(人教版+汤姆森)初三英语同步辅导(含同步练习)Unit8 I’ll help clean up the city parks.

发布时间:2016-1-19 编辑:互联网 手机版

Unit8 I’ll help clean up the city parks.


1. 学会提供帮助 (用I will, I would like等);

2. 学会用I will…做规划;

3. 掌握多种动词词组的用法;

4. 学会关注社会,关心他人。


1.cheer up 使振奋、高兴 2.clean up 打扫干净

3.set up 摆放,建立 4.come up with 提出(问题)

5.hand out 分发,发放 6.put up 建立,发布

7.write down 写下,记下 8.try to do sth. 尽力做某事

9.help out 帮助(某人)摆脱困境 10.run out of 耗尽,用光

11.take after 与…相像 12.fix up 修理

13.give away 赠送,分发 14.work out 制定出,算出

15.give out 发放,消耗尽 16.ask for 要求、索要

17.not only...but also… 不但…而且… 18.not... any more 不再…

19.be similar to 与…相似 20. put … off 延期,推迟

21.be proud of 因…而骄傲;自豪 22. be similar to 与…相似

hunger, sign, repair


1. I’d like to work outside.

2. I’ll help clean up the city parks.

3. You could give out food at a food bank.

4. I would like to fix up the desks.

5. If you see these things, or problems, what will you do?

6. What kind of volunteer work would you like to do?

7. He looks sad. Let’s cheer him up.

8. We’re going to set up a food bank to help hungry people.

9. We need to come up with some ideas.


1. 现代英语中,动词之后加介词或副词构成短语,表达一种特定的含义,称为短语动词。短语动词如果被拆开,则不能表达这种特定的含义。要把这些习惯用法看作一个整体。


come out

come in

come up with

2. 短语动词也有及物的和不及物的分别,及物的短语动词必须接宾语,不及物的短语动词则不需要接宾语。如:

look for 是及物短语动词,look out是不及物短语动词。


如:take off意为“拿掉”,是及物动词。

take off意为“起飞”,是不及物动词。

3. 及物短语动词所带宾语的位置


e.g. He took off his coat. / He took his coat off.


e .g. He took it off. 他把它脱掉了。

I’m looking for them. 我正在找他们。

I will give this old coat away. (give away this old coat / give it away.)


4. 认真背诵重点词组中涉及到的常见短语动词,掌握其用法。例如:

put off the plan -- put it off

give away the bike -- give it away

cheer up the kid -- cheer him/her up

hand out the books -- hand them out


1. - I’d like to help homeless people.

- You could give out food at the food bank.

(1)homeless adj. 无家的、无家可归的



home (n.) ---- homeless (adj.) forget (v.) ---- forgetful (adj.)

care (v.) ---- careful (adj.) / careless (adj.) thank (v.) ---- thankful (adj.) / thankless (adj.)

help (v.) ---- helpful (adj.) / helpless (adj.) hope (v.) ---- hopeful (adj.) / hopeless (adj.)

(2)Word Note: What is a food bank?

A food bank is a place where you can bring all kinds of food (like cans of soup, peanut butter, baby food) to help other people who are hungry. People can come to the food bank to get food to help feed their families. What else do you think you could bring to the food bank? Do you know what a food bank looks like?


I. could 是can的过去式,意思是“能够”。

e.g. He could speak English when he was a child.他小时就能说英语了。

II. 用于现在时,比can更委婉,或表示虚拟语气。

e.g. Could I help you? 我能帮你做点什么?(比Can I help you?委婉)

e.g. If I could go, I should be glad.假如我能去,那我会很高兴。(表虚拟语气)

III. could表示推测,意思是“大概,可能”,肯定性不大。

e.g. This book could be Mei’s. She studies French.这本书可能是梅的,她学法语。

IV. could 用于提出建议。

e.g. You could ask your parents for good ideas if you don’t know whether you should go to meet internet friends.

-What should I do when I don’t know how to go to some place in Beijing?

-You could go to the website “ Go2map” for help.

2. -I’d like to cheer up sick kids. 我愿意逗生病的孩子开心。 / I’d like to help kids with their schoolwork. 我愿意帮孩子们复习功课。

-You could volunteer in an after-school study program. 你可以在课外学习班做义工。

(1)cheer up sb. = make sb. happier; comfort 使某人振奋、快乐

e.g. Cheer up, boy!

The pleasant music can cheer you up when you’re in blue.

