人教版高二Unit 6 Life in the future word

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编号203022 高二年级 英语学科教学案

_________班 姓名___________ 备课组长:申继忠

Unit 6 Life in the future

Words and useful expressions

1. forecast (forecast, forecast; forecasted, forecasted) v/n预测,预报

make forecasts about对…做出预测

The clerk’s job is to forecast the fall and rise in unemployment.



_______________________________, it will be windy tomorrow and sunny the day after tomorrow.


The weather forecast that it will be fine next week is inaccurate.说下周天气好的预报是不正确的。




He predicted that our team would win.他预言我们队会赢。

2. glimpse n.一瞥,一看

catch a glimpse of=get a glimpse of=have a glimpse of瞥见,一瞥

eg:I only caught a glimpse of the thief,so I can't really describe him.


glimpse v.瞥见,看一眼

eg:I glimpsed her among the crowd just before she disappeared from sight.


glance at 瞥见

3. trend


The current trend is towards more part-time employment.目前的趋势倾向于临时工作。

There’s a growing trend towards smaller classes in school.学校向小班趋势发展。

The trend of the river is towards west by north.这条河的走向是北偏西。


The models always_________________________.模特总是引领服装新潮流。

4. contemporary


Some people like contemporary literature better because writers live in the same times often write about their ideas and opinions of modern life.有些人更喜欢当代文学是因为和他们同时代的作家经常写些现代生活中跟他们有关的观点和想法。


What he wrote is a contemporary record of events.他所写的东西是同时代的大事记。

Lu Xun_________________________ Mao Zedong.鲁迅和毛泽东是同一时代的人。


(1)指出,指示(point to)eg:I asked him where my sister was and he indicated the shop opposite.



The smile on his face______________________________________.


Blue sky indicates fine weather tomorrow. 蓝蓝的天预示着明天是个好天气。

The cloud in the sky_________________________________.天空的云象征着又一个雨天要来了。


eg:He is indicating left.他指示车将要向左拐弯。


ensure sb sth.

ensure sb against/from sth. 确保某人免遭

ensure +that-clause

This pill will ensure you a good night's sleep._________________________________________

Please ensure that you turn off all the lights before you lock the door.


We should ensure ourselves against all possible risks.


7. system

系统,网络 Each animal has its own nervous system.每种动物都有自己的神经系统。

制度 Our daily work and life must depend on the useful system.


体系,体制 His system of philosophy has come into being after ten years hard work.


8. reform vt, n.改革;改良;悔改

the reform and open policy 改革开放政策

land reform 土地改革

reform oneself 改过自新

There are signs that he’s reforming.有迹象表明他在变好。

9. keep/be in touch with与…保持联系(状态)

get in touch with与…取得联系(动作)

be out of touch with与…失去联系(状态)

lose touch with与…失去联系(动作)

10.goods n .商品、货物. goods无单数形式,不能用数词或many等来修饰;作主语时,配用复数动词

There are lots of good goods in the supermarket.超市里有很多商品。

Look! There___ only___ goods on the shelf.

A.is;two pieces of B.is;two piece of

C.are;two pieces of D.are;two piece of

11. purchase n.购买;购置物. Vt.购买

It's really a good purchase! 这确实是个好东西。

I have some purchases to make in town.我有些东西要在镇上买。

It was the most extravagant purchase I have ever made.这是我买过的最昂贵的物品。

12. tiny、little与small的区别



There is a small quantity of milk left in the cup.杯子里还剩一点牛奶。

Babies have very tiny=(small)fingers.婴儿的手指很小。

a little problem (1ittle=not important)

13. remain


If you don't eat,you'll just have to remain____________.如果你不吃,就只得依然挨饿了。

He became a doctor but his brother remained_________.他成为医生,而他弟弟仍然是农民。

The work remained__________.这工作还是未完成。

The visit will always remain_____________.这次访问会一直在我记忆中。


If you take 3 from 8,___________.如果把8减去了3,还剩下5。(八减三得五)

The children ate and ate until no food________________.孩子们一直吃到桌上不剩菜。


I will remain to see the end of the match.我要留下来看比赛的结局。

How many weeks will you remain(=stay)here? 你会待在这里几个星期?

