(北师大版)初一英语同步辅导(含同步练习)Unit4 Food (2)

发布时间:2016-1-28 编辑:互联网 手机版

Unit 4 Food (2)


Lesson 15 There are three dollars a pound.

Lesson 16 I’d like a pizza, please.

二. 重点、难点:

1. 掌握表示可数名词与不可数名词数量的单位

2. 学习价格的方法

3. 学习就餐的日常用语

Lesson 15 There are three dollars a pound.

I. Words Study单词学习:

dollar half fruit vegetable market fresh

cost watermelon cheap loaf bread

dozen bottle cooking oil piece bag

bar soap box cent change expensive

money each

II. Expression Patterns常用的表达方式:

1. 表示名词量的单位

<1> a dozen …

<2> a loaf of …

<3> a bottle of …

<4> a piece of …

<5> a kilo of …

<6> a bag of …

<7> a bar of …

<8> a box of …

<9> a stick of …

2. 询问价格

<1> How much are the onions? They are two dollars a kilo.

how much表示“多少钱”,是询问价格的疑问词。询问食物与可数名词搭配时,动词用复数形式。

How much are the bananas?

<2> How much is the bread? It’s two dollars a loaf.

询问食物how much与不可数名词搭配时,动词用单数形式。

How much is the meat?

3. 付钱

<1> Here is one dollar. 给你一美元。

<2> Here is the money. 给你钱。

<3> Here is your change. 找你零钱。

Lesson 16 I’d like a pizza, please.

I. Words Study单词学习:

want order French fries soup very healthy

honey may salad glass anything

drink sir without will spring water

attention shopper must fell hungry flavor

low price

II. Expression Patterns常用的表达方式:

1. May/Can I have your order?

谈论可能性或要求许可时,可用may, can

May I have your name?

Can I help you?

2. I’d like a hamburger, please.

I’d like = I would like, 表示征询, 用于提问和回答。

Would you like something to eat?

I’d like a cup of tea.

3. What would you like to drink? 你想喝点儿什么?

4. I’ll have vegetable soup.

I’ll = I will, will have在这里表示征询。

What will you have?

I’ll have a hamburger.



1. I can see some _____ on the table.

A. cake B. a cake C. cakes D. the cake

2. I would like some _____ and an orange.

A. a bread B. bread C. breads D. the breads

3. How many _____ of water can you see?

A. glass B. a glass C. glasses D. some glass

4. What _____ you like?

A. can B. are C. must D. would

5. I want something _____.

A. drink B. for drink C. drinking D. to drink

6. Can I help you? Yes. _____ a cup of tea.

A. I’d like B. I like C. I’d love to D. I do

7. I can’t see any pears in the picture. Can you?

Yes, only _____.

A. any B. some C. one D. a

8. Hello, Mr. Smith! _____ are you today?

A. What B. Which C. Who D. How

9. Whose socks _____ these?

A. is B. am C. are D. /

10. _____ the window, please.

A. opening B. Open C. Opening D. open

二、根据中文提示, 完成句子。(一空一词)

11. 我来自加拿大多伦多,讲英语和法语。

I am _____ Toronto, Canada. I _____ English and French.

12. 杰克逊先生在重庆的一所中学教英语。

Mr. Jackson _____ English in a middle school in Chongqing.

13. 他经常看晚七点的新闻联播。

He often _____ CCTV _____ at 7:00 in the evening.

14. 你能帮我提包吗?

Can you _____ me _____ the bag?

15. 她是干什么的? 她是个医生。

What _____ she do? She is a _____.


A: Can I help you? What would you like?

B: I don’t know.

A: Would you like 16 to eat? 17 about some cakes?

B: No, thanks. I think I’d like 18 bread.

A: Would you like 19 to drink?

B: A cup of tea, please.

A: Here 20 .

B: Thank you.

A: 21 welcome.


22. “Do you like noodles?” “No, I don’t like _____ at all.”( they )

23. He often _____ letters to his mother. ( write )

24. Our _____ begin at 7:30 every morning. ( class )

25. We are twins. I have long hair, and she _____ long hair, too. ( have )

26. The _____ like milk and cakes. (baby)


Jim is from England. He isn’t from the USA. He speaks English. His father is working in Beijing. So he is studying in a middle school in Beijing. He has classes on weekdays. On Sundays, he often plays games with his Chinese friends. He likes China very much. He can speak a little Chinese now.

( ) 27. Jim comes from the USA.

( ) 28. He has no classes on Sundays.

( ) 29. He can’t speak Chinese.

( ) 30. His father is working in Beijing.


汉堡包 8.00 薯条 5.00 面包 2.00

牛奶 3.00 咖啡 5.00 橙汁 4.00


一. 1-5 CBCDD 6-10 ACDCB

二. 11. from, speak 12. teaches 13. watches, news

14. help, carry 15. does, doctor

三. 16. something 17. What 18. some

19. something 20. you are 21. You are

四. 22. them 23. writes 24. classes

25. has 26. babies

五. 27. F 28. T 29. F 30.T


hamburger 8.00

French fries 5.00

bread 2.00

milk 3.00

coffee 5.00

orange juice 4.00