. value

n.价值 attach value / importance to

1) 这本书将对他的研究有很大价值。This book will be ____________ to him in his study. valuable

= This book will be _______ ____________ ________ to him in his study. of great value

vt. 重视,珍视


Some of us value peace and comfort very highly while others value pleasure and excitement.

给……估价 value……at……

3) He valued the house for me at 20000 pounds. 那栋房子他替我估价两万英镑。

【高考链接】 To make members of a team perform better, the trainer first of all has to know their _____ and weaknesses. A. strengths B. benefits C. techniques D. values A

2. acquire

1) His character acquired him a good name. 他的人品使他得到好名声。

2) Elsie acquired a good knowledge of Chinese. 埃尔希精通汉语。

acquire a habit of ……

3. sort

n. 种类,类别 vt. 把……分类,整理

this / that sort of a sort of all sorts of out of sorts sort of sort out

1) --- What sort of (哪种) sports do you like best? --- I like all sorts of(各种各样的)sports.

2) 这种动物很罕见。 This sort of animal is very rare. / Animals of this sort are very rare.

3) 我觉得有点难为情。 I felt sort of embarrassed.

4) 将这些蛋按大小分好。Sort these eggs by size.

5) 我把这个问题交给你来处理。I'll leave you to sort this problem out.

4. advance

v. 促进,提高,增加;向前移动;进展;发展

1) 上星期伊朗政府提高了石油价格。The Government of Iran advanced the price of petroleum last week.

2) The troops advanced on / against the camp of the enemy. 部队向敌军营地挺进。

3) Time passed rapidly but the work did not advance at all.(工作没有进展)

4) She advanced the hand ten minutes. 他将分针调快10分钟。

n. 进步,前进,(时间的)经过

5)China has made great advances in industry. 中国在工业方面进步很大。

in advance预先 in advance of 比……前进(进步)

advanced adj.高级的, 先进的

6)高等教育the advanced education 先进的技术advanced technology

5. common

common sense常识 common knowledge 在一定范围内大家都知道的事情

1) It is common knowledge (among the teachers) that they will soon have a new headmaster.

【区别】:common, ordinary, general, usual, normal

common: 普通的,随时会发生或随处可见,共同的,与“rare”相反。

ordinary: 用于物,指每天发生,十分平淡无奇;用于人,指无特别之处,很一般,与special相反。

general: 语气强于common,侧重大多如此,很少有例外情况。

usual: 指常见常闻和常做的事或举动,强调惯常性。

normal: 意为“符合标准的,正常的,正规的”。

2) Don’t tell me about that! It is common sense.不要对我讲那个,那都是常识。

3) What is the normal body temperature? 正常体温是多少?

6. address

vt. 针对,对付,处理;对……做演讲;称呼;在(信封等)写姓名和地址


Professor Joans will address the audience on the subject of energy resources.

2) 政府应对全球变暖问题的动作迟缓。Governments have been slow to address the problem of global warming.

3)这封信是写给你的。This letter is addressed to you.

4)Throughout the conversation, he addressed his remarks to my husband. 整个谈话期间,他的话句句针对我的丈夫。

address sth. to sb. address sb. as / by address oneself to

【高考链接】I will give you my friends home address, _____ I can be reached most evenings. D

A. which B. when C. whom D. where

7. judge --- judgment

1) Who will judge the case / the speech contest? ____________审判,裁判

2) Never judge a person by his appearance._____________判断

3) I judge it (to be) better to tell him the truth.________________认为

4) Judging by / from what he said, he must be an honest man.______________根据……来判断

5) He is an impartial judge.______________n. 裁判,法官

8. occur --- occurrence --- occurred --- occurring

1)事故发生在五点钟。The accident occurred at five o'clock.


2)我想到一个好主意。An excellent idea occurred to me.

It occurred to me that ...我刚刚想到...

occur to sb.浮现在某人的脑海中; 被某人想到

9. present

vt. 提出,呈现 1) The film presents a disturbing image of youth culture.电影展现了青年文化令人堪忧的景象

赠送,授予2) Finally the Mayor presented the medals to the winners.

= Finally the Mayor presented the winners with the medals.


3) 她曾经在电视上主持过谈话类节目。She used to present the talk show on TV.

4) 出席会议的是相关的领导人。Present at the meeting were the leaders concerned.

Set phrases: at present for the present be present at

present sth. to sb. / sb. with sth. up to the present

10. alarm---alarming ---alarmed

1) I don’t want to alarm you but I think there is a serious problem. 打扰,使忧虑、担心

2) The news of the radiation leak caused widespread public alarm. 辐射泄露的消息引起了公众的普遍恐慌。

3) 我一看见冒烟,就发出了警报。I gave the alarm as soon as I saw the smoke.

at an alarming speed jump up in alarm set an alarm

11. admire

1) 我很钦佩他的勇气。 I admire him for his courage. = I have great admiration for his courage.

2) 他站在那里片刻,欣赏着风光。 He stood there for a moment, admiring the view.

12. manner

1) 像这样拿刀叉。 Hold your knife and fork in this manner.

2) 餐桌礼仪 table manners

3) It’s bad manners to make a noise while eating soup. (做……是没有礼貌的)
