人教版高二Unit 20 Archaeology

发布时间:2016-4-22 编辑:互联网 手机版

Book II

Teaching aims and demands

Topic Talking about archaeological discoveries

Vocabulary decoration spear pot empire pin clothing distinction centimeter clay arrow dozen cushion spare tend approximately average lorry link monument homeland statue remote distant quantity mask accompany vast square triangle

tend to in terms of in eyes of lend a hand serve as dig up

Functional items Expressing curiosity

I wonder what / who …

I am curious to …

I wonder if /whether …

I’m curious to know …

I’d love to know …

I really want to know …

What I’d really like to find out is …

I’d like to know more about …

Giving suggestions

You can read some books about that.

You could visit a local museum.

That may be different to find out.

Structure Review the use of “it”


The King of Stonehenge

Roots of Chinese Culture

Writing A flow chart

1. tape for twice to fill in the blanks on P74.






2. Play the tape twice for the students to listen and write down their answers. Then check their answers and explain some difficult listening points if necessary.

3. Listen carefully to the tape and try to make a drawing of the tool.

4. Listen to the tape and answer the following questions

What is the object they are talking about?

How far can you throw a spear with a tool like this?

What kind of animals did people kill with it?

How did people in South America and Australia know about this tool?

IV language points

1. age “时代” “长时间” 年龄, 衰老,变老;(物)成熟

eg. the Middle Ages中世纪 middle age中年

the Stone (Bronze, Iron) Ages石器(青铜器,铁器)时代

It’s been ages since we met.我们好久好久不见面了。

She looks younger than her age.她看起来比实际年龄小。

# at the age of 20在20岁的时候;for one’s age论年龄

He looks young for his age.他看起来比实际年龄小。

Illness aged her so quickly.疾病使她衰老得很快。

2. curious adj.好奇的, 求知的,不寻常的,古怪的curiously adv. curiousness n

eg. a curious glance好奇的眼光 curious neighbours 爱管闲事的邻居

a curious phenomenon 奇怪的现象

I'm curious to know what he said. 我很想知道他说了些什么。

What a curious mistake! 多奇怪的错误!

There was a curious silence. 有一种不寻常的沉寂。

be curious about 对(某事物)感到好奇be curious about sth. 对(某事物)感到好奇

be curious to (do) 很想(做); 渴望(做) (be) curious to say 说来稀奇

curiosity n. 好奇心,求知欲

eg: His curiosity made him succeed.他的好奇心,使他成功了。

Tom stared at me in curiosity.汤姆好奇地盯着我。

# in/with curiosity好奇地;out of curiosity出于好奇

Children are curious about everything around them.孩子们对周围的每件事都感到好奇。

I’m curious to know what he said.我极想知道他说了些什么。

3. unearth vt. 发掘;发现,揭露

eg: The dog has unearthed some bones.那只狗掘出了几根骨头。

The archaeologist unearthed a buried treasure last year.



(1)置于形容词,副词,名词之前,构成“不……”,“无……”,“非……”等意之词。 eg: unhappy不快乐的 unfortunately不幸地 unemployment失业

(2)置于动词之前,构成相反动作之词。 eg: fold(折叠)-unfold(展开)


4. decoration n. 装饰(修);装饰品 # decorate vt. 装饰……decorate sth. with sth.

eg: the decoration of a room房间的装饰

We put Christmas decorations on the tree.我们将圣诞节装饰品挂在树上。

She decorated her room with flowers.她用鲜花装饰她的房间。

V. Homework

Period 2 Speaking and writing

Teaching aims:

1. Learn and master the following useful expressions

I wonder what /who…

I really want to know…

I’m curious to…

I’d love to know…

I wonder if/whether…

What I really like to find out is…

I’m curious about…

I’d like to know more about…

2. Improve the student’s Speaking and writing ability.

3. Train the student’s speaking ability by talking about archaeological discoveries and practicing expressing curiosity.

Teaching Aids:

Student’s sheet

Teaching Procedures:

I: Lead-in

Give the students some questions and let them have a free talk according to the questions.

What’s the importance of archaeology?

Are there any archaeological sites in your hometown?

What’s your attitude to it?

How should we deal with the unearthed objects?

