人教版高一Unit 9 Technology

发布时间:2017-10-14 编辑:互联网 手机版

I. 单元教学目标


Talk about science and technology

Describe things and how they work

Express agreement and disagreement

Use the Present Continuous Passive Voice

Present a project


式 Express agreement and disagreement



That’s exactly what I was thinking.

That’s a good point.

That’s just how I see it.

That’s worth thinking about.


I disagree. / Well, yes, but...

I’m afraid I don’t agree.

You can’t be serious.

Well, it depends.

I would have to disagree with that.

Well, I’m not so sure about that.

汇 1. 四会词汇:

toothpick, agreement, disagreement, disagree, absolutely, depend, press, teenager, throughout, add, latest, calendar, remind, appointment, behaviour, obey, dare, case, emergency, whatever, dial, according, unexpected, particular, negative, clone, interview, department, electricity, planet, wonder, defeat, force, peaceful, succeed, skip

2. 认读词汇:

item, automobile, image, function, feature, broadband, revise, resource, clue, Chely abinsk, Irkutsk

3. 词组:

stay in touch with, call for, in case (of), according to, take over, break down

4. 重点词汇:

disagree, depend, add, latest, remind, dare, whatever, wonder, defeat, succeed

构 The Present Continuous Passive Voice 被动语态

1. 用英语描述事物正受到某种影响或某种处理--使用现在进行时的被动语态 (is/are + being + p.p.)

New functions are being added to the phones.

Michael is being interviewed for the job.

2. 用英语描述人物正受到某种影响或某种处理--使用现在进行时的被动语态(is/am/are + being + p.p.)

Modern cellphones are being used as cameras and radios.

The new student is being introduced to the class.

Look! The children are being led into the garden.

子 1. Are you good at solving problems...?

2. You can move as many steps as you wish.

3. If you turn a left-handed glove inside out, it will...

4. Well, it depends.

5. Cellphones..., make it possible for us to talk to anyone from anywhere.

6. Words and images are being sent throughout the world.

7. ...that will remind you about appointments and important dates.

8. I don’t dare to use the phone in the school, because...

9. Having a cellphone also makes us feel safer...

10. Since we can call for help in case of emergency.

11. She says her cellphone helps her do whatever she wants to do...

12. ...it’s time to do something to stop Q12.

13. ...and do everything Q12 tells them to.

III. 教材分析与教材重组

1. 教材分析


1.1 WARMING UP 提供了三种智力小测试,借此诱发学生的想象力、判断力、创造力和逆向思维能力,为下文作好铺垫。

1.2 LISTENING的第一部分是听三段描述日常用品的语言材料,旨在培养学生捕获相关物品特征、用途等关键词的能力;第二部分是第一部分的延伸,进一步引导学生掌握描述物品特征的词汇和技巧,达到创造性运用语言的目的。

1.3 SPEAKING 部分根据材料要求,把全班分成四个小组,每一组从不同角度出发讨论购买手机和不买手机的理由。既引导学生合作学习,又培养学生全面地、辩证地看待问题的哲学观和消费观。

1.4 PRE-READING是READING的热身活动。要求学生采用讨论交流的方式谈论现代科技对人们日常生活的影响,激发他们对阅读主题文章的欲望。

1.5 READING一文采用前后呼应的写作手法,介绍手机的用途、所产生的问题并剖析年轻人宠爱手机的原因。文章选材新颖,贴近现实生活,主题鲜明,容易引起学生的阅读兴趣和共鸣。

1.6 POST-READING从回答问题、概括段落大意和创造性设计三个层面逐步推进,激励学生结合现实生活,开动脑筋,充分发挥想象力和创造力设计自己的产品,从而达到运用英语进行交际的能力。

1.7 LANGUAGE STUDY 的“词汇学习”目的在于培养学生根据语境掌握并运用所学词汇的能力。“同步语法”则设计了不同类型的句型转换题,旨在训练学生准确理解和灵活运用现在进行时的被动语态的能力。

1.8 INTEGRATING SKILLS中的阅读部分是一篇科幻文章,大胆想象未来世界受电脑统治的情景,引导学生思考未来科技对人类生产、生活的影响。相对起来,写作任务更加富有挑战性,不但需要学生大胆想象,还需要短文具有较强的说服力和思辩性,最后点明“爱”和“友谊”这一文章主题。

1.9 TIPS 部分给出指导学生进行有效阅读的技巧--根据上下文猜测词义。

1.10 CHECKPOINT“复习要点”部分简要地总结本单元语法重点,并引导学生学会总结知识要点。

2. 教材重组

2.1 从话题内容上分析,WARMING UP 与SPEAK-

ING相一致;而从训练目的上分析与TALKING比较一致。从教材份量来说,可将WARMING UP,SPEAKING和Workbook中的TALKING整合在一起,设计成一节任务型“口语课”。