(4)remain + to do连用,意思是“尚待”。

Nothing remains to be said.无话可说。


【警示】(1)remain的名词形式有两种:remains意思是“剩余,残留物等,remainder (常与the连用,单复数同形),意思是“剩余的人(物),其他的人(物)”


This is my remaining property.我剩下的财产就是这。

(1)Because he is very lazy and has no job,his life_____ very poor.

A.still B.remains

C.is remained D.is left

(2)The lady said she would buy a gift for her daughter with the______.

A.20 dollars remained B.remained 20 dollars

C.20 dollars to remain D.remaining 20 dollars

14.Regular adj.有规律的,定期的,习惯性的,除以上常用义外,regular还有以下意思:

regular teeth整齐的牙齿(整齐的,匀称的)

a regular member正式会员(正规的,公正的)

a regular hero真英雄(十足的,彻底的)

a regular customer老顾客(定期的,经常的)

(as)regular as clockwork极有规律的

[考题]she arrives every day at five,_______.

A.how good she is B.it is surprised

C.regular as clockwork D.that's nice

15.deal with对付,对待,处理;与…做买卖;论述,涉及

Teachers should deal fairly with their students.老师应该公平地对待学生。


The businessman is very honest, so you can deal safely with him.那个商人很诚实,你可以放心地和他做生意。

I intend to deal with contemporary writers in a separate article.我打算在另一篇文章里论述当代作家。

[相似辨析]do with与deal with

(1)do with想要,需要;对付,处置

What have you done with my pen? 你把我的钢笔放到哪里去了?

I have no idea what to do with the old car.我不知道怎么处理那辆旧车。

deal with 表示处理时特殊疑问词用how,而do with用what。

I don’t know______________________________.我不知道怎么处理那辆旧车。

He doesn’t know______________________________.他不知道怎么处理这件事。

16.cure vt. 治愈;治疗

This medicine will cure your headache.这药能治好你的头痛。

A few days’ rest will cure you.休息几天你的病就会好的。

常构成短语;cure sb of治愈某人的……病;改掉某人的……恶习

The doctor__________________.医生治愈了他的癌症。

It seems that nobody can____________________.似乎没有人能使我戒烟。


His complete cure can't be expected.他完全恢复健康遥不可期。




(1)treat v.对待;处理;治疗;款待,宴请 n.愉快的事;款待,请客


Treat the others as they treat you.以其人之道还治其人之身。

The doctors tried to__________________________.医生们试图医治病人的癌症。

The visit to the seaside was a great treat for us.去海滨游览对我们是一大乐事。

Now remember this is to my treat, so I will pay for everything.别忘了这次由我做东,一切帐都由我付。

(2)cure 表示治疗、治愈时,强调结果。

The doctor has cured the patient of his heart attack.医生已经治愈了病人的心脏病。

17.distance n.远处,远方,距离

go the distance继续跑完全程,赛足全局等

in the distance在……距离内

keep one’s distance保持一定距离,对(人,事业)等冷淡,疏远

keep sb at a distance与某人保持一定的距离,不愿与某人亲近

[考题]He was asked many times to join the party,but he always_______.

A.went the distance B.kept his distance

C.in the distance D.keep him at a distance


怀有希望的 be hopeful about sth/ of doing sth/ that

Every one should_________________________.每个人都应对未来充满希望。

All of us may feel hopeful______________________________.我们都要相信我们是有望获得成功的。

The police are hopeful of finding more clues to the murder. 警察对找到更多的线索抓住谋杀者是充满希望的。


The prisoner’s future seems not to be very hopeful.那囚犯的未来似乎没什么前途。

Things might get better, but it doesn’t look very hopeful right now.事情可能会变好,可是现在看来希望不大。