II:Task 1:

Make a dialogue. Show the students some pictures about famous archaeological discoveries. Then let one student talk about the picture he/she is interested in. The other gives him/her suggestions according to the useful expressions on P75.

III:Task 2:

Archaeological discoveries play an important part in learning about the history and culture of a country, so everyone has the duty to protect them after they are unearthed. Stealing cultural relics is illegal by law. As a citizen, what should we do to protect our country’s relics?

IV language points

1. make a drawing of sth. : make a picture of sth.绘……的图

eg: I made a drawing of some fruit.我画了一幅水果素描。

2. What else could the object be used for?你认为这个物体还有什么别的用途吗?


eg: -What do you use this tool for?这个工具用途何在?

-It is used for cutting wire.它用于切割金属。

相关词组:use up用完,耗尽 come into use开始使用

in use使用之中,使用着 make use of利用,使用

It is no use doing做某事是没有用的 used to do过去常常做某事

be used to do被用于做…… be used to doing习惯于……

3.sort n.种类, 类别, 品种 品质, 本性, 性质 方法, 情形, 样子, 程度 某种人[物]

eg. under all sorts of names 以各种各样的名义

people of every sort and kind 各种各样的人

They'll never stomach that sort of attitude.他们永远不会容忍那样的态度。

He is the right sort. 他倒是挺合适的人。

He is my sort. 他正是我需要的人。

Queer sort (of a thing)this! [口]这(东西)倒挺妙!

all of a sort 差不多, 大同小异 all sort(s) of (=of all sorts) 各种各样的

and that sort of thing 以及诸如此类的事情, 等等

a sort of 一种 可以说是...的东西

4.as adv.同样地, 被看作prep.当做 adv.同样地,被看作conj.与...一样, 当...时, 象, 因为

eg. as is 按现状(出售),概不保证(维修) as it were 或者说

He is my best friend, my second self, as it were. 他是我最好的朋友,或者说,是第二个我。

as yet 迄今,到目前为止 He works as a driver. 他以开汽车为业。

as if 好像,好似 as long as 只要 as to 关于;至于

Leave it as it is. 保持原状, 不要动它。

# as [表示时间]当..., 的时候 , 一边...一边, 随着

eg. She sang As she worked. 她一边工作一边唱歌。

You will grow wiser As you grow older. 随着你年龄的增长, 你会变得更聪明。

# as [表示原因]因为, 既然

eg. As you are tired, you had better rest. (既然)你累了, 最好休息一下。

# as [表示让步]虽然, 尽管

eg. Rich As he is, he is not happy. 虽然他很富, 但他并不幸福。

V. Writing

Period 3 and 4 Reading

Teaching Aims:

1. Learn and master the following:

words: emperor, pin, find, clay, arrow, bow, cushion, spare, technical

phrases: date back to, have a hand in, in terms of, in the eyes of

sentence patterns: It is certain that----

It is thought that

2. Train the students’ reading ability.

3. Let the students learn about the King of the Stonehenge discovered by archaeologists.

Teaching Methods:

1. Discussion before reading to make the students interested in what they will read.

2. Fast reading and careful reading to understand the passage correctly.

3. Pair or group work to make every student take an active part in the activities in class.

Teaching Aids:

Student’s sheet

Teaching Procedures:

I Pre-reading

Do you know terracotta warriors and horses of Emperor Qin?

Do you know why Emperor Qin built it?

( to continue being emperor. They are also funerary objects.)

Describe the kinds of objects kings and emperors in China were buried with.

(weapons, tools , clothing, money, articles for daily life, jade, silk, jewellery, pottery ,china, servants, warriors, wives of emperors and kings and animals.)

Why were dead kings given these objects after they died?

To show off their power and wealth.

To continue their luxurious life in the nether world.

To be given to him for his use in the next life.

II Reading

Read a passage about the mysterious Stonehenge and the King of Stonehenge.

1. Scan the passage and write down which objects were found in the grave.

(tools, a bone pin, two copper knives, a cushion stone, two gold earrings, a bow, arrows, and two pots.)

2. Describe the materials found in the grave.

(stone, clay, copper, gold, pottery, bone and fur.)