2.2 将LISTENING 和Workbook中的LISTENING整合在一起,设计成一节“听力课”。

2.3 可将PRE-READING, READING和POST-READING三个教学活动整合在一起上一节“阅读课(一)”。

2.4 可将LANGUAGE STUDY 与Workbook中的PRACTISING语法练习题整合在一起上一节“语法课”。

2.5 可将INTEGRATING SKILLS 中Reading和Workbook中INTEGRATING SKILLS的Reading整合起来上一节“阅读课(二)(泛读课)”。

2.6 将INTEGRATING SKILLS 中的Writing和Workbook中INTEGRATING SKILLS 的Writing整合成一节“写作课”。

3. 课型设计与课时分配(经教材分析,根据学情,本单元可以用六课时教完)

1st period 口语课

2nd period 听力课

3rd period 阅读课

4th period 语法课

5th period 泛读课

6th period 写作课

Ⅳ. 分课时教案

The First Period Speaking

Teaching goals 教学目标

1. Target language 目标语言

a. 词汇和短语: toothpick, agreement, disagreement, disagree, absolutely, depend, be good at, inside out

b.交际用语:Express agreement and disagreement

Agreement Disagreement

Absolutely. I disagree.

That’s exactly what I was thinking. I’m afraid I don’t agree.

That’s a good point. Well, it depends.

That’s just how I see it. Well, I don’t know.

That’s worth thinking about. Well, I’m not so sure about that.

2. Ability goals 能力目标

a. Enable Ss to think of more creative ideas for everyday objects.

b. Encourage Ss to express themselves on a specific subject.

3. Learning ability goals 学能目标

a. Help Ss to express their opinions using expressions about agreement or disagreement.

b. Inspire the Ss to be more creative in thinking and learning.

Teaching important points 教学重点

Let Ss learn to use the structures to express agreement or disagreement.

Teaching difficult points 教学难点

How to express their opinions according to the specific situation.

Teaching methods 教学方法

1. Co-operative method for creative ideas.

2. Discussion method to express opinions and make a decision.

Teaching aids 教具准备

1. A computer

2. A projector

3. Some toothpicks, a sock and a plastic bag

Teaching procedures && ways 教学过程与方式

Step I Greetings

T: Good morning/afternoon, boys and girls! We all know that science and technology are very important in our daily life. Can you give some examples?

S1: I think the computer is a very good example. It is widely used in many fields. If we want to read the latest news or look up information, we can go to the Internet.

S2: In our classroom we also use a multi-media computer, a projector and a colour TV set. Some students even have cellphones.

T: Well done. Let’s come to WARMING-UP.

Step II Warming up

1. Useful things

This step is designed to introduce the topic and arouse the students’ interest in creative ideas.

T: I find all of you are very clever and hardworking. But are you really creative? Here are some tests. Here I have three useful things (The teacher shows toothpicks, a pair

of socks and a plastic bag). Do you know their common use in our daily life?

S3: Toothpicks are often used to get bits of food out of the space between teeth.

S4: Socks are usually worn to keep us warm.

S5: Plastic bags are often used to put things in.

T: Quite right. Now you are divided into three (or more) groups. Each group talks about one subject. (After a few minutes) Now time is up. Volunteers.

S6: Toothpicks have many new uses. For example, we can use toothpicks to pick small things, pin some food, get little bits of food between the teeth, make fine designs...

S7: A sock can also be used in many ways, like polishing shoes, decorating a doll, filling something in...

S8: Maybe a plastic bag can be used most. It can be used to protect the seatbelt from rain, touch some dirty things, carry vegetables...

2. Talk box

Task 1 Making new words

This task aims at finding out how creative the students are in observing and understanding.

T: Now let’s come to a talk box. Here you can move any side as many steps as you wish so that you can create many different words.

Steps: 1. Divide the students into several groups (4-8);

2. Individual work. (Each student tries to think of more possible answers.)

3. Group work. (Get one student to summarize their answers.)

4. Class competition. (If one group gives the largest number of answers, it will win.)

Possible answers:

S9: scar, door, rate, date, item, stop ...

S10: soar, side, star, coat, poem, code ...

S11: road, mood, mead ...

S12: rats, eats ...

3. True or false

T: Well done! Now here are three sentences. Please read carefully and decide if they are true or false. Then give your reasons. (After a few minutes) Now who’d like to

have a try?

S13: The first sentence is true. We can easily find four letters “b-o-a-t”, which is the word “boat”.

S14: The second sentence is false. 12 minutes past 5 o’clock is 48 minutes before 6 o’clock.

S15: The third sentence is true. (The teacher gives him or her a left-handed glove to have a try.)

Step III Speaking

T: In our everyday life we may meet with some trouble. What shall we do? Yes, we can turn to our parents or best friends for help. Now Jane wants to buy a cellphone.

Before she buys one, she asks her parents and her best friend what they think.

Task 2 Role-play the discussion

This part is to provide the students realistic situations so that they can have more chances to practise the functional items.

Steps: 1. Divide the students into four groups. (“Jane” will be the leader.)