19. “in+名词”的词组小结

in hospital在住院 in prison在监狱(服刑)

in battle在战斗中 in order井然有序

in danger在危险中 in doubt感到怀疑

in common共有 in debt负债

in sight在视线之内 in trouble处于不幸(苦恼或困境)中

in store储藏着;准备着 in general大体上

in peace平平安安地 in secret秘密地

in surprise惊奇地 in public公开地

in person亲自 in particular特别地

in silent无声地 in place在适当的位置;在通常的位置

20.cheat vt .欺骗,骗取 n. 欺骗行为

Keep away from that man! He is always cheating others.离那人远点,他总是骗人!

They cheated death in the stormy sea.他们从狂风暴雨的大海中死里逃生。

As a student, we shouldn’t cheat at the examination.作为一个学生,我们不应在考试中作弊。

cheat sb (out) of sth.防止某人得到某事物(尤指以不正当或不诚实的手段)

cheat (on) sb不忠实于…

accuse sb.of cheating at cards指责某人玩牌时作弊

[考题](1) That man is really bad! He_____ her wife,he not only always shouts to her but a1so fights with her.

A.beat B.is in love with

C.cheats him of D.cheats on

(2)Jim’s father was accused of____ at cards,but in fact not.

A.good B.playing C.cheating D.winning


require sth of sb.

require sb to do要求某人做某事

require that从句(句中用should+动词原形,should可省略)

All the members are required to attend the meeting._________________________。

The court required that________________________.法庭要求他支付罚金。

【警示】require需要;可加名词/代词;require +doing..=require + to be done..,这时动名词是主动形式,但含有被动意义.此时句子主语必须为事或物

This wall ______________________=This wall________________________.这墙需要修补了。

requirement要求 meet one's requirements符合某人的要求



He demands to see you.他要求见到你。

She demands a meeting tonight.她要求今天晚上开会。

I demand that one of you(should)go there at once.我要求你们中的一个人马上去那儿。

(2) request意为“恳求;请求”,指通过正式手续提出的要求,口气和缓,态度礼貌。其句型有request sth(from/of sb),request sb to do sth.和request that从句,从句用虚拟语气 (should+ 动词原形)

All I request of you is that __________________________.我所要求的是你按时来。

Mr. Smith requested that_____________________________.史密斯请求他女儿离开这里。

(3)require表示按照法规,权利提出的要求或命令,指客观需要,含缺此不可之意。其句型有require sth;require (of)sb to do sth;require that从句(从句用虚拟语气),require doing(主动表被动)和require to be done :

[考题]1.This radio doesn't work.It requires______.

A.repairing B.repaired C.being repaired D.to repair

2.My mother demanded that I____ smoking.

A.gave up B.gives up C.to give D.give up

22. reality


His friends bring him to the reality.他的朋友把他带回现实世界。

We cannot escape from the reality of everyday life, only to face it. 我们不能逃避现实,只能面对它。


He made a big mistake for he hadn’t grasped the realities of situation.



They keep saying we’ll get the money, but the reality is that there’s none left.


in reality事实上,实际上

bring sb. back to reality使某人面对现实;把某人带回现实世界

turn sth. into reality把…变成现实

Language points

Warming up and speaking

1.How will people communicate in the future?

(1)communicate作“传递”:communicate...to sb.

He communicated his intention to me.他把他的意向告诉了我。

(2)communicate作“交往,交际”,communicate with…

we can communicate with people in most parts of the world by phone.



Language is a major means of communication,but communication between people who speak different language is difficult.虽然语言是主要的交际工具,可是语言不相同的时候,沟通起来就十分困难了。

He is a communicative person.他是位直言不讳的人。

in the (near/immediate/distant)future 在(不久/最近/遥远的)将来

in future 从今往后(from now on)

No one knows what will happen___________.没人知道将来会发生什么。

__________you are not allowed to go out alone.今后你不准单独外出。

2.What happened to the people on the earth?地球上的人发生了什么事情?