3. The discovery is important for variety of reasons:

His grave is the richest of any found from that period.

The tow gold earrings buried with him are the oldest found in Britain.

It shows that he was a member of a powerful class who may have organized the construction of the Stonehenge.

III get the general idea of the passage

Part 1 (para ): The ____________ of a grave.

Part 2 (para ): ________ found in the grave.

Part 3 (para ): The _________ of the discovery.

Part 4 (para ): something about _____________

Part 5 (para ):Something about _______________________

IV Listening

Listen to the tape. After listening, do the following exercises.

1. From things that were found in the grave, archaeologists now believe that people in the Bronze Age had trade and cultural links with other parts in Europe. Give examples of such links and what was traded.

Country or part of Europe Material or object of trade

West wales Stone

Spain and Western France Copper knives

Europe Gold jewellery, copper, bronze

Some places far from England Artifacts

2. For trade and cultural links as well as life in Britain and the construction of a building such as Stonehenge, people in the Bronze Age must have had knowledge about certain things and certain fields of science. Work in groups to talk about the inventions and kinds of science they must have had, based on the reading passage.

Activity Knowledge, science, inventions, and tools

Travel to Scotland Roads, maps, hotels, geography

Construction of Stonehenge Architecture, physics

Hunting Weapons, bows, arrows

Trade with Europe Maps, ships, languages, geography

Making copper knives Skills, copper, models


V Appreciation

1. Show some pictures of Stonehenge.

What do you think of Stonehenge?

(students maybe say that it is wonderful, beautiful, mysterious, etc.)

2. Introductuon

Construction took place in three phases, over 25 generations. Most of it was the result of human muscle and a system of ropes and wooden levers used to transport the massive stones. To drag the sarsen stones, weighing up to 45 tones, or the weight of six elephants, from Marlborough Downs, 30 kilometres to the south of Stonehenge, would have been quite a feat. The bluestones, in contrast, were about four tones but are believed to have come from much farther -- the Preseli Mountains nearly 385 kilometres away. Popular theory suggests the stones were rolled to the Welsh shore, carried on raft around the coast and into the River Avon, at Bristol. They would have then been transported through local rivers and then back to land, where they were once again rolled to Salisbury Plain.

3. Then draw a conclusion:

The construction of Stonehenge is a process of blood, sweat, and tears.

VI. Discussion

1. Why was the Stonehenge built or the purpose of the construction?

The main theories of the purpose existed and accepted in the world today:

Execution ground(刑场) space station(宇宙太空港)temple(宗教寺庙)

Hunting ground(狩猎场) an astronomical calendar(天文历法仪)

2. Suppose your hometown found an ancient grave, and some people suggest digging it up, while others have different opinions. Please make up a dialogue with your partner, express your idea.

VII. Consolidation

Close your books, and finish the exercise on the screen. T or F exercises.

1. ( )When the King of Stonehenge died, he was about 50 years old.

2. ( ) From tests on his teeth, it is certain that he spent his childhood in England.

3. ( ) The most amazing find was two gold earrings.

4. ( ) Stonehenge was begun around 2300BC.

5. ( ) In terms of technical development, people were going from the Bronze Age to the Stone Age at that time.

6. ( ) It has been proven that the copper knives came from Spain and Western France.

Suggested answers:

1. F 2.F 3.T 4.F 5.F 6.T

Blank filling

On May 3 . 2002, _____________ in England found a ________ of a man._________ with him were the tools of a hunter or warrior.

The ______ found in the grave are what a person would need to survive– clothing, tools, weapons, __________ and ________ ___________ to make new tools. The discovery is __________ for ________________ reasons. His grave is the ________ of any found from that period. Another reason is that he was buried 3 miles from _________ at that time. So this man has been called the _________________________. Stonehenge was __________ 3000 BC. The biggest stones _________ ______________ 20 tons and the ________ blue stones weighs 4 tons _______ _________.

Till now, it is a ________ how early man was able to __________construct Stonehenge. The king of Stonehenge’s homeland was somewhere in __________________.In the _______ __________ most tools were made of stone, in the _______ ________ people could make tools of _______ and bronze. ________ came la Greet the whole class as usual.