2. Individual work. (Each tries to think of more answers to support his/her opinion.)

3. Group work. (Each member states his or her opinion and reasons.)

4. Class work. (Jane chairs the discussion.)

One possible discussion:

Jane: Dad, Mum and Lily, I’m glad to take this chance to have a discussion. You know, I am always eager to have my own phone, but I still haven’t got it. Here I’d like to share you with my opinions. At the same time, I’d like YOUR advice.

Lily: Good idea. Why not give your reasons first?

Jane: Thank you. In my opinion, with a cellphone, I can call my friends for help when in trouble. I can also let you know where I’m. What’s more, I can send short

messages to my faraway friends instead of writing letters. In this way I can save some time and money as well.

Mr Evens: I agree with you, Jane. Besides keeping in touch with us, you can also learn about the latest news both at home and abroad. Sometimes you can even call your teacher or classmates for help while doing homework.

Lily: Well, Mr Evens, that may be true, but I don’t quite agree with you. You know, we are still middle school students, not adults. On one hand, we are not allowed to use cellphones in school. On the other hand, buying and using a cellphone will cost a lot of money. Worse still, cellphones are changing so quickly that they can be easily out of fashion.

Mrs Evens: You’re right, Lily. I don’t think cellphones will do any good to your studies. Besides, you may receive some waste short messages.

Jane: Thank you for telling me what you are thinking. It’s likely that I will think about your opinions and then make the final decision. Thank you, bye.

Possible reasons for discussion:

1. Jane:

1. I can ask my friends for help.

2. I can let my parents know where I am.

3. I can send short messages to save time and money.

2. Jane’s mother: Mrs Evens

1. Cellphones cost too much.

2. It will be bad for her study.

3. She may receive some waste short messages.

3. Jane’s father: Mr Evens

1. He can keep in touch with her.

2. She can learn about the latest news.

3. She can make her work or study easier.

Step IV Talking (See P134)

This part should be a free talk concerning the two sides of modern technology: advantages and disadvantages. The teacher may give the students some help if necessary.

T: Now let’s come to Talking on Page 134. As we know, modern technology is playing a more and more important part in our life. It helps us do many things we want to do, but technology also causes problems. Then what are the advantages and disadvantages of modern technology? You are given several minutes to write down your answers. Then tell your partners your opinions and give your reasons. (After a few minutes)

S16: I think cellphones have many advantages. We can keep in touch with our family or friends wherever we are. Sometimes we can send message, music or images to our friends. We can even surf the Internet for latest news or information. Besides, if you have the latest model, it can make you look nice in front of your friends. Your mobile phone is like a status symbol-it says you are cool or not.

S17: I’m afraid I don’t agree. First, buying a cellphone will cost a lot of money. Second, it will take you much time and money to make phone calls. Third, if you use too much, it will surely disturb your work or study. Finally, it’s reported that if you use mobile phones for a long time you are at risk of developing cancer.

T: Excellent. Now your opinions about robots?

S18: In my opinion, robots have quite a few advantages. They are machines controlled by computers. They can work for a long time without sleep or rest. More important, they can do some work repeatedly and efficiently. They can often be seen in dirty or dangerous areas. In a word, robots are very useful both in daily life and in industries.

S19: Well, that may be what you were thinking. In fact, robots are advanced products and they are very expensive to buy and repair. They can’t think or make decisions. If robots are widely used in factories, then many workers will be out of work. I don’t think it a good thing.

T: Well done. Maybe you also want to express yourself concerning computers.

S20: Quite right, sir. I’d like to say computers can help us most in our daily life and they have far more advantages. With a computer we can work out complicated problems, store information, manage a company and surf the Internet. Without computers we can hardly imagine what our life would be like. In fact computers are being widely used in education, industry, agriculture, space, medicine and so on. They can be seen almost everywhere.

S21: As we all know, buying a computer will cost a lot of money. At the same time, it’s not very easy to learn how to operate a computer, especially for some aged people. At present we can often hear about computer viruses, which will make the computers fail to work normally.

T: I’m glad to you have performed so well. Just as the saying goes, every coin has two sides. What we can do is make the best use of the great inventions mentioned above, isn’t it?

Step Ⅴ Language points

1. That’s worth thinking about.

“be worth doing” is a useful set phrase. We can also say “be worth + money”.

e.g. The film Harry Porter is so wonderful that it is worth seeing a second time.

The new MP3 is worth 400 yuan.

2. Well, it depends.

“It/This depends” is also a set phrase which means

“It is hard to say or decide”. Here is another useful phrase “depend on/upon” which means “rely on”.

e.g. -Will you go to the park this Sunday afternoon?

-Well, it depends.

All living things depend on the sun for growth.

Step VI Homework

1. Consolidation

T: Today we have learned so much about how to express our opinions. I do hope you can practise more after class.

2. Discussion

Middle school students should go online in their spare time or not. Please discuss this topic and give your opinions.