(1) sth happen to sb.某事发生于……身上

She hoped_____________________________.她希望她身上不会发生坏事情。

happen to do sth碰巧(偶然)…


It (so) happens that 碰巧…

It so happens that the famous actor was her brother.=The famous actor happens to be her brother.


(2) on the earth“在地球上”相对于其他星球而言。

The sun is much hotter than any fire on the earth.

in the earth“在地里,在地下”

There is much oil in the earth.地下有大量的石油。

on earth有以下五种用法:

①“在人世间,在世界上”相当于 in the world,一般用于肯定句中。

Unexpected things always happen on earth.


It was one of the few man-made objects on earth that could be seen by the astronauts who landed on the moon.它是登上月球的宇航员所能看到的地面上为数不多的人造物之一。


How on earth did you know it?你到底是怎么知道这件事的


The Yangtze River is one of the longest rivers on earth.长江是世界上最长的河流之一。

⑤ “全然,一点也不”,用于否定句,以加强语气。

Nothing on earth could make him change his mind.无论什么也不能使他改变注意。

In winter, some animals hide______ .

A.in the earth B.on earth C.on the earth D.at the earth

3.It would be bad for society if people had doubles….如果人们有替身,那会对社会有害的.

这是一个虚拟语气句子,其中if people had doubles为非真实条件状语从句。英语中,表示在说话人看来实现可能性很小的将来事态,或表示与现在事态相反的主观设想时,运用虚拟语气。其主句的谓语动词用would/could/might/should后接动词原形,条件状语从句的谓语动词用过去式形式(动词是be时,一律用were)。

He would visit us if he ______in town.如果他在镇上回来拜访我们的。

If Richard_________________,he might pass the exam.如果Richard下学期努力学习会通过考试的。


We ___________________if we____________________________.如果知道你的电话号码,我们会给你打电话的。

[考题]1.If he _____here earlier,he____ not miss the train.

A.comes:will B.came;will C.came;would D.comes;would

2.They would not___in the last exam if they__very hard.

A.fail;studied B.have failed;had studied

C.failed;have studied D.fail;had studied


Multiple choice.

1. What may lead to changes in the way diseases are cured and medicines are made?

A.Healthy diet and active 1ife.

B.Eating and exercises.

C.Advances in medical science.

D.New discoveries in genetics and biochemistry.

2. What's the meaning of the future transportation in Paragraph 2?

A.No pollution. B.High speed. C.Safety. D.All of the above.

3. What does the last paragraph of Passage 1 mainly talk about?

A.E-learning. B.Knowledge. C.Efforts. D.Education.

4. From Passage 1,what can we conclude?

A.Life in the future can be predicted in the way of examining the major trends at present.

B.Life in the future won't be imagined by us at present.

C.Life in the future w.1l last for ever.

D.Life in the future can be completely controlled by computer.

5. What can we infer from Passage 1?

A.There will be no schools for us to be educated.

B.In the future we will have no diseases.

C.Life in the future will be towards perfect.

D.The importance of computer in the future life.

Language points:

1. What will the future be like in general?

in general在句中常用作定语或状语,作状语时,常用在句首,并用逗号隔开;作定语,作“大多数,少有例外”解,放在所修饰名词的后面。

____________, we are satisfied with what we did.总的来说,我们对所做的很满意。

________________like to shop for new clothes.大多数妇女喜欢买新衣服。

2. What life will be like in the future is difficult to predict.未来的生活是什么样子真的很难预料。

在这个句子中to predict作状语,与主语之间有逻辑上的动宾关系,不定式不必用被动式。


____________________________________. 很难确定什么是最好的方法。


It is very difficult to solve this problem.

It is very hard to decide what is the best way.

3.New technology is being used to make sure that the cars, taxis, buses and trains we use don’t pollute the air.新技术正在被用来确保我们使用的汽车,出租车,公共汽车和火车不污染空气。

该句that the cars, taxis, buses and trains we use don’t pollute the air是make sure的宾语从句;we use是定语从句,修饰the cars, taxis, buses and trains.

