人教版高三Unit11 Key to success

发布时间:2016-4-4 编辑:互联网 手机版

Warming up:

1. stick with继续支持; 保持联系; 和……在一起

stick with your friends

stick to my decision 坚持

In spite of the boss’s refusal, the staff are sticking out for higher pay. 坚持要求

2. through thick and thin不顾艰难; 同甘共苦; 祸福与共

3. pull out of a friendship 退出友谊

4. on one’s own 独自地

5. be active in 积极参与

6. be unfair to sb 对某人不公平

at work


7.suspect sb of sth 怀疑

8.standard practice 普遍惯例

9.have the reputation of

10. make you rise

11. many situations in which….

12. put…to the test

13. be known to have stolen things

14. speak out

15. put the baby to sleep


16.what if…?

常用来引导问句, 表示 “倘若…将怎么样? 即使…又有什么要紧?

what if he doesn’t come?

17. by oneself/on one’s own

18.for the sake of ,for one’s/sth’s sake 由于; 为了…的利益; 看在某人的份上

19.as if…

20. are being asked

21. work in teams

22. in reality

23. accomplish the task

24. a certain number of

25. be counted as

26. make decision about

28.work in small groups 以小组开展工作

29.attach sth. to sth. 将某物系在另一物上 , 将某物与另一物相联系

30. be aware of

31.common goal 共同目标

32.the work of division 工作分工

33.function well 发挥地好

34.keep an eye on照料;照管;密切注意

Keep an eye on the stove in case the coffee boils.

35. respond to

36. as with=as is the case with…

37. at the right level

38. be suitable to

39. those of

40.the performance of the team 团队的表现

41.take into account= take account of 考虑

422.make an equal contribution 作出同等的贡献

43.be/feel embarrassed 尴尬; 为难; 窘迫(常用被动)

44.bring new energy to the group 给小组带来活力

45.compromise in conflicts 协调冲突

46. guard against

47.keep peace and harmony

48. to make the best of

49. make the best use of

50. the lack of recognition of differences

integrating skills

51. what she had in mind

52. a couple of friends

53. take a one-year training courses

54. look back(on/upon)

55. Things went smoothly

56. as the years went by= with the years passing by

57. manage her finances well

58. put money to good use

59. decide on sth

60.do make-up

61. much in deman

62.tend to do sth

63. pursue the same career


25.congratulate sb. on/upon (doing) sth 祝贺某人某事

25.live up to sth依照某事物行事;表现出符合某事物的标准

fail to live up to his parents’ expectations 没有达到他父母的期望

26.What a shame! 遗憾的事

27.have hands-on experience亲身实践的经验

28.accommodate sth to sth 适应,迁就,be accommodating 肯通融的,乐于助人的

29.considering that 是比较特殊的引导词,引导原因状语从句 。意为“考虑到,就…而言(in view of the fact that…, take into consideration)”。

e.g. Considering that he is no more than 12 years old, his height of 1.80 m is quite remarkable.


其它固定结构还有seeing that(由于,因为 ), now that( 既然 ), in that( 基于…的理由 ), given that(考虑到…)等。

30.No matter how hard you try, working towards a career for which you are not suitable is not going to get you there. 无论你怎么努力尝试,做一个你不适合的工作是不会让你有所成就的。

get you there 意为“使某人有所成就(cause sb to achieve sth).”

e.g Writing a dictionary is a long and difficult business but we are getting there.


其他类似的词组还有get (sb) anywhere/somewhere (使某人)有所成就或有进展

get (sb) nowhere (使某人)毫无成就或无进展