
发布时间:2016-2-16 编辑:互联网 手机版



1. 书上说,吃营养丰富的食品能使人保持健康。

  The book says eating good food can help people keep healthy.

2. 对于中学生来说,学好英语是非常重要的。

It is very important for student to learn English well.

3. 今天天气有点冷。你介意穿大衣吗?

It is a little cold today. Do you mind wearing a coat?

4. 你的出生日期决定你的星座。

Your birthday decides your star sign.

5. 孩子们不知道怎样把那个风筝从树上摘下来。

The children don’t know how to get / take down the kite from the tree / how they will take down the kite from the tree.

6. 我认为他明天不会来。

I don’t think that he will come to the meeting tomorrow.

7. 他年纪不大,照顾不了自己。

He is not old enough to look after / take care of himself.

8. 她常与别人吵架,但善于应付各种困难。

She often argues with others but is good at dealing with all kinds of difficulties.

9. Suzy是个充满好奇心的女孩,总想了解每样事情。(curous, learn)

Suzy is a curous girl and always wants to learn about everything.

10. 朗读时,你一定要注意你的发音。

When you read, you must pay attention to your pronunciation.

11. 星期天我宁愿呆在家里也不愿去看电影。

I prefer staying at home to seeing a film / going to the cinema on Sunday.

12. 凯特宁愿去公园划船,也不愿去爬山。

Kate would rather go boating than climb the hills.

13. 许多人宁愿买新车,也不愿去修它。

Many people prefer to buy a new car rather than repair / mend it.

14. 我宁愿做点什么,也不愿意闲着。

I prefer doing something to doing nothing.

15. 他宁愿夏天去,也不愿冬天去。

He prefers to go in summer rather than in winter.

16. 听音乐可以帮助你减缓紧张的情绪。

To listen to music can help you feel less nervous.

17. 格林太太很生气,因为她丈夫什么事都没做。

Mrs. Green was very angry because her husband hasn’t done anything / her husband has done nothing.

18. 我发现学好英语很难。

I find it is difficult to learn English well.

19. 我的朋友今晚要来。让我们给他们腾出地方。

My friends are coming tonight. Let’s make room for them.

20. 米莉讨厌玩电脑游戏。她倒喜欢下棋。

Millie is tired of playing computer games. She prefers to play chess.

21. 虽然他病得很重,但什么都不能改变他的主意。

He was badly ill but nothing could make him change his mind.

22. 老师要我们互相帮助和互相学习。

The teacher asks us to learn from each other and help each other.

23. 据说他是这个城市最好的医生。

It is said that he is the best doctor of the city.

24. 当你感到不愉快时,橙色能给你带来成功和鼓舞你的勇气。

Orange can bring you success and cheer you up when you are feeling sad.

25. 你知道彩虹有多少种颜色?

Do you know how many colors there are in a rainbow?

26. 游泳和跑步对你健康有益。(be good for)

Swimming and running is good for your health.

27. 我知道按时交作业很重要。

I know it is important to hand in the homework on time.

28. 我是否应该在作业上集中注意力而放弃业余爱好呢?

Should I focus on my homework and give up my hobbies?

29. 请你教我怎样在工作和玩耍两者之间获得一个平衡好吗?

Can you please teach me how to achieve a balance between work and play?

30. 我没有密友,所以有时我感觉很孤独。

Sometimes I feel lonely because I don’t have close friends.

31. 你可以从自愿组织机构的顾问处得到帮助。

You can get help from counselors at voluntary organizations.

32. 你经常与表姐争吵吗?

Do you often quarrel with your cousin?

33. 我没有很多时间为测试复习功课。

I don’t have must time to revise for tests.

34. 大部分学生无法确定怎样处理这个问题。

Most of the students are not sure to deal with this problem.

35. 有时我得了低分,我觉得压力很大。

Sometimes I got low marks and I felt stressed.

36. Mary很喜欢吃水果,像苹果、西瓜等。(such as)

Mary likes to eat fruit, such as apples and watermelons.

37. 第二十九届奥运会将于2008年在北京举行。(hold)

The 29th Olympic Games will be held in Beijing in 2008.

38. 那个篮子里装满了各种鲜花。(full of)

The basketball is full of all kinds of fresh flowers.

39. 我们都很喜欢看冯小刚导演的影片。(direct)

We all like the movies directed by Feng Xiaogang.

40. 自从1978年以来,我们的国家发生了巨大的变化。(take place)

Great changes have taken place in our country since 1978.

41. 游客们陶醉于西湖的美景之中。(scenes)

The visitors all lose themselves in the beautiful scenes of Xihu Lake.

42. 他们每周用大约两小时打扫他们的教室和宿舍。(spend)

They spend about two hours cleaning their classroom and their bedrooms every week.

43. 昨天下午我做作业时,Mr. Wang在看一本英语杂志。(while)

Mr. Wang was reading an English magazine while I was doing my homework yesterday.

44. 我们的教学楼座落在绿树丛中。(among)

Our teaching building lie among the green trees.

45. 常州到北京有一千多公里。(from…to)

It is abut 1,000 kilometres from Changzhou to Beijing.

46. 马克吐温不仅是一个著名的作家,而且是一位伟大的演说家。

Mark Twain was not only a famous writer but also a great speaker.

47. 在渡河期间,你不准吃任何东西。

During crossing the river, you mustn’t eat anything.

48. 我不会坚持让你违反意愿去旅游的。

I wouldn’t dream of insisting on your taking a trip against your will.

49. 尤其是,你的计划书极为成功。

In particular, your plan was a great success.

50. 葛优在电影《手机》里扮演主角。

Ge You played the lead role in the film, the Mobile phone.

