高一Period 9 Project 2 Project: writing an advice letter

发布时间:2016-7-24 编辑:互联网 手机版

Teaching objectives:

To help students improve English through doing a project.

To cooperate by working together on the project.

Important and difficult points:

Writing an advice letter.

Teaching procedures:

Step 1 Lead-in

Tips you have to take into consideration:

clear assignments

give suggestionssearch for more information from different sourceswrite an outline or make a draftproofread or peer revision presentationaudiencein a logic and clear way Step 2 Planning

Discuss the tasks listed below and decide which group members will be responsible for what tasks.

Research the style an advice letter should be written in __________

Write an outline for the letter___________

Write the letter________________Step 3 Preparing

Members responsible for doing research need to find examples of advice letter. The group should discuss the information found, and decide how the letter should be written.

Make a draft and have it approved. Step 4 Producing

pGroup members who are writing the letter need to follow the outline.

p Proofread it and have it approved.Step 5 PresentingChoose one member to read it.

Answer any questions your classmates have about your letter.

Display your letter.Step 6 Sample letter

Dear Liu Wei,

Thanks for your attention to our magazine. After reading your letter, I know you are in trouble with your family. Don’t worry. I’d like to tell you something about myself when I was at the same age as you…Nowadays you meet the problems which are still the common in the modern society. Here I want to give you some advice: First, you must honor your parents, not shout at them. Second, maybe you can often talk to your parents to let them understand you. ….

I hope it’s helpful to you .I’m looking forward to receiving your good news.


Mr Zhu


1 Finish off the Workbook exercises.

2 Finish self-assessment part after classs.