VIII. language points

1. date back to=date from:自某时代存在至今,追溯回,始于

eg. This building dates back to the 14th century.这座房子建于14世纪。

Our partnership dates from 1970.我们从1970年就合伙了。

2. warrior n. 战士,武士,勇士

eg. Jingke is a warrior.荆轲是一名勇士。

3. pin 大头针 用针固定或别住某物 .将某事附加在某人身上

eg. Please fasten two sheets of paper with a pins.用大头针把两张纸别在一起。

Pin the bills together so you don’t lose them. 把账单别在一起以防遗失。

pin sth. on sb.

eg: We’re pinning all our hopes on you.我们把希望完全寄托在你身上了。

4. a variety of:各种各样的

eg. He left for a variety of reasons.他由于种种原因而离开了。

5. tend vt照料,照管 服侍 倾向;趋于 朝某方向

eg. The nurses are tending the injured.护士正在照料受伤者。

They are shepherds tending their sheep.他们是照管羊的牧人。

I would like to tend the store for you while you’re away.你不在时,我愿意替你照看店铺。

He tends to get angry when people object to his plan.别人反对他的意见时,他很容易生气。

The track tends upwards.这痕迹是朝着上方的。

6. for this reason因为这个理由 for no good reason无缘无故,没有正当的理由

eg: You mustn’t leave for no good reason.没有合适的理由,你不许离开。

7. have a hand in: be involved in sth. which happens; be partly responsible for sth.参与,插手,对某事负部分责任

eg: John should have a hand in this.约翰应对这件事负责任。

lend sb. a hand帮助某人

from hand to mouth仅够糊口地

hand in hand手牵手

on the other hand另一方面

shake hands with sb.与某人握手

hand in交出……;提出

hand out分发,分配

hand down(将传统;习惯等)传给后世

8. in terms of意思是“用……的话”,“以……的观点”,“就……而说”

eg. He thought of everything in terms of money.他每件事都从钱的角度考虑。

The figures are expressed in terms of a percentage.


9. spare vt. 吝惜 饶恕;不伤害某人 拨出,分出

eg. He didn’t spare any effort on his studies.他在研究方面不遗余力。

Spare the rod and spoil the child.[谚]孩子不打不成器,娇养忤逆儿.(省了棍子坏了孩子.)

Please spare me!请饶了我吧!

Can you spare me a few minutes of your time?我能耽搁您几分钟吗?

I can’t spare the time for a holiday at the moment.目前我抽不出时间去度假。

# spare no effort不遗余力

# spare adj. 多余的;备用的;剩余的 空闲的;未占用的 瘦的

eg: We have no spare room for a table.我们没有放桌子的空地方。

Do you carry a spare wheel in your car?你的汽车上有备用车轮吗?

I have no spare money this month.这个月我没有余钱。

He paints in his spare time.他在空闲时绘画。

She is a busy woman with little spare time.她是一位忙得没有空的女子。

a tall spare man又高又瘦的男子

# in one’s spare time在某人的空闲时间

10. in the eyes of sb. (in sb.’s eyes): in the opinion of sb.在某人的心目中,在某人看来

eg: In your father’s eyes you’re still a child.在你父亲的眼里你仍是个孩子。

keep an eye on sb.留神,看守,看管

look sb. in the eye目不转睛地看某人

shut (close) one’s eyes to sth.闭目不看……,装着没看到……,视而不见

11. remote adj. 远离的,遥远的,偏僻的 冷淡的,漠不关心的eg:

eg. He used to live in a remote village.他曾住在一个偏僻的山村里。

a house remote from the town一座远离城镇的房子

He is rather remote.他相当冷淡。

12. as well as 同……一样好 (除……之外)又,不但……而且……

eg. She cooks as well as her mother does.她和她母亲的烧菜水平一样好。

He grows flowers as well as vegetables.他既种菜也种花。

# A as well as B短语为主语时,谓语动词要随A的人称、数而变化。

eg: His children as well as his wife were invited to the party.