(2)volunteer (n.):a person who performs or offers to perform a service of his or her own free will 志愿者:按他或她自己的自由意愿进行或要求进行服务的人

hospital volunteers 医院志愿人员

volunteer firefighters 志愿消防员

volunteer tutoring 志愿导游

e.g. He wants to be a volunteer in a village school and help teach the students there.

Being volunteers is really a great job.

volunteer (v.) help people free of charge 做志愿工作

I could volunteer in 2008 Olympic Games.

He volunteers to help others.

volunteer.. to do sth .自愿做某事

e.g. These three students all volunteer their time to help other people.


3. Section A 2a

Boy 1: OK. Now we need to come up with a plan to tell people about the city park clean-up.

Girl 1: Yeah, but I’m hungry, Bob. Let’s have lunch first.

Girl 2: No, we can’t put off making a plan. Clean-up Day is only two weeks from now.

Boy 2: You’re right, Sally. While we talk, I’ll write down all our ideas. Then we can decide which ideas are best.

Girl 1: Um…Well… we could put up signs.

Boy 2: That’s a good idea!

Girl 2: I’ll hand out advertisements after school.

Boy 1: OK. Great! And we could each call up ten people and ask them to come.

Boy 2: Hey, we’re coming up with a lot of good ideas, aren’t we?

(1)come up with: think of, find (a solution or an answer)

(2)put off : do sth. later , delay (推迟)

e.g. The sports meeting had to be put off because of the bad weather.

put off sth. / doing sth.

e.g. If it rains, we can put off our football match tomorrow.

You can’t put off taking the test.

(3)put up: put… in a public place

e.g. We can put up posters around to ask students to go to the English Corner every Monday afternoon.

(4)call up: telephone to; remind … of …

(5)hand in 上交-- hand out下发

e. g. Please hand out the exercise books to the students.

You have to hand in your paper after the exam and mustn’t take it away.

(6)plan to do 计划做某事

plan on doing sth.

e.g. We plan to set up an English club.

We plan on setting up an English club.

4. Section B: 2a/2b

Man: This morning I’m talking with a very generous young man, Jimmy the Bike Boy. Jimmy is the boy who fixes up old bikes and gives them away. Good morning, Jimmy.

Boy: Good morning.

Man: So, Jimmy, tell our listeners what you do.

Boy: Well, as you just said, I find or buy old bikes that nobody wants. Then I fix up the bikes and give them away to kids who don’t have enough money to buy their own bikes.

Man: That’s fantastic. What gave you the idea?

Boy: I guess I take after my father. He’s always helping people.

Man: Wow! Your parents must be proud of you.

Boy: I guess so. But now I’ve run out of money to buy old bikes.

Man: Oh, that’s too bad.

Boy: Yeah. I need to come up with some way of getting money or I’ll have to stop.

5. Not only do I feel good about helping other people, but I get to spending time doing what I love to do. 关于帮助别人,我不但感觉很好,而且我开始花时间做我喜欢做的事。

not only … but also… 不但…而且… (连接并列的两个成分或内容)

(1)它可以连接句子的主语、谓语、表语、宾语等,强调but also引出的内容。当用来连接主语时,谓语应与最近的主语保持一致。如:

He studied not only English but also French at school. 

Not only teenagers but also grown-ups like his pop songs.

Not only he but also I like soccer.

Not only I but he likes soccer.

(2)not only…but also…中的also可以省略。

e.g. I like not only soccer but (also) tennis.

Not only Mary but Tom and Jack are going to see the film.

(3)not only…but also… 是个并列连词短语,连接谓语时,不能用not去构成否定句,更不能用缩写形式。如:

He not only gave me some English books but also told me how to learn English.

不能写成:He did not only gave me some English books but also told me how to learn English.

或 He didn’t only gave me some English books but also told me how to learn English.

(4)当Not only位于句首时,前一个分句倒装,即谓语或部分谓语提到主语前面。并列主语时除外。

如:Not only did he come, but also he was very happy.

Not only do I like soccer, but also I often play it.

6. He spends every Saturday morning working in an animal hospital. 他每周六上午在一家动物医院工作。


(1)spend: 主语是人,宾语可以是钱、精力、时间等。

a. spend …on (for)+名词

e.g. He spends most of his money on food and house.

b. spend …(in) doing sth.

e.g. In the past, his father usually spent his spare time fishing.

I spend much time listening to English news every morning.

(2)cost: 主语是物,意为“某物花费某人多少时间/金钱”。

e.g. The CD cost me 5 dollars.

Making experiments like this costs much time and labor.