51. 钟南山教授致力于SARS的治疗。

Professor Zhong Nanshan devoted himself to the cure of SARS.

52. 这使我想起我们一同在假日做的事。

This reminds me of what did together during our holidays.

53. 许多人对电脑游戏感兴趣。

A number of people are interested in computer games.

54. 在他们到达旅店之前,他们已经吃过早饭。

Before they got to the hotel, they had breakfast.

55. 昨天当我到家时,女儿已经睡着了。

Yesterday when I got home, my daughter had fallen asleep.

56. 今天轮到谁值日?

Whose turn is it to be on duty today?

57. 你越喜欢那个老师,就会越喜欢他所教的学科。

The more you like the teacher, the more you like the subject he teaches.

58. 我们每个人应该为使我们园林更美丽而做出贡献。

Every one of us should make a contribution to making our gardens more beautiful.

59. 我们必须采取措施来阻止环境被污染。

We should do something to stop / prevent the environment from being polluted.

60. 昨晚,在音乐会上,这个八岁的小女孩弹奏乐曲是如此之好以至于人人欢呼起来了。

The 8-year-old girl played the piece of music so well / wonderfully that everyone cheered at the concert last night.

61. 他将努力赶上他的同班同学。

He will try his best to catch up with his classmates.

62. 因为噪音他发现要入睡很难。

He found it very difficult to get to sleep because of the noise.

63. 我们的老师经常叫我们要和同学和睦相处。

Our teacher often tells up to get on well with our classmates.

64. 自从中国加入世贸组织以来,越来越多的中国人开始学英语。

More and more Chinese have begun to learn English since China joined the WTO.

65. 我认为这首歌不如那首歌受欢迎。

I don’t think the song is as popular as that one.


1. 提示:你班准备选举新班长(monitor)。根据下表所给信息,在班上作推荐发言(可任选一个)。



Name Emily Millie Jimmy Simon

Age 16 17 16 16

Appearance(外貌) Short

Not fat Thin, pretty Quite tall,

strong Tall, quite fat

Charactor Elegant

Sometimes Silly Patient, selfish

powerful Hard-working



modest Impatient

Reason(理由) Weak Show off Clever

Easy-going Strong, able

答案:Hello, everyone, I am going to recommend Jimmy as our new monitor. I think he is a suitable person First Jimmy is helpful. He is quite tall and strong. So he can help any of us when we need help. Secondly, he is hard-working and likes doing extra work sometimes. But Millie is selfish. She never does it.

Let’s compare Jimmy with Simon. Simon is impatient, but Jimmy is not. He is patient. And he is modest, not like Millie.

He never argues with any of us. That means he is easy-going. He is also clever and creative.

And I hope he can do the job better if he becomes our new monitor.

Thank you.

2. 根据下面的汉语提示,以“我最喜欢的颜色”为题,写一篇不少于80字的短文,并符合下列要求:





答案:We live in a world full of color. The world would be a dull place without it. No matter when and where we are, we will find all kinds of colors. Some people like red, some people like blue, white and so on. Otherwise, some people like bright colors, some people like light colors.

I like bright green best because it is the color of mature. It is also the color of money. Green can give us energy, as it represents new life and growth. If we feel tired or weak, we can go out for a walk in the fields or in the forests. We will feel comfortable and joyful. And we are powerful.

3. 请按照下面的提示,以“My problem”为题,写一篇小短文,80字左右:


答案:            My problem

I’m a Grade 9 student. I enjoy painting very much. However, I’m very busy and I usually cannot find enough time to do the things I love to do. In fact, many students of my afe feel stressed. One major cause of stress is too much homework. We do not know when to work and when to play. I have to give up my hobby. Do you have the same problem?

4. 请以“My Favourite TV Programme”为题,写一篇短文。



答案: My Favourite TV Programme

I like watching TV im my spare time. The programme about animals such as “The Planet of the Animals” on Discovery Channel and “The World of the Animals” On CCTV-10 are my favourite. By watching these progremmes I can see a lot of lovely and beautiful sometimes strange animals I have never seen before. Also the beautiful scenes of the world are before me on the screen. But what shocks me most is that it is said on TV that thousands kinds of living things disappear every year on the earth, and numbers of animals are among them. How terrible it is! Just imagine what the earth would be like if only human being lived lonely on the earth some day!

Animals are our friends. We must try our best to protect them. Protecting animals is just protecting ourselves.

5. 根据下面六幅图提供的情景,用英语写一段话。假设画中人物是Mr. Black父子。字数控制在80-120之间。


  catch a fish 捉住一条鱼 stool 凳子 set…free 给……自由;把……放生

  swallow 吞掉      at sunset 在日落之时

答案:One possible version

Mr. Black and his son were fishing on a riverbank. Suddenly the father managed to catch a fish. They were very happy and went home.

After getting back, Mr. Black put the fish on a stool and was going to cut it with a knife. But the son felt very sorry for the poor fish. He advised his father not to kill it and set it free. Mr. Black agreed and they went back to the river at sunset.

As soon as Mr. Black threw the fish into the water, they found, to their surprise, the fish was swallowed by a big fish.

6. 请依据下面四幅图,写一篇60至80个单词的短文。开头部分已经给出,不算入总词数内。

  It was Sunday. Zhou Hua went to the cinema.

答案:It was Sunday. Zhou Hua went to the cinema. Near the cinema he saw a little girl by the roadside crying. Her parents weren’t there with her. So Zhou Hua went up to her and asked what was wrong with her. The girl said she was lost. Zhou Hua thought for a moment and decided to take the girl to the nearby police station. When they got there, the girl’s mother was talking to a policeman. How happy she was to see her daughter! She thanked Zhou Hua again and again. We must learn from him.