Please make sure that the fruit you buy is fresh.请确保你买的水果是新鲜的。

be used to do 被用来做某事

This instrument is used to measure the speed of passing cars.这种仪器是用来测量过往车速的。

[相关链接]be/get used to sth/doing sth习惯于做某事;used to do sth过去常常做某事


My mother______________________.我的母亲过去常常给我们讲故事。

4.A good example of how transportation is changing is the new maglev train, which is environmentally friendly, energy-saving and travels at an amazing 430km/h.公共交通正在改善的一个很好的例子就是磁悬浮列车,它环保、节能而且能以每小时430公里的惊人速度行驶。

本句中how transportation is changing作介词of的宾语从句;which is environmentally friendly, energy-saving and travels at an amazing 430km/h.是非限制性定语从句,先行词是the new maglev train.

a good example of 表示“…的例子,榜样”。

The temple is_____________________________.这座寺庙是中国古代建筑的典型。

take sb/sth for example拿某人/某事为例

set a good example to sb为某人树立好榜样

follow sb’s example学习某人;效仿某人

make an example of sb惩一警百

take example by临摹

5.Perhaps more importantly, new discoveries in genetics and biochemistry may lead to changes in the way diseases are cured and medicines are made.也许会有更重要的事发生,那就是遗传学及生物化学的新发现有可能使治病、药品配制的方法发生改变。

1ead to

(1)引起、造成、导致,+ 名词、代词或动名词

His carelessness led to the accident.他的粗心导致了这次事故。

(2)通过,通向……eg:All roads lead to Rome.条条大路通罗马。

(3)lead sb.to/into/across/through领某人到/进入/越过/穿过……


I led the blind man across the street.我领那个盲人越过街道。


lead a quiet(happy/hard)life过着安静(快乐,艰苦)的生活

give sb 1ead给某人做榜样

take the lead in…在……方面领先

hold/lose the lead保持/失去领先地位

6.The way we view learning and knowledge is also changing.我们看待学习和知识的方法也在变化。

we view learning and knowledge作定语修饰the way,可省略that/in which .

I like the way(that/in which)/the pop star acted on the stage.

(2)in this way用这种方法,手段

in a way在某种程度上,有点


in no way绝不

in the/one’s way挡道

7.We cannot be sure whether our dream will come true,but we can at least be hopeful that our efforts to improve the world will be successful.我们不能肯定是否会梦想成真,但至少我们改造世界的努力有成功的希望。

此句是一个并列复合句,but连接了两个并列的分句,在第一个分句中,whether our dream will come true是宾语从句,在第二个分句中,that our efforts to improve the world will be successful也是宾语从句。

She is not sure whether they will come to rescue her, but she expects that the help will come sooner or later.她不敢肯定他们是否会来救她,但她期待着救援迟早会到。

come true是固定词组,指“(预言,梦想等)成为现实”,true是形容词作表语。

Keep up your courage, your hope will at last__________.鼓足勇气,你的希望一定会实现。

8.If we learn to accept change and appreciate what is new and different, we will be well-prepared for whatever the future may have in store.如果我们能适应改革,敢于标新立异,那么不管未来会发生什么,我们都能够从容应付。




_____________________, he won’t believe you.不管你怎么说,他都不会相信的。

It is generally considered unwise to give a child_______he or she wants.

A. however B. whatever C. whichever D. whenever


We all appreciate a holiday after a year of hard work.经过一年辛苦工作后,我们大家都能享受假期的乐趣。

We shall appreciate hearing from you again.我们恭候佳音。

The girl appreciated the boy’s informing that her mother would soon come here.那位姑娘很感激那个小男孩通知她,她的母亲不久就要来了。



(1) 接代词what,which,who,whom,whose,whatever,whichever,whoever,whomever等引导的主语从句。

[考例提示]__________you have done might do harm to other people.

A. That B. What C. Which D. This

(2) 由从属连词that, whether引导的主语。

That this has happened is not your fault.