(3)take: 主语通常是事情,表明“做某事花费…”。

句型:“It takes / took / will take sb. some time to do sth.”

e.g. The whole trip will take you about 10 hours.

Doing the housework usually takes the housewife the whole day.

(4)pay:主语是人,意为 “支付”, pay … for sth. , pay sb.

e.g. He paid the taxi driver when he got to the place.

You don’t have to pay for the meal on the ship.

I paid 10 yuan for the mail-box.


一. 用本单元所学词组填空。

1. We are going to _______ a food bank to help hungry people.

2. You could _________food at the food bank.

3. I didn’t sell it, I ____it _____.

4. -I hate doing homework.

- Well, ________! It’s part of your job.

5. The city park is not clean. We need to ____________a plan.

6. The city park is not clean. We need to help ____ it ____.

7. ---Do we have to do it right away? ---Yes, we can’t _____it _____.

8. Please borrow me a pen, I need to _________your telephone number.

9. I don’t have any more of it. I’ve ____________it.

10. I repaired my radio. I __ it___.

11. If the UFO came, I would _____the police.

12. We could _________some movie posters on the wall of our cinema.

13. I get a part-time job----- to______ advertisements after school.

14. I am similar to my mother. I _________her.

15. My sister is too young. I have to _________her in summer vacation.

二. 句子排序。

( ) I could do that! But what could my sister do? She wants to volunteer, but she doesn’t like to work outside.

( ) She could collect some clothes and put them in boxes. Or…She could give out food at the food bank. What do you think she would like to do?

( ) I’m ready to do some volunteer work for our city. I’d like to work outside.

( ) Does she want to volunteer today?

( ) That’s a great idea! Now, how about my mom? What can she do?

( ) Yes, she told me she’d like to help homeless people.

( ) You could help pick up thrash beside the streets.

( ) What does she like to do?

( ) I think she’d like to give out food at the food bank.

( ) She could visit sick children at the hospital. She could play games with them.

( ) She likes to play with children.

三. 单项选择。

( ) 1.He looks sad. Let’s cheer him ____ .

A. up B. in C. out D. at

( ) 2.Tony could help ______ the city parks.

A. clean B. clean up C. clean out D. cleans up

( ) 3. I _____like to help kids with their schoolwork.

A. could B. would C. should D. will

( ) 4. Not only the students ____ also their teacher likes football.

A. too B. except C. however D. but

( ) 5. we need to ____ up with a plan on Clean-up Day.

A. come B. go C. work D. study

( ) 6. I _______ some clothes to charity because they are too small for me.

A. take after B. hang out C. give away D. put off

( ) 7. Now I spend time _____ what I love to do.

A. to do B. doing C. do D. did

( ) 8. After my teacher gave me a lesson, I didn’t do that _______.

A. any B. more C. any more D. no more

( ) 9. ____ of them like to play basketball.

A. Each B. Everyone C. Every D. Both

( ) 10. It often snows in ____ winter.

A. a B. an C. the D. /

( )11. I first met Joe three years ago. He ____ at a CD shop at the time.

A. will work B. is working C. has worked D. was working

( )12. Amy ____the windows already, so the room looks much bright.

A. cleans B. has cleaned C. is cleaning D. will clean

( )13. The zoo was far away from my hotel. It ____ me at least two hours to get there.

A. took B. has take C. takes D. will take

( )14. –I’m sorry to keep you waiting.

--Oh, not at all. I ____here for only a few minutes.

A. was B. is C. have been D. had been

( )15. My mother _____dinner when I got home.

A. was cooking B. cooked C. has cooked D. cooks

四. 完型填空。

Last week ___1___ was trying to cheer up Jimmy the Bike Boy. But ___2___ week, Jimmy is happy again. 3 Monday he told a radio interviewer that he had run out of _4 to buy old bikes. He also put up some 5 asking for old bikes and called up all his friends and told them about the problem. He even handed ___6___advertisements at a local supermarket. Then he told the teachers at ___7____ about his problem and they set up a call-in center for parents. The strategies ___8___ he came up with worked out fine. He now ___9__ sixteen bikes to fix up and give away to ___10___ who don’t have bikes.

( ) 1. A. everyone B. every C. all D. both

( ) 2. A. that B. these C. this D. those

( ) 3. A. In B. On C. At D. With

( ) 4. A. money B. time C. food D. water

( ) 5. A. pencils B. books C. pictures D. signs

( ) 6. A. out B. in C. with D. at

( ) 7. A. shop B. hospital C. school D. bank

( ) 8. A. this B. who C. that D. where

( ) 9. A. have B. has C. had D. have been

( )10.A. child B. a child C. children D. Jimmy

五. 阅读理解。


Hundreds of years ago, life was much harder than it is today. People didn’t have modern machines. There was no modern medicine, either.

