人教版 高三 uint 13 heathy eating 知识点概括

发布时间:2016-2-11 编辑:互联网 手机版


Important points (unit13)

I Speaking

1.What’s the matter? What’s wrong? There’s sth wrong with my back./knee/arm

2.I’ve got a pain here. (CN) a pain 身体某部位疼 Mary had a pain in her leg.


What he said just now caused her much pain

His throat caused him a lot of pain.

(PL) pains 努力,操心,辛苦No pains ,no gains

ache 局部不断疼痛 复合词 toothache stomachache backache

hurt vi身体受外力作用的疼痛My feet hurt because my shoes are pressing

vt 身体某一部位疼痛 Our words hurt her a lot

3.For lunch I had noodles,salad…. have sth.for lunch/breakfast/supper

4.You ought to be careful with fruit. (=had better do sth should do


5.I advise you not to eat fruit that isn’t ripe in the future.

advise sth ; advise sb to do sth ; advise doing ; advise that--- (should) do

advice (un) give sb advice on sth follow/take one’s advice ask for one’s advice

in the future in future

6.lie down

7.plenty of

II Reading

8.Choosing what to eat is no longer as easy as it once was

(not… any longer)

no more(not…any more)

once adv.曾经(=ever用于疑问句,多用于完成时态,用于过去分词前);


conj. 一旦(=as soon as)

用于否定句,意为“根本” He never once spoke first.他从来没主动说过话。

9.Our eating habits have changed, as has our way of life,…(=and our way of life has changed too)


as conj.原因状语 因为,既然

方式状语“按照……” “如”“像”Leave it as it is.

引导让步状语 尽管,句子倒装Child as he is,he can speak English fluently

prep. as+n 作为

10.keep up with the high pace of modern life

11.make the right choices about what and how we eat(make a choice)

12.too much fat and too many calories( much too修饰形容词与副词“太”“非常”)

(too much 修饰不可数名词,不及物动词,形容词副词比较级)

13.be good for=do good to(反意 be harmful to) be good to=be kind to

be good at=do well in be good with善用某种工具,或人体器官;善待某人

as good as 与…一样好;同级比较

几乎,实际上等于 The house is as good as destroyed.

It’ s no good talking to him.

14.Contain 重在强调容纳,包含 include 重在强调属于其中组成部分

15.Keep our body functioning well. 保持某种状态

Keep one’s promise= keep one’s word

Keep fit= keep healthy keep a balanced diet

Keep secret= keep a secret

Keep doing keep up(with) keep… from… keep… back

Keep a family(raise 饲养 抚养) keep a small hotel(经营)

16.Many people today make choice about their eating habits based on what they believe.

17.Eating habits become part of who we are.饮食习惯已成为我们观念的一部分

部分(零冠词) 零件cn 角色(play a part in)take part in

habit custom practice

18.environmentally friendly food 环保食品

19.……who have tried to use green and clean ways to grow it

(use sth for sth/ be used to do/ be used for/be used to doing )

20.The same goes for“crash diets” that some companies say will make us lose weight fast

(对于… 也如此) (速度食疗)

21.The best way to make sure that we will feel and look fine is to develop healthy eating habits


22.Only in that way will we be ready for the challenges and opportunities in life.

III Integrating skills

23I’m a little bit nervous about it

24.even if= even though

25.now and then

26.……we can eat them just the way they are-all we have to do is clean or peel them.

(我们可以直接食用) (主系表结构中,若主语部分出现实意动词do的某种形式,做表语的动词不定式可以省略to )

27.roll-up(s) roll sth up

28. instead of+n/doing/pron(同意in place of)

instead adv

29.fit v衣服合身The new suit fits her nicely

(suit)使合身 Mother fits the trousers on the boy.

adj be fit to do /be fit for合适

He is fit for this kind of job.

The water in this well is not fit to drink.

fit in with