13. local adj 地方的;本地的n本地人

eg. a local custom地方风俗 a local name地名

local news本地新闻 a local station地方电台

My brother go to the local school. 我兄弟上本地的学校。

Last Tuesday he received a letter from the local police.上星期二他接到当地警察局的一封信。

14. distinction n. 区别; 差别; 不同之处 特征;优越; 卓越; 盛名 勋章

eg. the chief distinction of Chinese food 中国食品的主要特征

a writer of distinction一位卓越的作家

There is no appreciable distinction between the twins.在这对孪生子之间看不出有什么明显的差别。

His distinction of sound is excellent.他辨别声音的能力很强。

His style lacks distinction.他的文体缺乏个性。

draw a distinction between 对...加以区别 gain distinction 出名

win distinction出名 graduate from college with distinction以优异成绩毕业

rise to distinction出名

15. wonder n.奇迹, 惊愕vt.对...感到惊讶,想知道vi.惊讶, 怀疑adj.非凡的, 奇妙的

eg. to look at sth. in wonder 惊奇地看着某物

They were filled with wonder when they saw the spaceship. 当他们看到宇宙飞船时,他们非常惊奇。

the seven wonders of the world 世界七大奇观

He's a wonder. 他是个奇才。 It's a wonder难得;奇怪的是

It's a wonder you recognized me. 难得你还认得我。

(It's) no wonder 难怪;并不奇怪;当然

No wonder he is not hungry; he has been eating sweets all day.


I wonder. In England, each man speaks a different language.


I wonder at his rudeness. 我对他的粗鲁感到奇怪。

He wondered why people built ugly homes, when they could have beautiful ones.


16. lead vt, vi led, leading 引导;指引 导致 领导;控制;主持

eg . He led us to his home. 他把我们带到他家。

The path leads to the village. 这条小路通到那村庄。

He led a hard life. 他的日子过得很苦

All roads lead to Rome. [谚]条条道路通罗马。

17. 同、近义词辨析

1) sure与certain确信,有把握

A. 都可接about/ of,意思是“确信”,“对……有把握”,只能用人做主语。

eg: Are you sure/ certain of that?你确信那件事吗?

B. (都可接不定式,意思是“一定会……”,人或物均可做主语。

eg: He is sure/certain to succeed.他一定会成功。

The project is sure/certain to be a success.这个计划一定会成功。

C. 后面跟“连接词(疑问词、连词whether)+不定式”结构,意思是“确定……”,只能用人做主语。

eg: I’m not sure/certain what to do.我不知道怎么办。

D. 都可跟从句,意思是“肯定……”,“确定……”,只能用人做主语。

eg: I’m not sure/certain whether I’ve met him before.我不能确定以前是否见到过他。

E. 不同点:sure不能用于It is certain that…句型。

eg: It is certain that your team will win.你们队肯定会赢。

2) cloth, clothes与clothing

A. cloth指做衣服用的材料(布料、毛料、丝绸等),是物质名词,不可数,没有复数形式。

eg: a piece of cloth一块布料(不能说a cloth)

How much cloth does it take to make a coat for the child?



eg: a table cloth一块桌布 a dish-cloth擦盘子布

B. clothes统指各种衣服,包括外套、西装、衬衣、裤子、裙、鞋、帽等。不指单件衣服。它既不能用作单数,也不能和表示具体数目的数词连用。做主语时,谓语用复数形式。 不能说:a clothes(×) six clothes(×)

但可以说many (these, a few, my) clothes(√)

eg: He had to buy many clothes.他只好买很多衣服。

These clothes are new.这些衣服都是新的。

C. clothing是衣服、服装的总称,是集合名词,只有单数形式。做主语时,谓语用单数形式。

eg: food and clothing衣食 an article of clothing (a piece of clothing) 一件衣服

18. 句型:It is said/ thought/believed…that…

=People say/think/believe that…

=sb. /sth. is said/ believed/ thought to do

eg. It is said that the book has been translated into English.据说,这本书已经被译成了英文。

= People say that the book has been translated into English.

= The book is said to have been translated into English.

IX. Homework

1. Review the reading material

2. Visit the local museum if possible.

Period 5 Grammar

Teaching Aims:

1. Revise some new words.

2. Enable the students to recognize word form

3. Enable the students to use “it”.

Teaching Difficult Point:

“it” is used as the subject position taking the place of “to do”/ “a clause”.