Life today has brought new problems. One of the biggest is pollution(污染). Water pollution has made our rivers and lakes dirty. It kills our fish and polluted our drinking water. Noise pollution makes us talk louder and become angry more easily. Air pollution is the most serious kind of pollution. It’s bad to all living things in the world.

Cars, planes and factories all pollute our air every day. Sometimes the polluted air is so thick that it is like a quilt over a city. This kind of quilt is called smog(烟雾).

Many countries are making rules to fight pollution. Factories must now clean their water before it is thrown away, they mustn’t blow dirty smoke into the air.

We need to do many other things. We can put waste things in the dustbin and not throw it on the ground. We can go to work by bus or with our friends in the same car. If there are fewer people driving, there will be less pollution.

Rules are not enough. Every person must help to fight pollution.

1. Hundreds of years ago, life was much harder than it is today because________.

A. there were not any modern machines

B. there was no modern medicine

C. both A and B

D. there were not many people

2. What is the biggest problem in today’s life?

A. Water pollution B. Air pollution

C. Noise. D. Pollution

3. The most serious kind of pollution is __________.

A. noise pollution B. air pollution

C. water pollution D. A, B and C

4. Factories must clean their water ________.

A. before they are thrown away

B. when they are thrown away

C. after it is thrown away

D. before it is thrown away

5. From the passage we know that______.

A. a few years ago, there was no smog at all

B. today people don’t have to talk to each other in a loud voice

C. we can drink water from the polluted rivers and lakes

D. people are making rules in order to fight pollution

(B)World hunger

Most of us don’t think too much about world hunger. When we are hungry, we can always find something to eat- usually something delicious. But in many parts of the world –even in some rich countries – adults and children go to bed hungry every day. According to the World Hunger Program in Newport, Rhode Island, 780 million people in the world don’t get enough to eat. One out of every six babies in the world is born underweight and even worse, one out of every three children is underweight at age five.

There are two main causes of hunger – food “shortage” and food “poverty”. A food shortage happens when there isn’t enough food in an area to feed all the people that live there. This has happened recently in some African countries when there wasn’t enough rain for people to grow the food they needed. Sometimes a food shortage affects just one part of a country, and other times the entire country is affected. Food poverty is the cause of hunger when people don’t have enough money to buy food. There is plenty of food in the stores, but some people can’t afford to buy enough food, so they go hungry.

(a). 词义连线。

1. underweight a. one person

2. shortage b. whole

3. entire c. have enough money

4. individual d. too small

5. afford e. not enough of something

(b). 完成表格。

1. At least ________ people in the world are hungry every day. (how many?)

2. The World Hunger Program offices are in ______________________________ (where?)

3. ___________________________ babies are underweight when they are born. (how many?)

4. __________________________children are underweight at age five. (how many?)

5. A ___________________ happens when there is no food in an area for people to buy. (what?)

6. _______________ happens when some people don’t have money to buy enough food. (what?)

六. 书面表达。

1. 假如你是志愿者俱乐部的主席,负责根据成员们的兴趣爱好,为他们安排合适的工作。填写表格,必须用 could 写出句子,工作项目自拟,但要符合客观实际。

Name loves Volunteer work

Lucy writing stories

Jimmy music

Tony football

Mei helping homeless people

2. 你愿意帮助他人吗?如果你有机会成为志愿者,你愿意做什么工作呢?为什么?根据以上要求,写一篇短文,字数在40左右。


一. 1. set up 2. give out 3. give away 4.cheer up 5. work out

6. clean up 7. put off 8. write down 9. run out of 10. fix up

11. call up 12. put up 13. send out 14. take after 15. look after

二. 3 8 1 10 7 11 2 4 9 6 5



五. (A) CDBDD

(B) (a) d e b a c

(b) 1.780 million 2. Rhode Island 3. One out of every six

4. One out of every three 5. food shortage 6. Food poverty

六. 1. Lucy could work for a newspaper.

Jimmy could volunteer in an after-school study program.

Tony could help coach a football team of children.

Mei could give out food at a food bank.

2. I like helping people who need help. I enjoy singing very much. So, if I have a chance to volunteer, I’d like to be a teacher to teach children many songs that I like. I love children. Looking at their sweet smile is so happy. And I think it’s also my honor to make others happier. If I am a volunteer, I will be a great one. 【励志故事】