Whether he will come or not is uncertain.

(3) 由疑问副词when, where, why, how 以及由how组成的词组等引导的主语从句。

When we shall have our sports meeting is still a question.

Where they will hold the conference has been decided.

Why he has come to New York is a story of struggle and success.

How they managed to succeed is still a secret.

How soon they will set off depends on the weather.

(4) 以it作形式主语,把主语从句后置的常用句型有:

① It + be + adj + that clause

It is certain that she will do well in the exam.

It is probable that he told her everything.

② It + be + noun phrase + that clause

It’s a pity that we can’t go.

It’s no surprise that our team should have won the match.

③ It + be + past participle + that clause

It is said that the president has arrived in Beijing.

It is thought that Jack drives badly.

④ It + seem/happen + that clause

It seems that Brown is not coming to the party at all.

It happened that he was out that day.

⑤ It + v + n/adj +由其他引导词引导的主语从句。

It is uncertain whether he will come or not.

It remains a secret how they climbed up the mountain.


引导词和主语从句基本相同,只不过多了as if/as though,because。

The truth is that I have never been there.

That he didn’t come is because he was ill.

It looks as if it were going to rain.






I think (that) watching TV too much is bad for people’s health.我认为看太多电视对人的健康有害。

if/whether 引导宾语从句时,在从句中也不担当成分,但whether/if不可省略。

I don’t know whether/if these figures are accurate.我不知道那些数字是否准确。

(3) when, where, how, why等特殊疑问词引导宾语从句,分别在从句中充当时间、地点、方式和原因状语等。

I wonder what you are thinking about.我想知道你在想什么。

Can you tell me when you began smoking?你能告诉我你什么时候开始吸烟的吗?

[考例提示]①-I think it’s going to be a big problem.

-Yes, it could be.

-I wonder _______we can do about it.

A. if B. how C. what D. that

② When you answer questions in a job interview, please remember the gold rule: Always give the monkey exactly ________he wants.

A . what B. which C. when D. that

③ I read about it in some book or other, does it matter ______it was?

A . where B. what C. how D. which

④ A computer can only do _________you have instructed it to do.

A .how B. after C. what D. when

⑤ Little Tom was reluctant to tell the schoolmaster ________he had done the day before.

A . that B. how C. where D. what



I wonder what he’s writing to me about.我不知道他要给我写信说什么事。

I walked over to where she sat.我走向她坐的地方。

[考例提示]① Can you tell me _______the railway station?

A . how I can get to B. how can I get to

C . where I can get to D. where can I get to

② Someone is ring the doorbell. Go and see _________.

A . who is he B. who he is

C . who is it D. who it is



(1) 主句的谓语动词是表示命令、建议、要求等词时,从句用虚拟语气,即“(should)+动词原形”。这类动词有:一坚持(insist);二命令(order/demand);三建议(suggest/propose/advise);四要求(ask/require/request/demand)。

Her mother insisted that she (should) take a one-week rest before going back to work.她母亲坚持认为她上班之前要休息一周。

Our teacher suggested that_________________.我们老师建议我们步行去那儿。

wish 和would rather后的宾语从句中应用虚拟语气。

I wish I______ a millionaire.我要是一个百万富翁就好了。

I would rather you________________.我宁愿你明天去那儿。

[考例提示]How I wish every family ________a large house with a beautiful garden!

A . has B. had C. will have D. had had


Sarah hoped to become a friend of _____shares her interests.

A . anyone B. whomever C. whoever D. no matter who

_________we can’t get seems better than ______we have.

A .What; what B. What; that C. That; that D. That; what

_______we’ll go camping tomorrow depends on the weather.

A . If B. Whether C. That D. Where

It is generally considered unwise to give a child ________he or she wants.

A . however B. whatever C. whichever D. whenever

Dr. Black comes from either Oxford or Cambridge. I can’t remember___________.

A . where B. there C. which D. that

It was a matter of ______will take the position.

A . who B. whoever C. whom D. whomever

-I drove to Zhuhai for the air show last week.