Teaching Aids:

Students’ sheet

Teaching Methods

Oral and Written Practice

Teaching procedures:

I. Revision:

Do Exercise1 on page77.

II. Presentation (word study)

1. Give examples of some words for the students to compare. Encourage them to find out the word functions of the same word. Some words can be used as a noun or a verb.

eg. hand Vt.传递 n.手 light Vt. 点燃 n.光亮

2. Complete the exercises using the correct forms of words.

III. Grammar

1. it作代词-- 代人或物

eg. The purpose of new technologies is to make life easier, not to make it more difficult.


If you go by highway, it will take you less time. 如果走高速公路,会少用时间。

I’d appreciate it if you could tell me more.如果你能在多讲些我将十分感激。


eg. It takes skills to play the piano very well. 弹一手好钢琴需要功夫。

It costs so much to rent the flat. 租一套公寓要花很多钱。

It is easy for the computer to make the connection between two places. 计算机使两地联系变的容易。


eg. People should make it a rule never to swim too far out from the beach.


Spring festival doesn’t mean it to Americans. 美国人不过春节。

I take it for granted that we have no school on Saturday.星期六我们不上学我认为是当然的了。


eg. It was only when I pointed it out that he began to realize the mistake.是我指出来后他才意识到错误.

It was I who said that.说那话的是我。

It is said that he is an important person. 听说他是位要人。

It is believed that he died in the traffic accident. 大家相信他死于车祸。

It’s fun watching football game in stadium. 在体育场看足球赛很有意思。


eg. It doesn’t matter. 不要紧。没关系。

It’s not my fault. 这不是我的错。

It’s time I went and picked up my little daughter. 我该去接我的小女儿了。


[例1 ] It’s wise of you to give up smoking.你要戒烟, 你真聪明.

It was lucky of us to live in a comfortable house.我们住在一所舒适的房子真是幸运.

It was foolish of me not to have gone earlier to my doctor. 我没有早点看医生,真笨.

[释析] 评论某种行为或活动和经历时用: it is + adj. + of + 主词 + to do

[例1] It was careless of you to leave the suitcase in the taxi ! 你把箱子丢在出租汽车上真是太大意了.

[比较] It is possible for you to give up smoking. 你有可能把烟戒掉.

[例2 ] Is it all right for her to attend the interview ? 请她出席访谈好吗 ?

用it 后接all right或okay 表示发出某种邀请或指示.

[例3 ] It is necessary to get control of your time. 控制好时间是必要的.

It’s important for you to come straight to the office. 你必须直接到办公室来.

[释析] 由 it引出, 后接is important, necessary等形容词, 接that从句的句子表示个事情的重要性和必要性.

[例4] It’s doubtful whether I shall stop or continue. 是停下来还是继续走,我没想好。

评论即将提及的事实,事件或情况, 用it + be + 补足语+事实that clause


(1) -Who is making so much noise ? 谁在吵闹那么大声 ?

-It must be the children. 准是孩子们。

(2) How beautiful the city it is ! 多么美丽的城市呀 !

(3) I’d like Chinese tea with nothing in it. 我想要点中国清茶。

(4) A newspaper should give current news as it happens.报纸应该报道刚刚发生的时事新闻。

(5) You promised to write the article, you must do it. 你必须写,你答应写一篇文章的。

(6)Toms mother kept telling him that he should work harder, but it wouldn’t help.汤姆的母亲常常对他说要好好学习,但没有用。

(7) Believe it or not, he came home drunk last night.他昨晚是喝醉酒回家的,信不信由你。

(8) Nothing is serious, is it ? 没有那么严重,是吧 ?

(9) I ought to have got the letter yesterday, but it didn’t arrive.昨天我就该收到这封信,可是信没来。

it 指天气,时间,距离和状态

(1) The stars came out as soon as it was dark. 天刚黑,星星就出来了。

(2) It promises to be fine tomorrow. 明天可望是晴天。

(3) It never rains but it pours. 祸不单行。

(4) It is the wind shaking the window. 是风摇动了窗子。

(5) It is nearly ten days since I was in Paris. 我离开巴黎大约有十天了。

(6) It is about a miles from home to school. 学校距离我家约有一英里。

(7) It is always noisy here ! 这里的环境很嘈杂。

IV Practice

1.It took us over an hour ________ along the street.

A. walk B. to walk C. walking D. walked

2.I think it a great honour _______ to visit your country.

A. to invite B. inviting C. having invited D. to be invited

3.Many people now make_______ a rule to buy cards for their friends before Christmas.

A. themselves B. it C. that D. this

4. ________ is very clear to everyone that he's round and tall like a tree.

A. This B. What C. That D. It

5.In the United States, bus travel doesn't cost much as train travel,________ ?

A. don't they B. does it C. do they D. doesn't it

6.Someone is at the door, who is_______ ?

A. this B. that C. it D. he

7.-It is raining cats and dogs. - ____________. .

A. So it is B. So is it C. Neither it is D. Neither is it

8.-My home is in that tall building over there. - __________ ?

A. Can it see B. Can see it C. Can be seen it D. Can it be seen

9. _________ raining hard for 3 hours without stopping.

A. It is B. It was C. It has been D. It had been

10.-Has the boy got his bicycle now? -Yes, the police gave_________. .

A. him to him B. it to it C. it to him D. him to it

11.-Boy, ____. -It is, looks like spring is coming soon. -Yeah, It'll just be a few more weeks.

A. it's really a nice day today, isn't it?

B. what kind of weather are we going to have today?

C. do you think it is going to rain today? D. what' it like outside today?

12.It is important ________ their offer.

A. reject B. rejects C. to reject D. rejecting

13.Has ________ been decided when we are to hold the sports-meeting?

A. that B. this C. it D. what

14.-Did Li Lei call me while I was out? -Yes, it was ________ that called you.

A. him B. he C. who D. whom

15.Nothing is wrong with the radio _________ ?

A. isn't it B. is that C. is it D. isn't that

16.I don't know ________ makes her afraid of having her business discussed.

A. what it is about Mary that B. that is it abut Mary what

C. what is it about Mary that D. that is about Mary what

17.Which sentence is wrong?

A.I felt it impossible for him to take the exam.

B.I found it impossible that he might take the exam.

C.I thought that he might not take the exam.

D.In my opinion he might take the exam.

18.I don't think _____difficult for a Chinese student to master a foreign language within five years A. that B. it C. too D. very

19.It's the second time you _______ late this week.

A. arrive B. arrived C. have arrived D. had arrived

20.It will not be_______ we meet again.

A. long before B. before long C. soon after D. shortly after

KEY: 1.B 2.D 3.B 4.D 5.B 6.C 7.A 8.D 9.C 10.C 11.A 12.C 13.C 14.B 15.C 16.A 17.C 18.B 19.C 20.A

Period 6 Integrating skills

Teaching Aims:

1. Learn and master the following:

root ivory, jade, site, climate, mask, accompany, warmly, precious, triangle, dig up, remind…of, belong to

2. Train the students’ integrating skills,

Teaching Methods:

1. Revision to help the students consolidate the language points of this unit.

2. Fast reading and careful reading to help the students understand the passage exactly.

3. Discussion to help the students finish the task of writing.

4. Individual, pair or group work to make every student work in class.

Teaching Procedures:

I Pre-reading activities

When talking about culture, what will you think of?

What is the definition of “root”?

What difference does it make?


Roots of Chinese culture

III. Reading

Task 1

read the passage quickly and answer the questions

1. Why did Jinsha village become famous all over China in 2001?

2. How did Sanxingdui first discovered?


1. Because archaeologists discovered more than a thousand cultural relics, including gold, jade, bronze and stone objects as well as nearly a ton of ivory. These will serve as the important materials for the study of local geography, climate and environment in ancient times. Many of the relics there look very much like those found at Sanxingdui. Archaeologists now think that the Jinsha Ruins may have been the political and cultural centre of the ancient Shu Kingdom, which moved from Sanxingdui to Chengdu about 3,000 years age.

2. In the spring of 1929, a farmer in today’s Nanxing Town was working in the fields when his son dug up a round piece of jade. They found a hole filled with more than 400 jade objects.