-Is that _______you had a few days off?

A . why B. when C. what D. where

Eat ______cake you like and leave the others for ________comes in late.

A . any; who B. every; whoever

C . whichever; whoever D. either; whoever

These wild flowers are so special that I would do ______I can to save them.

A . whatever B. that C. which D. whichever

People have heard what the president has said; they are waiting to see_______he will do.

A . how B. what C. when D. that

-Are you still thinking about yesterday’s game?

-Oh, that’s _________.

A . what makes me feel excited B. whatever I feel excited about

C. how I feel about it D. when I feel excited

Integrating skills:

Multiple choice:

1.What does an e-friend can do in the future

A.It can helD us with our homework.

B.It can walk and talk with us.

C.It can clean up rooms.

D.All of the above mentioned.

2.What can we see in the year 3044 when we use a cell-phone showing pictures?

A.We can see the picture of the person who speaks to US.

B.We can recognize the voice.

C.We can see a lifelike model of the person.

D.We can hear if they are happy,sad,interested,etc.

3.In the year 3044,using computer,programmes can_____.

A.copy the world and people

B.send old-fashioned e-mails

C.help you to make an e-friend

D.travel back in time and visit friends

4.What's the main idea of Passage 2 ?

A.Life in the year 3044 and life in the 21st century are quite dIfferent.

B.E-friends can help us do everything.

C.We don't need to meet again in the year 3044 because of the computer.

D.None of the above.

5.What can we infer from Passage 2 ?

A.Mekanika lives a lonely life.

B.Life in the year 3044 makes Mekanika feel happy.

C.Mekanika doesn't do anything in the year 3044.

D.Mekanika welcomes us to the year 3044.

Language points:

For example, we now have e-friends to help us and keep us company.比如说我们现在有电子朋友帮忙,给我们做伴。

company n.


We will be glad of your company 0n the journey.旅行中有你陪伴我们会很高兴。

in company(with)陪伴某人,和……在一起

keep sb company=keep company with sb陪伴某人;给某人做伴

He kept me company.他陪伴我。


I have company this evening.今晚我有客。


We organized a publishing company.


part company(with)和某人分手,断绝来往

in the company of在……陪同下

This may sound absurd to you, but if you think about it a little, it may not seem so strange after all.这可能听起来很滑稽,但如果你再想一想,它可能就不那么奇怪了。

after all是副词短语,意为“结果,终究”时,表示结果与预想不同,通常置于句末;意为“毕竟,究竟”时,用于导出原因,通常置于句首。另外,after all还有“应该记住”的意思。

I’m so sorry. I can’t come after all. 对不起,结果我还是不能来。

It’s not surprising you’ve got stomachache.__________, you’ve eaten too much.你的胃痛并不令人惊讶,毕竟你实在吃得太多了。

He should have offered to pay-he has plenty of money, after all.他应该主动提出付款-他有的是钱,别忘了。

Sometimes it is difficult to tell what is “real” and what is an image.有时很难区分哪个是“真的”,哪个是影象。


tell在此处意为“辨别,识别,看出”(通常与can,could,be able to连用,用于否定句,疑问句),后接名词或从句作宾语。

Can you tell the difference between the two?你能看出两者之间的差别吗?


It’s sometimes hard to tell one twin from the other.双胞胎有时很难分辨。

4.But I have to send my e-friend to clean up my room.但是我得打发我的电子朋友去打扫房间。

clean up

(1) 彻底扫除;清理

It's your turn to___________________.轮到你打扫厨房啦。

(2) 大财,赚(一大笔钱)

He cleaned up a fortune playing cards.他玩牌捞了不少钱。

5. Maybe some day I will be able to travel back in time and visit you.或许总有一天我能够穿越时光隧道去拜访你。

some day 将来的某一天

one day过去,将来的某一天

I hope to visit Paris_________________我希望有一天能到巴黎游览。

I came across Tom in the street____________.一天,我在街上碰巧遇见了汤姆。