Task 2

Read the whole passage carefully again and then answer some detailed questions

1. Who was the first to discover the Jinsha Ruins and when?

2. Before the Jinsha Ruins was found, archaeologists believed how long the history of Sichuan was?

3. Since 1929, what have been unearthed in Sanxingdui Ruins Site?

4. What do archaeologists hope to discover in the future?


1. On February 8, 2001, construction workers from a local company found ivory and jade in the mud when they were building road there.

2. Before the discoveries in the Jinsha Ruins, it was believed that Sichuan only had a history of about 2,300 years.

3. Since 1929, more that 10,000 relics dating back to between 5,000BC and 3,000BC have been discovered. 53 holes were dug up and over 1,200 pieces, including bronze and gold masks, bronze objects and images, jade and ivory had been found,

4. They hope to discover some of the mysterious palaces, tombs of kings and bronze and jade workshops.

IV Post-Reading Activities

1. Read the passage again and fill in the chart below

Sanxingdui ruins site Jinsha ruins site

Place Today’s Nanxing Town Jinsha village near Chengdu, in southwest Sichuan province

Time February 8, 2001 Spring of 1929

Who Farmers working in the field Construction workers building roads

Objects found Jade objects, bronze and gold masks, bronze objects and images, jade, ivory, etc Ivory, jade, gold, bronze, stone objects, animal bones, a gold mask, etc

Date back to 5000 BC and 3000BC 3000 years ago(1000 BC)

2. Thinking Carefully

Work in pairs. Use information from the article and your own ideas to ask and answer the questions raised by yourselves.

Example: If you were Yan Kaizong, would you keep all the jade, gold, bronze and stone objects? Why or why not?

3. Discussion

The cultural relics really are regarded as a miracle in the world. They have showed off their charms and fascinated people all over the world. Experts say that the excavation of the ruins is of great significance for the study of the history and culture of a country. As a citizen, what should we do to protect them?

V language points

1. root n(家庭的)根;根基vi.生根成长 vt.种植某物rooted adj.有根的;根深蒂固的

eg: the root of a tree树根 pull up a plant by the roots把植物连根拔起

Many Americans have roots in Europe.许多美国人祖籍在欧洲。

the root of a hair发根 the root of the problem问题的根源

Money is often said to be the root of all evil.金钱常常被说成是万恶之源。

This type of plant roots easily.这种植物容易生根成长。

May is the best season to root certain vegetables.五月是播种某些蔬菜的最佳季节。

a story firmly rooted in reality常常扎根于现实的小说

2. site位置,遗址,地基 地点,现场 vt.选定(建筑物)用地,设址

eg: the site of an old palace古宫殿的遗址 the site of the battle战场

Rescue workers rushed to the site of the plane crash.救护人员急速赶到飞机坠毁的现场。

Is it safe to site the power-station here?把发电厂建在这里安全吗?

3. mask n. 面具;面罩 vt. 用作掩盖的事物;掩饰;伪装

eg. put on a mask戴假面具,隐瞒真相

throw off the mask 脱下面具;亮出真面目

Her sociable manner is really a mask for a very shy nature.


The thief masked his face with a stocking. 那贼套上长筒袜遮住脸。

This perfume won’t mask the unpleasant smell. 这种香水遮不住那股难闻的气味。

mask one’s fear by a show of confidence 装出有信心的样子来掩饰内心的恐惧

4. accompany vt.伴随某人;陪伴 .与某物同时存在或发生 为某人伴奏

eg. I must ask you to accompany me to the police station.我得要求你陪我去一趟警察局。

Strong winds accompanied by heavy rain.狂风夹着暴雨。

She accompanied the singer on the piano.她弹钢琴为那位歌手伴奏。

5. precious adj 贵重的;宝贵的 可爱的;珍贵的

eg. Nothing is precious than time.世上最宝贵的莫过于光阴。

precious memories珍贵的回忆

Every child is precious to its parents.每个小孩子都是父母的宝贝。

6. dig up挖掘;垦地 掘出,掘到

eg. He is digging up land for a new garden.他为建一个新花园而垦地。

An old Greek Statue was dug up here last month.上个月在这挖出一尊古希腊雕像。

have a history of…有……年的历史

eg: China has a history of over 5,000 years.中国有5,000多年的历史。

cover an area of…占地

eg: Our school covers an area of 100 mu. 我们学校占地100亩。